



From 18 Jul 2023 to 16 Aug 2023

15 Aug 2023

11:37 Bug #1758 (Feedback): Graeffe "sign bug"
John Abbott

06 Aug 2023

12:18 Bug #1758: Graeffe "sign bug"
I have removed the "sign tricks". Also checked-in.
I wonder if the doc should be changed to point out that sometime...
John Abbott
11:27 Support #1761: MakeTermOrdMat: improve error mesg
Source code is in @MatrixForOrdering.C@
I do wonder if the call to @MakeNonNeg@ is safe: why is the loop on line 133...
John Abbott
11:25 Support #1761 (Closed): MakeTermOrdMat: improve error mesg
The fn @MakeTermOrdMat@ should give a better error mesg if the input matrix is not non-negative:... John Abbott

05 Aug 2023

11:08 Slug #1756: deg(f) is slow if f is long
Lex is clearly not std deg compatible, but if the LPP contains only the last indet, we could short-cut. Not sure thi... John Abbott
11:04 Slug #1756: deg(f) is slow if f is long
Is this an easy task which we could quickly resolve?
Do we have a test case?...
John Abbott

26 Jul 2023

22:15 Bug #1758 (In Progress): Graeffe "sign bug"
Currently, trying to compute @graeffe(f)@ over a finite field produces:... John Abbott
22:10 Bug #1758 (Closed): Graeffe "sign bug"
I put in a (not-so) "clever trick" in @graeffe@ and @graeffe3@ so that the LC is positive if the coeff rings is @ZZ/Q... John Abbott
13:52 Feature #1755: CheckForInterrupt: give more info?
Create an example of using *@GetAndResetSignalReceived@*
John Abbott

25 Jul 2023

19:31 Slug #1754: IsSqFree poorly implemented
I have improved the code. It is also a bit faster (than 0.99818).
Will check in soon.
John Abbott

23 Jul 2023

18:04 Slug #1757: gcd(f,f) is slow
Here is just 1 example illustrating the point:... John Abbott
18:03 Slug #1757 (New): gcd(f,f) is slow
Consider making a special case of @gcd(f,f)@ or indeed @gcd(f,k*f)@ where @k@ is a scalar.
John Abbott
18:01 Slug #1754 (In Progress): IsSqFree poorly implemented
Source code around @NumTheory-factor.C:690@ John Abbott

20 Jul 2023

09:32 Slug #1756: deg(f) is slow if f is long
Oddly, i believed I had recently sorted this out... evidently not.
We need a function to say whether the ordering on...
John Abbott
09:29 Slug #1756 (In Progress): deg(f) is slow if f is long
In a poly ring with a std deg compatible order we can compute @deg(f)@ just by looking at the first PP.
It seems we ...
John Abbott

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