



From 24 May 2012 to 22 Jun 2012

22 Jun 2012

12:47 Bug #196 (New): PPWithMask needs checking
which functions give guarantees and which don't?
better be more clear and consistent.
Check also if PPMonoidFast ca...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:47 Support #75: Documentation review by Caleo
Alessandra reports:
* doc for *@PPWithMask@* needs major improvement (and also the impl)
* *@ex-PPWithMask2.C@* nee...
John Abbott
12:03 Support #195 (Closed): OrdvArith documentation needs rewriting
Alessandra Caleo noticed that OrdvArith seems to be quite messy: includes parts about PPOrdering and is not clear why... Anna Maria Bigatti

20 Jun 2012

10:52 Bug #190: Subtle ref count bug for poly rings (via CoeffEmbeddingHom)
JAA sees two mutually exclusive ways of solving the problem:
# fix the ref counting so that it always works correctly...
John Abbott

19 Jun 2012

17:04 Feature #174: IsStdGraded: add for PPOrdering, PPMonoid, (Sparse)PolyRing..
John Abbott wrote:
> Should modules also have an @IsStdGraded@?
> *Note* we have already used the abbrev @std@ for ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:38 Bug #190 (Closed): Subtle ref count bug for poly rings (via CoeffEmbeddingHom)
The function below looks perfectly reasonable, but it creates a *dangling reference*... John Abbott

18 Jun 2012

16:11 Feature #157: Separate ThreadsafeCounter from symbol.C
Yes, in its current form it requires BOOST.
I can add some *@#ifdef@* directive to make it compile without BOOST (an...
John Abbott
11:31 Feature #157: Separate ThreadsafeCounter from symbol.C
Does this mean that users are now forced to have boost, or we can have a non-threadsafe version without boost?
Anna Maria Bigatti

11 Jun 2012

15:41 Support #75: Documentation review by Caleo
doc for degree and PPVector needs a bit of cleaning (but is comprehensible anyway)
PPWithMask has a (now useless) ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

08 Jun 2012

22:16 Feature #174: IsStdGraded: add for PPOrdering, PPMonoid, (Sparse)PolyRing..
Should modules also have an @IsStdGraded@?
*Note* we have already used the abbrev @std@ for standard (_e.g._ *@StdDe...
John Abbott
19:09 Support #26: Redmine Administration
JAA is not keen on such automatic methods. We should try harder to be diligent about updating the percentages. If w... John Abbott
17:59 Support #26 (In Progress): Redmine Administration
If I understend well (but I think it is dangerous to test it) that we can have percentege set automatically based on ... Anna Maria Bigatti

07 Jun 2012

23:11 Feature #180 (Closed): GlobalManager: registration of global variables
Add a feature to *@GlobalManager@* which mimics the Unix fn *@atexit@*.
This allows users to register pseudo-dtors...
John Abbott
22:57 Bug #178: IsHomog: should it throw an error when there is no grading?
Yes, I think throwing an error is best(=safest) in this case. Same applies to any other "homog" function.
John Abbott
17:17 Bug #178 (Closed): IsHomog: should it throw an error when there is no grading?
Here is a piece of code from CoCoA-5... Anna Maria Bigatti

01 Jun 2012

17:43 Feature #174 (New): IsStdGraded: add for PPOrdering, PPMonoid, (Sparse)PolyRing..
Which types should offer *@IsStdGraded@*?
Port it also to CoCoA-5
Anna Maria Bigatti

31 May 2012

17:39 Feature #167 (Closed): Integer operations
Anna Maria Bigatti

30 May 2012

18:02 Support #75: Documentation review by Caleo
Alessandra has looked at the doc and examples for:
* @PPMonoid@ -- approved by Alessandra!
* @symbol@ -- approved b...
John Abbott
13:40 Bug #63 (Closed): Add links to examples in documentation
Anna Maria Bigatti

29 May 2012

18:45 Feature #153 (Closed): Shorter simpler names for some bool3 values and functions
I've written a simple example -- I hope Alessandra Caleo likes it!
John Abbott
10:07 Feature #153 (Resolved): Shorter simpler names for some bool3 values and functions
Implemented the last suggestion, that way we can try it. Remember that *@bool3@* may eventually be replaced by *@tri... John Abbott
16:16 Feature #157 (Closed): Separate ThreadsafeCounter from symbol.C
Separated *@ThreadsafeCounter@*; written documentation.
Used @ThreadsafeCounter@ inside @NewRingID@ in @ring.C@.
John Abbott

28 May 2012

17:10 Feature #153: Shorter simpler names for some bool3 values and functions
Proposal for shorter names: *@IsTrue3@* and *@IsFalse3@* and *@IsUncertain3@*
Propose replacing @DefinitelyTrue@, ...
John Abbott
16:25 Feature #157: Separate ThreadsafeCounter from symbol.C
JAA is not sure how to test the threadsafe counter since we don't know how to compile and run multithreaded programs.... John Abbott
16:20 Bug #22: Rename PPMonoidEvZZ?
A "very small exp" version may be slightly faster because more PPs fit in the cache, but I doubt the slight gain woul... John Abbott
16:13 Feature #156 (Closed): Brand new symbol(s)
I've cleaned the code, and updated the documentation.
Note: Task #157 will make a further change to this one.
John Abbott
15:54 Feature #40: Squarefree factorization - Alessio d'Ali`
Alessio has written a prototype test program; he will improve it.
He has added some detail to the report.
John Abbott
14:11 Support #160 (Closed): Cleanup doc for rings
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:31 Feature #167: Integer operations
I've moved (into *@IntOperations@*) and reorganized all the integer functions. There were lots of consequential chan... John Abbott

25 May 2012

14:42 Feature #167: Integer operations
Problem originally arose in CoCoA-5, but the solution lies in changes to CoCoALib.
John Abbott
14:41 Feature #167 (In Progress): Integer operations
The hard part will be all the consequential changes. John Abbott

24 May 2012

16:19 Feature #167 (Closed): Integer operations
While adding *@IsDivisible@* for integers, it was not clear where to put the declarations and definitions. So far th... John Abbott

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