



From 20 Oct 2014 to 18 Nov 2014

17 Nov 2014

16:04 Design #649: Make SmallFpImpl safer to use
I've just wasted a good hour trying to figure out why my new code was about 10% slower than the old code.
The reason...
John Abbott
11:54 Feature #651: Optimized algorithms for implicitization (slicing algorithm, elim, subalgebra..)
JAA has implemented in C++/CoCoALib (first prototypes of): @ImplicitDirect@ (with variants @LPP@ and @WithCond@), als... John Abbott
11:38 Bug #648 (Closed): QBGenerator crashes
John Abbott

13 Nov 2014

13:44 Feature #651 (In Progress): Optimized algorithms for implicitization (slicing algorithm, elim, subalgebra..)
(may keywords in the title to simplify future searches ;-)
Investigate new algorithms for implicitization, i.e. fi...
Anna Maria Bigatti

12 Nov 2014

19:03 Design #649: Make SmallFpImpl safer to use
I have implemented both (1) and (2). A quick comparison suggests that they are roughly equal in speed (but I'm still... John Abbott
11:30 Design #649: Make SmallFpImpl safer to use
It is not true that approach (1) allows the user to use 0 and 1 as arguments to the memfns. In fact, the only use in... John Abbott

11 Nov 2014

23:20 Bug #593: Temporary directories used during configuration
I have had further problems with @trap@ in the script on some Linux boxes. This is further moti... John Abbott
23:13 Design #649 (In Progress): Make SmallFpImpl safer to use
Here are 2 candidate solutions:
# use a new type for the values (_e.g._ a class or struct containing the currently us...
John Abbott
23:03 Design #649: Make SmallFpImpl safer to use
The problem is that all the member functions accept any integral type, but most should accept only @SmallFpImpl::valu... John Abbott
22:58 Design #649 (Closed): Make SmallFpImpl safer to use
After having wasted an hour or two tracking down a bug (in code which looked "obviously correct"), I want to make @Sm... John Abbott
14:13 Bug #648 (Resolved): QBGenerator crashes
I think I may have solved the issue: my code wrote one place beyond the end of a vector (and presumably this overwrot... John Abbott
12:09 Bug #648: QBGenerator crashes
The bug did not show up on a (32-bit) Linux VM; nor on a 32-bit Linux netbook.
The bug does not arise when compile...
John Abbott
09:50 Bug #648: QBGenerator crashes
Still not tracked down the bug :-(
The bug vanishes when I use @valgrind@ -- how can that be?
The bug persists ...
John Abbott

10 Nov 2014

21:43 Bug #648: QBGenerator crashes
Trying to find a simple program which produces the bug; first attempts failed.
Also trying @valgrind@.
John Abbott
21:22 Bug #648 (Closed): QBGenerator crashes
I have a program which causes @QBGenerator@ to produce a SEGV.
Even just printing the @QBGenerator@ causes a SEGV:
John Abbott
16:55 Design #647: Unique copies of free modules?
Are the concepts of *free module with shifts* and *free module without shifts* distinct?
Note that the notion of s...
John Abbott
16:51 Design #647: Unique copies of free modules?
Currently I'm considering offer two ways of "creating" a free module:
# "create" a unique free module (of dim @n@ ov...
John Abbott
16:45 Design #647: Unique copies of free modules?
After speaking to Anna... here are some aspects to consider:
* a major use of modules in CoCoA is for syzygy modules...
John Abbott
16:36 Design #647 (New): Unique copies of free modules?
Discuss having unique copies of free modules; or at least that the default creation mechanism should not produce dist... John Abbott

04 Nov 2014

19:02 Bug #232: No test for QBGenerator
I notice that there are two mem fns with the following names: @myCornerPPIntoQB@ and @myCornerIntoAvoidSet@. Shouldn... John Abbott
17:46 Feature #645: Automatic mapping of RingElem: user selectable at run-time (GlobalManager?)
What I should have said originally is: *if* _we decide to do automatic mapping of @RingElem@ in CoCoALib_ *then* _we ... John Abbott
17:24 Feature #645: Automatic mapping of RingElem: user selectable at run-time (GlobalManager?)
I'm a bit uneasy about this....
Making the automatic mapping working generally would involve a lot of code.... or ar...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:34 Feature #645: Automatic mapping of RingElem: user selectable at run-time (GlobalManager?)
Since the flag would have to be global, it makes sense to put it inside the @GlobalManager@.
If the flag is simply...
John Abbott
11:28 Feature #645 (Rejected): Automatic mapping of RingElem: user selectable at run-time (GlobalManager?)
I suggest that in CoCoALib we give the user the option to have automatic mapping of @RingElem@ values.
For instanc...
John Abbott

30 Oct 2014

15:50 Design #642: Move code in test file into namespace CoCoA
I'm wondering whether it may be better/cleaner/clearer to move @using std::cerr@ to inside @main@. It's not importan... John Abbott
14:22 Design #642 (In Progress): Move code in test file into namespace CoCoA
20141030 JAA has done @test-[A-I]*.C@ John Abbott

29 Oct 2014

13:38 Feature #644: Buchberger-Moeller: add option to stop as soon as 1 poly has been found
I wonder whether this proposal is actually what we want.
I imagine that the intended use is:
# generate (conceptu...
John Abbott
12:43 Feature #644 (New): Buchberger-Moeller: add option to stop as soon as 1 poly has been found
Add option to compute just the first gen of an ideal of points. This may be useful for computing implicitizations (f... John Abbott
11:58 Design #641 (Feedback): Clean test-FreeModule1
test-FreeModule1 does not print
test-FreeModule2 prints because it calls the same functions with different co...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:44 Design #641: Clean test-FreeModule1
Similar comment applies to @test-FreeModule2.C@
John Abbott
11:28 Design #641 (Closed): Clean test-FreeModule1
@test-FreeModule1@ prints out many values rather than checking that the result is as expected.
John Abbott
11:47 Design #642 (Closed): Move code in test file into namespace CoCoA
For improved portability/robustness, move all code (except @main@) in test files into @namespace CoCoA@. John Abbott
11:30 Bug #640: What is test-Dynamic1.C
Note that @test-Dynamic1.C@ is not listed in the @Makefile@, and in its current form does not compile. Also its name... John Abbott
11:27 Bug #640: What is test-Dynamic1.C
It is a test for "dynamic-Groebner" written by Massimo Caboara a long time ago.
It is worth maintaining it because I...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:10 Bug #640 (New): What is test-Dynamic1.C
I'm updating the tests manually.
What is the file @test-Dynamic1.C@?
Who wrote it? When?
If we want to keep i...
John Abbott

28 Oct 2014

16:11 Design #619 (Feedback): Modulus (for CRTMill) ambiguous
Implemented; all tests pass. Updated doc.
Oddly, no tests called these fns; nor any examples -- rectify?
John Abbott
15:44 Design #619: Modulus (for CRTMill) ambiguous
As Anna pointed out the names *@CombinedModulus@* and *@CombinedResidue@* are very clear (though long). Since it see... John Abbott
15:34 Feature #639: Shadow CoCoA namespace to help guarantee portability (without ambiguity)
Perhaps it is not so crucial to do this; or, at least, there may be a good compromise.
It is irritating when an am...
John Abbott
15:26 Feature #639: Shadow CoCoA namespace to help guarantee portability (without ambiguity)
I don't know if this would really be worth the trouble.
I'm not even entirely sure that it would give the guarante...
John Abbott
15:21 Feature #639 (New): Shadow CoCoA namespace to help guarantee portability (without ambiguity)
Some problems of ambiguity in the CoCoALib source code have recently arisen. They have appeared because recent versi... John Abbott

27 Oct 2014

12:44 Feature #638: Time limit: let user specify time limit for a computation
I'm not sure about your @TimeOut@ proposal. We should talk about details before making any decision. I'm inclined t... John Abbott
12:39 Feature #638 (In Progress): Time limit: let user specify time limit for a computation
I agree that GBasis computation is the obvious candidate (are there any others?).
I am unclear about whether the tim...
John Abbott
11:34 Feature #638: Time limit: let user specify time limit for a computation
John Abbott wrote:
> I believe it would be simplest to start with time limits being allowed only for certain functio...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:08 Feature #638: Time limit: let user specify time limit for a computation
I believe it would be simplest to start with time limits being allowed only for certain functions. Amongst other thi... John Abbott
11:02 Feature #638: Time limit: let user specify time limit for a computation
There is a built-in system "timer/alarm" mechanism which works via signals; I do not know much about this (incl. how... John Abbott
10:51 Feature #638: Time limit: let user specify time limit for a computation
What exactly does Robbiano want?
* setting a time limit should be accessible from CoCoA-5
* should it be a general ...
John Abbott
10:45 Feature #638 (Closed): Time limit: let user specify time limit for a computation
Robbiano asked whether it would be possible to allow a user to specify a (CPU) time limit for a computation.
John Abbott
10:03 Bug #631: Ambiguous: rank for matrix (in ex-matrix1.C)
In comment 5 I suggesting putting all code in namespace @CoCoA@; perhaps we should try doing this for some CoCoALib t... John Abbott

22 Oct 2014

14:39 Bug #593: Temporary directories used during configuration
Christof reported problems with my one of my shell scripts which uses the @trap@ facility to guarantee proper cleanin... John Abbott

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