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SymbolRange    --    range of symbols for the indeterminates of a PolyRing

SymbolRange(H: STRING, lo: INT, hi: INT): LIST of RECORD
SymbolRange(H: STRING, lo: LIST of INT, hi: LIST of INT): LIST of RECORD

This function is designed to work well with NewPolyRing . It returns the list of the symbols with head given by the string H and the range of indices. A symbol is represented as a record with head (as produced by IndetName ) and indices (as produced by IndetSubscripts ).

/**/  P := NewPolyRing(QQ, SymbolRange("x", 0,4));
/**/  indets(P);
[x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]]

/**/  P2 := NewPolyRing(QQ, SymbolRange("mu", [3,1], [5,2]));
/**/  indets(P2);
[mu[3,1],  mu[3,2],  mu[4,1],  mu[4,2],  mu[5,1],  mu[5,2]]

See Also