



From 04 Dec 2015 to 02 Jan 2016

23 Dec 2015

12:25 Bug #784: threadsafety: Scott Meyers's advice about cached values
I read a bit in Stroustrup C++ book. There I found a method @std::call_once@ (in @<mutex>@). This method could be a n... Mario Albert

18 Dec 2015

16:26 Feature #664 (Resolved): Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
I have checked in the code I currently have. no doc, no examples, no tests.
An unofficial, simple example (@Fq4.C@ ...
John Abbott

17 Dec 2015

16:25 Design #64: submat takes only vector<long>
John Abbott wrote:
> If we were to adopt the idea of @RowSelect@ and @ColSelect@ then we could offer several signatu...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:07 Design #64: submat takes only vector<long>
If we were to adopt the idea of @RowSelect@ and @ColSelect@ then we could offer several signatures for @submat@:
* @...
John Abbott
14:33 Design #64: submat takes only vector<long>
John Abbott wrote:
> Here are some other possible suggestions:
I think that's too many, and I think it's not wort...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:19 Feature #664: Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
JAA now has a prototype impl which still needs lots of cleaning, but some simple tests pass :-)
I'm hoping to clea...
John Abbott

16 Dec 2015

18:23 Design #64: submat takes only vector<long>
Scott Meyers advises making interfaces which are "easy to use correctly and hard to use incorrectly"; I think this is... John Abbott
18:11 Design #64 (In Progress): submat takes only vector<long>
Here are some other possible suggestions:
* @submat(M, AllRows, ...)@ to select just certain columns
* @submat(M, ....
John Abbott
11:42 Design #64: submat takes only vector<long>
I don't think we should allow other integer types, after all we want to discourage other integer types.
One think I ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:52 Design #825: IsPositiveGrading -- really need 2 signatures?
-- fixed test anna.cocoa5
-- updated CoCoA-5 manual
-- made suggestion for submat ;-)
Anna Maria Bigatti

10 Dec 2015

18:19 Feature #836 (Feedback): SmallFpImpl: export fns for a fixed convention
It was quite trivial to add the new fns. I have updated the doc too.
Should there be a specific test?
Should imp...
John Abbott
18:16 Feature #836 (Closed): SmallFpImpl: export fns for a fixed convention
I found a case where I needed to obtain the least non-negative residue from a @SmallFpImpl::value@. Doing this via @... John Abbott
15:59 Bug #834: Fix test failures (after revising MatrixForOrdering)
Ignoring the question of the name for @ColCheck@, is it better to have a single fn with a flag to say whether or not ... John Abbott
15:03 Bug #834: Fix test failures (after revising MatrixForOrdering)
I'm also writing *@IsUpperTriangular@*.
*Addendum* (JAA) also @IsLowerTriangular@? Will these go into a "matrix" so...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:36 Bug #834: Fix test failures (after revising MatrixForOrdering)
I'm writing another function *HasNegEntry* which checks whether there is a negative entry.
(then we can think of a be...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:11 Bug #834: Fix test failures (after revising MatrixForOrdering)
lines 304 and following (@#ifdef@) in @PPOrdering.C@ should be deleted:
we do non require to have a PositiveGrading f...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:17 Bug #834: Fix test failures (after revising MatrixForOrdering)
I have just checked in a modified version of @MatrixForOrdering.C@ following Anna's suggestion in comment 2.
Now "...
John Abbott

09 Dec 2015

22:08 Bug #834 (In Progress): Fix test failures (after revising MatrixForOrdering)
First bug trapped:
IsPositiveOrd wants @rk(M) == NumRows(M)@.
This function is called when making a term ordering o...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:41 Bug #834: Fix test failures (after revising MatrixForOrdering)
JAA believes the root cause is the check that a grading is strictly positive when weakly positive is sufficient. John Abbott
13:40 Bug #834 (Closed): Fix test failures (after revising MatrixForOrdering)
The current CVS produces 3 failed CoCoALib tests:
@test-MatrixForOrdering1, test-RingWeyl1, test-SparsePolyRing1@
John Abbott
17:02 Feature #664: Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
JAA will try to implement this before xmas (2015!)
But first some Gluehwein ;-)
John Abbott
17:00 Feature #142: Improve threadsafety
I wonder whether @CoCoA_THREADSAFE@ is to be just a temporary measure. Presumably at some point practically all comp... John Abbott
13:09 Feature #142: Improve threadsafety
I spoke to Mario this morning about threadsafety in CoCoALib (also thinking about Mario's new code which has just bee... John Abbott
16:55 Bug #784 (In Progress): threadsafety: Scott Meyers's advice about cached values
Bearing in mind the suggestion in issue #142 about using a compile-time switch to indicate whether we want threadsafe... John Abbott
16:48 Feature #835: Make Mario's new code threadsafe
See the examples in issue #784; I think this should cover many cases. John Abbott
14:03 Feature #835 (New): Make Mario's new code threadsafe
Adapt Mario's new code so that it is threadsafe (when @CoCoA_THEADSAFE@ is set). John Abbott
13:54 Feature #828: MachineInt: function for checking that value is greater than some lower limit (and below MAXLONG)
Currently a @MachineInt@ is converted to a @long@ using the function @AsSignedLong@ which includes a check for overfl... John Abbott

08 Dec 2015

15:06 Bug #833: UIBC: need include file in RingWeyl.C
The fact that UIBC needs to be visible in @RingWeyl.C@ is "unfortunate". John and Mario think this may be a symptom ... John Abbott
15:04 Bug #833 (New): UIBC: need include file in RingWeyl.C
With Mario's new code the file @RingWeyl.C@ must include @TmpUIBC.H@ otherwise it does not compile.
This is likely...
John Abbott
14:01 Design #824: Fn names: LexMat or MatLex; StdDegRevLexMat or MatStdDegRevLex etc
I have renamed the fns and changed all calls -- well, everything compiles.
Will check doc, then check-in.
John Abbott
13:03 Feature #665: Integrate Janet/Pommaret basis code
A simple interface is: a function which forces computation of a GBasis (without copying the result), and a function w... John Abbott
12:32 Feature #665: Integrate Janet/Pommaret basis code
Here is a brief "one-way discussion" about some function interfaces: I shall consider just @IsMonomial@, but it is a ... John Abbott
11:42 Feature #665 (In Progress): Integrate Janet/Pommaret basis code
With Mario's help we have integrated his code into (my copy of) the CoCoA sources.
Some questions have arisen whic...
John Abbott

04 Dec 2015

15:18 Design #824: Fn names: LexMat or MatLex; StdDegRevLexMat or MatStdDegRevLex etc
After skype with Anna: we prefer the nicer sounding names.
So I'll change the names in CoCoALib so that *@Mat@* is a ...
John Abbott
15:11 Bug #820: NewMatMinimize, NewMatCompleteOrd - a godforsaken mess!
John Abbott wrote:
> Perhaps @MakeTermOrd@ or @MakePositiveTermOrdering@, or something similar?
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:03 Bug #820: NewMatMinimize, NewMatCompleteOrd - a godforsaken mess!
I do not much like the names @CompleteToOrd@ and @NewMatCompleteOrd@.
Perhaps @MakeTermOrd@ or @MakePositiveTermO...
John Abbott
15:08 Design #832 (New): Generalize grading matrix
Currently matrices for gradings must be full rank and have no negative entries.
In princicple we could accept negati...
Anna Maria Bigatti

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