



From 30 Oct 2012 to 28 Nov 2012

28 Nov 2012

11:38 Feature #50 (Feedback): Polynomial content
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:37 Feature #51 (Feedback): polynomial coefficient extraction w.r.t. variable
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:34 Feature #278 (Closed): add CoeffVecWRT to cocoalib
Write C++ code for *@CoeffVecWRT@*, corresponding to the cocoa-5 function CoeffListWRT (with indices shifted by 1, as... Anna Maria Bigatti
11:02 Feature #215: Janet Bases: check and include code in CoCoALib (first prototype)
Last night I tried compiling CoCoALib on my old Mac G5, and the compiler reported a problem in @TmpJBSet.H@ -- the da... John Abbott

23 Nov 2012

18:24 Bug #277 (New): Eliminate class RefPPMonoidElem?
Recently I eliminated the class @RefRingElem@ for ring elements.
Should I do the same for *@RefPPMonoidElem@*?
John Abbott

22 Nov 2012

15:00 Feature #127 (In Progress): Convert DUPFF code to C++
JAA has written a first prototype.
It works, but is 10% slower than the old C code for multiplication - why???
John Abbott
12:45 Feature #144 (Resolved): Buchberger-Moeller: generic impl
JAA has implemented a first prototype in CoCoALib.
It works on two simple examples. Still need to:
* make it accessi...
John Abbott

19 Nov 2012

10:42 Feature #121: Porting "IdealOfPoints"
I think that the good old code should be linked first.
Making a proper clean Chinese Remaindering in CoCoALib will r...
Anna Maria Bigatti

31 Oct 2012

14:17 Feature #92: Error Codes: BadIndex
Here is note for accumulating ideas for structuring CoCoALib exceptions:
(1) create _CannotDivide_ which has two sub...
John Abbott
13:55 Feature #248: IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
The main question is precisely when should @IsDivisible@ return false?
Assuming @x,y,z@ are all @RingElem@...
John Abbott
13:34 Feature #248: IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
Currently the function
@bool IsDivisible(ConstRefRingElem num, ConstRefRingElem den)@
returns *false* if den=0.
I ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

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