



From 23 Aug 2015 to 21 Sep 2015

21 Sep 2015

14:20 Slug #773 (Feedback): DMPZmerge: make non-recursive
I have checked in a cleaned up version of the new code.
I hope Christof will verify that this version is still fine.
John Abbott
13:48 Slug #773: DMPZmerge: make non-recursive
I can confirm that it is working with your quickly hacked code! Christof Soeger

18 Sep 2015

14:41 Slug #773: DMPZmerge: make non-recursive
I have now rewritten the hacked code in a cleaner way, but shall still wait for confirmation from the Normaliz group ... John Abbott

17 Sep 2015

22:10 Bug #779: Makefile: problem not seeing when files in TmpFactorDir need to be rebuilt
Since files in @TmpFactorDir@ change very rarely, it is probably not worth fixing the @Makefile@. The time would be ... John Abbott
22:08 Bug #779 (New): Makefile: problem not seeing when files in TmpFactorDir need to be rebuilt
@make@ did not notice when I modified the file @src/AlgebraicCore/TmpFactorDir/multivariate/DMPZ.c@ so did not recomp... John Abbott
21:54 Slug #773 (In Progress): DMPZmerge: make non-recursive
I have had a "quick hack" at the code. The CoCoA/CoCoALib tests all pass, but I'm not sure that any of them actually... John Abbott
20:26 Design #778 (In Progress): CRTMill::myAddInfo accept modulus 1 or not?
The possible approaches are:
(A) always give error when an input modulus is 1 (but awkward for starting a CRT loop)
John Abbott
20:21 Design #778: CRTMill::myAddInfo accept modulus 1 or not?
JAA found the bug when trying to run a CRT loop in CoCoA-5. The initial CRT residue-modulus pair was naturally (0,1)... John Abbott
20:16 Design #778 (In Progress): CRTMill::myAddInfo accept modulus 1 or not?
Should the mem fn @CRTMill::myAddInfo@ accept a residue-modulus pair with modulus equal to 1?
Such a pair actually a...
John Abbott
20:04 Bug #776 (Feedback): FloatStr prints a NUL character
The bug was some overly delicate bug in @ILogBase@ implemented in @BigRat.C@; I had forgotten to allow for possible f... John Abbott
18:42 Bug #776 (In Progress): FloatStr prints a NUL character
The problem seems to be ILogBase(...,10) giving a wrong result: it gives -9 instead of -10.
John Abbott

15 Sep 2015

22:34 Slug #777: SLUG: elimination
I'm not sure how long the elim took (perhaps 20-30mins?)
The input is simple, the output not even that large (deg=72)...
John Abbott
22:31 Slug #777 (In Progress): SLUG: elimination
The following @elim@ is very slow... why?... John Abbott
21:54 Bug #776: FloatStr prints a NUL character
JAA is sure that smaller examples exist (but too tired to search now).
*NOTE* it seems that redmine does not like ha...
John Abbott
21:53 Bug #776 (Closed): FloatStr prints a NUL character
@FloatStr@ prints out a NUL character in some cases.... John Abbott
20:18 Feature #775: PPMonoid with 1 extra "exponent"?
If I recall well, this is what Schoenemann said Singular does.
Maybe we could restrict the accepted orderings to j...
John Abbott
20:15 Feature #775 (New): PPMonoid with 1 extra "exponent"?
It might be worth offering a @PPMonoid@ whose internal repr for a PP contains an expv and one extra @long@.
If the...
John Abbott
20:11 Support #774 (Closed): Rename file PPMonoidEvZZ
The file @PPMonoidEvZZ@ contains a class called @PPMonoidBigEv@; change the file name? John Abbott
16:15 Slug #773: DMPZmerge: make non-recursive
Problem was signalled by email (from Winfried Bruns, Bogdan Ichim on 2015-09-14). It appears to be a stack overflow:... John Abbott
16:14 Slug #773 (Closed): DMPZmerge: make non-recursive
The fn @DMPZmerge@ is recursive; this is a problem when dealing with large polys.
Rewrite it to be iterative.
John Abbott

06 Sep 2015

14:04 Design #769: CoCoALib cone
I think the CoCoALib cone should always exist. Even if it can do basically nothing. But otherwise a user would have t... Christof Soeger

04 Sep 2015

20:14 Design #769: CoCoALib cone
Anders pointed out that normaliz's interpretation of "const" is probably more threadsafe than gfan's John Abbott
17:49 Design #769 (In Progress): CoCoALib cone
Here is a suggested design.
A CoCoALib cone object typically contains both a normaliz cone and a gfan cone. Obvio...
John Abbott
15:19 Design #769: CoCoALib cone
Normaliz 2.99 now includes the "double cone" idea we had used in CoCoALib; this means that the CoCoALib impl can be s... John Abbott

03 Sep 2015

16:50 Design #769 (In Progress): CoCoALib cone
Make a cone type which includes Normaliz and Gfan cones.
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:41 Feature #758 (In Progress): configure: have option to say to look for external libs
Christof reports having seen a form like @--with-extlib=system@ to mean that @extlib@ is automatically sought in the ... John Abbott

02 Sep 2015

13:01 Feature #765 (In Progress): ExternalLib-CDD: (needed by GFan)
Compilation of CDD needed some tweaking, expecially making it compatible with GFan.
(see documentation for ExternalL...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:11 Design #764: ExternalLib: simplify configuration
All the external libraries now have symbolic links in @configuration/ExternalLibs/{include,lib}@.
Then it should be ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:57 Design #764 (Closed): ExternalLib: simplify configuration
I've recently added GFan. (in @configure@ file)
It took me a few hours (modifying settings for Frobby) to get all t...
Anna Maria Bigatti

01 Sep 2015

12:14 Design #763: GlobalManager: initialization compatible with initialization of external libs
Here is why the situation could be quite "delicate".
Prior to using CoCoALib and GfanLib some initialization must ...
John Abbott
11:39 Design #763: GlobalManager: initialization compatible with initialization of external libs
There is no problem with @libnormaliz@ because it does nothing fancy.
John Abbott
11:38 Design #763 (In Progress): GlobalManager: initialization compatible with initialization of external libs
[during meeting in Aarhus]
Anders asked about the following scenario:
a program uses both CoCoALib and GfanLib, an...
John Abbott
12:08 Slug #742: View PP exponent vector (and order vector?) as an array of long?
For me all the timings are the same:... Christof Soeger
11:30 Slug #742: View PP exponent vector (and order vector?) as an array of long?
Could someone else try to run the test program on a decent machine with a recent compiler?
My conclusion from the ...
John Abbott
11:21 Feature #180: GlobalManager: registration of global variables
[during meeting in Aarhus with Anders, Anna and Christof]
It was pointed out that external libs may want to store Co...
John Abbott
11:17 Feature #638: Time limit: let user specify time limit for a computation
My comment in note 2 about using the system "alarm" mechanism might fit in quite well with the @CheckForInterrupt@ me... John Abbott
11:09 Feature #762: ExternalLib-GFan: first prototype
What do we want?
- cones (CoCoACone=NmzCone+GFan, or two separate implementations inheriting from a base class)
- f...
Anna Maria Bigatti

30 Aug 2015

16:46 Feature #762: ExternalLib-GFan: first prototype
Get inspiration from Macaulay2:
Anna Maria Bigatti

28 Aug 2015

09:02 Feature #762 (Closed): ExternalLib-GFan: first prototype
Make a first prototype of communication with GFan.
(more evolved and specific tasks will be separate issues)
Anna Maria Bigatti

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