



From 09 Nov 2012 to 08 Dec 2012

07 Dec 2012

14:52 CoCoALib Feature #84 (Resolved): Names for random streams
Anna Maria Bigatti

06 Dec 2012

16:24 CoCoALib Support #285 (Closed): Notes for adding/removing files from documentation
When adding or removing files from *CoCoALib-0.99NN/doc/txt* there are a few operations to do in *@doc/aux-txt2tags@*... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:16 CoCoA-5 Feature #273: Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
Giulia showed her restructured code: generally very good, just a few minor criticisms were made.
For next time, she ...
John Abbott

05 Dec 2012

16:56 CoCoA-5 Feature #284 (Closed): BuiltInFunctions: more flexible typing in one-line function declaration
In file *BuiltInOneLiners* there are many function wonderfully declared in one line.
Unfortunately sometimes we need...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:46 CoCoALib Feature #283 (In Progress): Rational approximation
JAA has implemented the fn in CoCoALib, and also make it available in CoCoA-5.
It remains only to decide the name(s),...
John Abbott
15:31 CoCoALib Feature #283: Rational approximation
Proposals for the name of the function:... John Abbott
14:58 CoCoALib Feature #283: Rational approximation
JAA proposes a function *@SimplestRationalInInterval@* which makes publicly accessible a feature already used interna... John Abbott
14:55 CoCoALib Feature #283 (Closed): Rational approximation
Add a new function which computes a good rational approximation within a specified *absolute* error. Laura needs thi... John Abbott
14:55 CoCoALib Feature #150 (In Progress): RingOf rather than owner? (and than AmbientRing, ...)
There are other cases: now I'm working on a (private) file with *GBEnv* and the function to get it form an object is ... Anna Maria Bigatti

04 Dec 2012

18:22 CoCoALib Feature #84: Names for random streams
AMB will unify the documentation files -- and update the names of the random sequence classes!
JAA will unify the co...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:02 CoCoALib Feature #84: Names for random streams
Approved the idea of *unifying the sources* after verbal discussion.
The best unified name seems to be *@random@*.
John Abbott
11:57 CoCoALib Feature #84: Names for random streams
Discussion via Skype:
instead of *sample* use *NextValue* to access a new element from a *RandomStream..*
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:27 CoCoALib Feature #84: Names for random streams
Following Alessandra Caleo's criticisms (see issue #75), we have modified the documentation and examples to make them... John Abbott
12:14 CoCoALib Feature #282 (New): Global setting: to use IsProbPrime in place of IsPrime
An idea: since *@IsPrime@* can be extremely slow for larger inputs, and since *@IsProbPrime@* is normally extremely r... John Abbott

03 Dec 2012

15:31 CoCoALib Feature #281 (New): Store unique copy of FF(p) in GlobalManager
Now calling *ZZ/(7)* twice produces two different rings.
Maybe that should be stored into GlobalManager.
Anna Maria Bigatti

30 Nov 2012

16:26 CoCoALib Support #75 (Closed): Documentation review by Caleo
Alessandra reports:
* what does @flush@ do in @ex-GMPAllocator2.C@? (*ok, fixed now*)
* @ex-NF.C@ not mentioned in d...
John Abbott
11:31 CoCoA-5 Bug #280 (Feedback): EmacsUI: indentation is wrong with parentheses
changed relevant code in cocoa5.el into... Anna Maria Bigatti

29 Nov 2012

18:26 CoCoA-5 Bug #280: EmacsUI: indentation is wrong with parentheses
I believe the problem is in lines 697-698 when the value for @par@ is computed.
It is not clear to me how the value ...
John Abbott
15:04 CoCoA-5 Bug #280: EmacsUI: indentation is wrong with parentheses
I believe the Emacs code for C/C++ is in @cc-mode.el@. On my computer the full path is:
John Abbott
11:52 CoCoA-5 Bug #280: EmacsUI: indentation is wrong with parentheses
I have had a quick look at the Emacs LISP source code. It is not terribly readable. I believe the relevant function... John Abbott
11:30 CoCoA-5 Bug #280 (Closed): EmacsUI: indentation is wrong with parentheses
cocoa5-mode indents wrongly withing parentheses (and one student got worried ;-)... Anna Maria Bigatti
08:17 CoCoA-5 Bug #279 (Closed): Bug in Radical (actually a RingHom problem)
this gives an error:... Anna Maria Bigatti

28 Nov 2012

11:38 CoCoALib Feature #50 (Feedback): Polynomial content
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:37 CoCoALib Feature #51 (Feedback): polynomial coefficient extraction w.r.t. variable
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:34 CoCoALib Feature #278 (Closed): add CoeffVecWRT to cocoalib
Write C++ code for *@CoeffVecWRT@*, corresponding to the cocoa-5 function CoeffListWRT (with indices shifted by 1, as... Anna Maria Bigatti
11:31 CoCoA-5 Feature #90 (Closed): Make the new fn CoefficientsWRT available in C5
I added *@CoeffListWRT@* to @NotBuiltin.cpkg5@.
Added and fixed manual for @CoeffListWRT@, @coefficients@, @Coefficie...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:02 CoCoALib Feature #215: Janet Bases: check and include code in CoCoALib (first prototype)
Last night I tried compiling CoCoALib on my old Mac G5, and the compiler reported a problem in @TmpJBSet.H@ -- the da... John Abbott

27 Nov 2012

09:52 CoCoA-5 Support #176: CoCoAManual: Doc for new commands
missing doc for *one* and *zero* Anna Maria Bigatti

26 Nov 2012

19:30 CoCoA-5 Feature #90: Make the new fn CoefficientsWRT available in C5
In CoCoALib *@CoefficientsWRT@* accepts both a @RingElem@ and a _list of indets_ as 2nd arg, and produces the same ty... John Abbott
16:41 CoCoA-5 Feature #90 (Resolved): Make the new fn CoefficientsWRT available in C5
@coefficients(4*x^3+2*x+1, x);@ had been disabled.
Write @CoefficientsWRT(F, x);@ returning the coefficients of F wrt...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:47 CoCoA-5 Feature #273: Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
Giulia has converted her code into functions. The code performs some sanity checks on the arguments, but she was una... John Abbott

23 Nov 2012

18:24 CoCoALib Bug #277 (New): Eliminate class RefPPMonoidElem?
Recently I eliminated the class @RefRingElem@ for ring elements.
Should I do the same for *@RefPPMonoidElem@*?
John Abbott

22 Nov 2012

15:00 CoCoALib Feature #127 (In Progress): Convert DUPFF code to C++
JAA has written a first prototype.
It works, but is 10% slower than the old C code for multiplication - why???
John Abbott
12:45 CoCoALib Feature #144 (Resolved): Buchberger-Moeller: generic impl
JAA has implemented a first prototype in CoCoALib.
It works on two simple examples. Still need to:
* make it accessi...
John Abbott

21 Nov 2012

09:49 CoCoA-5 Feature #78: Elim ordering and matrix ordering in CoCoA-5
*CompleteToOrd* gives a non-term-ordering if there are 0's in the given row.
I think it's easy to fix (in cocoalib). ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:10 CoCoA-5 Feature #276 (New): TeXmacs interface
We still have problems about the graphical interface.
Can we easily get a nice interface with TeXmacs?
possibly usi...
Anna Maria Bigatti

19 Nov 2012

15:51 CoCoA-5 Feature #273 (In Progress): Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
Giulia has done 4 examples.
For next time she will convert the code in the solutions into various functions (_e.g._ ...
John Abbott
10:42 CoCoALib Feature #121: Porting "IdealOfPoints"
I think that the good old code should be linked first.
Making a proper clean Chinese Remaindering in CoCoALib will r...
Anna Maria Bigatti

15 Nov 2012

18:46 CoCoA-5 Bug #275 (Closed): Unhelpful error messages when SmallExponent_t is unsigned char.
I changed @config.H@ so that the type @SmallExponent_t@ is @unsigned char@ (in an attempt to tackle Enrico Carlini's ... John Abbott

14 Nov 2012

14:01 CoCoA-5 Feature #274: InputForm for output readable as input
We should probably avoid the name *@InputForm@*; in the past the people behind Mathematica have not hesitated to sue ... John Abbott
11:14 CoCoA-5 Feature #274 (In Progress): InputForm for output readable as input
Compare these... Anna Maria Bigatti
11:37 CoCoA-5 Feature #212 (Feedback): NBM: add to CoCoA-5
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:34 CoCoA-5 Feature #19 (Closed): How to get the version number of CoCoA-5?
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:30 CoCoA-5 Bug #192 (Closed): indent prints strings without quotes
Apart from quotes inside strings it works.
I don't think it is very useful, but because of that I cannot consider th...
Anna Maria Bigatti

12 Nov 2012

15:59 CoCoA-5 Feature #273: Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
Giulia will do "by hand" some of the examples from Robbiano's book so that she better understands what are the diffi... John Abbott
15:31 CoCoA-5 Feature #273 (Closed): Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
Giulia Bianco is studying the implementation of various operations on homomorphisms of polynomial algebras.
The re...
John Abbott

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