



From 08 Jan 2022 to 06 Feb 2022

06 Feb 2022

08:58 CoCoA-5 Support #1471: Release CoCoA-5.4.0
Current CVS compiles, runs and all tests pass on Linux-64, Linux-32 and my old MacBook.
John Abbott

05 Feb 2022

21:05 CoCoA-5 Support #1455 (In Progress): In a release: which files inside the CoCoAManual
I have changed the impl of the fn @copy-CoCoAManual@. I have checked it in without testing!!
*Anna:* please check m...
John Abbott
20:40 CoCoA-5 Support #1455: In a release: which files inside the CoCoAManual
I do not like the function @copy-CoCoAManual@ in the script
Currently it copies everything, and...
John Abbott
20:30 CoCoALib Support #1481 (In Progress): Release CoCoALib 0.99800
John Abbott
20:19 CoCoALib Feature #958: New function: multiplicity and dim
Postpone? John Abbott
20:17 CoCoALib Support #1591: Compilation of Normaliz
I compiled normaliz on my old MacBook without any problems (following the instructions above, in comment 10).
John Abbott
20:16 CoCoALib Support #26: Redmine Administration
According to the message at the bottom of each screen in redmine, the version we are using is about 5 years ago.
We ...
John Abbott
20:13 CoCoALib Support #1612: Merge the doc file RadicalMembership.txt into ideal.txt
I have renamed the files as in comment 2.
Any chance of getting the doc sorted out?
John Abbott
20:05 CoCoALib Feature #1645: Implement monic0(f) for the case monic(0)?
Since I am hoping to make a release quite quickly, I prefer to postpone this issue to the next release (so we have ti... John Abbott
19:41 CoCoALib Feature #1235 (Resolved): FreeModule: get canonical basis
I have made a trivial impl (& written short doc).
Must also make available from CoCoA-5 (with doc).
John Abbott
17:51 CoCoALib Design #1528: MacOS compilation with clang
I have just tried "mindlessly" changing names as suggested above on my MacBook.
That did indeed eliminate those tedi...
John Abbott
13:18 CoCoALib Design #1528: MacOS compilation with clang
I compiled on my MacBook yesterday, and all went well except for numerous warning about "hidden member fn" (or simila... John Abbott

04 Feb 2022

22:38 CoCoALib Design #854: Function MakeTermOrd should be renamed MakeTermOrdMat?
Now everything compiles and all tests pass.
Will check in soon.
I think I have changed the doc too!
John Abbott
22:17 CoCoALib Design #854 (Feedback): Function MakeTermOrd should be renamed MakeTermOrdMat?
I have just renamed @MakeTermOrd@ to *@MakeTermOrdMat@*.
Checking that everything compiles; then will check in.
John Abbott
22:36 CoCoALib Slug #1057: Slug: Polynomial ring contructor slow with (big) matrix ordering
The first line in commenrt 10 above is still about 50s... too slow!
How long does it take to compute the det of a 50...
John Abbott
22:11 CoCoALib Support #1591 (Feedback): Compilation of Normaliz
John Abbott
21:12 CoCoALib Support #1591: Compilation of Normaliz
I compiled Normaliz without any problems: here are my notes:... John Abbott
22:07 CoCoALib Feature #1589 (Closed): IdealOfPoints: allow matrix of points to be defined over "wrong" ring
This has been in feedback for 4 months without incident, so we can close.
John Abbott
22:05 CoCoALib Support #1265: Unregistered TXT files in doc
There is a file called @SparsePolyOps.txt@ which seems to be devoid of meaningful content.
There are several files w...
John Abbott
22:00 CoCoALib Support #613: Which ubuntu / debian packages are needed to compile CoCoA
This should be updated after I have updated my Linux box (still on Ubuntu 18.04).
John Abbott
21:57 CoCoALib Design #1346: C++14: use the new for loop syntax where appropriate (like cocoa's foreach)
How should this be done in a systematic way (which can be paused)?
Postponing since it is just "tidying up".
We mus...
John Abbott
21:54 CoCoALib Design #855: Copyright and authorship?
This is another "long and tedious" job. It needs to be done, but better when time pressure is less.
John Abbott
21:52 CoCoALib Design #1653 (Closed): Discriminant: return value
John Abbott
21:51 CoCoALib Support #1555: Software licence
This should not be hard, but will probably take quite a lot of time... which is very scarce at the moment.
John Abbott
21:50 CoCoALib Design #1547 (Closed): Require decimal mode for ostream?
John Abbott
21:49 CoCoALib Design #1655: Remove ability to compile CoCoALib against UNINSTALLED gmp?
*Anna* please check everything is OK on your computer!
John Abbott
21:48 CoCoALib Design #1625 (Closed): Use new C++ keyword override
No one has howled in the last 3 months, so closing.
Maybe on the next trip to Genoa I can check on Anna's computer.
John Abbott
21:44 CoCoALib Bug #1601 (Closed): Compilation ambiguity
Let's cross our fingers and hope that the problem has gone away by the time we jump to C++20.
Closing this issue.......
John Abbott
21:40 CoCoALib Support #618: Instructions for compiling libnormaliz
*This probably needs changing* after issue #1655.
How does this issue differ from #1591 ?
John Abbott
21:37 CoCoALib Feature #1488: BuiltIn Interreduce-Function
This is still not documented -- Anna can you do this?
Should the code be put into @SparsePolyOps-vector@?
John Abbott
21:33 CoCoALib Bug #1656 (Closed): SEGV in resultant
I have added a test to @exbugs.cocoa5@ -- the one given in the description.
John Abbott
21:31 CoCoALib Slug #1517 (Closed): RandomLinearForm
The code works. If there is a real use-case where the low speed is a problem then we can create a new issue.
I thin...
John Abbott
21:24 CoCoALib Feature #1633 (Closed): Make polynomial multiplication interruptible?
John Abbott
21:23 CoCoALib Design #1627 (Closed): Use keyword "delete" for deleted functions
Maybe not perfect, but surely most cases have been added.
Not time efficient to search for any missed cases. Closing.
John Abbott
21:20 CoCoALib Slug #1375 (Closed): Radical 0-dim: varied timings
Maybe the current impl is not perfect, but it is good enough for these tests.
John Abbott
21:14 CoCoALib Support #1618 (Closed): Tidy ex-RingElem2
This has been at 90% for 3 months.
Cannot be bothered to check now. Just closing.
John Abbott
14:34 CoCoA-5 Feature #1272: Groebner Bases over ZZ
I have documented @MinGBoverZZ@ but no other function. It is clearly marked as @[PROTOTYPE]@.
The package is now ca...
John Abbott

03 Feb 2022

20:14 CoCoA-5 Bug #1244 (In Progress): MSatLinSolve: req minor improvements
I have added a quick test in @BuiltinFunctions-MathSAT.C@.
A very quick test worked as hoped. But it needs more tes...
John Abbott
20:02 CoCoA-5 Feature #1415: thmproving package
Even something hasty is perhaps better than nothing?
John Abbott
20:01 CoCoA-5 Support #1471 (In Progress): Release CoCoA-5.4.0
I have been postponing lots of issues which cannot be closed in the very immediate future.
I really hope we can get ...
John Abbott
19:41 CoCoA-5 Support #1471: Release CoCoA-5.4.0
If we do make a hurried release (as I recommend), should we include a "health warning" that it is a hasty release?
John Abbott
18:52 CoCoA-5 Support #1471: Release CoCoA-5.4.0
I'm wondering whether we should release 5.3.4 as soon as practicable... otherwise I doubt I'll be able to help make a... John Abbott
19:57 CoCoA-5 Support #1393: GUI with Qt5
I do not want to lose this, but there is never time... grrr!
John Abbott
19:51 CoCoA-5 Feature #1549: Add sagbi package
Either do it fast for 5.3.4, or postpone to next release!
If you can write some simple doc quickly, we get the benef...
John Abbott
19:48 CoCoA-5 Design #929: Clean up CoCoALibSupplement
This is one of those "tedious but necessary tasks" for which it is almost impossible to find time.
So postponing.......
John Abbott
19:47 CoCoA-5 Design #474: Eliminate package BinRepr
Postponing once again.... we must eventually actually do this!
John Abbott
19:44 CoCoA-5 Design #1407 (Feedback): Tagged values (Hilbert Series)
The comments suggest that this issue is essentially fixed.. so I have advanced the status to feedback. John Abbott
19:40 CoCoA-5 Bug #1294 (Closed): CoCoA-5 tests may fail even if executed correctly
No complaints in several months... must be OK.
John Abbott
19:37 CoCoA-5 Bug #1443 (Closed): Illegal instruction
This issue has been dormant for 2 years. I suppose whatever the problem was has gone away.
John Abbott
19:35 CoCoA-5 Feature #1373: GFan also for Microsoft?
A student (Nico Mexis) here in Passau has reported succeeding getting GFan working on Microsoft.
How to find time to...
John Abbott
19:32 CoCoA-5 Bug #946: Function "ideal" evaluates the argument twice
Can we close this issue? If not, postpone it!
John Abbott
19:30 CoCoA-5 Design #1504: OnlineHelp: XMLFileName
I suppose the current status must be acceptable. No problems have been reported for a year.
John Abbott
19:28 CoCoA-5 Support #1447: Manual entry for RandomLinearForm
Is this issue now resolved satisfactorily?
I guess so. If so, close it!
John Abbott
19:24 CoCoA-5 Support #1214: CoCoAManual: ensure that LaTeX compilation is "clean"
Is this issue acceptably resolved? Close now?
John Abbott
19:14 CoCoA-5 Feature #1272: Groebner Bases over ZZ
So that we do not lose what has been done....
I suggest making the existing code into an official package; we should...
John Abbott
16:53 CoCoA-5 Feature #1272: Groebner Bases over ZZ
What is the future of this package?
Florian is now rather busy with other things, so cannot in the foreseeable futur...
John Abbott
19:10 CoCoA-5 Feature #606: Evaluate in ring operator (was called :: in CoCoA-4)
Is this resolved to a satisfactory degree? I think @BringIn@ and @RingElem(P, string)@ cover most use cases.
Can we...
John Abbott
19:07 CoCoA-5 Bug #1552: subst: not checking args properly
The impl is rather messy.
I suppose the bus is not so terribly bad: it has not (apparently) caused trouble, and the ...
John Abbott
19:03 CoCoA-5 Bug #1651 (Closed): SEGV subsets ??
Too much stress to keep this open any longer. I'm pretty sure it is fixed now (and faster too).
Let the users do th...
John Abbott

02 Feb 2022

22:36 CoCoA-5 Feature #1272: Groebner Bases over ZZ
I have a first version with modulus. I think it is probably faster, but still impressively slow :-/
I'll wait a bit...
John Abbott
20:52 CoCoA-5 Feature #1272: Groebner Bases over ZZ
To be ale to tackle non-trivial examples, it would be very helpful to have a way of reducing polynomials modulo any c... John Abbott
20:17 CoCoA-5 Feature #1272: Groebner Bases over ZZ
I have done some cleaning in the code, and have added a @SortBy@ to the list of pairs.
It seems to make the code run...
John Abbott
16:49 CoCoA-5 Feature #1272 (In Progress): Groebner Bases over ZZ
What is the status of this issue?
Is the latest version of the code above more-or-less ready to be included in a rel...
John Abbott
20:19 CoCoALib Feature #1635 (In Progress): NR for polys with coeffs in PID
There is probably an implementation in the "Gbasis over ZZ" package: see issue #1272.
John Abbott
11:16 CoCoALib Design #950: factor and SmoothFactor for integers --> FactorINT, FactorINT_TrialDiv, FactorINT_PollardRho
Oh joy!
Have fun if you decide to document functions whose name contain an underscore: LaTeX gives its usual crypt...
John Abbott
10:48 CoCoALib Design #1655 (Resolved): Remove ability to compile CoCoALib against UNINSTALLED gmp?
I have updated the doc, and checked in everything.
Hope Anna can check on her machine soon.
John Abbott
10:24 CoCoALib Feature #1657 (New): Improve CertifyNotPower
In @NumTheory-root.C@ improve the impl of @CertifyNotPower@ to cover case where small prime divides (check multiplic... John Abbott

31 Jan 2022

22:12 CoCoALib Design #950: factor and SmoothFactor for integers --> FactorINT, FactorINT_TrialDiv, FactorINT_PollardRho
I have now implemented *@FactorINT@*, *@FactorINT_TrialDiv@* and *@FactorINT_PollardRho@*.
@SmoothFactor@ is now o...
John Abbott
17:52 CoCoALib Design #1653: Discriminant: return value
The old impl is still in @coclib.cpkg5@ but renamed to @discriminant_old@. I'll delete it soon (after some more test... John Abbott
17:49 CoCoA-5 Bug #1651 (Resolved): SEGV subsets ??
I have modified the impl of @SubsetsN@ in @combinatoria.cpkg5@ so that it handles 2-subsets specially (avoiding recur... John Abbott

29 Jan 2022

17:06 CoCoALib Design #1653 (Resolved): Discriminant: return value
There are now 2 @resultant@ functions and 2 @discriminant@ functions(in each case with or without specified indet).
John Abbott
17:03 CoCoALib Bug #1656 (Feedback): SEGV in resultant
The problem was in some unrefined code for computing subresultant sequences.
Now it is more robust.
John Abbott
15:22 CoCoALib Bug #1656 (Closed): SEGV in resultant
A quick way to SEGV:... John Abbott

28 Jan 2022

17:34 CoCoALib Support #1592: Normaliz 3.8.10
Winfried pointed that I'd made a typo (now fixed).
A new version (normaliz-3.9.2) should be appearing in the near fu...
John Abbott
12:39 CoCoALib Support #1592 (Closed): Normaliz 3.8.10
All seems to be fine even with Normaliz-3.9.1.
John Abbott
17:30 CoCoALib Design #1653: Discriminant: return value
Since @resultant@ is closely related to @discriminant@ they should have compatible behaviour.
This includes presumab...
John Abbott
12:56 CoCoALib Design #1653 (In Progress): Discriminant: return value
Anna agrees with what I'd like to do.
Should something similar be done for @resultant@ too?
John Abbott
14:35 CoCoALib Design #1627 (Feedback): Use keyword "delete" for deleted functions
John Abbott
13:08 CoCoALib Feature #1633 (Feedback): Make polynomial multiplication interruptible?
John Abbott
12:41 CoCoALib Design #1655: Remove ability to compile CoCoALib against UNINSTALLED gmp?
I have just compiled successfully.
Need to update doc in ExternalLibs-GMP.txt
Anna will check in her machine soo...
John Abbott
11:03 CoCoALib Design #1655 (In Progress): Remove ability to compile CoCoALib against UNINSTALLED gmp?
I think the only real change needed is in the script @configuration/
Perhaps it should print out a h...
John Abbott
10:45 CoCoALib Design #1655: Remove ability to compile CoCoALib against UNINSTALLED gmp?
JAA now thinks that what we do is wrong rather than "clever".
Unless AMB objects, we should make this change quickly.
John Abbott
10:43 CoCoALib Design #1655 (Closed): Remove ability to compile CoCoALib against UNINSTALLED gmp?
This proposal is to modify the configure script so that it does not accept an *uninstalled* GMP.
A use who does not ...
John Abbott
10:31 CoCoALib Support #1591: Compilation of Normaliz
I have just checked, and observe that there is now Normaliz 3.9.1.
I shall try compiling.
*UPDATE* Compiled with...
John Abbott
10:25 CoCoALib Feature #1654: New function IsInSymbols
Anna, could you please describe more explicitly what you are proposing?
I am not sure I understand from the issue de...
John Abbott
08:51 CoCoALib Feature #1654 (New): New function IsInSymbols
We misuse *@AreDistinct@* to test whether a symbol is in a PolyRing.
The advantage is that *@AreDistinct@* sees just...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:22 CoCoALib Design #1649 (In Progress): Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
It seems that Anna accidentally reset the progress for this issue... maybe she had two browser tabs on the same issue... John Abbott
09:29 CoCoALib Design #1649: Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> syz
even though this was the start of this topic, Syz of a vector should go in submod...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:37 CoCoALib Design #1649: Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
I think we should call this SparsePolyOps-VectorRingElem.C, or SparsePolyOps-RingElems.C (too subtle, I fear)
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:30 CoCoALib Design #1649: Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
In @SparsePolyOps-RingElem@ we also have:
Should these go in @SparsePo...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:23 CoCoALib Design #1649: Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
I think we should call this SparsePolyOps-VectorRingElem.C, or SparsePolyOps-RingElems.C (too subtle, I fear)
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:00 CoCoALib Design #1647: Suppress zero from ideal generators? Detect 1 and simplify generators?
Following KISS strategy, I would avoid (possibly) costly operations: e.g. interreduction, duplicates (think of a mono... Anna Maria Bigatti

27 Jan 2022

19:25 CoCoALib Feature #1652: Add LM to cocoalib ?
Florian Walsh wrote:
> That makes sense. I was implementing DivAlg which seems to exist only in a cocoa package.
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:19 CoCoALib Feature #1652: Add LM to cocoalib ?
We really need to come up with a way of making the CoCoALib documentation friendlier.
I am reasonably happy with how...
John Abbott
14:02 CoCoALib Feature #1652: Add LM to cocoalib ?
That makes sense. I was implementing DivAlg which seems to exist only in a cocoa package.
I should probably use the ...
Florian Walsh
11:55 CoCoALib Feature #1652: Add LM to cocoalib ?
The reason why we do not have @LM@ in cocoalib is that we prefer not to make it handy ;-)
Sounds like a joke, but ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:43 CoCoALib Design #1647: Suppress zero from ideal generators? Detect 1 and simplify generators?
Since we do have some doubts about what exactly "cleaning" means, and whether we like the idea, I propose the followi... John Abbott
18:36 CoCoALib Design #1647: Suppress zero from ideal generators? Detect 1 and simplify generators?
After brief consideration, I have decided to keep in this issue discussion related to what "cleaning generators" migh... John Abbott
15:01 CoCoALib Design #1653: Discriminant: return value
@discriminant@ is actually two functions: univariate inputs, and multivariate input with specified indet.
The multiv...
John Abbott
14:54 CoCoALib Design #1653 (Closed): Discriminant: return value
To which ring should the return value of @Discriminant@ belong?... John Abbott
14:52 CoCoA-5 Feature #1644: Allow user to choose whether to print finite field elems as symm residues or non-neg residue
The idea seems reasonable, but what names should we use?
* @AsINT_symm@ or @AsINT_Symm@
* @AsINT_NonNeg@ or @AsINT...
John Abbott
14:27 CoCoA-5 Support #1650: Potentially confusing prompt: waiting for semicolon
How about *@[[command incomplete]]@*?
Though that does read rather like an error message...
John Abbott
14:24 CoCoALib Design #950: factor and SmoothFactor for integers --> FactorINT, FactorINT_TrialDiv, FactorINT_PollardRho
I suggest making @SmoothFactor@ obsolescent, and just forward the call to @FactorINT_TrialDiv@.
I think I prefer @...
John Abbott
12:29 CoCoALib Design #950: factor and SmoothFactor for integers --> FactorINT, FactorINT_TrialDiv, FactorINT_PollardRho
John Abbott wrote:
> * *@FactorINT_TrialDiv(N,pmax)@* trial division upto @pmax@
> Opinions?
maybe just *@Facto...
Anna Maria Bigatti

26 Jan 2022

16:11 CoCoALib Feature #1652 (In Progress): Add LM to cocoalib ?
To compute the leading monomial of a polynomial in cocoalib I need to call ... Florian Walsh
15:28 CoCoA-5 Bug #1651: SEGV subsets ??
On my Mac I get... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:53 CoCoA-5 Bug #1651 (In Progress): SEGV subsets ??
I have just used @ulimit@ to increase my stacksize limit, and now I get "too many recursions":... John Abbott
15:17 CoCoALib Design #1647: Suppress zero from ideal generators? Detect 1 and simplify generators?
John Abbott wrote:
> We could also have two ways of creating ideals: _e.g._ @ideal(L)@ and @ideal_DoNotCleanGens(L)@...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:19 CoCoALib Design #1647: Suppress zero from ideal generators? Detect 1 and simplify generators?
I like the "separate concept" of "generator cleaning", and it would be nice to make it available as a function.
I am...
John Abbott
14:11 CoCoALib Design #1647: Suppress zero from ideal generators? Detect 1 and simplify generators?
I have just spoken to Florian about this issue.
His initial reaction was that he wanted @gens(ideal(L))@ to be an id...
John Abbott
12:46 CoCoALib Design #950: factor and SmoothFactor for integers --> FactorINT, FactorINT_TrialDiv, FactorINT_PollardRho
Another proposal:
* *@FactorINT(N,TimeOut)@* tries both @TrialDiv@ and @PollardRho@; maybe also does @IsProbPrime@ ...
John Abbott

25 Jan 2022

16:32 CoCoA-5 Bug #1651: SEGV subsets ??
On Julian's computer (Linux, CoCoA-5.3.3b), it gave a controlled CoCoA-5 error: "too many recursive calls" (or simila... John Abbott
09:42 CoCoA-5 Bug #1651 (Closed): SEGV subsets ??
This was a surprise:... John Abbott

24 Jan 2022

20:42 CoCoA-5 Support #1650 (In Progress): Potentially confusing prompt: waiting for semicolon
The following could be confusing:... John Abbott
10:04 CoCoALib Design #1647 (In Progress): Suppress zero from ideal generators? Detect 1 and simplify generators?
Potentially related to this discussion...
We can create a zero ideal by supplying an empty list of gens; however, th...
John Abbott
09:07 CoCoALib Slug #1646: radical: could be more clever
I think that, along the same line -- actually in the previous line ;-)
we should change ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

21 Jan 2022

13:06 CoCoALib Design #1649 (Closed): Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C
Add file SparsePolyOps-vector.C with functions interreduced (now in SparsePolyOps-interreduced.C) and syz(vector) (new) Anna Maria Bigatti
13:04 CoCoALib Support #1612 (In Progress): Merge the doc file RadicalMembership.txt into ideal.txt
Review code in @SparsePolyOps-RadicalMembership.C@.
Rename file to @SparsePolyOps-ideal-RadicalMembership.C@ (als...
John Abbott
12:22 CoCoALib Feature #1619: Make saturate available in CoCoALib
In ideal.C we have *@intersect@* and *@colon@*.
We should add *@saturate@* in the same way.
(similarly, we should...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:14 CoCoALib Design #950: factor and SmoothFactor for integers --> FactorINT, FactorINT_TrialDiv, FactorINT_PollardRho
Drastic change: @FactorBound, FactorIter@ or @FactorINTBound, FactorINTIter@ or @FactorINT_bound, FactorINT_iter@? Anna Maria Bigatti
12:12 CoCoALib Design #950: factor and SmoothFactor for integers --> FactorINT, FactorINT_TrialDiv, FactorINT_PollardRho
Anna thinks a name closer to @SmoothFactor@ would be more appropriate because the fns both take 2 args...
No final d...
John Abbott
11:19 CoCoALib Feature #1645: Implement monic0(f) for the case monic(0)?
Anna says it is OK to have these "dirty" functions because their names are strange.
She suggests that they each have...
John Abbott
10:57 CoCoALib Design #1647: Suppress zero from ideal generators? Detect 1 and simplify generators?
Anna has some doubts.
So far we had the simple rule that @L = gens(ideal(L))@.
Also the fn *@SyzOfGens@* is defin...
John Abbott
10:38 CoCoALib Slug #1646 (Closed): radical: could be more clever
John Abbott
10:27 CoCoA-5 Feature #1644 (In Progress): Allow user to choose whether to print finite field elems as symm residues or non-neg residue
Anna suggests these names: *@AsINT_Symm@* and *@AsINT_NonNeg@* (because @AsINT_LeastNonNeg@ is too long)
The idea i...
John Abbott
10:12 CoCoA-5 Feature #1648 (New): ApproxSolve and RationalSolve take different input
ApproxSolve expects an ideal (0-dim) and RationalSolve a list of polynnomials.
Choose which one we want, and modify ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:10 CoCoA-5 Bug #1640 (Closed): MinSubsetOfGens does not find min subset
We had effectively already taken into account the comment 5 above.
Anna has just changed the code slightly to orde...
John Abbott

20 Jan 2022

20:32 CoCoA-5 Bug #1640: MinSubsetOfGens does not find min subset
Unfortunately I have lost the specific example (but I suppose a new one could easily be created).
I did notice the f...
John Abbott
20:28 CoCoALib Slug #1646: radical: could be more clever
I have checked in my changes (and asked Anna to check them).
I have added tests (CoCoA-5 @exbugs@... currently @radi...
John Abbott
19:31 CoCoALib Slug #1646 (Resolved): radical: could be more clever
The problem was that @myGBasisByHomog@ tried to homogenize all generators without checking whether they are zero.
John Abbott
19:14 CoCoALib Slug #1646 (In Progress): radical: could be more clever
The source code for @radical@ is still in package @radical.ckpg5@.
If the ideal is 0-dim then the C++ function *@r...
John Abbott
20:05 CoCoALib Design #950: factor and SmoothFactor for integers --> FactorINT, FactorINT_TrialDiv, FactorINT_PollardRho
Currently my prototype function is called *@factor_PollardRho@*.
It takes 2 args: @N@ to be factorized (non-zero int...
John Abbott
19:58 CoCoALib Feature #1645 (In Progress): Implement monic0(f) for the case monic(0)?
Let's try to make a list of possible "0" functions, and their expected behaviour if given 0 as argument.
* @monic0(f...
John Abbott
19:40 CoCoALib Design #1647: Suppress zero from ideal generators? Detect 1 and simplify generators?
This change does mean that the following could give @false@:... John Abbott
19:35 CoCoALib Design #1647 (Closed): Suppress zero from ideal generators? Detect 1 and simplify generators?
Should ideals suppress zero generators?
Currently we have:...
John Abbott
19:02 CoCoA-5 Feature #1644: Allow user to choose whether to print finite field elems as symm residues or non-neg residue
I have just given a demo to my students of using CRT to reconstruct a large integer value.
The demo happened to work...
John Abbott
15:56 CoCoALib Feature #1619: Make saturate available in CoCoALib
To my eye that syntax looks quite ugly.
Why can I not just write *@saturate(I,J)@*?
What does @MakeUnique@ do? And...
John Abbott
11:51 CoCoALib Feature #1619: Make saturate available in CoCoALib
It seems like I need to call _MakeUnique(I)->mySaturate(J)_ to compute the saturation of I wrt. to J.
Florian Walsh

17 Jan 2022

13:48 CoCoALib Slug #1646: radical: could be more clever
Bug originally reported by Florian Walsh. Also:... John Abbott
12:07 CoCoALib Slug #1646 (Closed): radical: could be more clever
Who would have predicted the following behaviour?... John Abbott
09:44 CoCoALib Feature #1645: Implement monic0(f) for the case monic(0)?
John Abbott wrote:
> Right now I would be inclined to change the manual.
> I am not yet convinced that @monic0@ is ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:49 CoCoALib Feature #1645: Implement monic0(f) for the case monic(0)?
Right now I would be inclined to change the manual.
I am not yet convinced that @monic0@ is a good idea. Can you co...
John Abbott
08:44 CoCoALib Feature #1645 (In Progress): Implement monic0(f) for the case monic(0)?
... Anna Maria Bigatti

13 Jan 2022

13:07 CoCoA-5 Feature #1644: Allow user to choose whether to print finite field elems as symm residues or non-neg residue
The current impl in @SmallFpImpl.H@ expects there to be a boolean data mem which says how to print (@LeastNonNeg@ or... John Abbott
12:58 CoCoA-5 Feature #1644: Allow user to choose whether to print finite field elems as symm residues or non-neg residue
JAA thinks that allowing the user to choose should not cause any problems: it is just a matter of printing.
Mmm, w...
John Abbott
12:57 CoCoA-5 Feature #1644 (In Progress): Allow user to choose whether to print finite field elems as symm residues or non-neg residue
A student here asked how to make CoCoA-5 print elements of a finite field as the least non-neg residue class represen... John Abbott

12 Jan 2022

13:57 CoCoALib Slug #1643: rref slower than expected (maybe) [[reduced row echelon form]]
Here is the test I made:... John Abbott
13:54 CoCoALib Slug #1643 (New): rref slower than expected (maybe) [[reduced row echelon form]]
I am preparing a demo for the students, and have written a naive impl of gaussian reduction to triangular form (in Co... John Abbott

10 Jan 2022

17:15 CoCoALib Design #950: factor and SmoothFactor for integers --> FactorINT, FactorINT_TrialDiv, FactorINT_PollardRho
I have now a prototype fn for finding *one* factor using @PollardRhoSeq@.
It takes as input @N>1@ to be factorized, ...
John Abbott

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