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Estimated time: 171.50

# Estimated time Status Subject Tracker
1824 In Progress (easy?) Problem in myGBasis_EasyCases Bug
1819 6.00 In Progress New functions in CoCoALib using GBasisTrunc: MinSubsetOfGens, IsContainedTrunc, .. Feature
1818 In Progress Implement FGLM Feature
1816 Feedback printing rings Design
1791 0.50 Closed Fix Google-search link in the html documentation Bug
1790 Closed saturate with zero ideals Bug
1789 Closed GradingMat with negative weights should complain (or deal with them properly!!) Bug
1788 4.00 Closed New MatrixView/function "FirstRows/FirstCols"? Feature
1780 Closed radical for ideals in SparsePolyRing: code in C++ Feature
1779 Closed Radical error with lex (again) Bug
1773 0.99 Closed CyclotomicFactorIndexes: gave wrong answer Bug
1771 0.95 Closed Hadamard bound: field names Design
1770 3.11 Closed Evaluate polynomial function/class Feature
1769 2.22 Closed FixedDivisor is sometimes surprisingly slow Slug
1768 1.23 Closed Limit indentation in verbose mesgs? Design
1763 1.01 Rejected implement ideal(R) for zero ideal, with no generators? Feature
1761 0.99 Closed MakeTermOrdMat: improve error mesg Support
1758 1.33 Closed Graeffe "sign bug" Bug
1755 1.90 Closed CheckForInterrupt: give more info? Feature
1754 2.88 Closed IsSqFree poorly implemented Slug
1753 0.95 Closed Clean up EulerTotient, InvTotient jungle in NumTheory-misc Design
1749 3.33 Closed Configuration hiccups on Mac M1 Bug
1742 10.00 Resolved MinGens could be faster Feature
1740 14.05 Feedback MinGens gives non minimal gens *if some deg=0* Bug
1739 2.01 Closed IsHomog for ideals Slug
(1-25/80) Per page: 25, 100

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