



From 27 Feb 2013 to 28 Mar 2013

28 Mar 2013

17:11 CoCoALib Support #26: Redmine Administration
I'm not sure which version of *redmine* we are using, but a new stable release was announced just a week ago. Should... John Abbott
17:06 CoCoALib Feature #72: MatByRows, MatByCols
JAA notes that there is a ctor for @DenseMat@ which behaves as @MatByRows@ except that it makes a copy of the entries... John Abbott
16:07 CoCoA-5 Feature #18: Printing matrices: I/O unified style for CoCoA-5?
JAA has just changed slightly the way matrices are printed: removed two newlines.
The newly changed code would produc...
John Abbott

27 Mar 2013

20:02 CoCoALib Bug #119: CoCoA4io
This is a silly mindless task, but it needs to be done (and the sooner the better).
John Abbott
19:38 CoCoALib Feature #145: Buchberger-Moeller: fast modular impl
Just a pointless comment to "wake up" this issue.
John Abbott
19:36 CoCoALib Support #140 (Feedback): Doc & example for convert
All calls to @convert@ have been eliminated (replaced).
The conversion from @BigInt@ and @BigRat@ to @string@ has ...
John Abbott
19:30 CoCoA-5 Design #332 (Closed): Approx pts preprocessing fns
I have just added the approx pts preprocessing fns to CoCoA-5.
This issue is about deciding the most appropriate int...
John Abbott
11:38 CoCoALib Support #195: OrdvArith documentation needs rewriting
JAA has added a new class *@StdDegRevLex2@*.
This appears to offer a cleaner and faster impl -- but its speed has ye...
John Abbott

26 Mar 2013

16:43 CoCoALib Support #140: Doc & example for convert
I have removed @convert@ (and replaced all calls to it).
Modified the doc for the conversion functions.
Modified th...
John Abbott

25 Mar 2013

18:51 CoCoALib Support #140 (In Progress): Doc & example for convert
JAA has improved the doc for the type conversion fns @convert@, @IsConvertible@ and @ConvertTo@.
Still to be done:...
John Abbott
18:40 CoCoALib Bug #135 (Feedback): Revise interface to SmallFpImpl & friends
Revised interface now works well in the context of @DUPFp@.
Updated all 3 impls, and their doc.
Perhaps revise im...
John Abbott

20 Mar 2013

23:22 CoCoALib Feature #127: Convert DUPFF code to C++
I've rewritten most of the @DUPFF@ code in C++ (_i.e._ using @DUPFp@).
Still need to do:
# CVS check-in (*done 2013-...
John Abbott
23:17 CoCoALib Design #254 (In Progress): How to return a Hilbert Series in CoCoALib
Here is a suggestion: a @RECORD@ with two fields @numer@ and @denom@ where
* @numer@ is a polynomial,
* and @denom@ i...
John Abbott

19 Mar 2013

10:35 CoCoALib Design #254: How to return a Hilbert Series in CoCoALib
Any news on it?
In libnormaliz it is a vector for the coefficients of the numerator and a map for the exponents of...
Christof Soeger

15 Mar 2013

17:40 CoCoALib Bug #326: C++ nasty surprises
*2013-03-14* Got burned in @OrdvArith.C@ (fn @CmpWDegPartial@) by a silent conversion from @unsigned long@ to @signed... John Abbott
17:35 CoCoALib Feature #3 (Closed): implement creation of a PPMonoidElement from vector<BigInt>
(2013-03-14) This work has already been done some time ago -- just updating the redmine entry. John Abbott
17:05 CoCoALib Design #268: Exponent range (in power products)
*2013-03-14* Soeger+Bruns report via email about 10% slow down when using *(C)* rather than *(B)*.
John Abbott
17:01 CoCoA-5 Feature #331: Is it possible to have R^3 for NewFreeModule(R,3)?
The ring @R@ could keep a list of freemodules based on itself, and @R^3@ then only needs to check whether it has alre... John Abbott
16:52 CoCoA-5 Feature #331 (Rejected): Is it possible to have R^3 for NewFreeModule(R,3)?
The answer is yes.
I implemented all the code (in Interpreter.C: *opPower_Ring_BigInt* and *opPowerMap*), but the pr...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:14 CoCoA-5 Feature #331 (Rejected): Is it possible to have R^3 for NewFreeModule(R,3)?
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:32 CoCoALib Feature #269: PPMonoids: check for exponent overflow in power function
All tests pass on my machine. Anna Maria Bigatti
16:28 CoCoALib Feature #269 (Feedback): PPMonoids: check for exponent overflow in power function
Some casual tests were passed without problem; so I have checked in everything.
Changing status to feedback.
John Abbott
15:59 CoCoALib Feature #223: Automatic mapping of RingElems
cvs-ed Anna Maria Bigatti
15:36 CoCoALib Feature #223 (Feedback): Automatic mapping of RingElems
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:18 CoCoA-5 Feature #273: Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
Giulia has:
* finished the code for aff alg homs
* written doc
* tried to do an example computation with modules, ...
John Abbott
13:11 CoCoA-5 Feature #330 (Closed): Syzygy for modules: homogeneous module
Syz for modules John Abbott
12:12 CoCoALib Bug #22 (Feedback): Rename PPMonoidEvZZ?
The class names are not public, so i have made them descriptive (and thus long).
I have changed the interface of the...
John Abbott

12 Mar 2013

10:16 CoCoALib Slug #329 (New): Why is DMPI slower than DMPClean?
Try the following program; and then again but making @P@ a @NewPolyRing_DMPI@.
The times I get are: clean=20s, DMPI=...
John Abbott

11 Mar 2013

18:51 CoCoA-5 Feature #8 (Feedback): source region
Decided the fine details of the semantics; C++ and emacs code are now in agreement.
Modified @Lexer.C@ and the @LineP...
John Abbott

08 Mar 2013

16:36 CoCoALib Feature #223 (Resolved): Automatic mapping of RingElems
I added *RingElem(R, rhs)* with rsh a RingElem in a ring S such that there exists a CanonicalHom S->R
(both to CoCoA...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:09 CoCoA-5 Feature #273: Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
Giulia has dealt with most points from last time.
* fix the code so that it works again (after JAA "improved" it)
John Abbott
12:01 CoCoA-5 Feature #8: source region
I played a bit with the emacs SourceRegion and I think that it might be useful to "echo" the region that has been sen... Anna Maria Bigatti

07 Mar 2013

23:31 CoCoA-5 Feature #8: source region
I now have the code for producing... Anna Maria Bigatti
18:41 CoCoA-5 Feature #8: source region
It compiles and links! The keyword is *@SourceRegion@*.
There are sure to be some "off by 1" errors (_e.g._ do line...
John Abbott
16:55 CoCoA-5 Feature #8: source region
Let me rewaken the question of the command name for reading a (contiguous) region inside a file. Last time there was... John Abbott
15:29 CoCoA-5 Feature #8: source region
Why are we allowing so much flexibility with the "source region" command?
It'll never be called by hand!
I have s...
John Abbott

05 Mar 2013

21:49 CoCoA-5 Feature #8 (In Progress): source region
I mention an alternative possible meaning for "source region". It could specify the file and start and end character... John Abbott
21:39 CoCoA-5 Feature #328 (Closed): Swap
I think C5 should have a *@swap@* procedure.
Presumably it could simply be...
John Abbott
18:16 CoCoALib Feature #320 (Rejected): PPMonoid pseudo-ctors without symbol names
Both Anna and John think this issue should be rejected.
John Abbott

04 Mar 2013

11:27 CoCoALib Bug #327 (Closed): C++ integer shift operators
JAA believes he has checked all CoCoALib code, and that there are no suspect uses of the shift operators.
The fact...
John Abbott

27 Feb 2013

19:10 CoCoA-5 Feature #8: source region
In a sense it works in emacs, but not as I would like it to work.
I would like it to work as though the region had...
John Abbott
18:04 CoCoA-5 Feature #8: source region
John Abbott wrote:
> Any chance of having this within 2-3 weeks for this year's AlgComp course?
well, for emacs i...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:27 CoCoA-5 Feature #8: source region
Any chance of having this within 2-3 weeks for this year's AlgComp course?
If I want it in a hurry then I know who...
John Abbott
17:36 CoCoALib Bug #327 (Closed): C++ integer shift operators
The effect of the integer shift operators in C++ is *UNDEFINED* if the shift amount is greater than or equal to the w... John Abbott
17:33 CoCoALib Bug #326 (In Progress): C++ nasty surprises
This "issue" is just to collect links to issues where we got burned by strange/unexpected C++ behaviour.
If you ge...
John Abbott
17:31 CoCoA-5 Support #314: odd and even numbers for snapshots/official versions?
JAA likes the rule:
* odd <--> snapshot
* even <--> stable/official
Should we use a similar rule for CoCoALib?
John Abbott
12:58 CoCoA-5 Bug #321 (In Progress): interpreter proposes no near misses for "bin"
The problem is caused by the fact the suggestions offered depend on the arity in the context in which the name appear... John Abbott

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