



From 27 Apr 2024 to 26 May 2024

25 May 2024

02:13 CoCoALib Feature #1667: GBasis over ZZ: port to CoCoALib
That is the idea. We just have to understand who will be the authors and what should be done before submitting. I bel... Elisa Palezzato

24 May 2024

16:40 CoCoA-5 Support #1650: Potentially confusing prompt: waiting for semicolon
John Abbott wrote:
> Anna suggests
> *@[[waiting for ";"]]@*
checked in @LineProviders.C@
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:33 CoCoALib Bug #1740: MinGens gives non minimal gens *if some deg=0*
While trying to understand how to work around this, I resumed the partial minimalization with the function @MinGens_a... Anna Maria Bigatti
14:55 CoCoALib Bug #1705: ProgressReporter: prepare for new loop?
John Abbott wrote:
> Or *@myRestart@*?
@myReset@ is myFavourite ;-)
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:13 CoCoALib Bug #1705: ProgressReporter: prepare for new loop?
Or *@myRestart@*?
John Abbott
11:53 CoCoALib Feature #1818 (In Progress): Implement FGLM
Done, together with Evelina Lanteri.
We used LinDepMill and QBGenerator: worked very well.
Still to decide: user in...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:47 CoCoALib Feature #1818 (In Progress): Implement FGLM
Implement FGLM algorithm for 0-dim ideals Anna Maria Bigatti
11:45 CoCoALib Feature #937 (Closed): LinDepMill: Mill for linear dependencies
Many years have passed. This class has been thoroughly used/tested.
It is used in the functions @ShapeLemma@ and @F...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:12 CoCoALib Feature #1667: GBasis over ZZ: port to CoCoALib
John Abbott wrote:
> The CoCoA-5 version is in @*prototype-GBZZ.cpkg5@*.
> I tried just one test, and the CoCoA-5 c...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:49 CoCoALib Feature #1778: Homogenizer
Anna has raised some points to consider (related to the last comment above which creates many poly rings)
* *Qn* eac...
John Abbott
09:10 CoCoALib Feature #1817 (In Progress): OSCAR/MaRDI JSON interface
I have made a first throwaway prototype, mostly to learn about the foibles of the OSCAR/MaRDI JSON format.
I am wo...
John Abbott
09:08 CoCoALib Feature #1817 (In Progress): OSCAR/MaRDI JSON interface
Build a good first version of an interface for sending/receiving OSCAR/MaRDI JSON serializations of mathematical obje... John Abbott

23 May 2024

21:42 CoCoALib Feature #1778: Homogenizer
Wolfram Decker would like to have a way of handling the rings involved in projective geometry: namely 1 "homogeneous"... John Abbott
21:34 CoCoALib Design #1816 (Feedback): printing rings
I have updated the expected output of 2 @src/tests/@
Thanks for fixing this so quickly!
John Abbott
16:42 CoCoALib Design #1816: printing rings
This is fine for me:... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:39 CoCoALib Design #1816: printing rings
Now it prints... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:36 CoCoALib Design #1816 (Resolved): printing rings
Follow up:
Me: no, we don't.
In fact, this highlights there is a different underlying implementation.
This is no...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:35 CoCoALib Design #1816 (Feedback): printing rings
From email by John Abbott:... Anna Maria Bigatti

20 May 2024

17:12 CoCoALib Feature #1381: Type ideal for ZZ[x[1..n]]
We have GBasis code for poly ideals over ZZ, so make it work with these ideals.
More failing operations:...
John Abbott
17:03 CoCoALib Support #1263: Tidy CoCoALib test directory
Can we close this soon? John Abbott
17:01 CoCoALib Slug #1118: SLUG: factorization of x^9999
How to compute the GCD of x^e1 * g1(x^d1) and x^e2 * g2(x^d2)?
Is it just x^min(e1,e2) * gcd(g1(x^D1), g2(x^D2))[x...
John Abbott
16:56 CoCoALib Support #262 (In Progress): Play with GIT
I am strongly tempted to postpone this until after we reach version 1.0.
Pros: putting the sources on GitHub (or s...
John Abbott

13 May 2024

22:26 CoCoA-5 Design #1508: Initial ring
The actual message is... John Abbott
22:23 CoCoA-5 Design #1508: Initial ring
*(1)* I modified @packages/init.cocoa5@ so that it prints out a message about the initial ring.
This was a *ba...
John Abbott

10 May 2024

11:16 CoCoA-5 Design #610 (Closed): Variable It: assign before or after printing
Current behaviour is acceptable (and should still be safe even if we make printing interruptible).
John Abbott
11:07 CoCoA-5 Design #1496 (Rejected): Use "special" names for variables inside tests
After brief discussion with Anna: KISS -- it works without problem as is, so don't waste time fixing a problem which... John Abbott
10:50 CoCoA-5 Design #1508: Initial ring
I'm undecided about changing the name (some beginner user might think that the name "QQxyz" has some interpretation b... Anna Maria Bigatti
10:33 CoCoA-5 Support #1650: Potentially confusing prompt: waiting for semicolon
Anna suggests
*@[[waiting for ";"]]@*
John Abbott
10:30 CoCoA-5 Support #1650: Potentially confusing prompt: waiting for semicolon
Another suggestion
*@[[incomplete or forgot ";"?]]@*
John Abbott
10:02 CoCoA-5 Support #1650: Potentially confusing prompt: waiting for semicolon
> How about a very succinct *@[[forgot ";"?]]@*
Anna Maria Bigatti

09 May 2024

20:58 CoCoALib Feature #1778: Homogenizer
The interface in OSCAR lets the caller choose where the "new" indeterminates appear in the list of indets of the bigg... John Abbott
20:46 CoCoALib Feature #1667: GBasis over ZZ: port to CoCoALib
The CoCoA-5 version is in @*prototype-GBZZ.cpkg5@*.
I tried just one test, and the CoCoA-5 code was noticeably faste...
John Abbott
10:24 CoCoA-5 Support #1650: Potentially confusing prompt: waiting for semicolon
Some more thoughts:
* How long may the prompt be?
* For whom is the prompt meant to be useful?
For a complete be...
John Abbott

08 May 2024

16:56 CoCoA-5 Support #1603 (Rejected): Unhelpful behaviour in "compatibility mode": double error mesg
John Abbott wrote:
> I'm still with *won't fix* because we have far more important things to do with our time.
> Re...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:53 CoCoA-5 Support #1650: Potentially confusing prompt: waiting for semicolon
I don't mind the current message, but also... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:49 CoCoA-5 Support #1566 (Closed): What does rad do?
John Abbott wrote:
> There is no *@rad@* function in the current version of CoCoA-5.
> Close?
yes, it was a temp...
Anna Maria Bigatti

05 May 2024

21:01 CoCoA-5 Support #1603: Unhelpful behaviour in "compatibility mode": double error mesg
I'm still with *won't fix* because we have far more important things to do with our time.
John Abbott
20:57 CoCoA-5 Support #1650: Potentially confusing prompt: waiting for semicolon
It does seem to be hard to find a better prompt without it become too long (and possibly still not covering all cases... John Abbott
20:53 CoCoA-5 Support #1566: What does rad do?
There is no *@rad@* function in the current version of CoCoA-5.
John Abbott
20:49 CoCoA-5 Slug #1760 (Closed): Quitting can be slow
This has been done for some time. I'm happy enough with the behaviour... no-one else has complained. So closing.
John Abbott
20:44 CoCoA-5 Feature #97: OpenOFile
This issue was opened 12 years ago. Have there been any complaints in that time about the differing behaviour?
John Abbott
20:17 CoCoA-5 Design #1508: Initial ring
This issue has been dormant for too long. Here is what I now think:
* the initial ring should have a longer name, I...
John Abbott
19:53 CoCoA-5 Design #1496: Use "special" names for variables inside tests
I originally created this issue, which superficially seems reasonable.
But now I no longer recall exactly which name...
John Abbott
19:45 CoCoA-5 Bug #1746: ManExamples target: need to reset VerbosityLevel
The Control-M character seems to appear where a printed line has had a prefix elided.
It is not serious, but I wou...
John Abbott
19:42 CoCoA-5 Design #610: Variable It: assign before or after printing
I am testing the behaviour by computing a large cyclotomic polynomial (without assigning it). Then compute @1+2@ wit... John Abbott
19:39 CoCoA-5 Design #610 (Resolved): Variable It: assign before or after printing
I believe that the relevant spurce code is around @Interpreter.C:4187@ The line I mean is... John Abbott
19:15 CoCoA-5 Bug #1708: Linux: just 1 executable, should be 2 (with & without readline)
Have we made any progress with this?
Maybe it suffices to make a few small changes to the scripts which make the rel...
John Abbott
19:12 CoCoA-5 Bug #1634 (In Progress): Unexpected or unhelpful error using GroebnerFanIdeals
This specific problem does not arise on a platform with 64-bit @long@; though no doubt a larger example would eventua... John Abbott
19:03 CoCoA-5 Bug #1435: Disable readline if input is redirected
Here are some possibly useful links:
* *@
John Abbott
18:54 CoCoA-5 Bug #727 (In Progress): Emacs UI: send-file (C-c C-f) should check if buffer and file are synchronized
Here are some potentially useful links:
* *@
John Abbott

02 May 2024

19:58 CoCoALib Feature #1815: JSON and UUID
Another point to bear in mind is the licence of any library.
We already use BOOST in CoCoA-5, but I'm not sure wheth...
John Abbott
19:46 CoCoALib Feature #1815: JSON and UUID
I note the following link(s):
* *@*
John Abbott
19:41 CoCoALib Feature #1815: JSON and UUID
We should also decide which goals we have.
I'm expecting in Berlin to spend much of the time discussing and planni...
John Abbott
19:29 CoCoALib Feature #1815 (In Progress): JSON and UUID
Antony in Berlin says that they use *@rapidJSON@*; I did not enquire about UUIDs -- we can use an interim, makeshift ... John Abbott
19:20 CoCoALib Feature #1815 (In Progress): JSON and UUID
Investigate including a library for serializing and deserializing JSON encodings.
This includes having the ability t...
John Abbott

29 Apr 2024

21:13 CoCoALib Feature #1667: GBasis over ZZ: port to CoCoALib
It seems that we have several implementations: some in C++, and some in CoCoA-5.
The C++ versions ought to be quicke...
John Abbott

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