



From 14 Dec 2020 to 12 Jan 2021

12 Jan 2021

14:32 CoCoALib Design #1558: CpuTimeLimit: more frequent clock checks
I have modified the impl so that it triggers only when the CPU time limit has been exceeded, but it does try to call ... John Abbott

11 Jan 2021

11:09 CoCoALib Design #1562 (New): matrix.H and MatrixView.H
To be able to use the type @ConstMatrixView@ I need to include @matrix.H@ rather than @MatrixView.H@.
Is this reas...
John Abbott
10:19 CoCoALib Support #1561 (New): Doc for module term orderings
The documentation for module term orderings is unhelpful (to put it politely).
I wanted to find out whether a @Fre...
John Abbott
10:02 CoCoA-5 Bug #1560: elim for modules
Not sure how hard this might be. Does it suffice to create a poly ring with elim order, and then compute the GB for ... John Abbott
09:59 CoCoA-5 Bug #1560 (New): elim for modules
Bernhard Andraschko reported the following NYI:... John Abbott
08:55 CoCoALib Design #1558: CpuTimeLimit: more frequent clock checks
John Abbott wrote:
> Now I am wondering whether it may not make more sense to base @CpuTimeLimit@ on the "steady clo...
Anna Maria Bigatti

09 Jan 2021

18:20 CoCoALib Feature #1559 (In Progress): Default ctor for rings
Winfried Bruns sent the following by email:
"I wanted to define a class that contains two sparesepoly rings as mem...
John Abbott

08 Jan 2021

18:46 CoCoALib Bug #1376 (Resolved): GBasisTimeout: not working as expected
Using just the one example "french students" example, the current (2021-01-08) version of @CpuTimeLimit@ works accept... John Abbott
09:48 CoCoALib Bug #1376: GBasisTimeout: not working as expected
Now I think it should be possible to make @CpuTimeLimit@ check the time more frequently without much overhead (by che... John Abbott
18:11 CoCoALib Design #1558 (Resolved): CpuTimeLimit: more frequent clock checks
I now have a version of @CpuTimeLimit@, which actually uses only "steady clock" rather than @CpuTime@.
It seems to...
John Abbott
16:11 CoCoALib Design #1558: CpuTimeLimit: more frequent clock checks
Now I am wondering whether it may not make more sense to base @CpuTimeLimit@ on the "steady clock" (but then the nam... John Abbott
10:07 CoCoALib Design #1558 (In Progress): CpuTimeLimit: more frequent clock checks
Here is the code I used as a speed check:... John Abbott
09:38 CoCoALib Design #1558 (Closed): CpuTimeLimit: more frequent clock checks
The impl of @CpuTimeLimit@ is a bit complicated because the @CpuTime@ function is more expensive than I had expected.... John Abbott
15:23 CoCoA-5 Feature #1516 (Resolved): substring function
I have written a (short) manual entry.
Should there be some tests? :-/
John Abbott
15:16 CoCoA-5 Feature #1516: substring function
I have written a first version (in @BuiltinFunctions.C@).
* name: *@substring@*; I prefer not to use @sbstr@ as th...
John Abbott
13:06 CoCoA-5 Feature #1516 (In Progress): substring function
Start pos and length seem reasonable to me.
Should we also allow the version which goes to end of string? KISS: m...
John Abbott
13:03 CoCoALib Design #1391 (Closed): RingElems: syntax with [ and ] ?
I have added some tests (to @test-RingElem5.C@).
All seems OK. Closing.
John Abbott
11:58 CoCoALib Bug #1484: ker bug (quotientinghom for R/ideal())
Anna! check ring for empty lists! Anna Maria Bigatti
11:56 CoCoA-5 Bug #1539: Website: installation instructions for Microsoft
add the instruction written by Henry O'Keeffe Anna Maria Bigatti
11:53 CoCoA-5 Bug #1512 (Closed): Package with unexpected EOF
John Abbott
11:51 CoCoA-5 Design #1495 (Closed): Package exporting nothing?
Tested. OK. Anna Maria Bigatti
11:35 CoCoA-5 Feature #1509 (Closed): RingElems with empty input
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:31 CoCoA-5 Design #1546: Improve 'describe' or 'print' for a function
And also fix the manual. Anna Maria Bigatti
11:30 CoCoA-5 Design #1550 (Closed): version number for CoCoA5 snapshot release?
For snapshot releases: (Anna) remember to change the links in the webpage. Anna Maria Bigatti
11:28 CoCoA-5 Feature #1543 (Closed): Default path for packages
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:24 CoCoA-5 Design #1530 (Closed): VersionInfo -- better field names?
John Abbott
11:23 CoCoA-5 Support #1498 (Closed): Export many names or just one?
John Abbott
11:20 CoCoA-5 Slug #1556: DivAlg slower than NR
I checked: not as easy as I thought.
@NR@ is defined in @SparsePolyOps-RingElem.C@ and make use of ReductionCog. Th...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:19 CoCoA-5 Bug #1527 (Closed): Inadequate error message on incorrect list access
John Abbott

07 Jan 2021

20:54 CoCoALib Bug #1376: GBasisTimeout: not working as expected
The relevant source is probably in *@SparsePolyOps-reduce.C@* around line 133.
The timer object is constructed in...
John Abbott
20:42 CoCoALib Bug #1376: GBasisTimeout: not working as expected
Setting the timeout to 20s worked very well. Setting it to 25s triggered an interruption after 95s.
Setting it to 9...
John Abbott
20:19 CoCoALib Bug #1376: GBasisTimeout: not working as expected
Why are there no test cases for this issue? Without them how can i know if it has been satisfactorily solved?
John Abbott
20:26 CoCoALib Support #1555 (In Progress): Software licence
Here is a suggestion:
* find out how many different copyright messages we need (headers, source, tests, examples, do...
John Abbott
20:04 CoCoALib Design #855: Copyright and authorship?
I have added Bigatti to all files which had just Abbott as copyright holder.
Anna should now add Abbott to all files...
John Abbott
20:02 CoCoALib Slug #1557 (Resolved): Reading list of rationals is too slow
There was a bug in my first version of the faster code: @in.get(ch)@ does not put EOF into @ch@ when EOF is reached -... John Abbott

06 Jan 2021

11:40 CoCoALib Slug #1557: Reading list of rationals is too slow
I have found a potentially useful entry on *StackOverflow*: link @ John Abbott
11:32 CoCoALib Slug #1557 (In Progress): Reading list of rationals is too slow
I'm still puzzled: @ScanUnsignedIntegerLiteral@ continue to be slower than whatever the CoCoA-5 interpreter does; cou... John Abbott

05 Jan 2021

21:55 CoCoALib Slug #1557: Reading list of rationals is too slow
The profiler indicates that major costs are @hgcd@ (from GMP) and @ScanUnsignedIntegerLiteral@ (from CoCoALib).
John Abbott
21:43 CoCoALib Slug #1557 (Closed): Reading list of rationals is too slow
Winfried Bruns sent me a file with about 100000 rationals (total size about 130Mbytes).
If I read the file in using ...
John Abbott

28 Dec 2020

17:56 CoCoALib Support #1555: Software licence
Here are what we need to do:
* ensure that all copyright lines are correct (Anna and me)
* remove the GPL blurb fro...
John Abbott

23 Dec 2020

11:37 CoCoA-5 Design #1540: Double power
Relevant source is probably in @Parser.C@ around line 1890; *@Parser::parsePowerExpression@*
John Abbott

22 Dec 2020

17:19 CoCoA-5 Slug #1556: DivAlg slower than NR
Check the code for NR and see how to make the data type for the output. Anna Maria Bigatti
14:21 CoCoA-5 Slug #1556: DivAlg slower than NR
Just for the record: @NR@ took about 0.063s, @DivAlg@ took about 1280s.
Presumably @DivAlg@ should also be built-i...
John Abbott
14:03 CoCoA-5 Slug #1556: DivAlg slower than NR
I verify that the problem is present in the current version on my computer.
*@NR@* is a built-in function; *@DivAl...
John Abbott
13:57 CoCoA-5 Slug #1556 (New): DivAlg slower than NR
Andraschko reported the following by email:
Consider the following code which computes the minimal polynomial of sqr...
John Abbott
16:20 CoCoA-5 Bug #1553 (Feedback): Timing SystemCommand
I have checked in *@ElapsedTime@* (incl. doc).
New qn: is the fn *@RealTime@* in CoCoALib obsolete? -- *NOTE:* may...
John Abbott
16:16 CoCoALib Bug #1376: GBasisTimeout: not working as expected
What is the status of this issue? John Abbott
16:10 CoCoALib Bug #1542: gfan does not "deinitialize"
A non-solution is to modify the documentation to say that @GMPAllocator@ does not work well with GFan (or else the u... John Abbott
15:36 CoCoA-5 Design #1554: cocoa5-emacs-dir or cocoa5-root-dir?
The question arose after an email from Alasdair McAndrew (around 2020-12-18). Anna will investigate.
John Abbott
15:32 CoCoA-5 Design #1554 (In Progress): cocoa5-emacs-dir or cocoa5-root-dir?
Anna points out that there are complications on Microsoft where one cannot be entirely sure where the release is unpa... John Abbott
15:03 CoCoA-5 Design #1546: Improve 'describe' or 'print' for a function
Now "print/println ... (on ...)" prints the body of used defined functions.
To do: "describe" should give the name o...
Anna Maria Bigatti

21 Dec 2020

12:33 CoCoALib Support #1555 (Closed): Software licence
Gereon Kremer asks whether we are willing to release some or all of the source for CoCoA/CoCoALib under a different l... John Abbott

19 Dec 2020

16:29 CoCoA-5 Bug #1553: Timing SystemCommand
The new func @ElapsedTime@ is perfectly fine with me!
I personally prefer the return value representing a rational a...
Julian Danner

18 Dec 2020

17:45 CoCoA-5 Bug #1553: Timing SystemCommand
I have now implemented *@ElapsedTime@* (based on the standard C++ @steady_clock@).... John Abbott
16:40 CoCoA-5 Bug #1553: Timing SystemCommand
It might be possible to replace the call to the C++ function @system@, by a @fork@ and an @exec@ (or @execv@?).
I ha...
John Abbott
17:24 CoCoA-5 Design #1554: cocoa5-emacs-dir or cocoa5-root-dir?
It seems more natural to me to specify the path to the "root" directory; then all accesses to files are "downward".
John Abbott
17:22 CoCoA-5 Design #1554 (Closed): cocoa5-emacs-dir or cocoa5-root-dir?
In the emacs initialization lines we define *@cocoa5-emacs-dir@*.
Why do we not define *@cocoa5-root-dir@* instead? ...
John Abbott

17 Dec 2020

17:07 CoCoA-5 Bug #1553: Timing SystemCommand
oh well yes, @sleep@ may not be the best test, however I think it nonetheless highlights my problem ;)
I agree tha...
Julian Danner
17:07 CoCoA-5 Bug #1553 (In Progress): Timing SystemCommand
I have searched briefly (or not-so-briefly) on internet, and it seems that C++ does not yet offer a way to measure pr... John Abbott
16:35 CoCoA-5 Bug #1553: Timing SystemCommand
First comment: using @sleep@ is perhaps not the best test. Below is what I get using bash on my Linux computer:
John Abbott
14:47 CoCoA-5 Bug #1553 (Closed): Timing SystemCommand
I was just timing some computations and noticed that the the time it takes to execute a command with @SystemCo...
Julian Danner

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