



From 28 Sep 2012 to 27 Oct 2012

26 Oct 2012

17:14 CoCoALib Feature #221 (Resolved): Better RingElems
Updated the doc for RingElem.
Might be necessary to revise the example progs?
John Abbott
17:13 CoCoALib Feature #261 (Resolved): Review the utility of RefRingElem
I have updated the doc for RingElem and friends.
It probably needs some more work, but I'm taking a rest over the we...
John Abbott

24 Oct 2012

18:25 CoCoALib Design #272: Forward declarations
yes! I'm not sure how easy/difficult it is going to be to group them: looking at the documentation page:
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:56 CoCoALib Design #272 (New): Forward declarations
The C++ STL offers a header file *@<iosfwd>@* which contains forward declarations of the types used for input/output ... John Abbott
16:56 CoCoALib Feature #261: Review the utility of RefRingElem
confirm: all compiles and runs smoothly :-) Anna Maria Bigatti
16:32 CoCoALib Feature #261: Review the utility of RefRingElem
I have renamed the class @ConstRefRingelem@ into *@RingElemAlias@*, and introduced a new typedef for *@ConstRefRingEl... John Abbott
14:51 CoCoA-5 Bug #271 (Closed): test lecture-HF4
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:10 CoCoA-5 Bug #271 (Closed): test lecture-HF4
Cartatone reports that @lecture-HF4.cocoa5@ failed. The problem seems to be simply minor variations in the generator... John Abbott

22 Oct 2012

17:52 CoCoALib Feature #248: IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
John Abbott wrote:
> Question: what does this function do to the value in *@r@* if the quotient does not exist?
> 1 t...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:36 CoCoALib Feature #269: PPMonoids: check for exponent overflow in power function
We need a function sounding like "myIsTooBigForExponent(EXP)" to be called before ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

20 Oct 2012

11:38 CoCoALib Feature #248: IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
OK, we can add *@IsDivisible(r, r1, r2)@* as Anna proposes; I'm not convinced it is the best possible interface, but ... John Abbott
11:16 CoCoALib Bug #119: CoCoA4io
All files which exist just for the @CoCoAServer@ should be in the *@src/server/@* directory (rather than @src/Algebra... John Abbott
11:08 CoCoALib Design #268: Exponent range (in power products)
I ran the (old) benchmark set (inside @src/server/@).
There was *no real difference in speed* between a compilation ...
John Abbott

19 Oct 2012

18:25 CoCoALib Feature #215 (In Progress): Janet Bases: check and include code in CoCoALib (first prototype)
I've added to our CVS the files (files are called Tmp when we have no txt documentation ;-)
* @TmpJBDatastructure.CH@...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:57 CoCoALib Feature #11 (Resolved): Bareiss algorithm
John Abbott

18 Oct 2012

17:27 Support #266: Compilation on M$Windows: cygwin
--with-libnormaliz test:... Christof Soeger
16:42 Support #266: Compilation on M$Windows: cygwin
I will document everything :-)
First my test with cygwin:
* libgmp-devel: includes the headers
* lib...
Christof Soeger
12:38 Support #266: Compilation on M$Windows: cygwin
Will try it! Christof Soeger
15:19 CoCoA-5 Feature #270 (Closed): Distribution for linux
Simplify process for preparing the distribution for linux Anna Maria Bigatti
15:15 CoCoALib Feature #92: Error Codes: BadIndex
The exception catching mechanism in C++ distinguishes the errors based on their types (respecting inheritance relatio... John Abbott
14:17 CoCoALib Feature #269 (Closed): PPMonoids: check for exponent overflow in power function
A cheap safety check for exponent overflow would be simply to conduct the check in the @power@ functions for PPMonoid... John Abbott
14:13 CoCoALib Design #268 (In Progress): Exponent range (in power products)
The real candidates are (B) and (C) -- I interpret these as meaning 16 bits and 32 bits.
Option (A) would limit ex...
John Abbott
13:47 CoCoALib Design #268 (Closed): Exponent range (in power products)
The C++ type used for represent exponents in powerproducts is defined in the file *@config.H@*. It has to be an unsi... John Abbott
13:50 CoCoA-5 Bug #267 (Closed): Cyclotomic(106743) fails
Closing this issue because the problem is that addressed in issue #268 (namely the range of exponents to allow).
John Abbott
12:52 CoCoA-5 Bug #267 (Resolved): Cyclotomic(106743) fails
The problem was silent exponent overflow. In the file *@config.H@* there is the line:... John Abbott
11:40 CoCoA-5 Bug #267 (Closed): Cyclotomic(106743) fails
How is this possible?... John Abbott
07:39 CoCoALib Feature #248: IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
John Abbott wrote:
> It is not really important, but I will mention that in some cases one can test divisibility much...
Anna Maria Bigatti

17 Oct 2012

20:37 CoCoALib Feature #248: IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
It is not really important, but I will mention that in some cases one can test divisibility much more cheaply than co... John Abbott
20:33 CoCoALib Feature #248: IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
Anna's proposal *@bool IsDivisible(r, r1, r2)@* is reasonable and fits in with what we have done in similar cases so ... John Abbott
19:05 CoCoALib Feature #248: IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
Maybe we could add the interface *bool IsDivisible(r, r1, r2)* which has a similar feeling to *bool IsInteger(n, x)*.... Anna Maria Bigatti
20:10 CoCoALib Feature #261: Review the utility of RefRingElem
Checking in completed.
Documentation has still to be updated.
John Abbott
18:39 Support #266 (Closed): Compilation on M$Windows: cygwin
We should offer all documentation is needed for compiling CoCoALib/CoCoA-5 on MSWindows.
* We believe it should be e...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:17 CoCoA-5 Support #265 (Closed): Linking problems in CoCoA-5 GUI
Sometimes building the C5 GUI fails because of linking problems.
The problem is that in *@C5Makefile@* there is no...
John Abbott

15 Oct 2012

14:54 CoCoALib Feature #261: Review the utility of RefRingElem
CVS check-in blocked until new release of CoCoALib has been made.
I'll look at the documentation in the meantime.
John Abbott

14 Oct 2012

16:27 CoCoALib Bug #264: Compilation problem with "degree.H" (inline fn defns)
Try adding (in the right place...)... John Abbott

12 Oct 2012

19:22 CoCoALib Bug #264 (Closed): Compilation problem with "degree.H" (inline fn defns)
I have a very strange problem compiling the debug2 version.
(indeed it is not related with debugging at all, but wit...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:12 CoCoALib Support #75: Documentation review by Caleo
Alessandra reports:
* *@examples/CopyInfo.C@* is not an example -- Anna has added a comment to the file
* incomple...
John Abbott

11 Oct 2012

19:07 CoCoALib Support #262: Play with GIT
Now we have a git copy of cocoalib to play with.
Moreover I tried to make a new small project (math exercises ;-) ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:34 CoCoALib Feature #261: Review the utility of RefRingElem
I have replaced all occurrences of *@RefRingElem@* (usually by *@RingElem&@*),
and made a few scattered minor chang...
John Abbott
16:12 CoCoALib Feature #261: Review the utility of RefRingElem
I have implemented a reasonably clean solution to case *C*; it is exception safe but does make a "wasteful copy".
John Abbott
16:51 CoCoALib Design #263 (New): Move the various <matrix>::mySetEntry procedures into MatrixBase
The impls for *@ConcatVerImpl::mySetEntry@* are completely general, so move them up to the base class.
John Abbott

10 Oct 2012

17:22 CoCoALib Support #262: Play with GIT
I used some of the ideas from
to use git on my s...
Christof Soeger
16:44 CoCoALib Support #262 (In Progress): Play with GIT
Anna & John: Use a temporary copy of CoCoALib to learn the various GIT commands. John Abbott
15:51 CoCoALib Feature #261: Review the utility of RefRingElem
I have modified the source code in the 4 areas indicated in my previous post. It all compiles and the tests pass.
John Abbott
12:07 CoCoALib Feature #261: Review the utility of RefRingElem
I am considering eliminating the type @RefRingElem@. To do this I must find out where the type is used.
The type @R...
John Abbott
10:36 CoCoALib Feature #261: Review the utility of RefRingElem
JAA is currently assessing how useful/necessary @RefRingElem@ is; the hope is that they can simply be eliminated (alo... John Abbott
10:33 CoCoALib Feature #261 (Closed): Review the utility of RefRingElem
From studying issue #221 it has become apparent that the role of *@RefRingElem@* needs urgent review.
John Abbott

09 Oct 2012

15:55 CoCoALib Feature #259 (Closed): Squarefree(?) GCD-free basis
Hensel lifting for univariate GCDs requires a squarefree GCDfree basis.
There is an implementation in @GCDfreeBasis....
John Abbott
15:51 CoCoALib Feature #258 (New): Multivariate lifting
In CoCoA-4 there is some rather inefficient code for multivariate lifting. Can it be made more efficient?
In any ...
John Abbott
15:36 CoCoALib Feature #257 (New): Transcribe C4 code for GCD in QQ[x]
The old CoCoA-4 univariate GCD code should be transcribed into CoCoALib.
It comprises:
* gcd in Fp[x] via standar...
John Abbott
15:28 CoCoALib Feature #209: ReadExpr: input polynomials in CoCoALib
[following on from a discussion with Christof]
It does not seem to be possible to allow more than one input expressi...
John Abbott
14:49 CoCoALib Feature #11: Bareiss algorithm
Any progress? John Abbott
14:48 CoCoALib Feature #222: Printing polynomials - spaces between terms
JAA proposes the following guideline:
a coefficient is printed between brackets except when:
* the coefficients @+1@...
John Abbott

08 Oct 2012

16:33 CoCoALib Support #256 (Closed): Improve doc about ordering/grading for poly rings
Specify what default grading is.
John Abbott
16:32 CoCoALib Feature #255 (Closed): Use BOOST lib default location if possible
As we did for GMP (see #247) John Abbott
16:25 CoCoALib Feature #253: W.Bruns's wish list
Closed issue #247 has satisfied wish (7).
John Abbott
16:23 Feature #247 (Closed): Use gmp default location if possible
John Abbott
16:21 CoCoALib Feature #222 (In Progress): Printing polynomials - spaces between terms
John Abbott
13:10 CoCoALib Feature #222: Printing polynomials - spaces between terms
Christof and John looked at various possible printed forms of *@(3-2*x)^5@*... John Abbott
16:00 CoCoALib Design #254 (Closed): How to return a Hilbert Series in CoCoALib
Right now Hilbert series do not exist in CoCoALib.
In CoCoA-5 they are built in the package @hp.cpkg5@.
Now we ne...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:36 CoCoALib Support #234: Update/Improve geobucket documentation
Don't forget the *@DEBUG2@* setting available in; it activates checking in @MemPool@ managed memory, an... John Abbott
12:07 CoCoA-5 Feature #204: NmzComputation: the powerful NormalizComputation function in CoCoA-5
Further improvement of error message:... Christof Soeger

05 Oct 2012

18:07 CoCoALib Feature #233: AsINT and AsRAT -- ConvertTo<BigInt> and ConvertTo<BigRat>
If I define @ConvertTo@ for converting @RingElem@ into @BigInt@, should I define all members of the convert family fo... John Abbott
17:42 CoCoALib Support #234: Update/Improve geobucket documentation
Improved all multivariate polynomials (using new function *myAddMonomial*)
Need some memory checking, just to make s...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:17 CoCoALib Support #234: Update/Improve geobucket documentation
I found the reason why "lhs+=f" is slow:
to guarantee *exception safety* it has to make a copy of lhs.
But, when f is...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:50 CoCoALib Support #234 (In Progress): Update/Improve geobucket documentation
I made an example showing how to add one monomial at a time and comparing timings with standard "+=".
... "+=" is ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:40 CoCoA-5 Feature #243: Normaliz tests for CoCoA5
Add some tests and will extend it when new Nmz functions come. Christof Soeger
17:29 CoCoALib Feature #221: Better RingElems
*2013-02-18: The problem presented in this post has been resolved by removing the class @RefRingElem@ (see #261)*
John Abbott
17:25 CoCoALib Feature #218: CoCoALib normaliz interface
More code clean up and use of new libnormaliz functions for meaningful error messages when something couldn't be comp... Christof Soeger
11:43 CoCoALib Feature #218: CoCoALib normaliz interface
* Made the NewCone functions to constructors of cone.
* Introduced some abbreviation in the method names:
Christof Soeger
17:22 CoCoA-5 Feature #204: NmzComputation: the powerful NormalizComputation function in CoCoA-5
... Christof Soeger
12:25 CoCoALib Feature #253: W.Bruns's wish list
I have changed the name of a field in a @factorization@ object: it is now @myMultiplicities@ rather than the previous... John Abbott
12:21 CoCoALib Feature #253: W.Bruns's wish list
There is a new configuration option *@--threadsafe-hack@* which activates the CoCoALib compilation flag @-DCoCoA_THRE... John Abbott

04 Oct 2012

18:49 CoCoALib Feature #253 (In Progress): W.Bruns's wish list
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:54 CoCoALib Feature #253: W.Bruns's wish list
Implemented Bruns(10): "multiplicity" instead of "exponents" in @factorization@ John Abbott
12:50 CoCoALib Feature #253 (Closed): W.Bruns's wish list
Dear Anna and John,
let me collect all the points that came up in the development of nmzIntegrate (Christof has ev...
John Abbott
18:48 CoCoALib Feature #224 (Resolved): Leading form
all done, all tests and documentation for CoCoALib and CoCoA-5
Need to sleep on it an tomorrow I'll check it in and ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:47 CoCoALib Feature #224 (In Progress): Leading form
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:26 CoCoALib Feature #224: Leading form
An interesting suggestion is to have a procedure (with 2 params) which "moves" the leading form of one param into the... John Abbott
13:00 Feature #214 (Closed): gmp header location assumption in configure script
John Abbott
12:58 Feature #247 (Resolved): Use gmp default location if possible
John Abbott
12:48 CoCoALib Support #234: Update/Improve geobucket documentation
Anna will add a clear example. John Abbott
12:22 CoCoALib Feature #233 (In Progress): AsINT and AsRAT -- ConvertTo<BigInt> and ConvertTo<BigRat>
JAA suggests using the @convert@ family for achieving this. For instance... John Abbott
12:12 CoCoA-5 Feature #7: Automatic mapping between (some) rings
Assignment of an integer (or rational) to a RingElem will automatically map into the ring.
However, we want to be ...
John Abbott

03 Oct 2012

18:28 CoCoALib Feature #221: Better RingElems
I've solved yesterday's problem (but still have not understood what caused it).
I was about to update the documentat...
John Abbott
18:07 CoCoALib Support #252: Documentation for tmp.H (utils on vectors and other containers)
My "gut feeling" is that code in @tmp.C@ should not have official documentation.
However, from a practical point o...
John Abbott
10:56 CoCoALib Support #252 (Closed): Documentation for tmp.H (utils on vectors and other containers)
@tmp.H@ includes some useful functions, such as *sum*, *product*, ...
but documentation is missing (of course, as it...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:05 CoCoA-5 Bug #249 (Closed): BuiltIn Normaliz functions not available in CoCoA5Interpreter
Due to a change of the compile flags variables in the and a seperated build command for cocoa5 the COCOA_... Christof Soeger
16:31 CoCoALib Feature #218: CoCoALib normaliz interface
Did what I said in the previous post and:
* Integration of the ConeImpl.myXX() into the XX(), only the myCompute fun...
Christof Soeger
14:34 CoCoA-5 Feature #237 (In Progress): port homog/homogenized for ideal to cocoa-5
Still missing: multihomogenization.
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:32 CoCoALib Feature #236: Add homog (homogenized) for ideal
Now there are tests, and documentation.
Should also add multihomogenization: takes just some designing, all "brute c...
Anna Maria Bigatti

02 Oct 2012

19:01 CoCoALib Feature #236 (In Progress): Add homog (homogenized) for ideal
Most of the work is done.
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:42 CoCoALib Feature #221: Better RingElems
Non homogeneous assignment of @RingElem@ is trickier than I thought (because of the inheritance from *@RefRingElem@*)... John Abbott
12:21 CoCoALib Feature #221: Better RingElems
Note that assignment to a *@RefRingElem@* cannot change the ring to which it belongs because it may well be a referen... John Abbott
16:16 CoCoALib Feature #218: CoCoALib normaliz interface
We agreed on:
keep the SmartPtr class cone
remove the abstract base class
name the implementation class ConeImpl
Christof Soeger
14:04 CoCoA-5 Support #242: CoCoA-5 Projects for students (e.g. crediti F and tesi)
Several CoCoALib test files need to be improved, and probably some more new ones written. This could also prove a us... John Abbott
10:31 CoCoALib Feature #244: Rings: default ctor & assignment
I have improved the doc for *@ring@* (adding assignment and equality tests).
I have also confirmed that the curren...
John Abbott
09:57 CoCoA-5 Feature #243: Normaliz tests for CoCoA5
CVSed first trivial test for Normaliz and mechanisms for running it when *HAVE_NORMALIZ=yes*
(modified mo...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:54 CoCoA-5 Support #251: How to add a test for CoCoA-5 (CoCoAInterpreter)
*For external libraries*:
same as above, but the test file has to be called, say for library *Foo*,
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:10 CoCoA-5 Support #251 (Closed): How to add a test for CoCoA-5 (CoCoAInterpreter)
# write a test file *foo.cocoa5* in *tests/*
# run it and check if it really does what you want it to do ;-)
# add ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:35 CoCoA-5 Feature #19: How to get the version number of CoCoA-5?
Added field @CompilationDefines@
(used to be part of @CompilationFlags@)
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:32 CoCoA-5 Feature #250 (Closed): CoCoALib BuildInfo vs CoCoA-5 VersionInfo
Some functions defined in VersionInfo are just returning strings defined in BuildInfo.
Should this structure be simp...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:13 CoCoA-5 Bug #249: BuiltIn Normaliz functions not available in CoCoA5Interpreter
Very strange! I compiled yesterday and I see (at least one of ;-) Normaliz functions... Anna Maria Bigatti

01 Oct 2012

18:44 CoCoA-5 Bug #249 (Closed): BuiltIn Normaliz functions not available in CoCoA5Interpreter
Now Normaliz is available in C5 (see #207) but not in the text interpreter, very strange.
But it shows that tests f...
Christof Soeger
18:26 CoCoALib Feature #241 (Closed): AreMonomials
Works fine. Thanks! Christof Soeger
17:11 CoCoA-5 Feature #243: Normaliz tests for CoCoA5
Another possibility is to modify the test script to behave slightly different with external libs. For an example libr... Christof Soeger
11:27 CoCoA-5 Feature #243: Normaliz tests for CoCoA5
the line in Makefile running the tests is... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:47 CoCoA-5 Support #240: GUI compilation: GMP is not naturally thread-safe
it works for me!
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:38 CoCoA-5 Support #240 (Resolved): GUI compilation: GMP is not naturally thread-safe
If Anna and Renzo confirm that my solution works for them too, I'll close this issue.
John Abbott
15:43 CoCoALib Feature #213 (Closed): test-Normaliz1.C
Christof Soeger
14:05 CoCoALib Feature #244 (In Progress): Rings: default ctor & assignment
A simple test example showed that assignment of rings was already working. A visual check of the source for @SmartPt... John Abbott
10:15 CoCoALib Feature #244: Rings: default ctor & assignment
To enable assignment for *@ring@* I must enable assignment for *@SmartPtrIRC@*. I wonder what consequences that will... John Abbott
13:03 CoCoALib Feature #248 (Closed): IsDivisible for RingElem with nice interface
The function... Christof Soeger
12:50 Feature #247: Use gmp default location if possible
Waiting for confirmation from *John* and *Anna* that Christof's new script works on their computers. Will close if al... John Abbott
12:40 Feature #247 (Closed): Use gmp default location if possible
The configure script currently wants to get the path to the gmp headers and libraries. If there is a system default i... Christof Soeger
12:24 CoCoALib Feature #246: Approx QIR
The web page for MPFR reports that there is a library *MPFI* which implements interval arithmetic on top of MPFR.
John Abbott
11:45 CoCoALib Feature #246 (New): Approx QIR
Implement (in C++) approximate QIR following the article by Kerber+Sagraloff (publ ISSAC 2011).
The impl will need...
John Abbott
12:18 Feature #214 (Resolved): gmp header location assumption in configure script
Waiting for confirmation from *John* and *Anna* that Christof's new script works on their computers. Will close if a... John Abbott
12:13 Feature #214: gmp header location assumption in configure script
Works for me. Christof Soeger
11:28 CoCoA-5 Feature #245: Meaningful error for functions defined in "missing" external library
Here is a reasonable proposal for how we could implement the ideas above.
We define a CPP macro called @DECLARE_MISS...
John Abbott
11:13 CoCoA-5 Feature #245: Meaningful error for functions defined in "missing" external library
Initially I was unconvinced, but then realised that an error message is necessary, and naturally the error message sh... John Abbott
10:19 CoCoA-5 Feature #245 (Closed): Meaningful error for functions defined in "missing" external library
Right now if an external library, say, Normaliz is not linked in, all its cocoa-5 functions are not defined.
This me...
Anna Maria Bigatti

28 Sep 2012

18:27 CoCoALib Feature #244: Rings: default ctor & assignment
OK! As I said for #221 Anna Maria Bigatti
17:52 CoCoALib Feature #244 (Closed): Rings: default ctor & assignment
JAA proposes we add:
* default ctor for *@ring@* (value is @RingZZ()@)
* assignment of rings
The second is cert...
John Abbott
17:33 CoCoALib Feature #221: Better RingElems
John Abbott wrote:
> Any objections to allowing assignment of values of type @ring@?
ok for me: in fact I had to ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:08 CoCoALib Feature #221: Better RingElems
To implement assignment of @RingElem@ which can change the ring, I need to allow *@ring@* to be assigned -- currently... John Abbott
14:20 CoCoALib Feature #221: Better RingElems
*Case (A)* We have decided that this code:... John Abbott
17:31 CoCoA-5 Feature #243 (Closed): Normaliz tests for CoCoA5
I will make a little Normaliz test CoCoA5 script.
But we have to find a way how to let it run automatically if and...
Christof Soeger
17:00 CoCoALib Support #26: Redmine Administration
To close a "version":
go to roadmap
select the version
top right corner (usually outside my narrow window..) there...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:18 CoCoA-5 Support #242 (In Progress): CoCoA-5 Projects for students (e.g. crediti F and tesi)
Here we list all ideas for possible student projects.
Some are already in redmine, so we just add them as "related i...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:04 CoCoALib Feature #241 (Resolved): AreMonomials
Done: PolyRing
(now I write the documentation. Where? RingElem.txt?)
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:24 CoCoALib Feature #241 (Closed): AreMonomials
For checking the input of some CoCoA5 Normaliz functions I could use an AreMonomials(const std::vector<RingElem>& ) f... Christof Soeger
15:26 CoCoALib Support #75: Documentation review by Caleo
* several guidelines for improving *@DynamicBitset@* (doc and example)
* approved @symbol@, @ideal@, @fac...
John Abbott
12:49 CoCoA-5 Support #240 (In Progress): GUI compilation: GMP is not naturally thread-safe
I confirmed the problem using the GUI on my computer (Mac OS 10.5.8).
I reinstalled GMP (version 5.0.5), selecting a...
John Abbott
12:05 CoCoALib Feature #40 (Resolved): Squarefree factorization - Alessio d'Ali`
Alessio produced a slightly improved impl for computing squares, except that it actually runs slightly more slowly th... John Abbott

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