



From 01 Mar 2013 to 30 Mar 2013

28 Mar 2013

17:11 CoCoALib Support #26: Redmine Administration
I'm not sure which version of *redmine* we are using, but a new stable release was announced just a week ago. Should... John Abbott
17:06 CoCoALib Feature #72: MatByRows, MatByCols
JAA notes that there is a ctor for @DenseMat@ which behaves as @MatByRows@ except that it makes a copy of the entries... John Abbott
16:07 CoCoA-5 Feature #18: Printing matrices: I/O unified style for CoCoA-5?
JAA has just changed slightly the way matrices are printed: removed two newlines.
The newly changed code would produc...
John Abbott

27 Mar 2013

20:02 CoCoALib Bug #119: CoCoA4io
This is a silly mindless task, but it needs to be done (and the sooner the better).
John Abbott
19:38 CoCoALib Feature #145: Buchberger-Moeller: fast modular impl
Just a pointless comment to "wake up" this issue.
John Abbott
19:36 CoCoALib Support #140 (Feedback): Doc & example for convert
All calls to @convert@ have been eliminated (replaced).
The conversion from @BigInt@ and @BigRat@ to @string@ has ...
John Abbott
19:30 CoCoA-5 Design #332 (Closed): Approx pts preprocessing fns
I have just added the approx pts preprocessing fns to CoCoA-5.
This issue is about deciding the most appropriate int...
John Abbott
11:38 CoCoALib Support #195: OrdvArith documentation needs rewriting
JAA has added a new class *@StdDegRevLex2@*.
This appears to offer a cleaner and faster impl -- but its speed has ye...
John Abbott

26 Mar 2013

16:43 CoCoALib Support #140: Doc & example for convert
I have removed @convert@ (and replaced all calls to it).
Modified the doc for the conversion functions.
Modified th...
John Abbott

25 Mar 2013

18:51 CoCoALib Support #140 (In Progress): Doc & example for convert
JAA has improved the doc for the type conversion fns @convert@, @IsConvertible@ and @ConvertTo@.
Still to be done:...
John Abbott
18:40 CoCoALib Bug #135 (Feedback): Revise interface to SmallFpImpl & friends
Revised interface now works well in the context of @DUPFp@.
Updated all 3 impls, and their doc.
Perhaps revise im...
John Abbott

20 Mar 2013

23:22 CoCoALib Feature #127: Convert DUPFF code to C++
I've rewritten most of the @DUPFF@ code in C++ (_i.e._ using @DUPFp@).
Still need to do:
# CVS check-in (*done 2013-...
John Abbott
23:17 CoCoALib Design #254 (In Progress): How to return a Hilbert Series in CoCoALib
Here is a suggestion: a @RECORD@ with two fields @numer@ and @denom@ where
* @numer@ is a polynomial,
* and @denom@ i...
John Abbott

19 Mar 2013

10:35 CoCoALib Design #254: How to return a Hilbert Series in CoCoALib
Any news on it?
In libnormaliz it is a vector for the coefficients of the numerator and a map for the exponents of...
Christof Soeger

15 Mar 2013

17:40 CoCoALib Bug #326: C++ nasty surprises
*2013-03-14* Got burned in @OrdvArith.C@ (fn @CmpWDegPartial@) by a silent conversion from @unsigned long@ to @signed... John Abbott
17:35 CoCoALib Feature #3 (Closed): implement creation of a PPMonoidElement from vector<BigInt>
(2013-03-14) This work has already been done some time ago -- just updating the redmine entry. John Abbott
17:05 CoCoALib Design #268: Exponent range (in power products)
*2013-03-14* Soeger+Bruns report via email about 10% slow down when using *(C)* rather than *(B)*.
John Abbott
17:01 CoCoA-5 Feature #331: Is it possible to have R^3 for NewFreeModule(R,3)?
The ring @R@ could keep a list of freemodules based on itself, and @R^3@ then only needs to check whether it has alre... John Abbott
16:52 CoCoA-5 Feature #331 (Rejected): Is it possible to have R^3 for NewFreeModule(R,3)?
The answer is yes.
I implemented all the code (in Interpreter.C: *opPower_Ring_BigInt* and *opPowerMap*), but the pr...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:14 CoCoA-5 Feature #331 (Rejected): Is it possible to have R^3 for NewFreeModule(R,3)?
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:32 CoCoALib Feature #269: PPMonoids: check for exponent overflow in power function
All tests pass on my machine. Anna Maria Bigatti
16:28 CoCoALib Feature #269 (Feedback): PPMonoids: check for exponent overflow in power function
Some casual tests were passed without problem; so I have checked in everything.
Changing status to feedback.
John Abbott
15:59 CoCoALib Feature #223: Automatic mapping of RingElems
cvs-ed Anna Maria Bigatti
15:36 CoCoALib Feature #223 (Feedback): Automatic mapping of RingElems
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:18 CoCoA-5 Feature #273: Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
Giulia has:
* finished the code for aff alg homs
* written doc
* tried to do an example computation with modules, ...
John Abbott
13:11 CoCoA-5 Feature #330 (Closed): Syzygy for modules: homogeneous module
Syz for modules John Abbott
12:12 CoCoALib Bug #22 (Feedback): Rename PPMonoidEvZZ?
The class names are not public, so i have made them descriptive (and thus long).
I have changed the interface of the...
John Abbott

12 Mar 2013

10:16 CoCoALib Slug #329 (New): Why is DMPI slower than DMPClean?
Try the following program; and then again but making @P@ a @NewPolyRing_DMPI@.
The times I get are: clean=20s, DMPI=...
John Abbott

11 Mar 2013

18:51 CoCoA-5 Feature #8 (Feedback): source region
Decided the fine details of the semantics; C++ and emacs code are now in agreement.
Modified @Lexer.C@ and the @LineP...
John Abbott

08 Mar 2013

16:36 CoCoALib Feature #223 (Resolved): Automatic mapping of RingElems
I added *RingElem(R, rhs)* with rsh a RingElem in a ring S such that there exists a CanonicalHom S->R
(both to CoCoA...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:09 CoCoA-5 Feature #273: Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
Giulia has dealt with most points from last time.
* fix the code so that it works again (after JAA "improved" it)
John Abbott
12:01 CoCoA-5 Feature #8: source region
I played a bit with the emacs SourceRegion and I think that it might be useful to "echo" the region that has been sen... Anna Maria Bigatti

07 Mar 2013

23:31 CoCoA-5 Feature #8: source region
I now have the code for producing... Anna Maria Bigatti
18:41 CoCoA-5 Feature #8: source region
It compiles and links! The keyword is *@SourceRegion@*.
There are sure to be some "off by 1" errors (_e.g._ do line...
John Abbott
16:55 CoCoA-5 Feature #8: source region
Let me rewaken the question of the command name for reading a (contiguous) region inside a file. Last time there was... John Abbott
15:29 CoCoA-5 Feature #8: source region
Why are we allowing so much flexibility with the "source region" command?
It'll never be called by hand!
I have s...
John Abbott

05 Mar 2013

21:49 CoCoA-5 Feature #8 (In Progress): source region
I mention an alternative possible meaning for "source region". It could specify the file and start and end character... John Abbott
21:39 CoCoA-5 Feature #328 (Closed): Swap
I think C5 should have a *@swap@* procedure.
Presumably it could simply be...
John Abbott
18:16 CoCoALib Feature #320 (Rejected): PPMonoid pseudo-ctors without symbol names
Both Anna and John think this issue should be rejected.
John Abbott

04 Mar 2013

11:27 CoCoALib Bug #327 (Closed): C++ integer shift operators
JAA believes he has checked all CoCoALib code, and that there are no suspect uses of the shift operators.
The fact...
John Abbott

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