



From 01 May 2012 to 30 May 2012

30 May 2012

18:02 CoCoALib Support #75: Documentation review by Caleo
Alessandra has looked at the doc and examples for:
* @PPMonoid@ -- approved by Alessandra!
* @symbol@ -- approved b...
John Abbott
16:40 CoCoA-5 Bug #158 (Closed): May AsRAT produce an INT?
Done everything.
John Abbott
16:14 CoCoA-5 Bug #163 (Closed): RealRootsApprox bombs
I've contined to use *@RealRootsApprox@* intensively, and no further problems have come to light. So I'm closing thi... John Abbott
16:08 CoCoA-5 Feature #7: Automatic mapping between (some) rings
It would be handy to have a similar shortcut for homogeneous lists.
Also for ideals, but that raises the same questi...
John Abbott
13:09 CoCoA-5 Feature #7: Automatic mapping between (some) rings
Proposal for new "constructors": @R@ ring, @A@ matrix, @x@ ringelem (or powerproduct or ...), ... and what else?
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:40 CoCoALib Bug #63 (Closed): Add links to examples in documentation
Anna Maria Bigatti

29 May 2012

18:45 CoCoALib Feature #153 (Closed): Shorter simpler names for some bool3 values and functions
I've written a simple example -- I hope Alessandra Caleo likes it!
John Abbott
10:07 CoCoALib Feature #153 (Resolved): Shorter simpler names for some bool3 values and functions
Implemented the last suggestion, that way we can try it. Remember that *@bool3@* may eventually be replaced by *@tri... John Abbott
16:16 CoCoALib Feature #157 (Closed): Separate ThreadsafeCounter from symbol.C
Separated *@ThreadsafeCounter@*; written documentation.
Used @ThreadsafeCounter@ inside @NewRingID@ in @ring.C@.
John Abbott

28 May 2012

17:10 CoCoALib Feature #153: Shorter simpler names for some bool3 values and functions
Proposal for shorter names: *@IsTrue3@* and *@IsFalse3@* and *@IsUncertain3@*
Propose replacing @DefinitelyTrue@, ...
John Abbott
16:25 CoCoALib Feature #157: Separate ThreadsafeCounter from symbol.C
JAA is not sure how to test the threadsafe counter since we don't know how to compile and run multithreaded programs.... John Abbott
16:20 CoCoALib Bug #22: Rename PPMonoidEvZZ?
A "very small exp" version may be slightly faster because more PPs fit in the cache, but I doubt the slight gain woul... John Abbott
16:13 CoCoALib Feature #156 (Closed): Brand new symbol(s)
I've cleaned the code, and updated the documentation.
Note: Task #157 will make a further change to this one.
John Abbott
15:54 CoCoALib Feature #40: Squarefree factorization - Alessio d'Ali`
Alessio has written a prototype test program; he will improve it.
He has added some detail to the report.
John Abbott
14:11 CoCoALib Support #160 (Closed): Cleanup doc for rings
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:57 CoCoA-5 Bug #110 (Closed): Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
Implemented *@IsTrueGCDDomain@*; the main cost was sorting out the consequential changes. Eliminated @ERR::NotGCDDom... John Abbott
11:31 CoCoALib Feature #167: Integer operations
I've moved (into *@IntOperations@*) and reorganized all the integer functions. There were lots of consequential chan... John Abbott

25 May 2012

15:13 CoCoA-5 Bug #170 (Closed): CoCoAManual HTML: page for "Try"
I was not able to find the manual page for *@Try@* using the HTML version of the CoCoA-5 manual. I clicked on the "s... John Abbott
14:42 CoCoALib Feature #167: Integer operations
Problem originally arose in CoCoA-5, but the solution lies in changes to CoCoALib.
John Abbott
14:41 CoCoALib Feature #167 (In Progress): Integer operations
The hard part will be all the consequential changes. John Abbott
14:23 CoCoA-5 Support #169 (Closed): Font for parameters in manual
Often the description in the CoCoA manual refers to the formal parameters by name.
Should these names be put in a sp...
John Abbott
14:20 CoCoA-5 Design #168 (Closed): Type info in CoCoA-5 manual
The manual entries in CoCoAHelp.xml include a collection of the types involved.
What convention should be used for t...
John Abbott
14:17 CoCoA-5 Feature #131 (Closed): Conversion from bool to INT
Implemented *@Bool01@* in the package @NotBuiltin.cpkg5@.
The fn *@Error@* (with capital @E@) is now built-in rather...
John Abbott
11:41 CoCoA-5 Feature #131 (In Progress): Conversion from bool to INT
After speaking to Anna about the various possibilities, she convinced me that the simplest approach is best (at least... John Abbott

24 May 2012

19:10 CoCoA-5 Bug #137 (Closed): JAA does not like the name IndetInd
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:19 CoCoALib Feature #167 (Closed): Integer operations
While adding *@IsDivisible@* for integers, it was not clear where to put the declarations and definitions. So far th... John Abbott

23 May 2012

09:53 CoCoA-5 Bug #166 (Closed): Dim/Multiplicity with Lex ordering -- NYI
... John Abbott

22 May 2012

12:06 CoCoALib Feature #165: FractionField -- only of TrueGCDDomain?
I've just looked at the code for @FractionFieldImpl@. I must make a separate impl for arithmetic if GCD is not avai... John Abbott

21 May 2012

17:27 CoCoA-5 Bug #137: JAA does not like the name IndetInd
JAA talked to Anna. She liked @subscript@ and will implement.
John Abbott
17:11 CoCoALib Feature #165 (In Progress): FractionField -- only of TrueGCDDomain?
After speaking to Anna and Renzo, we concluded that it is better to keep @FractionField@ general.
Anna proposed cr...
John Abbott
15:09 CoCoALib Feature #165: FractionField -- only of TrueGCDDomain?
John Abbott wrote:
> JAA proposes: the base ring of a *@FractionField@* must be a @TrueGCDDomain@ (and this must be ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:36 CoCoALib Feature #165: FractionField -- only of TrueGCDDomain?
If my proposal is accepted, someone will have to look through the existing code and remove any checks which will have... John Abbott
12:51 CoCoALib Feature #165 (Closed): FractionField -- only of TrueGCDDomain?
I've started implementing @IsTrueGCDDomain@.
I noticed that the ctor for a *@FractionField@* checks that the base ...
John Abbott
15:59 CoCoALib Feature #40: Squarefree factorization - Alessio d'Ali`
Alessio has a first solid version of his report.
We spoke of how to generate tables of timings automatically; Alessi...
John Abbott
15:54 CoCoA-5 Feature #131: Conversion from bool to INT
I don't like an automatic conversion.
We could write a conversion function *Bool01* (the shortest name I could think...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:48 CoCoA-5 Feature #131: Conversion from bool to INT
Though I didn't say so explicitly previously, I believe that a truly *automatic* conversion from @BOOL@ to @INT@ is l... John Abbott
11:50 CoCoALib Feature #41: Squarefree factorization - overhead
Oh dear, I keep forgetting to log time here. I'll just make a guess.
John Abbott

20 May 2012

13:28 CoCoA-5 Bug #163 (Resolved): RealRootsApprox bombs
I've modified RealRoots, and it seems to work now.
What puzzles me is that the bug came to light only today, even ...
John Abbott
12:41 CoCoA-5 Bug #163: RealRootsApprox bombs
Added a new C5 test file.
The RealRoots code is rather messy; I suppose it should be rewritten in C++. Any volunt...
John Abbott
11:30 CoCoA-5 Bug #163: RealRootsApprox bombs
The example I gave contains @FStar@ instead of @F@.
The bug is simply an unwarranted error; JAA does not believe the...
John Abbott
11:06 CoCoA-5 Bug #163 (Closed): RealRootsApprox bombs
The following lines produce an *@ERR::SERIOUS@* on my installation... John Abbott
11:25 CoCoA-5 Bug #164 (Closed): CoCoA-5 emacs interface bug (minor): Source & SourceRegion with troublesome filenames
By accident I created a filename containing a newline.
Sending the file to CoCoA-5 in emacs (by C-c C-f) produced th...
John Abbott

17 May 2012

21:41 CoCoA-5 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> So the best is *@IsTrueGCDDomain@* it is the shortest of the type @Is***GCDDomain@ (and ...
John Abbott
18:32 CoCoA-5 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
> Almost all our suggestions are rather long; perhaps this does not matter so much? Maybe we should just choose one,... Anna Maria Bigatti
18:12 CoCoA-5 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Another suggestion: *IsValidGCDDomain* (by L.Robbiano)
I'm not very convinced; I'd...
John Abbott
17:33 CoCoA-5 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
John Abbott wrote:
> However, if we regard fields as not "gcd domains" then what name should be use to mean "gcd doma...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:38 CoCoA-5 Bug #162 (Closed): RegularityIndex <= 0
RegularityIndex is not complete/correct... Anna Maria Bigatti

16 May 2012

18:20 CoCoA-5 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
JAA believes that *@myGcdInField@* was created for the following reason.
In CoCoALib fields satisfy *@IsGCDDomain@...
John Abbott
16:15 CoCoA-5 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
> JAA thinks that
> *we can compute GCDs between values of type @RAT@*
> should be equivalent to
> *we can compute GC...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:36 CoCoA-5 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
JAA thinks that
> *we can compute GCDs between values of type @RAT@*
should be equivalent to
> *we can compute...
John Abbott
15:31 CoCoA-5 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
There is one other imstance where @myGCDInField@ is called.
*@ex-RingElem1@* attempts to compute a GCD in a field (a...
John Abbott
15:01 CoCoA-5 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
JAA modified @RingBase::myGcdInField@ to give error rather than produce a result of 0/1. All CoCoALib tests passed, ... John Abbott
10:16 CoCoALib Support #160: Cleanup doc for rings
A richer template for the documentation is offered in @empty.txt@ for homogeneity in class descriptions and facilitat... Anna Maria Bigatti
07:46 CoCoALib Support #160 (Closed): Cleanup doc for rings
Some documentation has already been rewritten.
Check that all files have appropriate links to operations in the righ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
07:57 CoCoALib Support #161 (New): Convert old "task table" into redmine
Redmine seems a lot easier to keep up-to-date than our old task table page.
We should then remove the task table and...
Anna Maria Bigatti

15 May 2012

22:51 CoCoA-5 Bug #159 (Resolved): Multiplicity sometimes wrong
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:54 CoCoA-5 Bug #159 (Closed): Multiplicity sometimes wrong
It seems to work OK for monomial ideals, but...... John Abbott
22:10 CoCoA-5 Bug #158: May AsRAT produce an INT?
JAA cannot find the manual page for *@AsRAT@* (ditto *@AsINT@*).
The only occurrence in @CoCoAHelp.xml@ is in a @<s...
John Abbott
21:13 CoCoA-5 Bug #158 (Resolved): May AsRAT produce an INT?
JAA has checked in the modified defn of *@AsRAT@*.
The question of the names of @AsRAT@ and @IsRational@ remains o...
John Abbott
17:41 CoCoA-5 Bug #158: May AsRAT produce an INT?
John Abbott wrote:
> It seems reasonable to me that *@AsRAT@* give either error or a @RAT@ as result -- after all it ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:16 CoCoA-5 Bug #158: May AsRAT produce an INT?
JAA has modified the defn of *@AsRAT@* so that it returns a @RAT@ even if the arg given was an @INT@. All the CoCoA-... John Abbott
15:04 CoCoA-5 Bug #158: May AsRAT produce an INT?
JAA was wondering how to convert a value of type @INT@ into the equivalent value of type @RAT@. Recall that arithmet... John Abbott
14:56 CoCoA-5 Bug #158: May AsRAT produce an INT?
*@AsRAT@* is defined at lines 31--39 of the file @NotBuiltin.cpkg5@.
[updating the defn should be pretty easy]
John Abbott
14:51 CoCoA-5 Bug #158: May AsRAT produce an INT?
It seems reasonable to me that *@AsRAT@* give either error or a @RAT@ as result -- after all it is a sort of "cast". ... John Abbott
16:52 CoCoA-5 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
In CoCoALib we have the function @myGcdInField@, so we can compute gcd of elements in RingQQ. So, what shouldwe do i... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:17 CoCoA-5 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
The code now works: *@type(gcd([2,3,4])@* is of type @INT@.
Also @lcm@ has been fixed accordingly.
It does not se...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:32 CoCoA-5 Bug #110 (Resolved): Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
Anna Maria Bigatti

14 May 2012

15:03 CoCoA-5 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
Anna thinks she can fix the reading of homogeneous lists; she will look into it in the next few days.
John Abbott
14:06 CoCoA-5 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
JAA thinks that introducing a separate name for the function for computing GCD of integers is a *bad* idea because it... John Abbott
12:23 CoCoA-5 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
JAA proposes that reading of homogeneous lists have three possible return types:
* list of @INT@
* list of @RAT@
John Abbott
12:14 CoCoA-5 Bug #110: Surprise return type for GCD of a list of ints
Today some students passed with a CoCoA-5 problem which derived from the unexpected return type of *@gcd@* applied to... John Abbott
14:45 CoCoA-5 Bug #158 (Closed): May AsRAT produce an INT?
What type should the result of *@AsRAT(3)@* have?
At the moment @AsRAT@ returns an *@INT@* if its arg is of type *...
John Abbott

11 May 2012

19:01 CoCoALib Bug #155 (Closed): gcd: multivariate over non-prime finite field
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:36 CoCoALib Support #75: Documentation review by Caleo
Alessandra reports that the doc for *@PPMonoid@* did not explain clearly what a PPMonoid is, nor why CoCoALib offers ... John Abbott

10 May 2012

18:34 CoCoALib Bug #135 (In Progress): Revise interface to SmallFpImpl & friends
John Abbott
18:34 CoCoALib Bug #135: Revise interface to SmallFpImpl & friends
Added fns equivalent to many of the procedures for arithmetic.
Needed to add several other fns. Development proce...
John Abbott
18:16 CoCoALib Feature #157: Separate ThreadsafeCounter from symbol.C
Consider making a BOOST-free (and possibly non-threadsafe) version so that CoCoALib can be compiled without requiring... John Abbott
16:40 CoCoALib Feature #157 (Closed): Separate ThreadsafeCounter from symbol.C
The *@ThreadsafeCounter@* recently added to @symbol.C@ will be useful elsewhere (_e.g._ in rings for the ring counter... John Abbott
17:16 CoCoALib Feature #156: Brand new symbol(s)
It is simpler to move the "special" ctor into the private zone, and remove the *@AnonymousMarker@*. This should take... John Abbott
16:48 CoCoALib Feature #156: Brand new symbol(s)
Check through existing code, and use anonymous symbols where appropriate. Then check everything!
John Abbott
16:38 CoCoALib Feature #156: Brand new symbol(s)
I have opted not to implement *@IsAnonymous@* because I cannot think of when it might actually be useful.
The curr...
John Abbott
15:53 CoCoALib Feature #156 (In Progress): Brand new symbol(s)
JAA has completed a first impl. The new public fns (pseudo-ctors) are:
* *@NewSymbol()@* which creates a single new...
John Abbott
15:44 CoCoALib Bug #155 (Resolved): gcd: multivariate over non-prime finite field
A first impl of nameless symbols together with a change to line 1480 in @TmpGReductor.C@ has solved the problem.
John Abbott

09 May 2012

17:18 CoCoALib Feature #156: Brand new symbol(s)
The current suggestion for imlpementation is the following:
* internally an anonymous symbol has empty head
* the p...
John Abbott

08 May 2012

14:32 CoCoALib Feature #142: Improve threadsafety
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> *@Elim@* (and a few other functions) create a temporary ring.
Yes. Temporary rings are ...
John Abbott
12:48 CoCoALib Feature #142: Improve threadsafety
John Abbott wrote:
> No doubt the problem is due to the temporary rings (inside @Elim@) not self destroying when the...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:49 CoCoALib Feature #156: Brand new symbol(s)
JAA suggests that internally the head of an "anonymous" symbol be the empty string; the accessor function then checks... John Abbott

07 May 2012

18:43 CoCoALib Feature #156: Brand new symbol(s)
John Abbott wrote:
> Here are some more proposals for the head: *@??@* or *@#@* or *@_@*
> (...)
> Right now ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:15 CoCoALib Feature #156: Brand new symbol(s)
Here are some more proposals for the head: *@??@* or *@#@* or *@_@*
Printed value would look like: *@3*??[17]^...
John Abbott
17:01 CoCoALib Feature #156: Brand new symbol(s)
This is hardly important, but might be beneficial in a multithreaded environment. Possibly it would be "cleaner" too... John Abbott
16:58 CoCoALib Feature #156: Brand new symbol(s)
Here are 3 proposals for new PPMonoid pseudo-ctor signatures:... John Abbott
16:54 CoCoALib Feature #156: Brand new symbol(s)
JAA's first suggestion is to create "gensyms" containing a single index (in the hope that the index will not overflow... John Abbott
16:46 CoCoALib Feature #156 (Closed): Brand new symbol(s)
The pseudo-ctors for PPMonoids all require that names be specified for the indets.
It can occur that we want to cr...
John Abbott
17:06 CoCoALib Bug #155: gcd: multivariate over non-prime finite field
The guilty line is 1480 in *@TmpGReductor.C@*
My example used an unindexed *@x@* in the field of coeffs -- this tri...
John Abbott
16:08 CoCoALib Bug #155 (Closed): gcd: multivariate over non-prime finite field
GCD produces an unexpected error. Here is an example:... John Abbott
15:46 CoCoALib Feature #40: Squarefree factorization - Alessio d'Ali`
Alessio has started writing his report on Bernardin's article.
There are some typos in the article. JAA has given...
John Abbott
14:30 CoCoALib Bug #154 (In Progress): GCD normalization (e.g. monic)
GCDs in a poly ring over a field are defined only upto a constant factor.
If the field is a FractionField then there...
John Abbott
12:47 CoCoALib Feature #50: Polynomial content
The function *@ContentWRT@* gives result with strange scale factors sometimes.... John Abbott
11:59 CoCoALib Feature #69 (Closed): p-th root
This issue has effectively been replaced by #107.
John Abbott
11:57 CoCoALib Feature #107: Recognizing finite fields
Should there also be a fn called *@PthPower@*?
I note that *@IsPthPower2@* and *@PthRoot2@* have become forgotten;...
John Abbott

04 May 2012

21:38 CoCoALib Feature #153: Shorter simpler names for some bool3 values and functions
Spent about 45 mins discussing with Anna. Differences of opinion remain.
John Abbott
21:36 CoCoALib Feature #153 (Closed): Shorter simpler names for some bool3 values and functions
We need shorter names for *@IsDefinitelyTrue@* and *@IsDefinitelyFalse@*.
Also need a shorter way of expressing th...
John Abbott
21:30 CoCoALib Feature #138: Automatic conversion from bool3 to bool?
I have modified *@operator<<@* for OpenMath streams so that they handle explicitly machine integers (rather than *@Ma... John Abbott
12:36 CoCoALib Support #75: Documentation review by Caleo
Alessandra reports:
* the examples 2,3,4 of *@ex-RingWeyl@* are almost identical -- this cannot be what is intended!
John Abbott
12:13 CoCoALib Feature #152 (Closed): Replace bool3 by tribool
In some quiet moment switch to using BOOST's *@tribool@* (or C++11 equivalent if it exists).
It seems pointless try...
John Abbott

03 May 2012

15:32 CoCoALib Feature #151: Iterated CanonicalHom
There is already some code called *@TmpChainCanonicalHom@* in @CanonicalHom.[HC]@: it looks whether there is a "chain... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:25 CoCoALib Feature #151 (New): Iterated CanonicalHom
Implement *@NaturalMap@* and iterated *@CanonicalHom@*
John Abbott
15:26 CoCoALib Feature #150: RingOf rather than owner? (and than AmbientRing, ...)
*@RingOf@* can be applied to: ideal, RingElem, matrix, HomogList.
John Abbott
15:03 CoCoALib Feature #150 (In Progress): RingOf rather than owner? (and than AmbientRing, ...)
In CoCoA-5 to get the ring to which a RingElem belongs we use the fn *@RingOf@*.
Currently in CoCoALib the analogous...
John Abbott

02 May 2012

19:37 CoCoALib Bug #149 (New): Makefile dependencies
There are problems with dependencies for optional external libraries.
How to make these dependencies visible only ...
John Abbott
18:07 CoCoA-5 Bug #148 (In Progress): C-c C-p in emacs goes to wrong line
In emacs when an error occurs running code sent via C-c C-f (effectively "source") the user can use C-c C-p to go to ... John Abbott

01 May 2012

11:44 CoCoALib Feature #147 (In Progress): Buchberger-Moeller: impl via modular reduction
Impl the idea presented in AKR "Zero-dim Schemes" which uses modular reduction to get the form of the answer quickly ... John Abbott
11:39 CoCoALib Feature #146 (New): Buchberger-Moeller: input conversions
Variants of BM which accept more convenient input (e.g. points or 0-dim ideals).
Simply convert inputs to sets of ...
John Abbott
11:37 CoCoALib Feature #145 (New): Buchberger-Moeller: fast modular impl
Impl BM over a small prime finite field. Aim for speed.
Input ideals are represented as multiplication matrices (...
John Abbott
11:35 CoCoALib Feature #144 (Closed): Buchberger-Moeller: generic impl
Implement generic BM algorithm over any field.
Aim is to make impl clean rather than fast.
Each input ideal is re...
John Abbott
10:17 CoCoALib Feature #143 (In Progress): Buchberger-Moeller (parent task)
Robbiano wants to have Buchberger-Moeller in C5. It makes most sense to implement it in CoCoALib and then make it vi... John Abbott

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