



From 19 Sep 2021 to 18 Oct 2021

18 Oct 2021

12:01 CoCoA-5 Bug #1623: EmacsUI: annoying colours
I suppose we could change the printed form to something like this:... John Abbott
11:58 CoCoA-5 Bug #1623 (Feedback): EmacsUI: annoying colours
I have now found examples where the EmacsUI can change colours annoyingly: printing out homomorphisms.... John Abbott
11:33 CoCoA-5 Bug #1622: BuiltinOneLiners -- less precise location in error messages
Here is an example of what I mean:... John Abbott
11:30 CoCoA-5 Bug #1622: BuiltinOneLiners -- less precise location in error messages
I have set the target version as 5.3.4, but this may be wildly optimistic.
I fear that this request may be rather ha...
John Abbott
11:29 CoCoA-5 Bug #1622 (New): BuiltinOneLiners -- less precise location in error messages
I have noticed that error messages produced by fns which are defined in *@BuiltinOneLiners@* are less precise than th... John Abbott
11:26 CoCoA-5 Support #1621: Doc for the various BuiltIn files
I have set 5.3.4 as the target version because I think it would be a good idea to have a first version available soon... John Abbott
11:25 CoCoA-5 Support #1621 (New): Doc for the various BuiltIn files
We need to produce documentation explaining the difference between the various *@BuiltIn@* files.
When someone wants...
John Abbott
11:23 CoCoA-5 Feature #1596: Add CoCoA5 function NmzHilbertBasisKer
Compare also with *@LinKer@* which returns MAT and *@LinKerBasis@*, returning LIST LIST RINGELEM.
John Abbott
11:08 CoCoA-5 Bug #928: ciao, exit, quit can be used not only at top level
The problem as describe is still present.
The easy approach is to leave the interpreter as is, and just change the...
John Abbott

17 Oct 2021

20:49 CoCoA-5 Bug #1412 (Feedback): Emacs UI: font size
I have just checked in a modified version of cocoa5.el.
I have replaced line 1337 by an *@if@* which sets the major ...
John Abbott

15 Oct 2021

20:12 CoCoA-5 Bug #1412: Emacs UI: font size
I think the relevant line is 1337 in @cocoa5.el@... too tired to try now.
John Abbott
14:09 CoCoA-5 Bug #1412: Emacs UI: font size
A quick search produced the following advice:
John Abbott
14:24 CoCoALib Bug #1620 (New): MinPolyQuot not documented
MinPolyQuot is available in CoCoALib but is not documented. Florian Walsh
14:22 CoCoALib Feature #1619 (Closed): Make saturate available in CoCoALib
It seems like this is already implemented. There is a function mySaturate in _AlgebraicCore/SparsePolyOps-ideal.C_.
Florian Walsh

14 Oct 2021

15:50 CoCoALib Design #1617: UnivariateIndetIndex: exact semantics
Mmm, should it be an error to call @UnivariateIndetIndex@ if the polyring has just 1 indet?
After all, the answer i...
John Abbott
15:48 CoCoALib Support #1618 (Closed): Tidy ex-RingElem2
I think that *@ex-RingElem2@* needs to be updated/tidied.
For instance, there is no need to pass the ring to the f...
John Abbott

13 Oct 2021

20:34 CoCoALib Design #1617: UnivariateIndetIndex: exact semantics
What about the case of a constant poly in a polyring with just 1 indet?
Error or not? (assuming we opt for an error...
John Abbott
20:14 CoCoALib Design #1617 (Closed): UnivariateIndetIndex: exact semantics
What are the exact semantics of *@UnivariateIndetIndex@*?
In particular what should the function return if passed ...
John Abbott
17:11 CoCoA-5 Feature #1616 (Closed): UnivariateIndetIndex: remove cocoa-5 implementation and use CoCoALib's
Anna Maria Bigatti

12 Oct 2021

09:33 CoCoA-5 Slug #709: Speed of some Normaliz calls (NmzComputation)
(2021-10-12) Last time this was checked was 4 years ago! We must check to see if it still a problem!
John Abbott
09:27 CoCoA-5 Feature #912: Add TUTORIALs to online manual
The situation has improved. Maybe I will get good feedback from the course here in Kassel (2021-10-12).
John Abbott
09:26 CoCoA-5 Feature #1246: Revive old CoCoA4 package called "cocoa5.cpkg"
I think this has progressed but nothing was noted here. Increased %done.
John Abbott
09:22 CoCoA-5 Slug #1581: Slow sqfr: rad(f)
*2021-10-12* this is still a problem.
Presumably the problem comes from computing a multivariate gcd over a finite...
John Abbott
09:12 CoCoA-5 Bug #1443: Illegal instruction
Esiste ancora questo problema? Non ho piu` sentito niente.
Possiamo semplicement chiudere l'issue?
John Abbott
09:03 CoCoA-5 Feature #1415: thmproving package
Any progress on this issue in the last year?
John Abbott

05 Oct 2021

20:21 CoCoA-5 Design #1568: RMap and image: obsolescent?
I have boosted priority to "high" because I would like this to be completed soon!
John Abbott

04 Oct 2021

12:13 CoCoA-5 Bug #1613 (Resolved): CRASH with RingHom from FrF
Similar to issue #1614, I have "hacked" the interpreter, and the examples seem to work now.
But I am not confident t...
John Abbott
12:11 CoCoA-5 Bug #1614 (Resolved): SourceRegion gives misleading error mesg
I have rather blindly changed the interpreter. The code now seems to work as hoped (but I am not too confident that ... John Abbott
12:08 CoCoALib Bug #1601: Compilation ambiguity
This particular problem has been resolved (by eliminating the *@apply@* fn from CoCoALib).
In this case the removal ...
John Abbott
12:03 CoCoALib Feature #1598: RingHom: implement phi(X) as apply(phi, X) also for X vector and matrix
We should move towards making *@apply@* obsolescent in CoCoA-5 now that RINGHOM can be applied directly to LIST and M... John Abbott
12:00 CoCoALib Feature #1598: RingHom: implement phi(X) as apply(phi, X) also for X vector and matrix
I am not sure whether the following behaviour is what is wanted:... John Abbott
11:57 CoCoA-5 Design #1615 (Rejected): apply: remove for RingHom
John Abbott
11:16 CoCoA-5 Design #1615 (Rejected): apply: remove for RingHom
As done for CoCoALib, permit RINGHOMs to be applied directly to LIST and MAT.
Then eliminate @apply@ (or make it obs...
John Abbott
11:50 CoCoALib Design #1467: Change syntax apply(phi,M) into phi(M)?
In the end my hand was forced.
Some future version of C++ (maybe C++17?) defines a template fn *@apply@* which match...
John Abbott
09:50 CoCoALib Feature #1589: IdealOfPoints: allow matrix of points to be defined over "wrong" ring
checked in (4 Oct 21) Anna Maria Bigatti

02 Oct 2021

10:25 CoCoA-5 Bug #1614: SourceRegion gives misleading error mesg
The relevant source code is around line 4170 in @Interpreter.C@
inside the function @void SourceRegionStatement::imp...
John Abbott
10:23 CoCoA-5 Bug #1614 (Closed): SourceRegion gives misleading error mesg
Here is the simplified failing example from issue #1613:... John Abbott

01 Oct 2021

13:53 CoCoA-5 Bug #1613: CRASH with RingHom from FrF
According to gdb the fn is called (indrectly) from @Interpreter.C:3032@ in @Interpreter::run@
I think the problem m...
John Abbott
12:35 CoCoA-5 Bug #1613: CRASH with RingHom from FrF
Probable source code:
@RINGHOM::eval@ around line 2792 in @Interpreter.C@
Probably called from: @intrusive_ptr<Va...
John Abbott
12:19 CoCoA-5 Bug #1613 (In Progress): CRASH with RingHom from FrF
Simpler failing example:... John Abbott

30 Sep 2021

22:42 CoCoA-5 Bug #1613: CRASH with RingHom from FrF
Actually a separate bug: @CommonDenom(a*x^2-1/a)@ gives 1 rather than @a@... Ooops!
*NOTE* the code looks fine, ...
John Abbott
22:35 CoCoA-5 Bug #1613 (Closed): CRASH with RingHom from FrF
The following causes a crash: why was the exception not caught and handled?... John Abbott
14:13 CoCoALib Feature #1602: Sparse matrix (SparseMat)
Do we want to handle structured matrices like sparse matrices? _e.g._ Toeplitz matrices are specified by just a few ... John Abbott
10:45 CoCoALib Support #1612 (Closed): Merge the doc file RadicalMembership.txt into ideal.txt
Merge the doc file *@RadicalMembership.txt@* into *@ideal.txt@*?
Note that the doc refers to @ex-RadicalMembership...
John Abbott
10:23 CoCoALib Support #1611 (New): Documentation for PrimaryDecomposition
The CoCoALib doc for @PrimaryDecomposition@ needs to be improved.
I have just added a description of the data type i...
John Abbott

28 Sep 2021

17:48 CoCoA-5 Bug #1610 (Feedback): IsInRadical: some more little bugs
fixed. I didn't encounter other new bugs.
Updated test-exbugs
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:48 CoCoA-5 Bug #1610: IsInRadical: some more little bugs
This seems to be the problem... Anna Maria Bigatti

27 Sep 2021

09:57 CoCoA-5 Bug #1610: IsInRadical: some more little bugs
Error for... Anna Maria Bigatti
09:55 CoCoA-5 Bug #1610: IsInRadical: some more little bugs
Error if *GradingDim* is 0 (lex, elim, ...) for call to *IsHomog*. Now fixed. Anna Maria Bigatti
09:52 CoCoA-5 Bug #1610 (Closed): IsInRadical: some more little bugs
I met some more bugs for extreme cases.
Usually, after isolating them, the solution is trivial.
List below.
Anna Maria Bigatti

24 Sep 2021

22:37 CoCoA-5 Feature #1536 (Closed): Implement xel?
John Abbott
22:35 CoCoA-5 Bug #1215 (Closed): RationalSolve: gives "Error: must be non-zero"
Closing this issue because there is no clear indication of what to test.
I suspect the new design of @RationalSolve@...
John Abbott
22:32 CoCoA-5 Bug #1537 (Closed): EmacUI: strange colours, sometimes
I have not seen the problem of unexpected colours for some time.
Reading through the notes suggests that Emacs's way...
John Abbott
22:29 CoCoA-5 Bug #1574: ApproxSolveTF
Probably @ApproxSolveTF@ should have an accuracy-check-loop the same was as was done for @ApproxSolve@:
the heuristi...
John Abbott
22:26 CoCoA-5 Bug #1573 (Closed): ApproxSolve: very imprecise
@ApproxSolveTF@ was surprisingly fast on the example given in the description (about 9s, vs 64s using @ApproxSolve@).... John Abbott
20:34 CoCoA-5 Bug #1573: ApproxSolve: very imprecise
I have just updated the manual entry for @ApproxSolv@.
I wonder what @ApproxSolveTF@ does... mmm???
John Abbott
22:21 CoCoA-5 Slug #1392 (Closed): ApproxSolve: another slow example
John Abbott
22:18 CoCoA-5 Bug #1539: Website: installation instructions for Microsoft
With luck the current instructions will be well tested over the next couple of weeks.
I hope we can close this issue...
John Abbott
22:16 CoCoA-5 Bug #1531 (Closed): CRASH: arithmetic with HilbertSeries (tagged object)
There is already a test in *@exbugs.cocoa5@*
Closing after 11 months in feedback.
John Abbott
21:58 CoCoA-5 Bug #713 (Closed): External libs: interrupting not easy
CoCoALib and CoCoA-5 do often monitor for ctrl-C. Inside CoCoA-5 the situation seems to be reasonably good.
The d...
John Abbott
21:50 CoCoA-5 Bug #1216 (Closed): RationalSolve: gives wrong answer
This has been in feedback for 7 months.
I think we mention in the release notes that it is a backward INcompatible c...
John Abbott
21:47 CoCoA-5 Feature #1293: Vim Plugin for CoCoA
Same comment as above (11 months ago). We should mention it to the participants at the minicourse. John Abbott
21:43 CoCoA-5 Design #1540 (Closed): Double power
John Abbott

22 Sep 2021

17:45 CoCoALib Bug #1585 (Closed): CRASH/ABORT: GMP overflow
As observed in comment 11, it would be very hard to try to prevent overflow in all cases.
It thus seems reasonable t...
John Abbott

21 Sep 2021

11:31 CoCoALib Bug #1601: Compilation ambiguity
I think I know understand what happens: g++ v.11 has as default C++ version something newer than C++14.
My script @c...
John Abbott

20 Sep 2021

21:33 CoCoALib Bug #1585: CRASH/ABORT: GMP overflow
I have worked around the @FloatStr@ problem (actually in @FloorLogBase@) mentioned in comment 4 above.
I just call t...
John Abbott
20:52 CoCoALib Bug #1585: CRASH/ABORT: GMP overflow
I have put a new constant called *@OVERFLOW_BITS@* in *@config.H@*, and modified the impls so that they use this cons... John Abbott
16:49 CoCoALib Bug #1601: Compilation ambiguity
Florian succeeded in installing g++-10 on his computer; and he reports that CoCoALib compiled just fine (except a kno... John Abbott
16:17 CoCoALib Support #861 (Closed): Janet basis code: TmpJB files give some problems with C++11 (using CLANG/LLVM)
I have removed the commented-out code (and another function which existed only for that code).
It all compiles, and ...
John Abbott
16:09 CoCoALib Support #1609 (New): Clean time.C
The file @time.C@ contains some hackery to work on Microsoft (or other non-unix-like) platforms.
Can we clean this...
John Abbott
15:41 CoCoALib Design #1558 (Closed): CpuTimeLimit: more frequent clock checks
No problems have been reported in 7 months. So closing.
Maybe the imminent CoCoA school will find some "interesting...
John Abbott
14:08 CoCoALib Design #1608 (Feedback): Domain of definition of NextPrime (and PrevPrime)
I have spoken to Anna who agrees to change the behaviour:
* both fns throw @BadArg@ (or similar) if given (strictly)...
John Abbott
13:24 CoCoALib Design #1608 (In Progress): Domain of definition of NextPrime (and PrevPrime)
I am now inclined to allow 0 as arg to @NextPrime@; perhaps this is related to my preference to consider 0 as a "natu... John Abbott

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