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2.5.4 Commands and Functions returning LIST
AdjacentMinors list of adjacent minors of a matrix
ArrBettiNumbers Betti numbers of an arrangement of hyperplanes
ArrBoolean boolean arrangement
ArrBraid braid arrangement
ArrCatalanA Catalan arrangement of type A
ArrCatalanB Catalan arrangement of type B
ArrCatalanD Catalan arrangement of type D
ArrCone cone of an arrangement of hyperplanes
ArrDeletion deletes a hyperplane from a list of hyperplanes
ArrExponents exponents of a free arrangement of hyperplanes
ArrFlats list of flats of an arrangement of hyperplanes
ArrGraphical graphical arrangement
ArrLattice lattice of an arrangement of hyperplanes
ArrRestriction arrangement of hyperplanes A restricted to a hyperplane
ArrShiA Shi arrangement of type A
ArrShiB Shi arrangement of type B
ArrShiCatalanA Shi-Catalan arrangement of type A with multiplicities
ArrShiCatalanB Shi-Catalan arrangement of type B with given multiplicities
ArrShiCatalanD Shi-Catalan arrangement of type D with given multiplicities
ArrShiD Shi arrangement of type D
ArrSignedGraphical signed graphical arrangement
ArrToMultiArr multiarrangement from an arrangement and a list of multiplicities
ArrTypeB reflection arrangement of type B
ArrTypeD reflection arrangement of type D
ascii convert between characters and ascii code
BBasis5 Border Basis of zero dimensional ideal
BettiNumbers (Multi-)graded Betti numbers
BinomialRepr, BinomialReprShift binomial representation of integers
CanonicalBasis canonical basis of a free module
CartesianProduct, CartesianProductList Cartesian product of lists
CFApproximants continued fraction approximants
coefficients list of coefficients of a polynomial
CoefficientsWRT list of coeffs and PPs of a poly wrt indet or list of indets
CoeffListWRT list of coefficients of a polynomial wrt an indet
CoeffListWRTSupport list of coefficients of a polynomial wrt a power-product basis
compts list of components of a ModuleElem
concat concatenate lists
ConcatLists concatenate a list of lists
ContFrac continued fraction quotients
CoprimeFactorBasis determine coprime factor base for a set of integers or ring elements
covers a poset description from the list of the strict relations
CurrentTypes lists all data types
diff returns the difference between two lists
distrib the distribution of objects in a list
eigenfactors eigenfactors of a matrix
eigenvectors eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix
EquiIsoDec equidimensional isoradical decomposition
exponents the list of exponents of the leading term of a polynomial
ExternalLibs Linked external libraries
FGLM5 perform a FGLM Groebner Basis conversion
fields list the fields of a record
flatten flatten a list
FrbAlexanderDual Alexander Dual of monomial ideals
FrbAssociatedPrimes Associated primes of monomial ideals
FrbIrreducibleDecomposition Irreducible decomposition of monomial ideals
FrbMaximalStandardMonomials Maximal standard monomials of monomial ideals
FrbPrimaryDecomposition Primary decomposition of monomial ideals
GBasis calculate a Groebner basis
GBasis TimeOut compute a Groebner basis with a timeout
GBasisByHomog calculate a Groebner basis by homogenization
GenericPoints random projective points
GenRepr representation in terms of generators
gens list of generators of an ideal
GensJacobian set of generators of the Jacobian ideal of a polynomial
GetCol convert a column of a matrix into a list
GetCols convert a matrix into a list of lists
GetRow convert a row of a matrix into a list
GetRows convert a matrix into a list of lists
GraverBasis Graver basis
GroebnerFanIdeals all reduced Groebner bases of an ideal
GroebnerFanReducedGBases Groebner fan reduced GBases
HilbertBasisKer Hilbert basis for a monoid
homog homogenize wrt an indeterminate
HVector the h-vector of a module or quotient object
in list element selector in list constructor
indets list of indeterminates in a PolyRing
IndetSubscripts the indices in the name of an indeterminate
interreduced interreduce a list of polynomials
intersection intersect lists, ideals, or modules
IntersectionList intersect lists, ideals, or modules
InverseSystem Inverse system of an ideal of derivations
JanetBasis the Janet basis of an ideal
LinKerBasis find the kernel of a matrix
LRSDegeneracyOrder the LRS degeneracy order of a polynomial
MakeSet remove duplicates from a list
MaxChains maximal chains of the poset (from its relations)
MinGBoverZZ [PROTOTYPE] [PROTOTYPE] minimal Groebner basis of polys over ZZ
MinGens list of minimal generators
minors list of minor determinants of a matrix
MinSubsetOfGens list of minimal generators
moebius Moebius function of a poset
monomials the list of monomials of a polynomial
MultiArrExponents exponents of a free multiarrangement of hyperplanes
MultiArrRestrictionZiegler Ziegler multirestriction of the arrangement of hyperplanes wrt a hyperplane
MultiArrToArr underling arrangement from a multiarrangement
NewList create a new list
NmzDiagInvariants ring of invariants of a diagonalizable group action
NmzEhrhartRing Ehrhart ring
NmzFiniteDiagInvariants ring of invariants of a finite group action
NmzIntClosureMonIdeal integral closure of a monomial ideal
NmzIntClosureToricRing integral closure of a toric ring
NmzIntersectionValRings intersection of ring of valuations
NmzNormalToricRing normalization of a toric ring
NmzTorusInvariants ring of invariants of torus action
NonZero remove zeroes from a list
operators, shortcuts Special characters equivalent to commands
packages list of loaded packages
partitions partitions of an integer
permutations returns all permutations of the entries of a list
PosetDual dual of a poset from the relations of the poset
PosetJoin join between two elements of a poset from the relations of the poset
PosetMeet meet between two elements of a poset from the relations of the poset
PrimaryDecomposition primary decomposition of an ideal
PrimaryDecompositionGTZ0 primary decomposition of a 0-dimensional ideal
QuotientBasis vector space basis for zero-dimensional quotient rings
QuotientBasisSorted vector space basis for zero-dimensional quotient rings
QZP change field for polynomials and ideals
RandomPermutation random permutation (of indices)
RandomSubset random subset
RandomSubsetIndices indices for random subset
RandomTuple random tuple
RandomTupleIndices indices for random tuples
RealRoots real roots of a univariate polynomial
RealRootsApprox approximations to the real roots of a univariate poly
ReducedGBasis reduced Groebner basis
res free resolution
reverse, reversed reverse a list
RingElemList, RingElems convert expressions into a LIST of RINGELEM
RingsOf list of the rings of an object
SAGBI, SAGBIHomog SAGBI bases for subalgebra
SatSAGBI SAGBI bases for subalgebra
SeparatorsOfPoints separators for affine points
SeparatorsOfProjectivePoints separators for projective points
shape extended list of types involved in an expression
sorted sort a list
SortedBy sort a list
starting list functions starting with a given string
StdBasis Standard basis
SturmSeq Sturm sequence of a univariate polynomial
SubalgebraMinGens list of minimal generators as subalgebra
subsets returns all sublists of a list
support the list of terms of a polynomial or moduleelem
SymbolRange range of symbols for the indeterminates of a PolyRing
SymmetricPolys list of symmetric polynomials
tail remove the first element of a list
TopLevelFunctions returns the functions available at top-level
tuples N-tuples
TVecFromHF Type vector from Hilbert Function
UniversalGBasis universal Groebner basis of the input ideal
wdeg multi-degree of a polynomial
WithoutNth removes the N-th component from a list
ZPQ change field for polynomials and ideals