



From 22 Feb 2013 to 23 Mar 2013

20 Mar 2013

23:22 Feature #127: Convert DUPFF code to C++
I've rewritten most of the @DUPFF@ code in C++ (_i.e._ using @DUPFp@).
Still need to do:
# CVS check-in (*done 2013-...
John Abbott
23:17 Design #254 (In Progress): How to return a Hilbert Series in CoCoALib
Here is a suggestion: a @RECORD@ with two fields @numer@ and @denom@ where
* @numer@ is a polynomial,
* and @denom@ i...
John Abbott

19 Mar 2013

10:35 Design #254: How to return a Hilbert Series in CoCoALib
Any news on it?
In libnormaliz it is a vector for the coefficients of the numerator and a map for the exponents of...
Christof Soeger

15 Mar 2013

17:40 Bug #326: C++ nasty surprises
*2013-03-14* Got burned in @OrdvArith.C@ (fn @CmpWDegPartial@) by a silent conversion from @unsigned long@ to @signed... John Abbott
17:35 Feature #3 (Closed): implement creation of a PPMonoidElement from vector<BigInt>
(2013-03-14) This work has already been done some time ago -- just updating the redmine entry. John Abbott
17:05 Design #268: Exponent range (in power products)
*2013-03-14* Soeger+Bruns report via email about 10% slow down when using *(C)* rather than *(B)*.
John Abbott
16:32 Feature #269: PPMonoids: check for exponent overflow in power function
All tests pass on my machine. Anna Maria Bigatti
16:28 Feature #269 (Feedback): PPMonoids: check for exponent overflow in power function
Some casual tests were passed without problem; so I have checked in everything.
Changing status to feedback.
John Abbott
15:59 Feature #223: Automatic mapping of RingElems
cvs-ed Anna Maria Bigatti
15:36 Feature #223 (Feedback): Automatic mapping of RingElems
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:12 Bug #22 (Feedback): Rename PPMonoidEvZZ?
The class names are not public, so i have made them descriptive (and thus long).
I have changed the interface of the...
John Abbott

12 Mar 2013

10:16 Slug #329 (New): Why is DMPI slower than DMPClean?
Try the following program; and then again but making @P@ a @NewPolyRing_DMPI@.
The times I get are: clean=20s, DMPI=...
John Abbott

08 Mar 2013

16:36 Feature #223 (Resolved): Automatic mapping of RingElems
I added *RingElem(R, rhs)* with rsh a RingElem in a ring S such that there exists a CanonicalHom S->R
(both to CoCoA...
Anna Maria Bigatti

05 Mar 2013

18:16 Feature #320 (Rejected): PPMonoid pseudo-ctors without symbol names
Both Anna and John think this issue should be rejected.
John Abbott

04 Mar 2013

11:27 Bug #327 (Closed): C++ integer shift operators
JAA believes he has checked all CoCoALib code, and that there are no suspect uses of the shift operators.
The fact...
John Abbott

27 Feb 2013

17:36 Bug #327 (Closed): C++ integer shift operators
The effect of the integer shift operators in C++ is *UNDEFINED* if the shift amount is greater than or equal to the w... John Abbott
17:33 Bug #326 (In Progress): C++ nasty surprises
This "issue" is just to collect links to issues where we got burned by strange/unexpected C++ behaviour.
If you ge...
John Abbott

26 Feb 2013

18:17 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
Curious! We created @MachineInt@ deliberately to "combine" all the various integral types into just one type which w... John Abbott
17:17 Support #302: Compilation on M$Windows: Visual Studio
So now I tested to compile the CoCoA lib for x64 Windows with the Intel compiler in MSVS2010. I have to say MSVS is a... Christof Soeger
17:54 Design #268 (Feedback): Exponent range (in power products)
JAA has modified @config.H@ so that @SmallExponent_t@ is now @unsigned int@.
Waiting for confirmation from Anna th...
John Abbott
17:40 Feature #320 (In Progress): PPMonoid pseudo-ctors without symbol names
John and Anna do not yet agree on what names should be given to the indets in a PPM created by these fns: John prefer... John Abbott
17:27 Feature #300 (Feedback): Add fault tolerant rational reconstruction to library
Should I really add a test for @RatReconstructWithBounds@?
John Abbott

22 Feb 2013

20:03 Feature #300: Add fault tolerant rational reconstruction to library
Added new fns to CoCoA-5 @RatReconstructByContFrac@ and @RatReconstructByLattice@; added doc.
Modified ctors: they no...
John Abbott

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