



From 21 Mar 2018 to 19 Apr 2018

05 Apr 2018

14:26 Bug #1171: RealRoots: first point is sometimes wrong?
I suggest a function with the following semantics:
* call *RealRootsSmallValue(f, eps)*
* result is a list of close...
John Abbott
14:19 Bug #1171: RealRoots: first point is sometimes wrong?
It is not as simple as I first thought. While the first order approximation I mentioned in comment 3 is correct, it ... John Abbott
09:29 Support #1175 (New): intersection
The intersection of MODULEs need to be exported. Elisa Palezzato
09:26 Feature #1174 (Closed): package of a function --> of an identifier!
How to have a function that says in which package is in the input?
Why does not describe have this feature?!
Elisa Palezzato

04 Apr 2018

14:35 Bug #1172 (Feedback): MinSubsetOfGens: problem with generators = 0
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:31 Bug #1172: MinSubsetOfGens: problem with generators = 0
Fixed @GPolyList EmbedVectorList(const VectorList& theVL, const GRingInfo& theGRI, const long StartingFromCompIndex)@... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:27 Bug #1172: MinSubsetOfGens: problem with generators = 0
The problem is actually in @GBasis(M)@ when gens(M) contains a 0 element.
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:05 Bug #1172: MinSubsetOfGens: problem with generators = 0
which package?
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:30 Bug #1172 (Closed): MinSubsetOfGens: problem with generators = 0
In case of type MODULE there is:
J := submodule(ModuleOf(X), WithoutNth(L,I));
but it does not allow to v...
Elisa Palezzato
11:34 Bug #1171 (In Progress): RealRoots: first point is sometimes wrong?
One can estimate the "stability" of the root by computing the value of the derivative at that root. By Taylor expans... John Abbott

03 Apr 2018

18:57 Bug #1171: RealRoots: first point is sometimes wrong?
It seems that actually the problem is in the instability of the roots: the approximate root is probably close to the ... Anna Maria Bigatti
18:27 Bug #1171: RealRoots: first point is sometimes wrong?
I found this bug while debugging @ApproxSolve@.
I had noticed that, when the answer was wrong, it was just on the fi...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:25 Bug #1171 (Closed): RealRoots: first point is sometimes wrong?
It seems that sometimes (very rarely) the first root given by @RealRoots@ is wrong... Anna Maria Bigatti

23 Mar 2018

19:01 Slug #948: radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examples
All 0-dimensional ideals (i.e. those in x,y,..), now take less than 1 second.
I have added (as John suggested) a tim...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:07 Slug #948: radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examples
(just to know, when testing)
All these examples in "c" have positive dimension.
All these examples in "x" are 0-dim...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:59 Slug #1114 (Closed): Some other examples for 0-dim radical
Anna Maria Bigatti

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