



From 11 Aug 2015 to 09 Sep 2015

08 Sep 2015

14:06 CoCoA-5 Feature #771: New fns: MaxBy and MinBy to find minimum/maximum of a list wrt a given order
John Abbott wrote:
> I wanted to be compatible with @SortBy@ and @SortedBy@, and perhaps also the C++ STL...
OK, ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:55 CoCoA-5 Feature #771: New fns: MaxBy and MinBy to find minimum/maximum of a list wrt a given order
I wanted to be compatible with @SortBy@ and @SortedBy@, and perhaps also the C++ STL...
John Abbott
13:44 CoCoA-5 Feature #771: New fns: MaxBy and MinBy to find minimum/maximum of a list wrt a given order
There is only one detail I'm undecided about:
you implemented the function with argument @LessThan@ whereas it came ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:52 CoCoA-5 Feature #771 (In Progress): New fns: MaxBy and MinBy to find minimum/maximum of a list wrt a given order
JAA has checked that the fns work on a simplish example.
Code checked in.
Anna say's she'll write doc. And a t...
John Abbott
12:08 CoCoA-5 Feature #771: New fns: MaxBy and MinBy to find minimum/maximum of a list wrt a given order
John Abbott wrote:
> Do we want these fns?
> I already have (simple) implementations in my own personal copy of @l...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:49 CoCoA-5 Bug #772 (In Progress): Emacs UI: send-region and send-line make sense inside a cpkg5 file?
JAA continues to be unconvinced.
Point (0): it is correct (and will probably prevail).
Point (1): it will probabl...
John Abbott
12:21 CoCoA-5 Bug #772: Emacs UI: send-region and send-line make sense inside a cpkg5 file?
John Abbott wrote:
> Does it make sense to have @send-region@ and @send-line@ easily accessible from inside a @file....
Anna Maria Bigatti

06 Sep 2015

14:04 CoCoALib Design #769: CoCoALib cone
I think the CoCoALib cone should always exist. Even if it can do basically nothing. But otherwise a user would have t... Christof Soeger

05 Sep 2015

16:28 CoCoA-5 Bug #772 (In Progress): Emacs UI: send-region and send-line make sense inside a cpkg5 file?
Does it make sense to have @send-region@ and @send-line@ easily accessible from inside a @file.cpkg5@? Sending just ... John Abbott
16:01 CoCoA-5 Feature #771: New fns: MaxBy and MinBy to find minimum/maximum of a list wrt a given order
Do we want these fns?
I already have (simple) implementations in my own personal copy of @list.cpkg5@.
If we wa...
John Abbott
15:58 CoCoA-5 Feature #771 (Closed): New fns: MaxBy and MinBy to find minimum/maximum of a list wrt a given order
CoCoA offers @SortBy@ for a sorting a list wrt a given order. Anders would like a fn to find the min/max of a list w... John Abbott

04 Sep 2015

20:14 CoCoALib Design #769: CoCoALib cone
Anders pointed out that normaliz's interpretation of "const" is probably more threadsafe than gfan's John Abbott
17:49 CoCoALib Design #769 (In Progress): CoCoALib cone
Here is a suggested design.
A CoCoALib cone object typically contains both a normaliz cone and a gfan cone. Obvio...
John Abbott
15:19 CoCoALib Design #769: CoCoALib cone
Normaliz 2.99 now includes the "double cone" idea we had used in CoCoALib; this means that the CoCoALib impl can be s... John Abbott

03 Sep 2015

17:00 CoCoA-5 Feature #770 (New): CoCoA type "cone"
Make the type cone for CoCoA (when class cone is defined for CoCoALib)
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:50 CoCoALib Design #769 (In Progress): CoCoALib cone
Make a cone type which includes Normaliz and Gfan cones.
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:38 CoCoA-5 Feature #761: Evaluating a QuasiPol
added example to CoCoAHelp Anna Maria Bigatti
16:00 CoCoA-5 Support #767 (Feedback): Rename Log to exponents
John Abbott
14:29 CoCoA-5 Support #767 (Resolved): Rename Log to exponents
Changed @BuiltinFunctions.C@; updated packages and documentation; updated tests.
How to rename *@LogToTerm@*???
John Abbott
14:24 CoCoA-5 Support #767 (In Progress): Rename Log to exponents
The new name @exponents@ is rather long, but is easier to understand.
The impl in @BuiltinFunctions.C@ cannot be 1 l...
John Abbott
14:20 CoCoA-5 Support #767 (Closed): Rename Log to exponents
In lnoe with using the same fn names in CoCoA-5 and CoCoALib we have decided to change @log@ (of a power product) int... John Abbott
15:59 CoCoA-5 Support #768 (Feedback): Rename LogToTerm to MakeTerm
John Abbott
15:44 CoCoA-5 Support #768 (Resolved): Rename LogToTerm to MakeTerm
Renamed fn in @cocolib.cpkg5@; updated tests and packages. Updated manual.
All seems well.
JAA is slightly une...
John Abbott
14:57 CoCoA-5 Support #768: Rename LogToTerm to MakeTerm
The function @MakeTerm@ is very similar to the CoCoALib function @monomial@; the only difference is that @monomial@ r... John Abbott
14:51 CoCoA-5 Support #768 (Closed): Rename LogToTerm to MakeTerm
After renaming @log@ to @exponents@ the name @LogToTerm@ makes little sense.
Suggestion: rename @LogToTerm@ to @Ma...
John Abbott
11:41 CoCoALib Feature #758 (In Progress): configure: have option to say to look for external libs
Christof reports having seen a form like @--with-extlib=system@ to mean that @extlib@ is automatically sought in the ... John Abbott

02 Sep 2015

18:17 CoCoA-5 Feature #761: Evaluating a QuasiPol
Ups, there is already @NmzEvaluateHilbertQuasiPolynomial@ with exactly that functionality. But it has no documentation. Christof Soeger
18:03 CoCoA-5 Feature #761: Evaluating a QuasiPol
Here is an example and how you have to evaluate it at the moment... Christof Soeger
13:17 CoCoA-5 Design #766 (Closed): CoCoA version number: copy CoCoALib
Right now the version numer for CoCoA is written in 3 different places (CoCoA code, manual, release files).
Copy wha...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:01 CoCoALib Feature #765 (In Progress): ExternalLib-CDD: (needed by GFan)
Compilation of CDD needed some tweaking, expecially making it compatible with GFan.
(see documentation for ExternalL...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:11 CoCoALib Design #764: ExternalLib: simplify configuration
All the external libraries now have symbolic links in @configuration/ExternalLibs/{include,lib}@.
Then it should be ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:57 CoCoALib Design #764 (Closed): ExternalLib: simplify configuration
I've recently added GFan. (in @configure@ file)
It took me a few hours (modifying settings for Frobby) to get all t...
Anna Maria Bigatti

01 Sep 2015

12:14 CoCoALib Design #763: GlobalManager: initialization compatible with initialization of external libs
Here is why the situation could be quite "delicate".
Prior to using CoCoALib and GfanLib some initialization must ...
John Abbott
11:39 CoCoALib Design #763: GlobalManager: initialization compatible with initialization of external libs
There is no problem with @libnormaliz@ because it does nothing fancy.
John Abbott
11:38 CoCoALib Design #763 (In Progress): GlobalManager: initialization compatible with initialization of external libs
[during meeting in Aarhus]
Anders asked about the following scenario:
a program uses both CoCoALib and GfanLib, an...
John Abbott
12:08 CoCoALib Slug #742: View PP exponent vector (and order vector?) as an array of long?
For me all the timings are the same:... Christof Soeger
11:30 CoCoALib Slug #742: View PP exponent vector (and order vector?) as an array of long?
Could someone else try to run the test program on a decent machine with a recent compiler?
My conclusion from the ...
John Abbott
11:21 CoCoALib Feature #180: GlobalManager: registration of global variables
[during meeting in Aarhus with Anders, Anna and Christof]
It was pointed out that external libs may want to store Co...
John Abbott
11:17 CoCoALib Feature #638: Time limit: let user specify time limit for a computation
My comment in note 2 about using the system "alarm" mechanism might fit in quite well with the @CheckForInterrupt@ me... John Abbott
11:09 CoCoALib Feature #762: ExternalLib-GFan: first prototype
What do we want?
- cones (CoCoACone=NmzCone+GFan, or two separate implementations inheriting from a base class)
- f...
Anna Maria Bigatti

30 Aug 2015

16:46 CoCoALib Feature #762: ExternalLib-GFan: first prototype
Get inspiration from Macaulay2:
Anna Maria Bigatti

28 Aug 2015

09:02 CoCoALib Feature #762 (Closed): ExternalLib-GFan: first prototype
Make a first prototype of communication with GFan.
(more evolved and specific tasks will be separate issues)
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:58 CoCoA-5 Feature #761: Evaluating a QuasiPol
I don't know how to do it (and if it is possible), but we could return a QuasiPoly in CoCoA-5 as a tagged object (tag... Anna Maria Bigatti

27 Aug 2015

17:48 CoCoA-5 Feature #761 (Closed): Evaluating a QuasiPol
There should be an CoCoA5 function for evaluating a QuasiPoly. There is on in CoCoALib but we probably cannot use it ... Christof Soeger

15 Aug 2015

21:39 CoCoA-5 Support #632: MacOSX: many warnings with compiler CLANG/LLVM when compiling BOOST code.
This issue was originally raised by Laura Torrente (on 2 Oct 2014, via email).
John Abbott
16:25 CoCoA-5 Support #187: CoCoA-5 (partial) releases: make the process simpler
After speaking to Anna about my last comment, I have changed my mind.
She is the one who normally compiles release...
John Abbott

13 Aug 2015

16:02 CoCoA-5 Support #187: CoCoA-5 (partial) releases: make the process simpler
Why do you need @pdflatex@ on cygwin?
I was thinking that the easy way to make a release would be effectively:
* ...
John Abbott

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