



From 17 Feb 2021 to 18 Mar 2021

13 Mar 2021

21:02 Feature #1580: New fn prim for polys
It might be helpful to generalize the fn so that it works in rings such as @QQ(a,b)[c,d](e,f)[x,y]@.
John Abbott

12 Mar 2021

10:37 Feature #1417: RadicalZeroDim with extra parameter for GBasis timeout
If no timeout is specified (_i.e._ the current situation) then some "heuristic" timeout is used.
Currently the heuri...
John Abbott
10:08 Feature #1417: RadicalZeroDim with extra parameter for GBasis timeout
What is the status of this issue?
As I recall @radical@ now works fairly well for 0-dim ideals (see issue #948). Bu...
John Abbott
10:27 Slug #1375 (Resolved): Radical 0-dim: varied timings
I have just tried most of the examples listed in this issue.
The early part about varied timings now seems to be com...
John Abbott
09:57 Slug #777: SLUG: elimination
Has there been any progress on this issue?
In the case of elimination perhaps the "final clean up" could be limite...
John Abbott
09:48 Slug #1337: PrimaryDecomposition: a interesting/pathological example
Since we now have GBasis with timeout, perhaps that could be used to implement a sort of "parallel" approach where th... John Abbott

05 Mar 2021

09:37 Feature #1582: Factorization in K(a,b)[x,y]
Presumably the following approach should work:
* map into @K[a,b,x,y]@ after clearing denoms
* discard any factors ...
John Abbott
09:35 Feature #1582 (New): Factorization in K(a,b)[x,y]
Florian would like to have factorization of polynomial over a function field _e.g._ @QQ(a,b)[x,y]@.
This would als...
John Abbott
09:22 Design #894: strict enum types: C++11 extension
Where I have felt that it is useful to inject the names from an enum,
I have used the following technique to reprodu...
John Abbott

02 Mar 2021

08:54 Design #894: strict enum types: C++11 extension
This is what I got searching for @enum@ in the CoCoALib sources: *(I'll remove lines after having revised the files)*... John Abbott
08:52 Design #894 (In Progress): strict enum types: C++11 extension
This is what I got searching for @enum@ in the CoCoA-5 sources:... John Abbott

01 Mar 2021

21:25 Feature #974 (In Progress): QIR/RealRootRefine: improve behaviour if input interval has "nasty" endpoints
I have revised impl for @SimplestBinaryRatBetween@ so that it can accept open/closed endpoints... but it still protot... John Abbott
20:26 Feature #1580 (Feedback): New fn prim for polys
I have now integrated *@prim@* into the code (will check in shortly).
Also added documentation (both CoCoALib and Co...
John Abbott
12:26 Feature #1580 (In Progress): New fn prim for polys
I now a have prototype impl which works for "towers" of poly rings (even a mix of sparse multivariate and dense univa... John Abbott

25 Feb 2021

17:52 Feature #1580 (Closed): New fn prim for polys
Implement a new function *@prim@*.
Over @QQ@ is should make the coeffs integer and coprime:...
John Abbott

23 Feb 2021

10:49 Bug #1579: Readexpr/RingElem: unhelpful error message when input is wrong
Currently permitted expressions require that an exponent be an unsigned integer literal or a possible signed integer ... John Abbott
10:44 Bug #1579 (Closed): Readexpr/RingElem: unhelpful error message when input is wrong
I find the following error message unhelpful... John Abbott
10:25 Design #1538: RingElem from string (ReadExpr)
Should we attempt to produce a better error message for the example given in the original description?
Is it worth i...
John Abbott
10:23 Design #1538: RingElem from string (ReadExpr)
I have changed the CoCoA-5 parser so that it produces a warning when given input such as *@2*-1@* or *@3/-1@*. The c... John Abbott

18 Feb 2021

17:21 Design #1558: CpuTimeLimit: more frequent clock checks
I have revised the impl based on the results from yesterday's speed tests.
The current impl seems to work acceptab...
John Abbott

17 Feb 2021

20:33 Design #1558: CpuTimeLimit: more frequent clock checks
I have done a speed test using the "quick" example from comment 4.
The speed penalty when I limited the number of it...
John Abbott
11:16 Design #1538 (Resolved): RingElem from string (ReadExpr)
I have just checked what the code does (or seems like it should do).
The current impl is:
* reading from @istream@ ...
John Abbott
11:06 Design #1547 (Feedback): Require decimal mode for ostream?
I have changed most/all output fns so that they *assert* that the @ostream@ is in decimal mode.
Contrast with input ...
John Abbott
10:27 Design #1547 (Resolved): Require decimal mode for ostream?
I have now added assertions to printing for @BigInt@, @BigRat@ (which anyway prints a @BigInt@), @PPMonoidElem@, and ... John Abbott
10:09 Design #1547 (In Progress): Require decimal mode for ostream?
I do not like the idea of converting a @BigInt@ or @BigRat@ to a non-decimal string via normal output operators.
John Abbott
11:02 Design #1529 (Closed): INPUT questions
Closing after 2 months in feedback.
John Abbott
11:01 Design #1523 (Closed): Input fns: action when when istream is in bad state?
Closing after 2 months in feedback.
*One last change: input fns throw if @istream@ is not in decimal mode*
John Abbott
10:02 Bug #1473: isystem not working as expected
*Anna:* can you check whether this is still a problem?
I suppose it is, but since I do not have access to your Mac, ...
John Abbott
09:59 Design #794 (Rejected): ar gives warnings on fedora 23
This now very outdated (curr version of Fedora is 33) -- rejecting.
I do not recall getting warnings on my Ubuntu in...
John Abbott

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