



From 14 Jan 2015 to 12 Feb 2015

12 Feb 2015

10:33 CoCoALib Feature #651: Optimized algorithms for implicitization (slicing algorithm, elim, subalgebra..)
I changed all ring names into Kt and Kx in TmpImplicit.C
Anna Maria Bigatti

11 Feb 2015

17:42 CoCoALib Feature #665 (In Progress): Integrate Janet/Pommaret basis code
Integrating Janet/Pommaret basis into CoCoALib and CoCoA-5
What Mario will do:
* think about good names for JBMil...
John Abbott
17:39 CoCoALib Feature #664 (Resolved): Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
Impl small non-prime finite fields (?using log/exp tables?)
Werner+Mario would like these ASAP; especially with ch...
John Abbott

04 Feb 2015

13:19 CoCoA-5 Bug #663 (New): Emacs UI: C-c C-\ copies line cursor is on
The emacs key sequence @C-c C-\@ quits a running CoCoA-5 (same as Signals->QUIT).
I noticed that if the cursor is no...
John Abbott

23 Jan 2015

14:11 CoCoA-5 Feature #659: Ring ID: separate index values for "system created rings"?
The command @RationalSolve@ seems to burn through lots of rings, so if called many times, can burn through very many ... John Abbott
13:50 CoCoALib Feature #661: Laurent polynomials
There are two cases to consider:
* dense univariate
* sparse multivariate
One "easy" solution is to use existing da...
John Abbott
13:48 CoCoALib Feature #661 (New): Laurent polynomials
I propose adding a @LaurentPolynomial@ ring extension.
John Abbott

22 Jan 2015

19:08 CoCoALib Feature #658: Indets actually in a poly (or vector or matrix)
John Abbott wrote:
> If the answer is *yes* then we must decide some things:
> * what is the answer? List of polys...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:46 CoCoALib Feature #658: Indets actually in a poly (or vector or matrix)
If the answer is *yes* then we must decide some things:
* what is the answer? List of polys which are actually inde...
John Abbott
15:43 CoCoALib Feature #658 (Closed): Indets actually in a poly (or vector or matrix)
Should we have a function which says which indets actually appear in a polynomial? John Abbott
19:04 CoCoA-5 Feature #659: Ring ID: separate index values for "system created rings"?
Not sure it's worth the hassle.
It would be prettier, but I think we are the only two who would appreciate it ;-)
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:02 CoCoA-5 Feature #659: Ring ID: separate index values for "system created rings"?
Maybe this should be in CoCoALib?
If we do decide to do this then I think there would have to be a distinct way of...
John Abbott
15:58 CoCoA-5 Feature #659 (New): Ring ID: separate index values for "system created rings"?
In a recent CoCoA session I found I was using a ring with ID value almost 60000 -- no idea why it was so high. I cer... John Abbott
17:11 CoCoA-5 Bug #660: Emacs UI: endfunc does not indent the line
It works fine for me (and my cocoa5.el is cvs'ed).
Maybe you should check you are not including an older cocoa5.el?
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:11 CoCoA-5 Bug #660 (New): Emacs UI: endfunc does not indent the line
When I use @C-c C-e@ to add the relevant end-keyword it usually automatically indents the line; the indenting does no... John Abbott

20 Jan 2015

20:32 CoCoA-5 Feature #657: use command, ring syntax, RingOf
I did indeed try to execute that command (without really thinking). It would have been handy if it had worked, but i... John Abbott
20:30 CoCoA-5 Feature #657 (New): use command, ring syntax, RingOf
Is it desirable to be able to issue a command such as this?
@use RingOf(M);@
Note that this has potential implica...
John Abbott
20:25 CoCoA-5 Design #656: eval: in which ring should the result be?
We could make obsolescent the version which wants coords in the poly ring -- so it still works but produces a warning... John Abbott
20:24 CoCoA-5 Design #656: eval: in which ring should the result be?
Currently @eval@ is written in CoCoA-5, and just checks args before calling @subst@.
I find the version which retu...
John Abbott
20:19 CoCoA-5 Design #656 (New): eval: in which ring should the result be?
Currently @eval(f,[xval,yval])@ wants @xval@ and @yval@ to be in the same ring as @f@; and the result is then natural... John Abbott
17:12 CoCoA-5 Slug #655: MakeSet can be very slow
I tried to run @MakeSet@ on a list of about 7000 matrices (2x2), most of which were different. I stopped CoCoA after... John Abbott
17:10 CoCoA-5 Slug #655 (New): MakeSet can be very slow
@MakeSet@ can be very slow on long lists where most of the elements are distinct.
Find a way to make it faster.
John Abbott
17:08 CoCoA-5 Support #654: Rename adjoint to adjugate???
I suppose @adjoint@ should become obsolescent.
Possible new names as @ClassicalAdjoint@ or @adjugate@; I suppose the...
John Abbott
17:06 CoCoA-5 Support #654: Rename adjoint to adjugate???
I had a quick search on internet, and found a discussion (in Google groups, I think) by the Sage developers on exactl... John Abbott
17:02 CoCoA-5 Support #654 (Closed): Rename adjoint to adjugate???
I have just looked up *adjoint* in Wikipedia. There it says that _adjoint_ is increasingly being used to mean the tr... John Abbott

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