



From 16 Feb 2022 to 17 Mar 2022

17 Mar 2022

23:40 CoCoALib Support #1674 (Closed): DocTeX.t2t missing several "index entries"
The file *@DocTeX.t2t@* seems to be missing several entries.
Complete it! Quickly!
John Abbott

16 Mar 2022

00:41 CoCoA-5 Support #1393: GUI with Qt5
John Abbott wrote:
> Why does the code compile without *@#include <thread>@*? (in file @C5.H@)
In case the ques...
Ulrich von der Ohe
19:26 CoCoA-5 Support #1393 (Feedback): GUI with Qt5
I have checked in. Also improved @configure@ (to be more helpful).
Modified some code to eliminate compiler warning...
John Abbott
20:24 CoCoALib Support #1673 (New): Review examples
We should review the examples.
* some probably need to be updated thanks to new features added
* some are hard to c...
John Abbott

15 Mar 2022

12:01 CoCoALib Support #1672 (New): Documentation: a good model to follow?
I found the following link which claim that Arch Linux doc is particularly well written:
John Abbott

12 Mar 2022

19:23 CoCoA-5 Support #1393: GUI with Qt5
Why does the code compile without *@#include <thread>@*? (in file @C5.H@)
John Abbott
19:18 CoCoA-5 Support #1393: GUI with Qt5
It works for me too :-)
I'll clean up, and check into CVS.
Thanks to Ulrich!
John Abbott

07 Mar 2022

16:58 CoCoA-5 Bug #1029 (Closed): Readline: does not recognize interrupts
John Abbott
15:32 CoCoA-5 Feature #1526 (Closed): EmacsUI: help/manual for selected string -- or just for word with cursor on?
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:29 CoCoA-5 Feature #1526: EmacsUI: help/manual for selected string -- or just for word with cursor on?
Chosen key-binding / shortcut: C-c C-h
works also for running cocoa5 (comint) window
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:42 CoCoALib Design #1649: Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
We decided @syz@ to be in submodule.C. Checked in. Anna Maria Bigatti
10:26 CoCoA-5 Slug #1629: RingElem slow with many indets
John Abbott wrote:
> Anna implemented a quick fix: it was much faster, but would also sometimes give...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:04 CoCoALib Support #1555 (Closed): Software licence
Anna Maria Bigatti

05 Mar 2022

14:48 CoCoALib Feature #1652 (In Progress): Add LM to cocoalib ?
Any progress to report here? Also Gereon Kremer is hoping to use @DivAlg@.
It is surprising that it is (apparently)...
John Abbott

04 Mar 2022

17:36 CoCoALib Support #1612 (Closed): Merge the doc file RadicalMembership.txt into ideal.txt
I also consequently cleaned it up.
Anna Maria Bigatti

03 Mar 2022

20:47 CoCoA-5 Support #1393: GUI with Qt5
John Abbott wrote:
> I did also try switching to @std::thread@ etc. Everything compiled, but @C5@ would crash insta...
Ulrich von der Ohe
16:54 CoCoA-5 Feature #1526: EmacsUI: help/manual for selected string -- or just for word with cursor on?
Current impl just looks up the word around cursor -- it ignores the selected region.
It also advances the cursor pas...
John Abbott
15:46 CoCoA-5 Support #530 (Rejected): Interpreter error message: "for" with missing "do"
Thinking about it, this just follows our human expectation for "x".
If we had...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:29 CoCoALib Feature #1670: Build also dynamic/shared library for CoCoALib?
There is some information at the following URL -- no idea how reliable it might be.
John Abbott
14:55 CoCoA-5 Feature #1671 (New): Refactor C++ impl in OnlineHelp
The code in @OnlineHelp.C@ needs to be refactored (to make it smaller and more maintainable; extreme speed is not imp... John Abbott
14:42 CoCoALib Support #1555: Software licence
Gereon has confirmed that the trial version seems to be fine for his purposes:
in ptic, he needed a revised copyrigh...
John Abbott

02 Mar 2022

17:28 CoCoA-5 Support #169: Font for parameters in manual
Also code snippets should be between tt's.
But *not for types*, e.g. INT, MODULE and RING, because they are alread...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:20 CoCoA-5 Support #169 (Resolved): Font for parameters in manual
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:14 CoCoA-5 Support #1268 (Closed): Documentation for how to write a CoCoA package
This issue is a duplicate of #406. Closing. Anna Maria Bigatti
16:11 CoCoA-5 Support #406 (Feedback): Manual for CoCoAManual/CoCoAHelp.xml
Major discussion and work with John Abbott lead to some useful decisions and the consequent major update of the guide... Anna Maria Bigatti
13:59 CoCoALib Feature #1670 (New): Build also dynamic/shared library for CoCoALib?
Bruns asks whether we could arrange for CoCoA to build also a dynamic/shared library.
This should work on Linux/Ma...
John Abbott

25 Feb 2022

11:28 CoCoA-5 Support #1393 (Resolved): GUI with Qt5
I have tried Ulrich's patches and it works!
I did also try switching to @std::thread@ etc. Everything compiled, b...
John Abbott

24 Feb 2022

17:59 CoCoALib Design #1669: Review File subtree hierarchy
Some suggestions:
* separate @configuration@ from the subdir containing scripts.
* the subtree for CoCoA-5 document...
John Abbott
17:57 CoCoALib Design #1669 (New): Review File subtree hierarchy
After writing a script to make a copy of the sources,
I would like to suggest a review of the structure of
the sour...
John Abbott
14:23 CoCoA-5 Support #530: Interpreter error message: "for" with missing "do"
Is it really worth investing effort trying to fix this?
The err mesgs are inconsistent but nevertheless useful to th...
John Abbott

23 Feb 2022

12:54 CoCoA-5 Support #1447 (Closed): Manual entry for RandomLinearForm
The new fn @HomogCompt@ seems to have solved the problem (provided the grading dim is 1).
I'll update the manual.
John Abbott
12:40 CoCoA-5 Feature #1596: Add CoCoA5 function NmzHilbertBasisKer
Postponed to 5.4.2 because there are some matters still to be discussed:
* should the return value be a matrix over...
John Abbott
12:37 CoCoA-5 Design #1194 (Rejected): Rename HilbertBasisKer into LinKerHilbertBasis?
*HilbertBasisKer* will return a matrix, like *LinKer*.
The interface, rows or columns, QQ or ZZ, will be ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:28 CoCoA-5 Support #1478 (Closed): HilbertBasis: clarify
This has been completely resolved by introducing the new function *@NmzHilbertBasisKer@* (see issue #1596).
The new ...
John Abbott
12:14 CoCoA-5 Bug #946: Function "ideal" evaluates the argument twice
Mostly done, enough for CoCoA-5.4.0.
*Still to be fixed @submodule@* (see @bug-EvalTwice.cocoa5@).
Probably it is...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:07 CoCoA-5 Bug #1029: Readline: does not recognize interrupts
This works for us now (my Ubuntu box, and Anna on the Linux VM).
We hope this means that the problem has been resolv...
John Abbott
11:53 CoCoA-5 Design #1504 (Closed): OnlineHelp: XMLFileName
Tested on linux and Mac. OK. Anna Maria Bigatti
11:38 CoCoALib Design #1528 (Closed): MacOS compilation with clang
John Abbott
10:24 CoCoALib Support #1555 (Resolved): Software licence
I think I have done this mostly now.... quite a gruelling, mind-numbing task. And, yes, it did take a tediously long... John Abbott
10:00 CoCoALib Design #855 (Feedback): Copyright and authorship?
I have done almost all source code files. The remaining exceptions are Simoes and Arri.
Already checked in.
John Abbott

18 Feb 2022

17:40 CoCoA-5 Support #1471: Release CoCoA-5.4.0
Consider the number of changes since the last "official" release (5.3.2), and decide whether to call this one 5.3.4 o... John Abbott
17:16 CoCoA-5 Support #1455 (Closed): In a release: which files inside the CoCoAManual
John Abbott
17:15 CoCoA-5 Support #1214 (Closed): CoCoAManual: ensure that LaTeX compilation is "clean"
John Abbott
17:13 CoCoA-5 Support #1451 (Closed): CoCoA Manual: make search keys public
John Abbott
17:09 CoCoA-5 Feature #1526: EmacsUI: help/manual for selected string -- or just for word with cursor on?
Think and choose key binding for cocoa5 mode Anna Maria Bigatti
17:01 CoCoA-5 Design #1525 (Closed): CoCoA Manual: homogenize obsolete/obsolescent entries
John Abbott
16:57 CoCoALib Feature #1001 (In Progress): CoCoALib: ideas for student projects
This issue and #242 cover similar ground.
Suggestion: *split the 2 issues into: ones for CoCoA-5, and ones for CoC...
John Abbott
16:55 CoCoA-5 Support #242 (In Progress): CoCoA-5 Projects for students (e.g. crediti F and tesi)
This issue and #1001 cover similar ground.
Suggestion: *split the 2 issues into: one for CoCoA-5, and one for CoCo...
John Abbott
16:50 CoCoA-5 Feature #1415: thmproving package
I had renamed all functions with prefix "Thm".
Check it in, so that it is public, and then postpone this issue for p...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:34 CoCoA-5 Support #1534: Install CoCoA-5 on MacOS-10.15+
See also this comment: #322#note-23 Anna Maria Bigatti
16:31 CoCoA-5 Support #322: Installation instructions (on website)
Notes for myself:
compare the 3 installation pages and check they are similarly structured and informative.
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:34 CoCoA-5 Support #322: Installation instructions (on website)
I would still like o see more helpful guidance for linux users; not all linux users are experts.
How can one unpac...
John Abbott
16:26 CoCoA-5 Bug #1029: Readline: does not recognize interrupts
Maybe the simplest is to add this to the pre-release checks...?
John Abbott
16:22 CoCoA-5 Design #1407 (Closed): Tagged values (Hilbert Series)
Still to do: sanity checks (make another issue, in case...) Anna Maria Bigatti
15:32 CoCoALib Support #467 (Closed): Keep CoCoALib web page up to date! All pages!
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:26 CoCoALib Design #581 (Closed): C++14: MachineInt
I have fixed some minor bugs -- Bruns compiled on some weird platform which highlighted them.
Checked in. Hoping it...
John Abbott
15:24 CoCoALib Feature #1598 (Closed): RingHom: implement phi(X) as apply(phi, X) also for X vector and matrix
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:03 CoCoALib Feature #1598: RingHom: implement phi(X) as apply(phi, X) also for X vector and matrix
This issue overlaps with Design #1467. Anna Maria Bigatti
15:24 CoCoALib Design #1467 (Closed): Change syntax apply(phi,M) into phi(M)?
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:03 CoCoALib Design #1467: Change syntax apply(phi,M) into phi(M)?
This issue overlaps with Feature #1598.
Anna Maria Bigatti

17 Feb 2022

21:22 CoCoA-5 Feature #1272 (Closed): Groebner Bases over ZZ
John Abbott
20:28 CoCoALib Feature #1598: RingHom: implement phi(X) as apply(phi, X) also for X vector and matrix
I have now removed @apply@ from all the packages as well... sigh!
All tests pass now.
John Abbott
20:07 CoCoALib Feature #1598 (Feedback): RingHom: implement phi(X) as apply(phi, X) also for X vector and matrix
I have now made @apply@ obsolescent, and updated the doc.
Hopefully all is OK now... I'd better run the tests (sigh...
John Abbott
19:37 CoCoALib Feature #1210: New Fn: make public "coefficients" (of poly wrt a given PP basis)
If we require that the supplied QB be in order (incr or decr?)
then the question about permutations goes away.
John Abbott

16 Feb 2022

20:49 CoCoALib Support #1481 (Resolved): Release CoCoALib 0.99800
John Abbott
20:45 CoCoALib Feature #1580 (Closed): New fn prim for polys
Closing this issue. Created new issue for the generalization: #1668 John Abbott
20:43 CoCoALib Feature #1668 (New): Generalize prim
Generalize the function *@prim@* (see #1580).
Let it work in "towers" of extensions (where that makes sense).
John Abbott
20:41 CoCoALib Design #1528 (Feedback): MacOS compilation with clang
I have just searched quickly for doc about the mem fns for sending OpenMath serializations, but found nothing.
The g...
John Abbott
20:37 CoCoA-5 Support #1077: Manual: remove old stuff about "devices"
We should eventually actually do this!!!
John Abbott
20:36 CoCoA-5 Support #1214 (Feedback): CoCoAManual: ensure that LaTeX compilation is "clean"
John Abbott
20:33 CoCoA-5 Design #1504 (Resolved): OnlineHelp: XMLFileName
Can we close this issue? John Abbott
20:25 CoCoALib Support #467 (Resolved): Keep CoCoALib web page up to date! All pages!
I think this is largely automatic now.
Can we close?
John Abbott
20:23 CoCoA-5 Support #1534: Install CoCoA-5 on MacOS-10.15+
*ANNA!* Please can you do this just before releasing?
John Abbott
20:21 CoCoA-5 Support #406: Manual for CoCoAManual/CoCoAHelp.xml
I'm postponing this again.
Writing documentation is somehow always "low priority", but writing documentation about w...
John Abbott
20:19 CoCoA-5 Design #1477 (Resolved): Packages: questions from Andraschko
Point *(E)* is a very valid point; does Anna have a solution?
John Abbott
20:16 CoCoA-5 Support #1455 (Feedback): In a release: which files inside the CoCoAManual
I guess we shall soon find out if the new script has overlooked some file(s).
Status: feedback.
John Abbott
20:15 CoCoA-5 Support #1451 (Feedback): CoCoA Manual: make search keys public
John Abbott
20:11 CoCoA-5 Support #1658 (Closed): LinKerZZ not documented
No one objected to the name @LinKerZZ@, and the discussion in issue #206 seemed to favour that name.
So sticking wit...
John Abbott
20:07 CoCoA-5 Feature #1479 (Closed): CoCoA release for linux: CoCoAInterpreter: with and without libreadline?
Closing after 1 year in feedback.
The only thing left is to remember to make 2 executables (if we want to do that).
John Abbott
20:02 CoCoA-5 Feature #606 (Closed): Evaluate in ring operator (was called :: in CoCoA-4)
No one objected, so I am closing this issue.
I think a combination of @CanonicalHom@, @BringIn@ and @RingElem(R, str...
John Abbott
20:00 CoCoALib Feature #1667 (In Progress): GBasis over ZZ: port to CoCoALib
Port the GBasis over ZZ code (prototype in a CoCoA-5 package) into C++.
Also make several algorithmic improvements...
John Abbott
19:57 CoCoA-5 Feature #1272: Groebner Bases over ZZ
I'll close this as it is now in CVS, and should be in the next release (with 1 fn documented).
It could be a good st...
John Abbott
19:53 CoCoA-5 Bug #1524 (Closed): wrong SystemCommand exit value
Julian did report verbally (quite some time ago) that he had had problems with @SystemCommand@ working erratically:
John Abbott
19:48 CoCoA-5 Bug #1029 (Resolved): Readline: does not recognize interrupts
I suppose we should try to test the Linux executable just before distributing it.
Or should I make the executable on...
John Abbott
19:42 CoCoALib Support #1666: MachineInt: chase through ULL changes
We will need new tests too.
Oh joy! That C++ has inherited so many "complicated/confusing" integer types...
John Abbott
19:39 CoCoALib Support #1666 (In Progress): MachineInt: chase through ULL changes
(2022-02-16) now using ULL as internal repr for @MachineInt@.
Must chase though all changes:
* check all calls to @...
John Abbott
19:37 CoCoALib Design #581 (Resolved): C++14: MachineInt
I have modified the impl to use @unsigned long long int@ as the internal repr;
there is also a second impl which use...
John Abbott

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