



From 28 Apr 2017 to 27 May 2017

23 May 2017

08:46 Design #1075: LaTeX package: power-product printing
I would define @space@ to the empty string if @[1] = MakeSet([ len(IndetName(X)) | X in indets(R) ]);@
(or some si...
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:36 Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
John Abbott wrote:
> Does your test of @saturate@ in @anna.cocoa5@ compute a saturation with twin-float coeffs??
Anna Maria Bigatti

22 May 2017

23:29 Design #1075: LaTeX package: power-product printing
Since CoCoA-5 allows indets with long names, I wanted to revise @LaTeX.cpkg5@ so that the product @x*y@ looks differe... John Abbott
23:22 Design #1075 (Closed): LaTeX package: power-product printing
I have just checked in a revised version of the LaTeX package:
* revised spacing between indets in a power-product (...
John Abbott
22:44 Support #1074: CoCoAManual: entry for radical
The following output is surprising (though correct)... John Abbott
22:43 Support #1074 (Closed): CoCoAManual: entry for radical
The CoCoAManual entry for @radical@ looks to be out of date.
It does not mention @radical(RINGELEM)@ and also stat...
John Abbott
22:41 Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
Does your test of @saturate@ in @anna.cocoa5@ compute a saturation with twin-float coeffs??
I think you might want t...
John Abbott
14:57 Feature #1073: RelNotes: current version or all previous versions?
John Abbott wrote:
> A simple, backward-compatible solution would be to allow @Relnotes@ to accept 0 or 1 args. Wit...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:18 Feature #1073: RelNotes: current version or all previous versions?
A simple, backward-compatible solution would be to allow @Relnotes@ to accept 0 or 1 args. With 0 args it prints out... John Abbott
14:14 Feature #1073 (Closed): RelNotes: current version or all previous versions?
Currently @RelNotes()@ prints out the release notes for all previous versions of CoCoA-5.
I think it could be help...
John Abbott
10:45 Support #1071: LinKerBasis is user-unfriendly
@LinKerBasis@ is the "sloppy" version of @LinKer@ (which only takes a MAT, returns a MAT).
We added LIST of linear...
Anna Maria Bigatti

18 May 2017

22:03 Feature #1072: syz: apply to ModuleElem?
Is it right that @syz@ should give error if one of the coords is zero?... John Abbott
21:59 Feature #1072: syz: apply to ModuleElem?
The man page still calls th fn @Syz@ with a capital @S@; it should be @syz@, shouldn't it? John Abbott
21:57 Feature #1072: syz: apply to ModuleElem?
The current solution is to do the following:... John Abbott
21:55 Feature #1072 (Rejected): syz: apply to ModuleElem?
Would it make sense to allow @syz@ to be applied to a @ModuleElem@?... John Abbott
21:50 Support #1071: LinKerBasis is user-unfriendly
Should the manual page for @LinKerBasis@ also refer to the page for @syz@?
John Abbott
21:49 Support #1071: LinKerBasis is user-unfriendly
I am not sure what is happening here:... John Abbott
21:46 Support #1071: LinKerBasis is user-unfriendly
The version that takes a list gives an unhelpful error when one component is zero:... John Abbott
21:40 Support #1071 (In Progress): LinKerBasis is user-unfriendly
What is @LinKerBasis@ supposed to do when given a list?... John Abbott
21:31 Support #1071: LinKerBasis is user-unfriendly
This is an unfriendly error message:... John Abbott
21:29 Support #1071 (In Progress): LinKerBasis is user-unfriendly
The CoCoA-5 function @LinKerBasis@ produces unhelpful error messages, and too many of them!
Part of the problem ma...
John Abbott
08:16 Bug #1062 (Feedback): IsRadical bug?
added tests. CVS-ed Anna Maria Bigatti
07:58 Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
Found it in @TmpGOperations.C@:
Saturation by @ideal(f)@ calls @factor(f)@ and wrongly assumes that the factor list ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
07:40 Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
Bug (radical >0 dim) trapped by Elisa Palezzato... Anna Maria Bigatti

17 May 2017

11:40 Slug #1068: PolyRing constructor: NewOrdvArith computed twice
OK, Anna; take a look.
I'm a bit busy with other things right now.
John Abbott
11:33 Slug #1068: PolyRing constructor: NewOrdvArith computed twice
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> It would be handy to get the OrdvArith from a PPMonoid (if possible).
If John allows ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:19 Slug #1068 (In Progress): PolyRing constructor: NewOrdvArith computed twice
It would be handy to get the OrdvArith from a PPMonoid (if possible).
This could also be used internally by the GBas...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:35 Slug #1068 (In Progress): PolyRing constructor: NewOrdvArith computed twice
We never considered that a slow ring constructor could be a problem, but may be.
In particular this bit of code:
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:30 Bug #946: Function "ideal" evaluates the argument twice
I made a test: "bug-EvalTwice.cocoa5" where we can collect all cases we meet, solved or unsolved.
Anna Maria Bigatti

16 May 2017

18:07 Bug #946 (Resolved): Function "ideal" evaluates the argument twice
Found it! (and fixed most of them)
The problem is when using the hand functions @EvalArgAsT1OrT2..<..>(ARG(0), whic...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:22 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
John Abbott wrote:
> Why do you want to specify @lo@ and @hi@ for @RandomLinearForm@?
> Is it not enough to specify...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:32 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
Why do you want to specify @lo@ and @hi@ for @RandomLinearForm@?
Is it not enough to specify a single value N and us...
John Abbott
15:21 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
John Abbott wrote:
> There is a commented out fn called @RandomLinearForm@ in @experimental.cpkg5@.
That's a kind...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:06 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
John Abbott wrote:
> But what about @BackwardCompatible.cpkg5@? How does it differ from @obsolescent.cpkg5@?
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:20 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
There is a commented out fn called @RandomLinearForm@ in @experimental.cpkg5@.
John Abbott
11:35 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
There is also an undocumented fn called *@Rand@* in @misc.cpkg5@.
Should it be made obsolete? Or simply eliminated?...
John Abbott
14:49 Design #943 (In Progress): Managing credits
The function *@ExternalLibs()@* does not work properly. It must be fixed using the new CoCoALib fn.
John Abbott

15 May 2017

12:31 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
OK, I'll do it and check in tomorrow -- too busy today. John Abbott
11:46 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
ok, you convinced me: let's declare Randomize(d) obsolete, and make (in case) explicit functions for random things. Anna Maria Bigatti
11:17 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
We could create: @RandomLinearForm(P,100)@ or even @RandomLinearForm(P)@ if coeff ring is finite field.
John Abbott
10:59 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
@L := DensePoly(P,1); randomized(L, -100,100);@ is a nice way to make lots of random linear forms. Anna Maria Bigatti
10:36 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
I thought @Randomize@ in CoCoA-4 would work only for polynomials (and integers). Did it also work for matrices?
John Abbott
07:48 Design #1067: "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
I sometimes miss old @Randomized@.
I suggest implementing it, but with explicit range: @randomized(f, 100);@ random...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:25 Support #1027 (In Progress): CoCoAManual: add a page with some emacs hints?
I suggest as a first version of the man page just to put in a reference to the website; not ideal, but better than no... John Abbott
09:13 Support #1027: CoCoAManual: add a page with some emacs hints?
Currently there is a web page (I've just improved it a bit).
Anna Maria Bigatti

14 May 2017

11:05 Feature #1011: Random seed fn
I have implemented @reseed@, and written a manual page.
Not sure about making a test... I suppose I could make an ea...
John Abbott
11:03 Design #1067 (In Progress): "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
The old CoCoA-4 function @Randomize(F)@ is essentially equivalent to:... John Abbott
10:57 Design #1067 (Closed): "Randomize" and "Randomized" obsolete?
While looking through the CoCoA-5 on-line manual, I noticed that there are references to @Randomize@ and @Randomized@... John Abbott

12 May 2017

17:16 Feature #1011 (In Progress): Random seed fn
The CoCoA-5 function *@random@* calls @random_forC5@ defined in @CoCoALibSupplement.C@.
Presumably @reseed@ can be d...
John Abbott

11 May 2017

16:48 Feature #1021: CoCoA Manual: search should ignore multiple spaces
Yes, the last example was deliberately strange; I do not think it matters if such a strange input works...
Maybe I...
John Abbott
16:43 Feature #1021: CoCoA Manual: search should ignore multiple spaces
John Abbott wrote:
> I think my current preference is not to do anything "clever" with unusual chars: if the user ty...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:23 Feature #1021: CoCoA Manual: search should ignore multiple spaces
Here are the special chars which I have noticed in the manual page headings (obtained by typing just *@?@*):
* comma...
John Abbott

10 May 2017

13:16 Bug #1062 (In Progress): IsRadical bug?
When this is fixed remember to add some new tests to @exbugs.cocoa5@!
John Abbott

09 May 2017

15:13 Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
The two bugs (0-dim and non-0-dim) are quite distinct.
Debugging the zero-dimensional example in the description o...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:58 Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
Smaller example... Anna Maria Bigatti
11:54 Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
I'm not that surprised. Radical for non zero-dimensional ideals is not that robust.
I'm investigating
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:49 Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
This example triggers SEGV:... John Abbott
09:47 Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
Aaargh!! Now I have a SEGV :-(... John Abbott
09:44 Bug #1062: IsRadical bug?
This example has simpler coeffs:... John Abbott
09:43 Bug #1062 (Closed): IsRadical bug?
I have an example where @IsRadical@ produces an error (when applying a RingHom)
*0-dimensional bug: related with Min...
John Abbott

08 May 2017

11:58 Support #1061 (Closed): Release: CoCoA-5.2.2
Everything for the release
# Redmine Roadmap: close or postpone issue
# Redmine Release issues: check percentages...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:57 Support #851 (Closed): Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:57 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
Closing issue, cleaning up redmine Anna Maria Bigatti
11:49 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
published manual on ResearchGate Anna Maria Bigatti
11:48 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
updated list with undelivered emails
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:48 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
Sent email and notice on facebook page Anna Maria Bigatti

06 May 2017

21:34 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
Another failed attempt to test the windows emacs version on my virtual machine...
+ some clarification in windows in...
Anna Maria Bigatti

05 May 2017

19:35 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
Trying to test windows release.
From shell it works.
From emacs I don't know: I do not have enough privilegies on t...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:54 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
Compiled on windows, improved script
Uploaded release for windows.
Updated install5 web p...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:56 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
manual pdf and html uploaded Anna Maria Bigatti
16:21 Bug #1060: describe ring: add final newline
The problem can be exhibited by doing:... John Abbott
16:18 Bug #1060 (Closed): describe ring: add final newline
In CoCoA-5, it might be nice if *@describe@* for a ring added a final newline. John Abbott
10:36 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
Winfried Bruns wrote:
> I have thought about introducing three levels of verbosity: off, the most important steps, e...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:02 Feature #708 (Closed): ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
John Abbott

03 May 2017

13:44 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
released cocoa for linux
(asked testing)
Anna Maria Bigatti

02 May 2017

15:01 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
-- release for Mac is done Anna Maria Bigatti
15:00 Support #265: Linking problems in CoCoA-5 GUI
To be honest I do not recall encountering this problem in a very long time, but I also do not recall ever resolving i... John Abbott
14:42 Design #766: CoCoA version number: copy CoCoALib
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> COCOA5_VER_MINMIN is not in configuration/version.
> Where is it? I'm looking for it.
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:35 Design #766: CoCoA version number: copy CoCoALib
COCOA5_VER_MINMIN is not in configuration/version.
Where is it? I'm looking for it.
Anna Maria Bigatti

01 May 2017

21:28 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
last minute bug fix: IsPrimary false positive in some cases (found by Sandro Logar) Anna Maria Bigatti
10:43 Slug #1047 (Closed): NewPolyRing with user defined ordering is slower than CoCoALib
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> Still missing: make speed tests with GroebnerFan (I had some strange results)
The tim...
Anna Maria Bigatti

29 Apr 2017

08:39 Slug #1047: NewPolyRing with user defined ordering is slower than CoCoALib
Still missing: make speed tests with GroebnerFan (I had some strange results) Anna Maria Bigatti
08:34 Feature #996 (Closed): New function: IdealOfGBasis
Anna Maria Bigatti
08:28 Support #187: CoCoA-5 (partial) releases: make the process simpler
Decision: corresponding CoCoALib versions will end with "0"
Still missing: release script for windows.
Anna Maria Bigatti

28 Apr 2017

20:22 Feature #708 (Feedback): ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
Anna Maria Bigatti
20:18 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
Two functions (4 in cocoalib, for default and for cone): @NmzSetVerbosityLevel/NmzVerbosityLevel@, as in cocoa...
Anna Maria Bigatti
20:15 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
Normaliz has only two levels of verbosity: off or on. Via libnormaliz this can be toggled. I think the CoCoA interfac... Winfried Bruns
19:21 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
OK for the names @XXXSetVerbosityLevel@ and @XXXVerbosityLevel@ where @XXX@ could be @Nmz@ or some other prefix for a... John Abbott
16:46 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
John Abbott wrote:
> Currently Normaliz has just two verbosity levels (@true@ and @false@).
> There is not much pro...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:32 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
Currently Normaliz has just two verbosity levels (@true@ and @false@).
There is not much problem in saying that nume...
John Abbott
16:02 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
John Abbott wrote:
> If the behaviour from the point of view of a user is similar to that of CoCoA's own @SetVerbosi...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:41 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
If the behaviour from the point of view of a user is similar to that of CoCoA's own @SetVerbosityLevel@ then it would... John Abbott
12:16 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
should we call it @NmzSetVerbosityLevel@? Anna Maria Bigatti
11:32 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
JAA prefers that there be independent verbosity settings for CoCoALib and any external libraries.
John Abbott
09:13 Feature #708: ExternalLib Normaliz: verbose flag?
Should we pass the VerbosityLevel from CoCoALib? Anna Maria Bigatti
19:21 Feature #1045 (Closed): Error message from cocoalib to cocoa-5
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:20 Feature #1045: Error message from cocoalib to cocoa-5
function renamed @message_forC5@ and moved in @CoCoALibSupplement@ Anna Maria Bigatti
19:21 Feature #1043 (Closed): New function: IsCoprime
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:06 Design #1051 (Closed): ReadExpr(P, string) and RingElem(P, string)
I made ReadExpr obsolescent (in CoCoA-5).
Not convinced 100% it is right, but it's not too wrong either.
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:08 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
Fixed all bugs in manual (found with make ManExamples) Anna Maria Bigatti
15:49 Support #851: Release: CoCoA-5.2.0
Another run of make ManExamples Anna Maria Bigatti
16:20 Design #1018 (Closed): Interpreter: limit range for ".." operator
I have changed the code (@Interpreter.C:3643@) so that the limit is 10^7 values; also changed the error message and t... John Abbott
15:20 Design #1018: Interpreter: limit range for ".." operator
John Abbott wrote:
> I have added a note to the man page about "range operator".
> I wonder whether a limit of ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:10 Design #1018: Interpreter: limit range for ".." operator
I have added a note to the man page about "range operator".
I wonder whether a limit of 10^7 would be better than ...
John Abbott
15:40 Feature #175: Approximate BuchbergerMoeller: port to CoCoA-5
OK, postponed: I did not receive enough information to make a decision. Anna Maria Bigatti
15:12 Feature #175 (In Progress): Approximate BuchbergerMoeller: port to CoCoA-5
Is it better to postpone this than try to rush it?
John Abbott
15:14 Support #973 (Closed): GroebnerFanIdeals: verbosity and output style
This seems to work well now.
Sometimes it is slow, but I think that is GFan's fault.
John Abbott
14:49 Feature #711: External Libs: print credits?
The Normaliz header of the development version that will soon become 3.3.0 now lists the external packages compiled i... Winfried Bruns
14:34 Support #521: Manual: automatically check all examples
it is in the checklist in #851 ;-)
which I copy for every release
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:14 Support #521 (Closed): Manual: automatically check all examples
WQe mustremember to do this before each release!Closing
John Abbott
09:16 Support #521: Manual: automatically check all examples
John, close this issue, as done in #558? Anna Maria Bigatti
14:31 Bug #1055 (Resolved): CoCoAManual: duplication (2 pages for operators)
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:31 Bug #1055: CoCoAManual: duplication (2 pages for operators)
operators, shortcuts
is in the list of commands/functios
CoCoA operators
is in the chapter about operators. I...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:47 Bug #1055: CoCoAManual: duplication (2 pages for operators)
I also note that in the page for @operators, shortcuts@ we use @..@ to mean "missing expression" but also to mean the... John Abbott
11:46 Bug #1055 (Closed): CoCoAManual: duplication (2 pages for operators)
Why are there the following two manual pages?... John Abbott
11:42 Support #1054: CoCoAManual: improved search, or improved selection of "see also" pages
One possibility is to number the "see also" pages and offer a way to chose by number; for instance... John Abbott
11:37 Support #1054 (New): CoCoAManual: improved search, or improved selection of "see also" pages
I wanted to see the manual page for @SetVerbosityLevel@, but also wanted to be lazy, so I typed:... John Abbott
11:21 Support #439: CoCoA website: download pages and installing instructions
This issue was under "CoCoA" instead of "CoCoALib".
I'm recovering these old and forgotten issues, so we reconsider ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:24 Design #868 (Closed): Der, Bin: why the capital letter?
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:10 Feature #1021: CoCoA Manual: search should ignore multiple spaces
? file io --> ? file io
? factor ; abcdefg --> don't know, maybe ? factor
? factor -- comment
? ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

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