



From 15 Nov 2021 to 14 Dec 2021

01 Dec 2021

14:49 Feature #1637 (New): Intersection of Ideals: has GBasis?
When one computes the intersection of two ideals, are the resulting generators a GBasis?
Sometimes they are: can we ...
John Abbott

26 Nov 2021

17:10 Support #262: Play with GIT
Does anyone have useful experience to help decide between Github/Gitlab/other? And also how one goes about in practice? John Abbott
17:08 Support #262: Play with GIT
Florian and Bernhard suggest putting the source on Github/Gitlab.
John Abbott

25 Nov 2021

16:47 Feature #1635 (In Progress): NR for polys with coeffs in PID
Make @NR@ work also polys with coeffs in a PID (at least in @ZZ@).
This is a stepping stone to GBasis over @ZZ@.
John Abbott

23 Nov 2021

22:06 Support #256 (Resolved): Improve doc about ordering/grading for poly rings
I think the doc in @SparsePolyRing.txt@ is OK now. Do you agree, Anna?
John Abbott

19 Nov 2021

17:25 Feature #743: Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
for example, this would be nice... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:18 Feature #743: Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
We agreed that the string for the name of the function should contain just the name of the function, and its argument... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:05 Feature #743: Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
Anna suggests that the error message should also indicate which args (via their indices, starting from 0 or 1?)
For ...
John Abbott

17 Nov 2021

12:04 Feature #1633: Make polynomial multiplication interruptible?
This is weird. I reverted to the old code because I wanted to confirm that it is not interruptible.
Indeed, it took...
John Abbott
11:59 Feature #1633: Make polynomial multiplication interruptible?
I have just inserted a @CheckForInterrupt@ in the main loop for multiplication.
The simpler test example from commen...
John Abbott
11:53 Feature #1633 (In Progress): Make polynomial multiplication interruptible?
Here is a simpler test example... John Abbott
11:50 Feature #1633: Make polynomial multiplication interruptible?
The relevant source code is probably @myMul@ in @SparsePolyOps-RingElem.C@ around line 413.
John Abbott

16 Nov 2021

20:33 Feature #1633: Make polynomial multiplication interruptible?
One crucial factor is how much overhead it would cost if we put a check inside some inner loop.
Also how many diff...
John Abbott
20:32 Feature #1633 (Closed): Make polynomial multiplication interruptible?
I tried a (daft) example during an exercise class today: when tried to square a large polynomial it was not possible ... John Abbott
10:38 Bug #1281: Factor of multivariate sometimes prints ERROR
When it happens, it happens in pairs. Run this:... Anna Maria Bigatti
10:24 Bug #1281: Factor of multivariate sometimes prints ERROR
I confirm I (rarely) meet this error with tough examples in our development of Comprehensive Groebner Systems.
Anna Maria Bigatti

15 Nov 2021

20:06 Slug #1394: Oddly slow GBasis computation (slow final cleanup)
Here is another example using lex:... John Abbott

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