



From 17 Aug 2016 to 15 Sep 2016

15 Sep 2016

17:05 Support #694: In test files: when is assert.H needed?
JAA suggests the short name @CoCoA_CHECK@, but Anna thinks that is not so clear.
Anna suggests the longer name @CoCo...
John Abbott

14 Sep 2016

18:17 Support #694: In test files: when is assert.H needed?
Since all tests must include @GlobalManager.H@ and that file indirectly includes @assert.H@, there is no need for any... John Abbott
17:19 Support #694: In test files: when is assert.H needed?
Anna points out that if we do this for @assert.H@ then why shouldn't we do it for all header files... at which point ... John Abbott
16:38 Support #694 (In Progress): In test files: when is assert.H needed?
The explanation is fairly obvious (and simple): some header files already include @assert.H@. Here is the current li... John Abbott

08 Sep 2016

14:05 Feature #899: IsMaximal, IsPrimary for IDEAL (in cocoalib)
John Abbott wrote:
> If the flags are simply data members of type @bool3@ then the compiler offers no protection aga...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:16 Feature #899: IsMaximal, IsPrimary for IDEAL (in cocoalib)
I have a question: I have the function @IsRadicalSPR(const ideal& I)@ which, in the way of determining if I is radic... Anna Maria Bigatti
09:30 Feature #899: IsMaximal, IsPrimary for IDEAL (in cocoalib)
I'm not sure if this suggestion is a good one or a bad one.
If the flags are simply data members of type @bool3@ t...
John Abbott
09:17 Feature #899 (In Progress): IsMaximal, IsPrimary for IDEAL (in cocoalib)
After speaking to Anna about this yesterday...
It seems best that the flags be assigned to only via specific functio...
John Abbott
11:09 Feature #361 (Feedback): implement IsPrime3, IsMaximal3
I suggest to close this issue: the discussion about this design has been moved to issue #899 (my mistake, but difficu... Anna Maria Bigatti

07 Sep 2016

16:49 Feature #899: IsMaximal, IsPrimary for IDEAL (in cocoalib)
After working on it, I realized that usually the function actually doing the "test" computation is also the function ... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:22 Feature #919 (New): Hilbert Driven GBasis
Hilbert-driven: to be done. Trivial in principle, probably requires designing the GBMill. Anna Maria Bigatti

02 Sep 2016

14:25 Design #908: Sum of ideals: what are the generators of (x) + (0)?
Since we shall need to discuss this, I think it is better to postpone the "delivery date" rather than take hasty acti... John Abbott

22 Aug 2016

16:45 Feature #914: New function: quorem for univariate polynomials?
The request for @quorem@ (or whatever it will be called) seems reasonable to me -- at first sight, anyway.
If the ...
John Abbott

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