



From 14 May 2015 to 12 Jun 2015

12 Jun 2015

12:03 CoCoALib Feature #664: Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
Now I have a (partly?) working CoCoALib ring which wraps my previous code.
John Abbott

11 Jun 2015

20:06 CoCoALib Feature #728: Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
As I am sitting in a delayed train with too much time at hand, some further comments:
1.) The "book" by Levandovsk...
Werner M Seiler
15:27 CoCoALib Feature #728: Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
Going to a seminar here about G-bases in PBW algebras :-)
*NOTE* the seminar was OK. The student pointed out that (...
John Abbott
11:43 CoCoALib Feature #728 (In Progress): Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
Yes, we should get the old @RingWeyl@ code working again -- my guess is that there is little to do.
We should find...
John Abbott
11:30 CoCoALib Feature #728: Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
We have already done most of these considerations for RingWeyl (except for the coefficient rule).
.. and we also had...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:14 CoCoALib Feature #728: Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
Werner pointed out that a simplistic implementation is likely to be terribly slow (though perhaps "obviously correct"... John Abbott
19:00 CoCoALib Feature #735 (Resolved): Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
done, checked in.
So far I modified only the files in AlgebraicCore
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:46 CoCoALib Feature #735: Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
OK, do it! Including @monomial(P,expv)@.
Don't forget documentation, examples and tests!
John Abbott
11:24 CoCoALib Feature #735: Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
My preference (by far) goes to @monomial(P, pp)@
I have already implemented and all tests pass.
Should I also do @m...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:04 CoCoALib Feature #735: Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
I point out that assignment to @RingElem@ can perform some type changes. Should we allow assignment to a @RingElem@ ... John Abbott
11:00 CoCoALib Feature #735: Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
I do agree that, without familiarity with the function, upon reading @monomial(P,1,pp)@ my first thought would be "Wh... John Abbott
10:46 CoCoALib Feature #735: Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
I didn't know that @monomial(P, 1, pp)@ works as expected.
But I think for the _normal_ user who wants to use a @PP...
Mario Albert
10:41 CoCoALib Feature #735: Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
I am a little uncertain about the proposal. @monomial(P,pp)@ gains little over @monomial(P,1,pp)@.
Is it worth cr...
John Abbott
08:56 CoCoALib Feature #735: Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
Should we do the same for @monomial(P, expv)@?
I cannot see any ambiguity.
*REPLY* (JAA) if we have @monomial(P,PP)@...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:41 CoCoALib Feature #735 (In Progress): Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
That seems very reasonable: I had a look at the code and, indeed, most of the times @monomial@ is called the coeffici... Anna Maria Bigatti
08:31 CoCoALib Feature #735 (Closed): Convert a PPMonoidElem to RingElem with coefficient one
Let @pp@ be a @PPMonoidElem@ of the @PPMonoid@ @PPM@. Let @P@ be a @SparsePolyRing@ with @PPM@ as @PPMonoid@.
Mario Albert
15:26 CoCoALib Feature #664 (In Progress): Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
JAA has implemented a first prototype (following the model @RingFpImpl@ and @SmallFpImpl@). The computational part u... John Abbott
14:58 CoCoALib Feature #386: add resolution data type
Hans says that singular uses more or less the design we are considering; apparently in some cases they store two reso... John Abbott
11:57 CoCoALib Feature #386: add resolution data type
One possibility might be to have a "module view" much like @MatrixView@, but I'm far from certain whether such a thin... John Abbott
11:43 CoCoALib Feature #386: add resolution data type
> Since the C++ types of the input are different it seems simplest to have different classes for each case. Each cla... Anna Maria Bigatti
08:28 CoCoA-5 Feature #732 (Feedback): Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5: port Luis Garcia's package(cocoa-4)
mostly done (with some more cleaning and testing to do) Anna Maria Bigatti
08:25 CoCoA-5 Feature #732 (Closed): Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5: port Luis Garcia's package(cocoa-4)
Luis Garcia wrote a package for CoCoA-4. Port it to CoCoA-5. Anna Maria Bigatti
08:27 CoCoA-5 Feature #734 (Closed): Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5: zero dimensional, zero characteristic
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:26 CoCoA-5 Feature #733 (Closed): Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5.1.2: zero dimensional, finite characteristic
First prototype Anna Maria Bigatti
08:24 CoCoALib Feature #665: Integrate Janet/Pommaret basis code
In the following I try to explain how I integrated the JBMill/PBMill into @SparsePolyRing::IdealImpl@:
h3. UIBC
Mario Albert
08:23 CoCoA-5 Feature #731 (In Progress): Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5
Implement Primary Decomposition in CoCoA-5 Anna Maria Bigatti

10 Jun 2015

17:12 CoCoALib Feature #728: Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
For starters Ore algebra as a simple case of polynomial algebras of solvable type should be enough. Their main advant... Werner M Seiler
12:55 CoCoALib Feature #728: Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
I made a slight mistake in the original description. It should have been:
* @x[i]*x[j] = q*x[j]*x[i] + tail@ where @...
John Abbott
14:24 CoCoALib Slug #725: Example database: Slow ideal equality test
John Abbott wrote:
> In the specific example of this issue there are 36 indets (all used), 15 polynomials, and @dim(...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:22 CoCoA-5 Bug #148: C-c C-p in emacs goes to wrong line
> *REPLY (JAA)* I think what confused me was that in the CoCoA-5 output window the cursor was at the end of the outpu... Anna Maria Bigatti
13:41 CoCoALib Feature #386 (In Progress): add resolution data type
Mario and I have discussed some possible designs; neither of us has much experience with resolutions, so it is possib... John Abbott
13:19 CoCoALib Feature #729 (In Progress): Betti numbers, betti diagram
Mario suggested that the internal representation should be @vector< map<degree, long> >@.
The resolution is a list...
John Abbott
11:30 CoCoALib Feature #730: Stats in GBMill (GReductor)
I suppose Mario ought to write about this. He has followed my design suggestion, and seems to be happy with it. If ... John Abbott
11:24 CoCoALib Feature #730: Stats in GBMill (GReductor)
Mario asked about gathering stats for his involutive basis code.
I suggested using a @struct@ to keep all the stats ...
John Abbott
11:18 CoCoALib Feature #730 (Closed): Stats in GBMill (GReductor)
There is already some implementation for gathering stats in G-basis computation.
Review it!
Perhaps separate st...
John Abbott

08 Jun 2015

22:27 CoCoALib Feature #728: Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
Sounds like a generalisation of RingWeyl.
... Werner, are you willing to test it out? ;-)
I was thinking of porti...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:45 CoCoALib Feature #728 (In Progress): Noncommutative algebra "of solvable type"
Werner asked about the possibility of having non-commutative algebras of solvable type. They are nice enough that Bu... John Abbott
18:52 CoCoALib Feature #729: Betti numbers, betti diagram
Mario points out that for a non-graded case we will also need a datastructure.
*UPDATE* (20150608) Mario thinks it is...
John Abbott
18:50 CoCoALib Feature #729 (In Progress): Betti numbers, betti diagram
Design a good data structure for storing Betti numbers (also for multigraded case).
John Abbott
11:46 CoCoA-5 Bug #148: C-c C-p in emacs goes to wrong line
John Abbott wrote:
> I recently tried using @C-c C-p@ and found it unhelpful; so I "stupidly" tried it a second time,...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:09 CoCoALib Feature #718: Insert calls to CheckForInterrupt
Mario asked about the possible run-time cost of calling @CheckForInterrupt@.
Currently it may be needlessly expensiv...
John Abbott

07 Jun 2015

12:46 CoCoALib Slug #725: Example database: Slow ideal equality test
In the specific example of this issue there are 36 indets (all used), 15 polynomials, and @dim(P/I)@ gives 21. Isn't... John Abbott

06 Jun 2015

23:04 CoCoA-5 Bug #148: C-c C-p in emacs goes to wrong line
I recently tried using @C-c C-p@ and found it unhelpful; so I "stupidly" tried it a second time, and found that it wa... John Abbott
22:58 CoCoA-5 Bug #727 (In Progress): Emacs UI: send-file (C-c C-f) should check if buffer and file are synchronized
The emacs command @C-c C-f@ send a @source@ command to CoCoA-5, so CoCoA-5 reads the file on disk which may not be th... John Abbott
22:49 CoCoALib Slug #725: Example database: Slow ideal equality test
For completeness here is the list of generators in @QQ[x[1..6,1..6]]@ ... John Abbott
22:46 CoCoALib Slug #725: Example database: Slow ideal equality test
Anna, you are right (in principle). In practice, I think almost the whole time is spent computing a G-basis (rather ... John Abbott
21:17 CoCoALib Slug #725: Example database: Slow ideal equality test
Instead of checking equality you should just check whether g_j is in the ideal generated by the others. However, thi... Anna Maria Bigatti
20:32 CoCoALib Slug #725: Example database: Slow ideal equality test
It has finally finished:... John Abbott
14:25 CoCoALib Slug #725: Example database: Slow ideal equality test
Progress...... John Abbott
13:19 CoCoALib Slug #725: Example database: Slow ideal equality test
Re-running the program (over @QQ@) I get the following output (still incomplete):... John Abbott
13:14 CoCoALib Slug #725 (New): Example database: Slow ideal equality test
This is probably not important, but I wanted to record this example which seems to be unexpectedly slow -- it might b... John Abbott
22:39 CoCoA-5 Bug #726: TopLevel cannot "import" a package variable
I think a "global variable" is a reasonable design for this task.
There is a "philosophical" question: is a qualif...
John Abbott
22:34 CoCoA-5 Bug #726 (Closed): TopLevel cannot "import" a package variable
I would like to have a user controllable "verbosity level" in a package. How should this be done?
I had thought o...
John Abbott

02 Jun 2015

22:43 CoCoA-5 Bug #724 (In Progress): RationalSolve: wrongly complains about non zero-dim even in finite char
It is not quite as easy as I had hoped. Every so often zero polynomials pop up in awkward places (_e.g._ to be facto... John Abbott
17:06 CoCoA-5 Bug #724: RationalSolve: wrongly complains about non zero-dim even in finite char
I have disabled the zero-dimensionality check if the coeff ring is a finite field.
In one simple test that seems t...
John Abbott
15:55 CoCoA-5 Bug #724: RationalSolve: wrongly complains about non zero-dim even in finite char
Is it just enough to skip the check for zero-dimensionality in this case?
(if so, that's a really simple fix)
John Abbott
15:53 CoCoA-5 Bug #724 (Closed): RationalSolve: wrongly complains about non zero-dim even in finite char
I ran the example given in issue #723 which tries to compute all rational solutions over a finite field of a homogene... John Abbott
16:35 CoCoA-5 Feature #723: Referring to indets with multiple indices from a polyring
Yes and no. I thought the topic had come up recently, but did not find it on redmine.
Perhaps the manual page for @...
John Abbott
16:18 CoCoA-5 Feature #723: Referring to indets with multiple indices from a polyring
Is this what you want? (From the manual ;-)... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:45 CoCoA-5 Feature #723: Referring to indets with multiple indices from a polyring
The existing function @indets("s")@ almost does what I want except that the result is a list rather than an @INTMAP@.... John Abbott
15:39 CoCoA-5 Feature #723: Referring to indets with multiple indices from a polyring
Here is an example I want to run (NB it is very slow)... John Abbott
15:35 CoCoA-5 Feature #723 (New): Referring to indets with multiple indices from a polyring
I would like to be able to refer to multi-index indets in a poly ring using their multiple indices... where the ring ... John Abbott
13:19 CoCoA-5 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
A commandline option to disable readline is probably a good idea. It is the most flexible.
You can then also add some...
Christof Soeger
13:11 CoCoA-5 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
I have just read some documentation for @readline@ and also looked online. We're not the first people to have proble... John Abbott
12:45 CoCoA-5 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
Clearly, I was too hasty with my hack to add @readline@ :-(
I know @READLINE@ appears twice at the start -- don't ...
John Abbott
12:05 CoCoA-5 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
And it also works fine for me. Is it also possible to include a tab-completion? :)
Only problem is that the tests of...
Christof Soeger
11:27 CoCoA-5 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
My first try was not successfull. Durign the configure I got... Christof Soeger

01 Jun 2015

22:31 CoCoALib Slug #722 (In Progress): valuation slow for large inputs
I have implemented a version which divides repreatedly by the largest power of the prime which fits into @unsigned lo... John Abbott
10:39 CoCoALib Slug #722: valuation slow for large inputs
Probably @QuoRem@ is a more sensible choice than @gcd@.
John Abbott
17:50 CoCoA-5 Bug #712: External Libs: missing dependencies in Makefiles
Depending on the source files would maybe be to much. It can not know how to recompile the external library.
What I ...
Christof Soeger

31 May 2015

11:58 CoCoALib Slug #722: valuation slow for large inputs
Source code is in @NumTheory.C@.
It is just a very simple loop. Presumably I could test divisibility by a small pow...
John Abbott
11:56 CoCoALib Slug #722 (Closed): valuation slow for large inputs
I tried @valuation(5,factorial(1000000))@ and it took too long.
Make @valuation@ faster if the prime is small (and...
John Abbott

30 May 2015

19:49 CoCoA-5 Feature #711: External Libs: print credits?
If we do implement some scheme for recognising use of external libraries, probably we should also do something simila... John Abbott
14:52 CoCoALib Feature #721: CheckForInterrupt: string arg to specify where it was called?
I have implemented my suggestion in note 1.
It occurred to me that if we do allow a string as arg (to where @Check...
John Abbott
10:01 CoCoALib Feature #721 (In Progress): CheckForInterrupt: string arg to specify where it was called?
I prefer that the exception thrown is not of the same type as a normal @CoCoA_ERROR@ because the reasons behind the e... John Abbott
10:22 CoCoALib Feature #385: Design new errors using inheritance
I think it may be a cleaner design to use (impose) the convention that all exceptions CoCoALib are derived from a sin... John Abbott

29 May 2015

17:20 CoCoALib Feature #721: CheckForInterrupt: string arg to specify where it was called?
In fact I was suggesting something else: @CheckInterrupt@ throws something which is not a CoCoA_ERROR, so cocoa-5 doe... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:19 CoCoALib Feature #721: CheckForInterrupt: string arg to specify where it was called?
It looks to be almost trivial to add @CheckForInterrupt(const char*)@ and @CheckForInterrupt(const std::string&)@.
John Abbott
16:16 CoCoALib Feature #721 (Closed): CheckForInterrupt: string arg to specify where it was called?
Anna indirectly suggested that it might be nice to have an optional arg to @CheckForInterrupt@ which takes a string i... John Abbott
12:03 CoCoALib Feature #718 (In Progress): Insert calls to CheckForInterrupt
Nice! I added it into @TmpGReductor.C@ (I was actually doing something else with very slow GB ;-) )... Anna Maria Bigatti

26 May 2015

15:51 CoCoA-5 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
(I had to do a bit of updating and adaptations) it compiles and works well.
Under emacs, both in shell and in comi...
Anna Maria Bigatti

25 May 2015

12:17 CoCoA-5 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
Strictly the headers for @readline@ are needed only for compiling @LineProviders.C@.
Similarly @libreadline.a@ is ne...
John Abbott

24 May 2015

14:29 CoCoA-5 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
It's not perfect (_e.g._ prints out READLINE twice in the list of ext libs).
Checking in anyway, as I must go now.
John Abbott
14:26 CoCoA-5 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
I have just updated @configure@. If a quick test passes, I'll check in.
Currently it is a bit of a hack: _e.g._ it ...
John Abbott

22 May 2015

18:44 CoCoA-5 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
John Abbott wrote:
> What to do?
> * *(A)* one possibility is to offer a command line arg to @CoCoAInterpreter@ whi...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:35 CoCoA-5 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
The CoCoA-5 tests passed with @readline@ active. So I have checked in (to reduce the risk of losing the code).
John Abbott
18:25 CoCoA-5 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
Compilation of @CoCoAInterpreter@ with require the option @-lreadline@ if the readline library is to be used. John Abbott
18:17 CoCoA-5 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
There is some problem with lines longer than 1023 chars. I think it is an Emacs/comint problem because cutting and p... John Abbott
18:04 CoCoA-5 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
I had to change just one line in @Main.C@ (and add some @#include@ directives).
What to do?
* *(A)* one possibili...
John Abbott
17:45 CoCoA-5 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
I have an apparently working first prototype :-)
John Abbott
16:52 CoCoA-5 Feature #719: Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
JAA does not want to make @readline@ mandatory for compiling CoCoALib, nor even CoCoA-5.
So @readline@ will become a...
John Abbott
16:46 CoCoA-5 Feature #719 (In Progress): Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
I have downloaded and built readline-6.3.
Building was non-trivial: by default it compiled 32-bit (not compatible ...
John Abbott
14:14 CoCoA-5 Feature #720: External libs: specifying I/O streams (initialization?)
@CoCoAInterpreter@ works just fine because the default streams in @libnormaliz@ are @cout@ and/or @cerr@ which is wha... John Abbott
13:45 CoCoALib Slug #675: Matrix determinant over multivariate poly ring
A Google search for "division free algorithm for determinant" produces several hits. Possibly something there may be... John Abbott
13:21 CoCoALib Slug #675 (In Progress): Matrix determinant over multivariate poly ring
I have changed @myDet@ in @DenseMatrix.C@ so that it calls @DetDirect@ only if there are at least 3 indets and the ma... John Abbott

21 May 2015

17:53 CoCoA-5 Feature #720 (New): External libs: specifying I/O streams (initialization?)
libnormaliz needs to be informed of two output streams: one for logging info (in "verbose" mode), the other for error... John Abbott
17:47 CoCoA-5 Feature #719 (Closed): Readline: consider creating a textual interpreter with readline
This was discussed in March 2009 via email. I will copy the essence of the messages here.
Christof would greatly ...
John Abbott
16:02 CoCoALib Bug #666 (Feedback): RatReconstructByLattice fails in some simple cases
I have added a comment to the documentation.
I discussed with Christof the possibility of throwing an exception wh...
John Abbott
15:23 CoCoA-5 Bug #713 (In Progress): External libs: interrupting not easy
It is probably best to KISS: _i.e._ just have a straightforward signal handler which simply sets the flag. If this p... John Abbott
11:57 CoCoA-5 Slug #709: Speed of some Normaliz calls (NmzComputation)
Attempts to profile the running program on my computer failed :-(
@gprof@ does not work properly in MacOSX, and ther...
John Abbott
11:34 CoCoA-5 Slug #709: Speed of some Normaliz calls (NmzComputation)
With Christof we ran a side-by-side comparison (on my machine) with "verbose" activated.
The run under CoCoA-5 was a...
John Abbott
11:26 CoCoA-5 Slug #709: Speed of some Normaliz calls (NmzComputation)
On my machine (MacBook Pro with OSX 10.5.8, compiler version 4.2.1)
Normaliz 2.12 took 9mins (about 550s)
CoCoA-5 ...
John Abbott
11:19 CoCoA-5 Slug #709: Speed of some Normaliz calls (NmzComputation)
Here is the original Normaliz input file (called in their source tree):... John Abbott
11:17 CoCoA-5 Slug #709: Speed of some Normaliz calls (NmzComputation)
Here is body of the CoCoALib code I used to speed testing in CoCoALib:... John Abbott
11:15 CoCoA-5 Slug #709 (In Progress): Speed of some Normaliz calls (NmzComputation)
Here is the input I was giving to CoCoA-5... John Abbott
10:54 CoCoALib Feature #718: Insert calls to CheckForInterrupt
I suggest we keep a log here of the files we have looked at with a view to inserting calls to @CheckForInterrupt@. John Abbott
10:52 CoCoALib Feature #718 (Closed): Insert calls to CheckForInterrupt
So that interrupts are acted upon we must insert calls to @CheckForInterrupt@ in various places -- principally in loo... John Abbott
09:41 CoCoALib Feature #714 (Resolved): Interrupt mechanism
I have checked in the impl with both *(A)* and *(B)*.
Then I deleted *(A)* and checked in again. This way I hope *(...
John Abbott
09:38 CoCoALib Feature #715 (Resolved): RandomSubsetIndices, RandomTupleIndices?
I have already reported this (and logged time) in issue #622.
I think @RandomSubsetIndices@ is likely to be useful...
John Abbott

20 May 2015

20:09 CoCoA-5 Feature #317: BuiltInFunctions: evalArgAsLong
... I liked it so much I also changed *RandomTupleIndices*, *IsZeroRow*, *IsZeroCol*.
The code becomes shorter and e...
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:53 CoCoA-5 Feature #317 (Resolved): BuiltInFunctions: evalArgAsLong
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:49 CoCoA-5 Feature #317: BuiltInFunctions: evalArgAsLong
I have implemented in *Interpreter.C* the function *evalArgAsLong* returning a *long*.
I tested it on the definition...
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:13 CoCoALib Feature #573: Use symbolic links for external libraries
John Abbott wrote:
> What is the current status? Has the cleaning been done? It has been working fine for several ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:24 CoCoALib Feature #573 (Feedback): Use symbolic links for external libraries
What is the current status? Has the cleaning been done? It has been working fine for several months, so changing st... John Abbott
19:12 CoCoA-5 Feature #485 (Resolved): Initialization for CoCoA-5: file init.cocoa5
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:31 CoCoA-5 Feature #485: Initialization for CoCoA-5: file init.cocoa5
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> the general @init@ file now works well.
> I don't think there is a particular need for ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:11 CoCoA-5 Support #717: CoCoAManual: improve part on RINGHOM
Added *Introduction to RINGHOM* and *Composition of RINGHOM* Anna Maria Bigatti
19:08 CoCoA-5 Support #717 (Closed): CoCoAManual: improve part on RINGHOM
Improve chapter on RINGHOM Anna Maria Bigatti
19:06 CoCoA-5 Feature #704 (Feedback): rename MinGensGeneral?
All done: Renamed it *MinSubsetOfGens* and documented Anna Maria Bigatti
18:33 CoCoA-5 Feature #711: External Libs: print credits?
Now I'm less sure about using a @std::map@ since it might be difficult and/or costly to make it threadsafe.
John Abbott
18:16 CoCoA-5 Feature #711: External Libs: print credits?
I spoke to Christof about the idea of recording when ext libs are actually used (_e.g._ see my suggestion of counters... John Abbott
17:57 CoCoA-5 Feature #622: New function: RandomSubset
I have checked in @RandomSubsetIndices@ and @RandomTupleIndices@ (in CoCoALib); also the interface fns in @BuiltinFun... John Abbott
17:20 CoCoA-5 Feature #622: New function: RandomSubset
John Abbott wrote:
> I have added defns to CoCoALib of @RandomSubsetIndices@ and @RandomTupleIndices@. These names ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:40 CoCoA-5 Feature #622: New function: RandomSubset
Checked in.
You'll have to remove @interrupt.C@ from @src/AlgebraicCore/Makefile@ until I can check those files in.....
John Abbott
15:28 CoCoA-5 Feature #622: New function: RandomSubset
John Abbott wrote:
> Where should the new functions go?
> Currently they are in a new file @combinatorics.C@ be...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:22 CoCoA-5 Feature #622: New function: RandomSubset
Where should the new functions go?
Currently they are in a new file @combinatorics.C@ because I could not see any ...
John Abbott
13:50 CoCoA-5 Feature #622: New function: RandomSubset
I have added defns to CoCoALib of @RandomSubsetIndices@ and @RandomTupleIndices@. These names are very long :-/
John Abbott
12:48 CoCoA-5 Feature #622 (Feedback): New function: RandomSubset
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:04 CoCoA-5 Feature #622: New function: RandomSubset
documentation done (and cvs'ed)
When we implement the "Indices" in CoCoALib we'll remove them from "NotBuiltin".
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:41 CoCoA-5 Feature #622: New function: RandomSubset
I added to NotBuiltin.cpkg the functions... Anna Maria Bigatti
10:38 CoCoA-5 Feature #622: New function: RandomSubset
I suggest having also @RandomTuple(n,r)@ which is indeed pretty simple: in CoCoA... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:42 CoCoA-5 Bug #716: NotBuiltin.cpkg5: indent for MODULE
John Abbott wrote:
> On line 126 when @indent@ prints out a submodule, it prints out the letter @F@ (in a string). ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:19 CoCoA-5 Bug #716 (In Progress): NotBuiltin.cpkg5: indent for MODULE
On line 126 when @indent@ prints out a submodule, it prints out the letter @F@ (in a string). Is this right? I supp... John Abbott
13:10 CoCoA-5 Support #548 (Resolved): Printing rings with ID
John Abbott wrote:
> I think it has just been forgotten; it seems like a good idea to me. Indeed now that direct pr...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:47 CoCoALib Feature #715 (Closed): RandomSubsetIndices, RandomTupleIndices?
In CoCoA we have *RandomSubsetIndices, RandomTupleIndices*.
Could they be useful in CoCoALib?
If so implement trans...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:38 CoCoALib Feature #714: Interrupt mechanism
John Abbott wrote:
> Is there any sense in offering approach *(A)*? Perhaps it is best to offer just *(B)*, and add ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:21 CoCoALib Feature #714: Interrupt mechanism
I am undecided about which ways to offer for telling the GlobalManager which interrupt flag to watch:
* *(A)* specif...
John Abbott
12:34 CoCoA-5 Support #616: Release: CoCoA-5.1.2
First run of... Anna Maria Bigatti
10:22 CoCoALib Slug #675: Matrix determinant over multivariate poly ring
in the cocoa manual there is this example... Anna Maria Bigatti

19 May 2015

17:55 CoCoALib Feature #714: Interrupt mechanism
Also seems to work with the C5 GUI now :-)
John Abbott
16:56 CoCoALib Feature #714 (In Progress): Interrupt mechanism
I have implemented a first version following the outlines given above.
It seems to pass a quick test -- I have mad...
John Abbott
11:41 CoCoALib Feature #714: Interrupt mechanism
Here is a further complication: how to handle several libraries together?
Let us suppose that CoCoALib has a mechani...
John Abbott
10:16 CoCoALib Feature #714: Interrupt mechanism
There is a slight risk in my proposal above. If @SignalInterrupt@ is called asynchronously while @CheckForInterrupt@... John Abbott
10:09 CoCoALib Feature #714: Interrupt mechanism
As far as CoCoA-5 is concerned CoCoALib is "external software", and the problem noted in #713 applies as much to CoCo... John Abbott
10:04 CoCoALib Feature #714 (Closed): Interrupt mechanism
Add an interrupt mechanism to CoCoALib.
John Abbott
17:24 CoCoA-5 Feature #652: Flag to enable/disable printing of list of loaded packages
The C5 GUI still prints out the packages as they are loaded. Fix!
John Abbott
13:38 CoCoA-5 Feature #711: External Libs: print credits?
I think that @Banner.C@ is a reasonable place to put it. I have cleaned up the code slightly; it now also prints out... John Abbott

18 May 2015

21:35 CoCoA-5 Bug #713: External libs: interrupting not easy
GNU has some useful looking documentation:
John Abbott
21:09 CoCoA-5 Bug #713: External libs: interrupting not easy
I am considering the following behaviour:
* each time ctrl-C is received a counter is increased
* if the CoCoA inte...
John Abbott
21:01 CoCoA-5 Bug #713: External libs: interrupting not easy
I have found this web page which gives some advice:
John Abbott
16:31 CoCoA-5 Bug #713: External libs: interrupting not easy
Christof has tried some experiments with GAP, and he noticed that a single ctrl-C appeared to do nothing, but 2 ctrl-... John Abbott
16:25 CoCoA-5 Bug #713: External libs: interrupting not easy
Another possible (simple) approach is to offer a command line flag which stops @CoCoAInterpreter@ from intercepting s... John Abbott
15:44 CoCoA-5 Bug #713: External libs: interrupting not easy
Perhaps the best solution would be to leave the code as it is, and to write better documentation. After all a call t... John Abbott
15:42 CoCoA-5 Bug #713: External libs: interrupting not easy
Remember that a (portable) signal handler cannot do much.
Christof was puzzled when running some Normaliz tests th...
John Abbott
15:35 CoCoA-5 Bug #713 (Closed): External libs: interrupting not easy
@CoCoAInterpreter@ intercepts @SIGTERM@ signals; this means that a long computation happening inside an external lib ... John Abbott
17:14 CoCoA-5 Bug #698 (Resolved): Emacs UI: problems with packages on windows
John Abbott wrote:
From issue #699:
JAA notes that Emacs lisp has the built-in variable system-type whic...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:10 CoCoA-5 Bug #699 (Rejected): Emacs UI: set back "cocoa5-executable" to "CoCoAInterpreter"?
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:57 CoCoA-5 Support #706 (Resolved): meaningful error for IDEAL <= IDEAL
Done. Anna Maria Bigatti
15:24 CoCoA-5 Bug #712 (In Progress): External Libs: missing dependencies in Makefiles
The CoCoALib binaries related to Normaliz (_e.g._ *@ExternalLibs-Normaliz.o@*) do not depend on the Normaliz source f... John Abbott
15:20 CoCoA-5 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
Christof says that Normaliz uses a @bool@.
Should CoCoALib simply follow what Normaliz does for its normaliz relat...
John Abbott
15:02 CoCoA-5 Feature #711: External Libs: print credits?
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Done in init.cpkg5.... but that's not good: it does not see the "--no-preamble" flag :-(...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:21 CoCoA-5 Feature #711: External Libs: print credits?
We would like authors to cite CoCoA when they use in the their research. Presumably then they should also cite any e... John Abbott
12:12 CoCoA-5 Feature #711 (In Progress): External Libs: print credits?
Done in init.cpkg5.... but that's not good: it does not see the "--no-preamble" flag :-(
undoing it.
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:11 CoCoA-5 Feature #711: External Libs: print credits?
I propose printing out a message about external libraries at the same time as the banner is printed out -- and the me... John Abbott
11:05 CoCoA-5 Feature #711: External Libs: print credits?
One piece of software printed out a message every time a Normaliz function was called: this produced thousands of mes... John Abbott
10:59 CoCoA-5 Feature #711 (Closed): External Libs: print credits?
At the Normaliz workshop I noticed that two other pieces of software printed out "credits" when external libraries we... John Abbott
12:16 CoCoALib Feature #222: Printing polynomials - spaces between terms
This issue has been idle for another year.
John Abbott
10:38 CoCoA-5 Feature #700: Which external libs are present?
It would also be nice if there were an indication of which version of each external library is present. The ability ... John Abbott

17 May 2015

10:33 CoCoA-5 Slug #709: Speed of some Normaliz calls (NmzComputation)
*TO DO* JAA can try the same computation but from CoCoALib; perhaps some time is spent converting to CoCoA-5 data str... John Abbott
10:17 CoCoA-5 Slug #709 (In Progress): Speed of some Normaliz calls (NmzComputation)
JAA has done a few speed comparisons between calling @normaliz@ directly from the command line and calling @NmzComput... John Abbott
10:31 CoCoALib Design #710: Update normaliz interface?
The revised @normaliz@ interface aims to be backward compatible.
JAA prefers the new names in @normaliz@, and woul...
John Abbott
10:29 CoCoALib Design #710 (In Progress): Update normaliz interface?
Normaliz is about to release version 3.0.
This has a revised interface (_e.g._ new names for certain existing feat...
John Abbott
10:27 CoCoALib Feature #253: W.Bruns's wish list
Can we finish this issue in the near future?
John Abbott
10:12 CoCoA-5 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
Some ideas are:
* a global flag which says what the default verbosity is
* an optional arg to calls to Normaliz whi...
John Abbott
09:55 CoCoA-5 Feature #708 (Closed): ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
Is it possible to make Normaliz be verbose from the CoCoA-5 interface?
Christof says he/they often find it help to s...
John Abbott
09:51 CoCoA-5 Feature #700 (Feedback): Which external libs are present?
John Abbott

15 May 2015

19:28 CoCoALib Design #683 (Resolved): Module index component in internal compressed representation
tested both with @unsigned int@ and @unsigned char@: it works!!... Anna Maria Bigatti
18:43 CoCoALib Design #683: Module index component in internal compressed representation
Bug probably found.... my fault
John has implemented in GBEnv.C...
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:11 CoCoALib Design #707 (In Progress): MatrixOrderingMod32749Impl: test and write documentation!
Some notes:
In @OrdvArith.H@ there is this comment:...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:47 CoCoALib Design #707 (In Progress): MatrixOrderingMod32749Impl: test and write documentation!
32749 is the biggest prime with some guarantee for <I-cant-remember-what>, so the order matrix is actually over ZZ/(3... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:51 CoCoALib Bug #705 (Feedback): DetDirect calls myAddMul with 0 argument -- funny compilation problem??
I still don't understand why it seemed to work (maybe a missing cvs checkout)
The problem is a simple (when you know ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:28 CoCoALib Bug #705 (Closed): DetDirect calls myAddMul with 0 argument -- funny compilation problem??
with (CoCoA-5) input:... Anna Maria Bigatti
14:01 CoCoA-5 Support #706 (Closed): meaningful error for IDEAL <= IDEAL
CoCoA-4 had the syntax @I <= J@ which is now computed via @IsContained(I, J)@.
Investigate on how to return a meanin...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:27 CoCoA-5 Feature #704 (Closed): rename MinGensGeneral?
there are two functions: *MinGens* (for homogeneous case) and *MinGensGeneral* (trivial algorithm for non homogenous ... Anna Maria Bigatti
11:03 CoCoA-5 Feature #466 (Feedback): CoCoAManual: add entry summarising syntax of all CoCoA-5 commands
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Added entry "All CoCoA Commands".
> It only gives the list of entries with type "comman...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:55 CoCoA-5 Bug #643 (Feedback): GenRepr fails if there are zero generators
Done (hilop.cpkg5) Anna Maria Bigatti
09:12 CoCoALib Design #703 (New): Add more operations between modules (CoCoALib)
Add more module operations: +, colon, ...
(there are also some operations for modules in CoCoA-5 packages)
The ma...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:05 CoCoA-5 Feature #702: Add more operations for modules
Add more module operations: +, colon, ...
Not much to do for CoCoA-5: most of the work is proper design in CoCoALib.
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:03 CoCoA-5 Feature #702 (New): Add more operations for modules
Anna Maria Bigatti

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