



From 21 Jun 2021 to 20 Jul 2021

19 Jul 2021

15:54 CoCoALib Bug #1601 (In Progress): Compilation ambiguity
I have now modified *@apply.H@* so that the *@apply@* function for vectors is just a normal function (rather than a p... John Abbott
14:13 CoCoA-5 Bug #946: Function "ideal" evaluates the argument twice
(I'll see ModuleElem) Anna Maria Bigatti

12 Jul 2021

19:59 CoCoA-5 Support #1603 (Rejected): Unhelpful behaviour in "compatibility mode": double error mesg
Syntactic errors inside compatibility mode can be unhelpful:... John Abbott

02 Jul 2021

17:27 CoCoALib Feature #1598: RingHom: implement phi(X) as apply(phi, X) also for X vector and matrix
I made a prototype for matrix. Needs to be tested properly. Anna Maria Bigatti
17:27 CoCoA-5 Bug #946: Function "ideal" evaluates the argument twice
Just 1 left: @ModuleElem@
Relevant source seems to be in @BuiltinFunctions-CoCoALib.C@ around line 1465.
At the m...
John Abbott
16:20 CoCoA-5 Bug #946: Function "ideal" evaluates the argument twice
Created new fn *@SpecializeToListOfRingElem@* which converts a generic @LIST@ into a list of @RINGELEM@ (I hope).
John Abbott
16:17 CoCoA-5 Bug #946: Function "ideal" evaluates the argument twice
at the end of this file there is a section "TO BE FIXED" with the last few cases to be fixed.
Anna Maria Bigatti w...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:26 CoCoALib Feature #1602 (New): Sparse matrix (SparseMat)
Create new type for representing sparse matrices.
Then check all code which by default creates a @DenseMat@ (becau...
John Abbott
15:52 CoCoA-5 Feature #1599 (Resolved): ConcatStr
Renamed to *@ConcatStrings@*.
Very clear.
John Abbott
15:41 CoCoALib Bug #1601: Compilation ambiguity
Florian reports problems compiling the following mini-prog using gcc-11.... John Abbott
15:35 CoCoALib Bug #1473 (Feedback): isystem not working as expected
Anna says it works.
It is just a cheap hack: if @uname@ gives @Darwin@ then it uses @-I@ instead of @-isystem@.
John Abbott

23 Jun 2021

15:47 CoCoALib Bug #1473: isystem not working as expected
I have a first prototype. Works on my Linux box (but hen it also worked before...)
I'll ask Anna to check on her ...
John Abbott

21 Jun 2021

17:47 CoCoA-5 Feature #1587: Multiline string literals (again)
I am still inclined *against* multi-line string literals.
@NewFold@ above @ConcatStrings@ seem like a reasonable com...
John Abbott
16:50 CoCoA-5 Feature #1599: ConcatStr
The fn maps a list of strings to a string by concatenation.
Should the fn be called *@ConcatStr@* or *@ConcatStrs@*?
John Abbott
15:44 CoCoALib Feature #1598: RingHom: implement phi(X) as apply(phi, X) also for X vector and matrix
See RingHom.[HC]... Anna Maria Bigatti
15:30 CoCoALib Feature #1598: RingHom: implement phi(X) as apply(phi, X) also for X vector and matrix
I'll try doing it!
and think of other involved classes.
(and consider whether making apply obsolescent)
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:23 CoCoALib Feature #1598 (In Progress): RingHom: implement phi(X) as apply(phi, X) also for X vector and matrix
Do we still want to keep *@apply@*?
Or should it be moved to "obsolescent"?
John Abbott
15:44 CoCoA-5 Bug #1595 (Closed): Bad input causes crash
John Abbott
15:41 CoCoALib Feature #82: C++11 compatibility questions
John Abbott wrote:
> Do we have progress to report?
removed (unused) keyword @register@ from toric.C
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:06 CoCoALib Bug #1601: Compilation ambiguity
Right now Florian cannot make further tests... his compiler is defunct (after trying some "gymnastics" to revert to g... John Abbott

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