



From 20 Oct 2012 to 18 Nov 2012

31 Oct 2012

14:17 Feature #92: Error Codes: BadIndex
Here is note for accumulating ideas for structuring CoCoALib exceptions:
(1) create _CannotDivide_ which has two sub...
John Abbott
13:55 Feature #248: IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
The main question is precisely when should @IsDivisible@ return false?
Assuming @x,y,z@ are all @RingElem@...
John Abbott
13:34 Feature #248: IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
Currently the function
@bool IsDivisible(ConstRefRingElem num, ConstRefRingElem den)@
returns *false* if den=0.
I ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

26 Oct 2012

17:14 Feature #221 (Resolved): Better RingElems
Updated the doc for RingElem.
Might be necessary to revise the example progs?
John Abbott
17:13 Feature #261 (Resolved): Review the utility of RefRingElem
I have updated the doc for RingElem and friends.
It probably needs some more work, but I'm taking a rest over the we...
John Abbott

24 Oct 2012

18:25 Design #272: Forward declarations
yes! I'm not sure how easy/difficult it is going to be to group them: looking at the documentation page:
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:56 Design #272 (New): Forward declarations
The C++ STL offers a header file *@<iosfwd>@* which contains forward declarations of the types used for input/output ... John Abbott
16:56 Feature #261: Review the utility of RefRingElem
confirm: all compiles and runs smoothly :-) Anna Maria Bigatti
16:32 Feature #261: Review the utility of RefRingElem
I have renamed the class @ConstRefRingelem@ into *@RingElemAlias@*, and introduced a new typedef for *@ConstRefRingEl... John Abbott

22 Oct 2012

17:52 Feature #248: IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
John Abbott wrote:
> Question: what does this function do to the value in *@r@* if the quotient does not exist?
> 1 t...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:36 Feature #269: PPMonoids: check for exponent overflow in power function
We need a function sounding like "myIsTooBigForExponent(EXP)" to be called before ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

20 Oct 2012

11:38 Feature #248: IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
OK, we can add *@IsDivisible(r, r1, r2)@* as Anna proposes; I'm not convinced it is the best possible interface, but ... John Abbott
11:16 Bug #119: CoCoA4io
All files which exist just for the @CoCoAServer@ should be in the *@src/server/@* directory (rather than @src/Algebra... John Abbott
11:08 Design #268: Exponent range (in power products)
I ran the (old) benchmark set (inside @src/server/@).
There was *no real difference in speed* between a compilation ...
John Abbott

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