



From 06 Sep 2019 to 05 Oct 2019

05 Oct 2019

12:25 Feature #1290: NewPolyRing: allow symbols with just head and no indices?
Yes, @NewPolyRing(QQ, "alpha")@ is cleaner, simpler, etc.
But if you want to specify several symbols, some of which ...
John Abbott

04 Oct 2019

16:50 Design #1164: Manual: loading manual entries written by users
updated manual Anna Maria Bigatti
16:19 Feature #1290: NewPolyRing: allow symbols with just head and no indices?
It works now. (both Mac and Linux)
However, @NewPolyRing(QQ, "alpha");@ is better, isn't it? ;-)
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:16 Bug #1273: NewPolyRing and SymbolRange together make a crash
Seems to work now, both on Mac and on Linux.
Anna Maria Bigatti

02 Oct 2019

16:27 Slug #948 (Resolved): radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examples
I have just tried a few examples, and they seems to be much quicker (but perhaps not as fast as Singular).
Should we...
John Abbott
16:22 Bug #1226 (Closed): ExternalLibs return empty list
This has been in feedback for at least 7 months. I cannot quickly and easily check whether the GSL problem still per... John Abbott
16:17 Support #169: Font for parameters in manual
We should try to work through the manual systematically. Perhaps there should be 26 sub-issues, one for each initial... John Abbott

01 Oct 2019

17:42 Bug #1325 (Closed): Emacs UI: emacs does not recognize "until" as marking the end of a "repeat" block
When typing in code into a CoCoA-5 buffer, emacs does not recognise that the keyword *@until@* as marking the end of ... John Abbott
17:37 Bug #1104: Eigenvectors: inconsistent return type
Even the example in the manual exhibits this... that's embarrassing. We should decide what to do, and then take acti... John Abbott
14:53 Design #1120 (Resolved): Web site
Can we close this issue now?
John Abbott
14:52 Design #168: Type info in CoCoA-5 manual
Can we close this now?
John Abbott
14:49 Design #1292: Interpreter: fns which accept INT or RAT
Some cases where it may not be so clear:
* *@den@* and *@num@*
* *@SmoothFactor@*
* *@floor@* and *@ceil@*
John Abbott
14:44 Bug #1230 (In Progress): PrimaryDecomposition with lex ordering
The given example seems to work now. Has this been fixed?
If so, close; otherwise postpone to next version.
John Abbott
14:41 Support #1220 (Closed): NewRingFp obsolescent; superseded by NewZZmod
John Abbott
14:35 Support #1241: GDPR: website, mailing list
We should seek advice about this. John Abbott
14:33 Feature #912: Add TUTORIALs to online manual
I have added two tutorials: one about giving *feedback and reporting bugs*, the other about some *basic emacs* comman... John Abbott
14:31 Slug #709: Speed of some Normaliz calls (NmzComputation)
We should check what happens with current (2019-10-01) versions of CoCoALib and Normaliz. John Abbott
14:27 Design #476: Review utility of package IO
If the package exports only *@format@*, perhaps that package name should be changed to @format@? John Abbott
14:25 Support #1240 (Closed): John's visit Feb 2019
Closing this because the visit is over -- this does not imply that we achieved all that we had hoped to. :-( John Abbott
14:21 Feature #368: port SmithNormalForm (CoCoA-4)package to CoCoA-5
I think Florian had done some implementing; perhaps we can delegate to him?
John Abbott
14:19 Support #1217 (Rejected): CoCoA-5 tests directory: cleaning
This is apparently a duplicate of #1318, so rejecting. John Abbott
14:11 Bug #1321 (Closed): RealRoots fails on -x^2
I have added @RealRoots(-x^2)@ to the exbugs test suite.
John Abbott
14:05 Design #1164: Manual: loading manual entries written by users
The manual entry for @ReloadMan@ needs to be updated, assuming that the impl is meant to be public.
John Abbott

30 Sep 2019

20:00 Support #1315 (In Progress): Manual entry about reporting bugs?
I have added a "tutorial" page about giving feedback and reporting bugs.
I was not sure where to put it, but perha...
John Abbott

29 Sep 2019

21:57 Bug #1321 (Feedback): RealRoots fails on -x^2
Indeed I had "fixed" it, but there was a slight mistake: I forgot to guarantee that the LC of the poly handed to the ... John Abbott

27 Sep 2019

18:21 Support #1318: Clean CoCoA-5/tests directory
@test-output.cocoa5@ fails with "wrong output" ???
If run inside emacs using C-c C-f, the test produces no output...
John Abbott
18:12 Support #1318: Clean CoCoA-5/tests directory
Some *@TutHokkaido@* tests fail (non-zero exit status in 3 cases).
John Abbott
18:09 Support #1318 (Resolved): Clean CoCoA-5/tests directory
Here are the tests which we might want to keep:
* *@packages.cocoa5@*
* *@parameters.cocoa5@*
* *@protection.cocoa...
John Abbott
17:42 Bug #1286: Website: trouble with the world map
The result is mostly satisfactory. Now I see a symbol of "broken image" rather than a thumbnail map.
If I click on ...
John Abbott
17:25 Feature #1231 (Closed): system command
Tested on MacOSX.
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:23 Support #1314: Emacs UI: open manual pages in a separate frame?
Perhaps we need a separate process to show the manual pages?
A possibility is to run a whole separate CoCoA-5 sess...
John Abbott
17:13 Bug #1322: SEGV when debugging is active
Added a CoCoALib test John Abbott
16:58 Bug #1322 (Closed): SEGV when debugging is active
Silly problem, when you know it...
There was a debugging call @CoCoA_ASSERT(myMinGens().empty())@ (causing an infini...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:37 Bug #1322 (In Progress): SEGV when debugging is active
... John Abbott
11:02 Bug #1322 (Closed): SEGV when debugging is active
Seems to work fine if compiled without *@--debug@*, but several tests fail (SEGV) when @--debug@ is active:... John Abbott

26 Sep 2019

16:46 Bug #1321 (In Progress): RealRoots fails on -x^2
I thought I had already fixed this bug. Indeed the code is there inside @RealRoots2@; the code assumed that the arg ... John Abbott

25 Sep 2019

18:15 Support #1318: Clean CoCoA-5/tests directory
Here is a list of apparently redundant files:
* @assert.cocoa5@
John Abbott
14:25 Support #1318 (Closed): Clean CoCoA-5/tests directory
There are some old files in @CoCoA-5/tests/@ which seems no longer to be used. Perhaps delete them?
John Abbott
18:14 Support #1027: CoCoAManual: add a page with some emacs hints?
JAA has written a first draft of a *tutorial for using the Emacs UI*; it will need to be expanded/improved.
John Abbott
17:18 Support #1027: CoCoAManual: add a page with some emacs hints?
A possibility is to put the web page(s) referred to in comment 2 into a local file, so that it is always accessible.
John Abbott
17:58 Bug #1321 (Closed): RealRoots fails on -x^2
Small failing example:... John Abbott
15:50 Bug #1320: CoCoA-5 manual: incorrect empty line in syntax box (in PDF file)
This seems to be related to commands which return no result, or which have extra "descriptions" inside the syntax par... John Abbott
15:49 Bug #1320 (New): CoCoA-5 manual: incorrect empty line in syntax box (in PDF file)
In the PDF version there are "unhappy" empty lines at the end of some boxes around the "syntax" of some commands.
John Abbott
11:58 Feature #1231: system command
Currently, any output from the system command is sent to @stdout@ (so might be lost if a GUI is being used).
John Abbott
11:54 Feature #1231 (Feedback): system command
There is a manual page now. John Abbott

24 Sep 2019

15:24 Support #1314 (In Progress): Emacs UI: open manual pages in a separate frame?
One possible approach would be to write the manual page to a file (perhaps inside @/tmp@ somewhere), then open the fi... John Abbott
15:03 Bug #1286 (Feedback): Website: trouble with the world map
Anna thinks she has found a decent compromise. Anyway the CPU burning has stopped.
John Abbott
14:53 Bug #1286: Website: trouble with the world map
Anna has got rid of the CPU burning part. Still trying to find a decent compromise for when the map cannot be shown.
John Abbott

20 Sep 2019

16:10 Feature #1231: system command
There is currently no manual entry for *@SystemCommand@*.
John Abbott

19 Sep 2019

13:23 Feature #1316: Matrix row reduction (rref)
What exactly should the user interface be?
* Just return the rref?
* return rref and a transformation?
* must th...
John Abbott
13:21 Feature #1316 (Closed): Matrix row reduction (rref)
Julian Danner would like a function for computing the "row reduced echelon form" (rref) of a matrix.
John Abbott

18 Sep 2019

10:23 Support #1315: Manual entry about reporting bugs?
What ways do we have for reporting bugs? Email to @cocoa@? Write it on redmine? Email a person?
Suitable keywor...
John Abbott
10:21 Support #1315 (Closed): Manual entry about reporting bugs?
After reading about the problems with *@=@* and *@;@* in aquamacs, I thought "Why didn't he just report the bug norma... John Abbott

12 Sep 2019

09:44 Support #1312: Wrong links on page about COCOA School in Sapporo
Elisa e Michele: Esistono ancora le pagine ufficiali del corso sul sito dell'universita'? io non le riesco a trovare. Anna Maria Bigatti
08:33 Support #1314: Emacs UI: open manual pages in a separate frame?
It could be quite tricky to implement.
Anyway, I think it should be a separate window, not buffer.
Opening another ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

11 Sep 2019

21:07 Support #1314 (In Progress): Emacs UI: open manual pages in a separate frame?
Martin Kreuzer says he likes the manual pages to appear separate from the output of commands.
I can see his point, e...
John Abbott
21:04 Support #1027: CoCoAManual: add a page with some emacs hints?
I would also like some information which does not require access to internet.
I notice that CoCoA-5 no longer ment...
John Abbott
15:47 Feature #1313 (New): Automatic conversion from RINGELEM to INT
CoCoA-5 can be awkward about not "recognising" that a value is an integer.... John Abbott
14:24 Support #1312 (Closed): Wrong links on page about COCOA School in Sapporo
The links to course details on the web page for the 2018 School in Sapporo lead to something about "alien (species) i... John Abbott
14:14 Support #1311: THINGS TO DO IN GENOVA September 2019
Here is a list of files *@ex-*.C@* which are not compiled by the @Makefile@:
* ex-BenchmarkToolkit.C, ex-DellaCorte...
John Abbott
13:55 Support #1311: THINGS TO DO IN GENOVA September 2019
Here is a short list of things to do:
* make interim release
* start planning release for next COCOA School
John Abbott
13:53 Support #1311 (Closed): THINGS TO DO IN GENOVA September 2019
This is a pseudo-issue: I have created it just to gather together issue we should should try to address while I'm in ... John Abbott
13:41 Bug #1286 (In Progress): Website: trouble with the world map
The CPU burning problem continues to exist apparently even without visiting the site in private mode (but I have forg... John Abbott

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