


CoCoA-5.4.2 (??? 2022)

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Feature #7: Automatic mapping between (some) rings
Slug #31: theValue makes copy
Feature #78: Elim ordering and matrix ordering in CoCoA-5
Design #83: C++11 compatibility questions
Feature #97: OpenOFile
Support #181: Functions throwing error even though (trivially) defined
Feature #216: Janet Bases: port function into CoCoA-5
Support #242: CoCoA-5 Projects for students (e.g. crediti F and tesi)
Support #322: Installation instructions (on website)
Feature #368: port SmithNormalForm (CoCoA-4)package to CoCoA-5
Support #448: EmacsUI Source/SourceRegion produce warning on Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Feature #461: New keyword "|->"? (same as "return")
Slug #465: Emacs UI; remove cruft
Design #474: Eliminate package BinRepr
Design #476: Review utility of package IO
Support #557: CoCoAManual: improve part on input/output
Feature #578: Gaussian Elimination
Feature #579: Prototype package for Linear Commutative Algebra
Design #610: Variable It: assign before or after printing
Design #635: Automatic mapping of RingElem (in operation with a compound value)
Slug #709: Speed of some Normaliz calls (NmzComputation)
Bug #716: NotBuiltin.cpkg5: indent for MODULE
Feature #723: Referring to indets with multiple indices from a polyring
Slug #750: C5 GUI: very slow when printing many short lines
Feature #823: NewPolyRing with weights -- better interface?
Feature #865: Implicit: make easier to use with rational functions
Feature #912: Add TUTORIALs to online manual
Design #929: Clean up CoCoALibSupplement
Bug #946: Function "ideal" evaluates the argument twice
Slug #948: radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examples
Support #977: "universal denominator" (related with GroebnerFanIdeals)
Support #985: Microsoft (Windows 10, maybe other versions): more help for installation
Design #1041: Separators for elements of a list
Support #1071: LinKerBasis is user-unfriendly
Feature #1072: syz: apply to ModuleElem?
Design #1075: LaTeX package: power-product printing
Support #1079: CoCoAManual: AffHilbertFn accepts also ideal (correct?)
Bug #1104: Eigenvectors: inconsistent return type
Feature #1112: New function: IsEmpty
Slug #1141: IsInRadical: for monomial ideals
Design #1146: Use Flatpak and/or Snap on Linux?
Bug #1171: RealRoots: first point is sometimes wrong?
Design #1192: RealRoots: rational roots (but not binary rational roots)
Feature #1204: MinPoly for matrix: fix in cocoalib and export to cocoa5
Slug #1228: SLUG: filling an array
Slug #1229: append is slow
Bug #1237: ker: for PolyAlgHom from QQ[x,y,z] to QQ(t)
Support #1241: GDPR: website, mailing list
Bug #1244: MSatLinSolve: req minor improvements
Support #1245: Online manual entry for RingElem needs to be improved
Support #1252: ShapeLemma: no manual entry
Feature #1262: Split BuiltinFunctions-CoCoALib.C into smaller files
Design #1292: Interpreter: fns which accept INT or RAT
Feature #1293: Vim Plugin for CoCoA
Feature #1313: Automatic conversion from RINGELEM to INT
Bug #1320: CoCoA-5 manual: incorrect empty line in syntax box (in PDF file)
Support #1350: CoCoA manual: entry for operators, shortcuts
Support #1365: Package EdgeIdeal not documented
Feature #1372: New function: find ?
Feature #1373: GFan also for Microsoft?
Support #1393: GUI with Qt5
Feature #1415: thmproving package
Support #1418: Manual entry for NewPolyRing
Design #1425: MakeTerm: implement in C++
Bug #1429: Stack overflow reading long list (SEGV)
Support #1430: HTML manual: search using keywords?
Design #1432: Emacs UI: cocoa5-shell-check-process vs. process-status
Support #1440: Surprising parser error: INT+DOT+IDENTIFIER
Support #1445: Automatic way to produce statically linked CoCoAInterpreter
Design #1453: Use symbolic links for release files
Support #1454: Filenames in release CoCoAManual/html containing [obsolete]
Design #1456: IntersectList or IntersectionList
Feature #1469: Get indexed indets from a polyring
Support #1474: Website: link to JSAG?
Bug #1475: HilbertSeries: make into proper rational function
Feature #1476: Lin alg with polys
Design #1477: Packages: questions from Andraschko
Support #1480: Documentation for making ring with parameters
Support #1486: Emacs UI: indentation in a package
Design #1496: Use "special" names for variables inside tests
Bug #1502: SystemCommand in Microsoft version
Feature #1503: More flexible ring creation syntax (after use or ::=)
Design #1508: Initial ring
Design #1519: Interpreter fn Value::from can use std::move?
Design #1533: RingElem and IndetSymbols not compatible
Support #1534: Install CoCoA-5 on MacOS-10.15+
Feature #1535: New functions: argmin, argmax
Bug #1539: Website: installation instructions for Microsoft
Feature #1541: foreach with ref to list entry?
Design #1544: CoCoA coding conventions for parser/interprer?
Design #1545: CoeffOfTerm: in CoCoALibSupplement
Support #1548: Man page for UniversalGBasis
Feature #1549: Add sagbi package
Design #1551: Emacs: avoid making buffer visible in 2 "windows"?
Bug #1552: subst: not checking args properly
Slug #1556: DivAlg slower than NR
Bug #1560: elim for modules
Feature #1564: Geometrical theorem proving package
Support #1566: What does rad do?
Design #1568: RMap and image: obsolescent?
Bug #1573: ApproxSolve: very imprecise
Bug #1574: ApproxSolveTF
Slug #1581: Slow sqfr: rad(f)
Feature #1583: New fn ElapsedTimeFrom?
Feature #1587: Multiline string literals (again)
Support #1603: Unhelpful behaviour in "compatibility mode": double error mesg
Bug #1604: SqFreeFactor crashes over non-perfect field
Feature #1616: UnivariateIndetIndex: remove cocoa-5 implementation and use CoCoALib's
Support #1621: Doc for the various BuiltIn files
Bug #1623: EmacsUI: annoying colours
Design #1626: NewMat: should be obsolescent?
Slug #1629: RingElem slow with many indets
Design #1631: Use filesystem::path instead of string (packageDir, CoCoAManFileName)
Support #1636: Missing/Incomplete manual entries
Slug #1638: MinSubsetOfGens sometimes very slow
Bug #1639: RealRoots: crashes after interrupting
Bug #1640: MinSubsetOfGens does not find min subset
Feature #1644: Allow user to choose whether to print finite field elems as symm residues or non-neg residue
Feature #1648: ApproxSolve and RationalSolve take different input
Support #1650: Potentially confusing prompt: waiting for semicolon
Feature #1659: Jordan Normal Form?
Support #1663: GCDList not documented
Feature #1671: Refactor C++ impl in OnlineHelp
Support #1675: Version 5.4.0 requires Visual C++ Runtime 2013 on Windows
Design #1679: BuiltinFunctions-GFan includes normaliz?!?
Design #1681: Should Starting be case-insensitive?
Support #1686: Manual entry for random (see also)
Support #1688: Release CoCoA 5.4.2
Bug #1695:
Design #1696: Which BOOST libs are actually needed?
Design #1697: Specifying BOOST in configure
Design #1698: indent: return a string?
Feature #1701: Preliminary packages
Bug #1708: Linux: just 1 executable, should be 2 (with & without readline)
Design #1709: Test tut-CoCoLA2
Bug #1714: IsDivisible error (in QuotRing)
Bug #1717: CRASH: equality test to a FUNCTION
Feature #1718: FactorINT with time-out
Feature #1724: New function: AdjacentMinors
Bug #1734: Fix call to HilbertPoly in test/TutHokkaido5
Support #1741: Documentation/Manual for HilbertFn
Bug #1745: Printing of Hilbert series via indent
Bug #1746: ManExamples target: need to reset VerbosityLevel
Feature #1747: NewPolyRing with indices -- better interface?
Slug #1760: Quitting can be slow
Bug #1766: Emacs 29: Removal of obsolete entries
Design #1772: Continued fraction: arg type RAT or RAT/INT?
Bug #1781: GenReprCompute: SERIOUS ERROR
Bug #1794: Do not use random inside tests!!
Bug #1795: Makefile problem: needlessly relinks CoCoAInterpreter
Bug #1820: Manual: why doesn't "?Commands and Functions for STRING" show the function RingElem?
Feature #1821: AsINT, AsRAT could also take a STRING
Feature #1822: Recover old benchmarks for GBasis
Bug #1823: function "insert" should allow appending
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