



From 30 Jul 2020 to 28 Aug 2020

28 Aug 2020

15:40 Support #1481: Release CoCoALib 0.99800
Summary of main changes:
* *changed @BigRat@ ctors*: it is now possible to construct @BigRat@ directly from an integ...
John Abbott
15:39 Support #1481 (Closed): Release CoCoALib 0.99800
Everything related to making a CoCoALib release:

* Redmine Roadmap: close or postpone issue
* Redmine Release...
John Abbott
13:47 Support #1196 (In Progress): Split MatrixOps
For "other reasons" I have split off the code related to computing determinants: this code is now in *@MatrixOps-det.... John Abbott

30 Jul 2020

17:05 Bug #1473 (In Progress): isystem not working as expected
A quick search on internet suggests that the *@-isystem@* flag is a "non-standard" feature of some compilers: *@g++@*... John Abbott
16:06 Bug #1473: isystem not working as expected
This may be related: I thought I had installed GMP 6.2.0 on my computer, but when I compile CoCoA reports that 6.1.2 ... John Abbott
16:05 Bug #1473 (Closed): isystem not working as expected
Anna reports that with her new computer compilation of CoCoALib has trouble with GMP.
Investigation showed that *@-i...
John Abbott

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