



From 19 Dec 2023 to 17 Jan 2024

13 Jan 2024

22:27 Slug #1756: deg(f) is slow if f is long
I have re-run the example from comment 2: it now takes 0.001s.
I'm undecided about the extra generality handling t...
John Abbott
22:20 Design #1768: Limit indentation in verbose mesgs?
Can we close this?
*Anna* do you agree?
John Abbott
22:16 Slug #1739: IsHomog for ideals
This should be easy to implement, right?
I was wondering how often one would want to know whether an ideal is homog ...
John Abbott

12 Jan 2024

11:45 Support #1775: CoCoALib releases on redmine
(Just keep updating the description) Anna Maria Bigatti
11:29 Support #1775 (New): CoCoALib releases on redmine
Links to the list of issues dealt with in each release:
*CoCoALib: C++ library*
- (2024) *CoCoALib-0.998??* h...
Anna Maria Bigatti

04 Jan 2024

10:23 Feature #1763: implement ideal(R) for zero ideal, with no generators?
I still think that @ideal(P)@ looks odd, and is less immediate to understand than @ideal(P,EmptyListOfRingElem)@.
John Abbott
10:18 Design #1767: Finalize design for ideals in CoCoALib
Also for _exception cleanliness_, an operation such as @I += J@ would almost certainly have to compute a temporary id... John Abbott
09:49 Design #908: Sum of ideals: what are the generators of (x) + (0)?
Currently I think we *should not* require that @gens(I+J) = concat(gens(I),gens(J))@. Other ideal operations do not ... John Abbott

22 Dec 2023

21:32 Design #1771 (Closed): Hadamard bound: field names
I have updated the doc. The new field names are *@myRowBoundSq@* and *@myColBoundSq@*.
John Abbott
21:30 Bug #1773 (Closed): CyclotomicFactorIndexes: gave wrong answer
I have added an exbug test.
John Abbott
20:59 Bug #1758 (Closed): Graeffe "sign bug"
John Abbott
20:57 Slug #1769 (Closed): FixedDivisor is sometimes surprisingly slow
It is now good enough to be closed.
John Abbott
20:56 Feature #1755 (Closed): CheckForInterrupt: give more info?
I have made a new example *@ex-interupt3.C@* which illustrates the idea from comment 1.
John Abbott

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