



From 29 Dec 2023 to 27 Jan 2024

25 Jan 2024

20:27 CoCoALib Design #1703 (Resolved): Threadsafety, multithreading: optional fn arg (or separate fn)
Offering proper thread-safety is likely trickier than I had hoped, and probably decidedly more costly at r...
John Abbott
20:22 CoCoALib Design #1703: Threadsafety, multithreading: optional fn arg (or separate fn)
Anna reported compilation warnings with @clang@:
@std::mutex@ cannot be copied or moved, so attempting to have defau...
John Abbott
16:26 CoCoALib Bug #1579: Readexpr/RingElem: unhelpful error message when input is wrong
Still to do: check other cases.
I modified only @ReadExpr(string)@ and @ReadAtom@ (for symbol).
I prefer to documen...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:21 CoCoALib Bug #1579: Readexpr/RingElem: unhelpful error message when input is wrong
I think I improved these error messages (hard to spot in string otherwise):... Anna Maria Bigatti
10:12 CoCoALib Bug #1579: Readexpr/RingElem: unhelpful error message when input is wrong
Here is another test case: @RingElem(R, "y(x)")@
Looks like a function call...
John Abbott

23 Jan 2024

22:14 CoCoALib Feature #1715: ProductBigInt (also ProductBigRat???)
If I recall well, a first attempt was disappointing.
One may have to be clever if many factors are small integers.
John Abbott
22:13 CoCoALib Feature #947: IsRadical for ideal?
I think my idea might not work in general.
Let @I := ideal(x+y^2)@ then @I@ *is* radical. But if I add an extra ge...
John Abbott
09:27 CoCoALib Design #1777: VerificationLevel: just 3? Low, high, guaranteed?
I discussed withe the OSCAR people about putting something similar into Oscar. There it seemed simpler/clearer to of... John Abbott
09:25 CoCoALib Design #1777 (New): VerificationLevel: just 3? Low, high, guaranteed?
Should there be just 3 @VerificationLevel@ values?
* *@low@* fast but greater chance of wrong answer
* *@high@* sl...
John Abbott

22 Jan 2024

20:28 CoCoALib Feature #539: Functions to clean up a factorization
Do you have a good use-case for this?
So far I have not needed such a function. Anyway priority is _low_.
John Abbott
20:24 CoCoALib Feature #1349 (In Progress): ideal ctor where given gens are a gbasis
What is the status of this issue?
The previous comment suggests that it should be _feedback_ or _closed_. Is there ...
John Abbott
20:14 CoCoALib Design #1753 (Feedback): Clean up EulerTotient, InvTotient jungle in NumTheory-misc
I have cleaned the code:
* removed the InvTotient iterator which is superseded by the new code (which is fast enough...
John Abbott
19:41 CoCoALib Design #1647: Suppress zero from ideal generators? Detect 1 and simplify generators?
Which ideal operations could benefit from @CleanGens@?
Sum, product, maybe colon. Radical?
It might make sense t...
John Abbott
19:39 CoCoALib Design #1647: Suppress zero from ideal generators? Detect 1 and simplify generators?
Here is an outline heuristic for cleaning the generators:
* remove zeroes
* collect all monomial gens, compute GBas...
John Abbott
10:58 CoCoALib Design #1647: Suppress zero from ideal generators? Detect 1 and simplify generators?
Anna: recover ideas, read it all, decide, implement, and close! Anna Maria Bigatti
11:01 CoCoALib Feature #1763: implement ideal(R) for zero ideal, with no generators?
Anna: read it all, decide, implement, close! Anna Maria Bigatti
10:53 CoCoALib Design #908: Sum of ideals: what are the generators of (x) + (0)?
Neither the manual for CoCoALib nor for CoCoA-5 mention that the generators are the mere concatenation, so we are all... Anna Maria Bigatti
10:47 CoCoALib Design #908: Sum of ideals: what are the generators of (x) + (0)?
Anna has just confirmed that the documentation *does not guarantee* that @gens(I+J) = concat(...)@. This is good!
John Abbott
10:44 CoCoALib Design #908: Sum of ideals: what are the generators of (x) + (0)?
Status on 2024-01-22... John Abbott
10:37 CoCoA-5 Feature #368: port SmithNormalForm (CoCoA-4)package to CoCoA-5
JAA has some new code from Passau which should be in integrated...
John Abbott
10:36 CoCoALib Design #1768 (Closed): Limit indentation in verbose mesgs?
John Abbott
10:28 CoCoALib Support #1761 (Feedback): MakeTermOrdMat: improve error mesg
Anna Maria Bigatti

21 Jan 2024

20:33 CoCoALib Slug #1569 (In Progress): IsInRadical too slow (test-RadicalMembership)
The "stupid approach" gets the answer in 10s (on my Linux laptop).... John Abbott
20:21 CoCoALib Bug #1662: txt2tags: problem with filenames containing "_" or "-"
What is the status of this issue?
Is it now resolved if one uses the updated @txt2tags@ which Nico mentioned? Which...
John Abbott
20:16 CoCoALib Bug #1579: Readexpr/RingElem: unhelpful error message when input is wrong
I have added a new error mesg for the case that the first extra char is open-bracket or letter or digit.
The err mes...
John Abbott
20:01 CoCoALib Design #64: submat takes only vector<long>
In comment 8 Anna says that practically all uses could be replaced by *@FirstRows(M,n)@*, so it makes a lot of sense ... John Abbott
19:46 CoCoALib Bug #1361: Compilation fails when compiling with libgsl
Hi Florian. Does compilation still fail with version 0.99818 (from website)? Thanks! John Abbott

19 Jan 2024

18:11 CoCoA-5 Design #1626 (Feedback): NewMat: should be obsolescent?
JAA has revised the manual entry, and changed calls in @packages@ to @ZeroMat@
Anna will revise the defn in @Backwar...
John Abbott
16:26 CoCoA-5 Bug #1623: EmacsUI: annoying colours
Tested also for @DenseUPolyRing@ (and made example for DUP) Anna Maria Bigatti
15:02 CoCoA-5 Bug #1623 (Feedback): EmacsUI: annoying colours
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:02 CoCoA-5 Bug #1623: EmacsUI: annoying colours
Done:... Anna Maria Bigatti
09:36 CoCoA-5 Bug #1623: EmacsUI: annoying colours
John Abbott wrote:
> Does the printing change if we use @indent@? I suppose not; but could it, should it?
It is ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

16 Jan 2024

19:07 CoCoA-5 Bug #1623: EmacsUI: annoying colours
Not bad! Minor variant: using square brackets for lists... John Abbott
15:52 CoCoA-5 Bug #1623: EmacsUI: annoying colours
New suggestion (the most compact I can think of)... Anna Maria Bigatti

15 Jan 2024

19:54 CoCoA-5 Bug #1623: EmacsUI: annoying colours
Can we conclude this discussion, implement, and close? :-) John Abbott
19:49 CoCoA-5 Bug #469: Emacs UI: keywords in multiline comments
[2024-01-15] I have just confirmed that the bug is still there.
If the code is commented out with *@//@* or *@--@* ...
John Abbott
19:42 CoCoA-5 Design #1626: NewMat: should be obsolescent?
Yes, we should make @NewMat@ obsolete/backward-compatible-only.
This should be an easy change (don't forget the doc ...
John Abbott
19:39 CoCoA-5 Feature #1541: foreach with ref to list entry?
Postponing this issue because it requires discussion, and could be tricky/lengthy if we opt to to make the change.
John Abbott
19:32 CoCoA-5 Slug #1363 (In Progress): Emacs UI: slow with long lines
I did take a look at @so-long.el@, and it did help a bit.
Handling of long lines is a known emacs weakness; probably...
John Abbott

13 Jan 2024

22:27 CoCoALib Slug #1756: deg(f) is slow if f is long
I have re-run the example from comment 2: it now takes 0.001s.
I'm undecided about the extra generality handling t...
John Abbott
22:20 CoCoALib Design #1768: Limit indentation in verbose mesgs?
Can we close this?
*Anna* do you agree?
John Abbott
22:16 CoCoALib Slug #1739: IsHomog for ideals
This should be easy to implement, right?
I was wondering how often one would want to know whether an ideal is homog ...
John Abbott

12 Jan 2024

13:18 Support #1774 (Feedback): Look of first Redmine page linked from CoCoA web page
I changed this page, which may be updated only by admin, so that it just contains links to other pages.
It now refer...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:53 CoCoA-5 Support #1776: CoCoA-5 releases on redmine
(Just keep updating the description) Anna Maria Bigatti
11:52 CoCoA-5 Support #1776 (New): CoCoA-5 releases on redmine
Links to the list of issues dealt with in each release:
*CoCoA-5*: Computer Algebra System
- (2020) *CoCoA-5.3....
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:45 CoCoALib Support #1775: CoCoALib releases on redmine
(Just keep updating the description) Anna Maria Bigatti
11:29 CoCoALib Support #1775 (New): CoCoALib releases on redmine
Links to the list of issues dealt with in each release:
*CoCoALib: C++ library*
- (2024) *CoCoALib-0.998??* h...
Anna Maria Bigatti

04 Jan 2024

10:23 CoCoALib Feature #1763: implement ideal(R) for zero ideal, with no generators?
I still think that @ideal(P)@ looks odd, and is less immediate to understand than @ideal(P,EmptyListOfRingElem)@.
John Abbott
10:18 CoCoALib Design #1767: Finalize design for ideals in CoCoALib
Also for _exception cleanliness_, an operation such as @I += J@ would almost certainly have to compute a temporary id... John Abbott
10:14 CoCoA-5 Design #1041 (In Progress): Separators for elements of a list
I still agree with my comments in note 3 above.
For matrices, there are really 2 separators: between elements in a r...
John Abbott
09:49 CoCoALib Design #908: Sum of ideals: what are the generators of (x) + (0)?
Currently I think we *should not* require that @gens(I+J) = concat(gens(I),gens(J))@. Other ideal operations do not ... John Abbott

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