



From 20 Nov 2019 to 19 Dec 2019

17 Dec 2019

12:25 CoCoA-5 Bug #1093 (In Progress): GUI: bugs and slugs
I have changed *@configure@* so that it sets a flag saying whether to build the Qt GUI; this is determined by a comma... John Abbott

16 Dec 2019

21:31 CoCoA-5 Bug #1093: GUI: bugs and slugs
Ulrich reported that the GUI fails to compile now that we are using *@nullptr@*.
I had a quick search online, and fo...
John Abbott

14 Dec 2019

12:37 CoCoALib Design #1377: CpuTimeLimit: limit "intervals" between full checks
Now I'm thinking it may be simpler to use an approach like this:
measure actual @CpuTime@ difference over the last...
John Abbott
12:32 CoCoALib Bug #1376: GBasisTimeout: not working as expected
Reply to comment 6:
yes, @CpuTimeLimit@ does already attempt to adapt automatically. I'm discussing (with myself?) ...
John Abbott

13 Dec 2019

18:17 CoCoALib Design #1377 (In Progress): CpuTimeLimit: limit "intervals" between full checks
The experimental results above suggest that approach *(B)* is probably too simplistic if there is any risk of a @CpuT... John Abbott
14:33 CoCoALib Design #1377: CpuTimeLimit: limit "intervals" between full checks
Here are the results of an extreme speed test for option *(B)* in the previous comment.
The simplistic test progra...
John Abbott
13:46 CoCoALib Design #1377: CpuTimeLimit: limit "intervals" between full checks
My current suggestions:
* *(A)* let the creator of the @CpuTimeLimit@ object specify a maximum interval between genu...
John Abbott
13:39 CoCoALib Design #1377: CpuTimeLimit: limit "intervals" between full checks
In the current CVS version, intervals between genuine checks can be as long as 1000000 calls.
*Quick reminder*: is...
John Abbott
13:30 CoCoALib Design #1377 (Closed): CpuTimeLimit: limit "intervals" between full checks
A *@CpuTimeLimit@* object actually genuinely checks the time limit only every @N@ calls to the check function. The v... John Abbott
13:26 CoCoALib Bug #1376: GBasisTimeout: not working as expected
I was thinking of an alternative approach since the timeout mechanism is applied in so different cases:
The interval...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:45 CoCoALib Bug #1376: GBasisTimeout: not working as expected
An important point to note is that the design of @CpuTimeLimit@ works best when the times between successive calls to... John Abbott
11:57 CoCoALib Slug #1375: Radical 0-dim: varied timings
Instead of guessing, do this ;-)... Anna Maria Bigatti

12 Dec 2019

21:44 CoCoALib Bug #1376 (In Progress): GBasisTimeout: not working as expected
It seems that my guess was good.
In @CpuTimeLimit.C@ around line 67, the code allowed the interval between full ch...
John Abbott
17:04 CoCoALib Bug #1376: GBasisTimeout: not working as expected
I noticed the problem while using a simple program to look for ideals where it was costly to compute the RGB of the r... John Abbott
17:02 CoCoALib Bug #1376 (Closed): GBasisTimeout: not working as expected
It seems that sometimes @GBasisTimeout@ does not timeout as one would expect.
I have just interrupted (via C-c C-c...
John Abbott
15:30 CoCoALib Slug #1375: Radical 0-dim: varied timings
I have modified my program to call @GBasisTimeout@, and I specified 30s as the time-out.
I was a bit surprised to fi...
John Abbott
13:33 CoCoALib Slug #1375: Radical 0-dim: varied timings
Here are some more examples where it takes a long time to compute RGB after computing radical:... John Abbott
11:33 CoCoALib Slug #1375: Radical 0-dim: varied timings
The current solution (increasing the "increment" to 0.5) works well on the small examples I have tried: sometimes the... John Abbott
11:58 CoCoA-5 Slug #948: radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examples
As reported in the previous comment, example 1 was still a problem. I increased the extra time (to 2.5s), then the c... John Abbott
11:42 CoCoA-5 Slug #948: radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examples
After the change mentioned in issue #1375, the examples in comment 13 are now satisfactorily quick. The example in c... John Abbott

11 Dec 2019

17:40 CoCoA-5 Slug #948: radical is slow (compared to singular) on these examples
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> John Abbott wrote:
> > My simple idea was just to add say 0.1 to the actual measured ti...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:08 CoCoALib Slug #1375 (In Progress): Radical 0-dim: varied timings
Following Anna's suggestion I moved @t0 := CpuTime();@ to just before the computation of the radical; so the time dif... John Abbott

10 Dec 2019

15:12 CoCoALib Slug #1375: Radical 0-dim: varied timings
Sometimes radical is computed with the GBasis, sometimes not: this depends on a timeout, which probably is a very cri... Anna Maria Bigatti
14:41 CoCoALib Slug #1375: Radical 0-dim: varied timings
I have done more testing. The timings really do vary from run to run.
I wrote a shell script which took exactly t...
John Abbott
13:28 CoCoALib Slug #1375: Radical 0-dim: varied timings
This getting more puzzling!
Here is another example: essentially the same code as in the original description but
John Abbott

09 Dec 2019

21:08 CoCoALib Slug #1375: Radical 0-dim: varied timings
I wanted to show the students an example where it is much better to use @IsInRadical@ than compute the radical (with ... John Abbott
21:06 CoCoALib Slug #1375 (Closed): Radical 0-dim: varied timings
I have observed some strange variations in timings when computing the RGB of a radical:... John Abbott
16:26 CoCoA-5 Feature #1374: Add function power to CoCoA-5
John Abbott wrote:
> I am inclined to say that there is not much point in writing any tests for @power@. What do yo...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:07 CoCoA-5 Feature #1374: Add function power to CoCoA-5
I am inclined to say that there is not much point in writing any tests for @power@. What do you think?
John Abbott
15:42 CoCoA-5 Feature #1374: Add function power to CoCoA-5
John Abbott wrote:
> If you are convinced that my approach is better, then, yes, please undo your CVS update.
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:55 CoCoA-5 Feature #1374: Add function power to CoCoA-5
Should the function be documented?
If so, we should probably state that it exists just to increase compatibility b...
John Abbott
13:37 CoCoA-5 Feature #1374: Add function power to CoCoA-5
If you are convinced that my approach is better, then, yes, please undo your CVS update.
I am not certain whether ...
John Abbott
12:46 CoCoA-5 Feature #1374: Add function power to CoCoA-5
ooops, we overlapped and made incompatible changes.
But I think you had a better idea.
Should I undo my cvs?
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:21 CoCoA-5 Feature #1374: Add function power to CoCoA-5
I have just checked in a @power@ function defined in @cocolib.cpkg5@.
My approach means that @power@ works for any t...
John Abbott
12:03 CoCoA-5 Feature #1374: Add function power to CoCoA-5
Implemented for RingElem (in OneLiners) Anna Maria Bigatti
11:58 CoCoA-5 Feature #1374 (Closed): Add function power to CoCoA-5
In CoCoA we can write @g^4@, but in CoCoALib we have to write @power(g,4)@ (because of incompatible priority of @oper... Anna Maria Bigatti
13:34 CoCoALib Slug #1136: IsInRadical: sometimes a bit slow
Just for the record...
With the exponent pair (3,4), my computer takes about 2.4s whereas with the pair (4,5) it t...
John Abbott
12:56 CoCoALib Slug #1136 (Closed): IsInRadical: sometimes a bit slow
Instant on my computer. I wonder how it was improved.... Anna Maria Bigatti

05 Dec 2019

15:55 CoCoALib Slug #1136 (Feedback): IsInRadical: sometimes a bit slow
It took about 0.08s on my computer just now. This is probably fine; I see no advantage in making it lengthier.
John Abbott
15:52 CoCoALib Slug #1136: IsInRadical: sometimes a bit slow
What is the status of this issue?
Can it be closed soon?
John Abbott

04 Dec 2019

17:38 CoCoALib Bug #1233: factor SEGV -- too large characteristic
This now gives error rather than SEGV -- so that is an improvement!
John Abbott
17:19 CoCoALib Support #1161: Split NumTheory.C into several smaller files
Postponing because not important for CoCoA School.
John Abbott
17:15 ApCoCoA Feature #1328: New ApCoCoA UI
Meeting today (2019-12-04).
Nguetsa reports: Interface is working, and history mechanism too. Also interfaces well ...
John Abbott
15:22 CoCoA-5 Feature #1373 (In Progress): GFan also for Microsoft?
Is it possible to make the GFan functions available in the pre-compiled release for Microsoft?
John Abbott

03 Dec 2019

14:36 CoCoA-5 Feature #1364 (Feedback): Emacs UI: start cocoa5 with system command enabled
I have checked in a cleaned-up version of the code... Anna said it worked fine for her.
Now we can test for it for...
John Abbott

29 Nov 2019

17:21 CoCoA-5 Feature #1372 (In Progress): New function: find ?
Should we add the function *find* (similar to C++ *find*)?
This is a quick and easy prototype (should be easy to wri...
Anna Maria Bigatti

27 Nov 2019

22:42 CoCoA-5 Feature #1364 (In Progress): Emacs UI: start cocoa5 with system command enabled
Prototype sent to Anna via email, so she can test it.
John Abbott
15:53 CoCoALib Bug #1371: French students' example with GFan
I find it quite strange that the term ordering used to obtain the same LT(I) actually looks to be far away from lex:
John Abbott

26 Nov 2019

15:45 CoCoALib Bug #1371: French students' example with GFan
Just for curiosity, this lex GBasis can be computed instantly using *GBasisByHomog(I)*.
Then, together with Robbia...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:10 CoCoALib Bug #1371 (In Progress): French students' example with GFan
The time taken depends on the current ring ordering!
If I create the ideal in the ring @QQ[x,y,z]@ with DegRevLex,...
John Abbott

25 Nov 2019

20:33 CoCoALib Slug #1369 (In Progress): RandomUnimodularMat is slow with many iters
First impl is quite disappointing; the overhead/cost of matrix mult is embarrassingly high.
Should do recursion base...
John Abbott
13:48 CoCoALib Slug #1369: RandomUnimodularMat is slow with many iters
@RandomUnimodularMat(QQ,4,1000000)@ takes too long. It is faster to do @product([RandomUnimodularMat(QQ,4,10000) | j... John Abbott
13:45 CoCoALib Slug #1369 (In Progress): RandomUnimodularMat is slow with many iters
@RandomUnimodularMat@ becomes too slow when number of iters is high.
Try a divide-and-conquer approach.
John Abbott
17:46 CoCoALib Bug #1371: French students' example with GFan
Just for completeness here is the input:... John Abbott
17:44 CoCoALib Bug #1371 (In Progress): French students' example with GFan
I have just tried the French students' example as argument to @GroebnerFanIdeals@, and it computed all 167 GBases qui... John Abbott
16:35 CoCoALib Design #1370: RingID counter increased inside some functions
John Abbott wrote:
> We could perhaps have two counters: one for "user created" rings and one for "internal" rings. ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:35 CoCoALib Design #1370: RingID counter increased inside some functions
We could perhaps have two counters: one for "user created" rings and one for "internal" rings. Or perhaps just posit... John Abbott
14:32 CoCoALib Design #1370 (New): RingID counter increased inside some functions
Each ring in CoCoALib has a unique ring-ID (machine integer).
Some functions (_e.g._ *@syz@*) create new rings int...
John Abbott

24 Nov 2019

13:11 CoCoA-5 Support #1368 (Resolved): Improve manual for mod
The solution to Ange's problem is to compute @mod(a-b,p)@; this will be zero iff @a@ and @b@ are congruent modulo @p@... John Abbott
13:04 CoCoA-5 Support #1368 (In Progress): Improve manual for mod
Currently the manual and the implementation are incompatible. The manual says that the remainder is always non-negat... John Abbott
12:58 CoCoA-5 Support #1368 (Closed): Improve manual for mod
The manual entry for *@mod@* needs to be improved.
Ange recently reported that *@mod(a,p) = mod(b,p)@* did not wor...
John Abbott
12:51 CoCoA-5 Feature #1367: CoCoA-5.3.0: release linked with more recent version of normaliz
I'm hoping that this should be easy (at least on Linux).
On my linux box, compilation and linking work fine with nor...
John Abbott
12:49 CoCoA-5 Feature #1367 (Closed): CoCoA-5.3.0: release linked with more recent version of normaliz
The last release was linked with an "old" version of normaliz. Make the next release with a more recent version (_e.... John Abbott
12:46 CoCoA-5 Design #1352 (Resolved): cocoa5 (launch) script: sleep time
I have just tried @xterm -e ./cocoa5@, and now prefer a 4 second wait after printing the message (perhaps it should b... John Abbott

22 Nov 2019

15:35 CoCoALib Design #1366: Should configure remove the file ERR_MESGS if it’s empty?
I have changed my copy of @configure@.
I'll try it a few times before checking in...
John Abbott
13:57 CoCoALib Design #1366: Should configure remove the file ERR_MESGS if it’s empty?
John Abbott wrote:
> Should configure always remove @ERR_MESGS@?
sounds good to me
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:26 CoCoALib Design #1366 (In Progress): Should configure remove the file ERR_MESGS if it’s empty?
Should configure always remove @ERR_MESGS@?
After looking quickly at the code, it seems that the file is used only...
John Abbott

21 Nov 2019

18:51 CoCoALib Design #1366 (Closed): Should configure remove the file ERR_MESGS if it’s empty?
The configuration progress produces a file called *ERR_MESGS* which should contain, well, the error messages.
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:17 CoCoA-5 Support #1365 (New): Package EdgeIdeal not documented
While preparing to present "graph colouring" I discovered a few mins ago that *@ChromaticNumber@* is a package-export... John Abbott

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