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starting    --    list functions starting with a given string

starting(S: STRING): LIST of RECORD

This function returns a list of all CoCoA functions starting with the string S. This list may also include some undocumented functions; be wary of using these (there is probably a reason they are not documented!)

For each matching name there is a RECORD comprising two fields: IsExported and name. The field IsExported is false for user-defined and for built-in functions (implemented in C++), and true for functions exported from a CoCoA-5 package. The field name contains the full name of the function; for exported functions, this is of the form $PkgName.FnName, where the definition of FnName can be found in the CoCoA-5 package PkgName.cpkg.

/**/  indent(starting("Subs"));
  record[IsExported := true, name := "$BackwardCompatible.Subsets"],
  record[IsExported := true, name := "$BackwardCompatible.Subst"]

See Also