



From 18 Nov 2021 to 17 Dec 2021

10 Dec 2021

15:54 CoCoA-5 Bug #1640 (Feedback): MinSubsetOfGens does not find min subset
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:53 CoCoA-5 Bug #1640: MinSubsetOfGens does not find min subset
During skype meeting, we implemented an improvement (discarding longest polynomial first). Now the given example is ... Anna Maria Bigatti

09 Dec 2021

10:27 CoCoA-5 Bug #1640: MinSubsetOfGens does not find min subset
John Abbott wrote:
> I have now re-read the manual, and understood what it was trying to say.
> Maybe re-write the ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

07 Dec 2021

00:11 CoCoA-5 Bug #1640: MinSubsetOfGens does not find min subset
I have now re-read the manual, and understood what it was trying to say.
Maybe re-write the manual entry to make it ...
John Abbott
00:09 CoCoA-5 Bug #1640: MinSubsetOfGens does not find min subset
I had wanted to show @MinSubsetOfGens@ to my students, but maybe it is better not to do so.
The code is weird; I a...
John Abbott
00:08 CoCoA-5 Bug #1640 (Closed): MinSubsetOfGens does not find min subset
Not sure what @MinSubsetOfGens@ does, but it does not find a min card subset of the gens which generate the same idea... John Abbott
20:26 CoCoA-5 Bug #1639: RealRoots: crashes after interrupting
I still get a crash with @product([x-k | k in 0..600])@ and interrupting after about 20s.
Trying with 500 instead of...
John Abbott
17:49 CoCoA-5 Bug #1639 (New): RealRoots: crashes after interrupting
Naturally I discovered this while giving a demo to my students...... John Abbott

06 Dec 2021

20:37 CoCoA-5 Slug #1638: MinSubsetOfGens sometimes very slow
There are only 256 subsets to try; and some can be quickly eliminated.
I saw the source, and understand that it is n...
John Abbott
20:35 CoCoA-5 Slug #1638 (New): MinSubsetOfGens sometimes very slow
I have just tried @MinSubsetOfGens@, and was surprised how slow it was on a small example.... John Abbott

01 Dec 2021

14:49 CoCoALib Feature #1637 (New): Intersection of Ideals: has GBasis?
When one computes the intersection of two ideals, are the resulting generators a GBasis?
Sometimes they are: can we ...
John Abbott

26 Nov 2021

18:48 CoCoA-5 Bug #1104: Eigenvectors: inconsistent return type
Here is an observation about the given example:
* in the case that the eigenvalue is rational (_i.e._ in the field),...
John Abbott
18:44 CoCoA-5 Slug #1629: RingElem slow with many indets
Anna implemented a quick fix: it was much faster, but would also sometimes give a wrong answer (we understood why).
John Abbott
15:29 CoCoA-5 Slug #1629: RingElem slow with many indets
After a common investigation via skype, we noticed that @ReadExpr@ (called by RingElem) creates @map<symbol, RingElem... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:03 CoCoA-5 Slug #1629 (In Progress): RingElem slow with many indets
Simpler test:... John Abbott
17:10 CoCoALib Support #262: Play with GIT
Does anyone have useful experience to help decide between Github/Gitlab/other? And also how one goes about in practice? John Abbott
17:08 CoCoALib Support #262: Play with GIT
Florian and Bernhard suggest putting the source on Github/Gitlab.
John Abbott

25 Nov 2021

17:13 CoCoA-5 Support #1636 (In Progress): Missing/Incomplete manual entries
Some entries in the online manual are missing or very incomplete.... John Abbott
16:47 CoCoALib Feature #1635 (In Progress): NR for polys with coeffs in PID
Make @NR@ work also polys with coeffs in a PID (at least in @ZZ@).
This is a stepping stone to GBasis over @ZZ@.
John Abbott

23 Nov 2021

22:06 CoCoALib Support #256 (Resolved): Improve doc about ordering/grading for poly rings
I think the doc in @SparsePolyRing.txt@ is OK now. Do you agree, Anna?
John Abbott
17:15 CoCoA-5 Bug #1634: Unexpected or unhelpful error using GroebnerFanIdeals
The problem is that the ordering matrix has some big entry (after being converted into a matrix with positive entries... Anna Maria Bigatti

22 Nov 2021

20:29 CoCoA-5 Bug #1634: Unexpected or unhelpful error using GroebnerFanIdeals
Here is a simpler failing example: I have just reduced the exponents... John Abbott
20:23 CoCoA-5 Bug #1634: Unexpected or unhelpful error using GroebnerFanIdeals
I find the error quite surprising; at least the particular error that was thrown.
I had half expected there to be so...
John Abbott
20:21 CoCoA-5 Bug #1634 (In Progress): Unexpected or unhelpful error using GroebnerFanIdeals
Here is the troublesome input: it throws *@ArgTooBig@*... John Abbott
20:19 CoCoA-5 Design #984: GroebnerFanIdeals: order matrices sometimes have "large" entries
It seems that the first two rows are "almost parallel" -- why should that be?
Anyway, it should be easy to reduce th...
John Abbott

19 Nov 2021

17:25 CoCoALib Feature #743: Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
for example, this would be nice... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:18 CoCoALib Feature #743: Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
We agreed that the string for the name of the function should contain just the name of the function, and its argument... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:05 CoCoALib Feature #743: Better errors: give supplementary info about the error
Anna suggests that the error message should also indicate which args (via their indices, starting from 0 or 1?)
For ...
John Abbott
17:02 CoCoA-5 Bug #1622: BuiltinOneLiners -- less precise location in error messages
I believe that the error must be clear enough in CoCoALib so that there is no need to intercept (all??) situations li... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:32 CoCoA-5 Feature #1616 (Closed): UnivariateIndetIndex: remove cocoa-5 implementation and use CoCoALib's
Anna Maria Bigatti

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