



From 11 Jan 2021 to 09 Feb 2021

09 Feb 2021

15:22 Bug #727: Emacs UI: send-file (C-c C-f) should check if buffer and file are synchronized
I got caught out by this just a short while ago.
I have searched on internet, but there does not seem to be an eas...
John Abbott

05 Feb 2021

15:41 Bug #1216: RationalSolve: gives wrong answer
I am wondering about changing the return value of @RationalSolve@ into a record, _e.g._
*currently* we get...
John Abbott

04 Feb 2021

21:05 Bug #1216: RationalSolve: gives wrong answer
I have modified my copy of the code. It now behaves more "predictably".
*@RationalSolve@* now searches only for _...
John Abbott

03 Feb 2021

17:48 Bug #1574: ApproxSolveTF
I have set the target version as 5.3.6, but maybe it could be postponed?
It is a bit strange that the solution [0,...
John Abbott
17:46 Bug #1574 (New): ApproxSolveTF
@ApproxSolveTF@ is not documented. Maybe that is a good thing...... John Abbott
17:26 Bug #1216: RationalSolve: gives wrong answer
I now think it might be better to avoid the "clever" function @RationalSolve@ which tries to guess whether it should ... John Abbott

31 Jan 2021

10:43 Bug #1216: RationalSolve: gives wrong answer
Bernhard Andraschko reportes the following:... John Abbott

30 Jan 2021

20:17 Bug #1573: ApproxSolve: very imprecise
The example was deliberately chosen to be hard/troublesome. Making the parameters @D@ and/or @N@ larger almost surel... John Abbott
19:48 Bug #1573 (Closed): ApproxSolve: very imprecise
I have found an example where @ApproxSolve@ gives very imprecise solutions:... John Abbott

29 Jan 2021

15:43 Feature #1174 (Closed): package of a function --> of an identifier!
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:26 Design #1151 (Closed): ConcatList or ConcatLists
John Abbott
12:05 Design #1520 (Closed): Replace BOOST_FOREACH by new C++14 range for syntax
John Abbott
12:03 Feature #1516 (Closed): substring function
John Abbott
11:59 Design #1334: sylvester or SylvesterMat?
cocoa5 manual for @jacobian@ updated now (2021-01) Anna Maria Bigatti

22 Jan 2021

10:49 Design #1151 (Feedback): ConcatList or ConcatLists
John Abbott wrote:
> Personally I find the name @ConcatLists@ more "natural" because it concatenates many lists.
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:58 Design #1568 (In Progress): RMap and image: obsolescent?
I thought @Rmap@ was completely obsolete.
It is defined in @coclib.cpkg5@ and exported.
It is also defined in @ra...
John Abbott
09:52 Feature #531: Package protected variables should know which package protected them
There is a sort of redundancy in package @$anna@ putting a protection reason on the variable @$anna.var@.
It would...
John Abbott
08:44 Feature #531: Package protected variables should know which package protected them
All done: works for @:=@, @unprotect@ and @define@.
The field @protectionReason@ is actually set, but for the comp...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:31 Feature #1174 (Feedback): package of a function --> of an identifier!
I'm now convinced that the only exception to the evaluation of the argument of a function should be @IsDefined@. The... Anna Maria Bigatti
08:23 Feature #346 (Feedback): Describe should indicate package name
Anna Maria Bigatti

21 Jan 2021

15:16 Bug #1567 (Resolved): Radical in non-zero char
I have found the problem and fixed it. Also done some cleaning inside @radical.cpkg5@
When are we moving this to C+...
John Abbott
15:15 Bug #1567 (Closed): Radical in non-zero char
... John Abbott
13:46 Support #1566 (Closed): What does rad do?
It seems that CoCoA-5 has a function *@rad@*
What does it do? It is not documented.
John Abbott

19 Jan 2021

12:39 Feature #1469: Get indexed indets from a polyring
I would highly appreciate such a function, however I think it would be even better if one must not first initial...
Julian Danner
09:20 Feature #1564 (New): Geometrical theorem proving package
What is the stats of the _geometrical theorem proving_ package?
It seems the package is there, but the on-line man...
John Abbott

15 Jan 2021

21:05 Design #1546 (Feedback): Improve 'describe' or 'print' for a function
This is now working fine (after Anna changed the impl of print in the interpreter). Moving to *feedback*.
John Abbott
20:56 Feature #346: Describe should indicate package name
Since @print@ and @sprint@ now produce the body of a CoCoA-5 function, it superfluous for @describe@ to do the same.
John Abbott
20:52 Feature #346 (Resolved): Describe should indicate package name
* the @describe@ command describes a _value_ and not a _variable_;
* a fn defn *does not contain any in...
John Abbott
09:13 Feature #346: Describe should indicate package name
Since Anna seems to have solved issue #1174, is it now possible to make progress here?
Since normal printing now p...
John Abbott
20:42 Feature #531: Package protected variables should know which package protected them
In the source code indicated by Anna, there is a loop which sets @protectionReason@ (or some similar name).
These re...
John Abbott
12:23 Feature #531: Package protected variables should know which package protected them
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> There is something called @protectionReason@ but seems unset (very strange: the code for...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:39 Feature #531: Package protected variables should know which package protected them
modified also implementation of @unprotect@... Anna Maria Bigatti
10:30 Feature #531 (Feedback): Package protected variables should know which package protected them
Implemented: updated code of @CheckProtection@ (extra arg runtimeEnv) in Interpreter.C
(done it, before I forgot the...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:18 Feature #531: Package protected variables should know which package protected them
I might be able to fix this, see #1174 Anna Maria Bigatti
09:07 Feature #1174: package of a function --> of an identifier!
Well done! I suggest we accept the version taking a string for the time being (unless you can easily make a fn like ... John Abbott
08:29 Feature #1174: package of a function --> of an identifier!
Example:... Anna Maria Bigatti
08:11 Feature #1174: package of a function --> of an identifier!
should the name be @PackageOf@?
I have investigated: belonging to a package (variable) is a property of the variab...
Anna Maria Bigatti
06:48 Bug #1531: CRASH: arithmetic with HilbertSeries (tagged object)
It (correctly) gives error both on right and left, no crash. Anna Maria Bigatti

11 Jan 2021

10:02 Bug #1560: elim for modules
Not sure how hard this might be. Does it suffice to create a poly ring with elim order, and then compute the GB for ... John Abbott
09:59 Bug #1560 (New): elim for modules
Bernhard Andraschko reported the following NYI:... John Abbott

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