



From 14 Dec 2019 to 12 Jan 2020

12 Jan 2020

19:00 CoCoALib Design #1389 (Rejected): myZeroPtr and myOnePtr
JAA thinks this proposal should be *REJECTED* because it is unsafe.
The crucial point is that if the data fields @...
John Abbott

10 Jan 2020

17:08 CoCoA-5 Slug #1390: CoCoA-5 test: radical too slow
I have disabled the slow test, and checked in.
Now all CoCoA-5 tests complete in 12s instead of 23s
John Abbott
15:56 CoCoA-5 Slug #1390 (In Progress): CoCoA-5 test: radical too slow
The @radical.cocoa5@ test took 160s (2 min 40s) on the netbook.
I propose simply commenting out that last slow cas...
John Abbott
17:07 CoCoALib Design #1391 (Closed): RingElems: syntax with [ and ] ?
I was a little surprised that @RingElems(P, "[x,y]")@ produced a run-time error.
Would it make sense to allow an i...
John Abbott
15:57 CoCoALib Design #1366: Should configure remove the file ERR_MESGS if it’s empty?
I have checked and this has not yet been done completely.
It seems that the easy solution is to use the *@trap@* fac...
John Abbott
12:29 CoCoALib Bug #1380 (Closed): Make IsZeroDim more robust
John Abbott
12:17 CoCoALib Bug #1379 (Closed): Fails to recognize zero-dim ideal
Should there also be more tests where the result is @false@? Probably little point. I could add a couple of really ... John Abbott

09 Jan 2020

22:29 CoCoALib Design #982 (Closed): Catching interrupts in example progs?
John Abbott
13:42 CoCoALib Design #982 (Resolved): Catching interrupts in example progs?
I now disagree with my comment 3 (above), and think that it is (usually) best to create the @SignalWatcher@ just afte... John Abbott
22:28 CoCoALib Bug #1260 (Resolved): Fix file permissions after using CVS
I think I sent my file (**) to Anna via email; and I believe she said it worked mostly OK for her.
John Abbott
22:22 CoCoALib Feature #259 (Closed): Squarefree(?) GCD-free basis
These fns were already mentioned in the previous release (0.99650).
Closing after spending 3 months in _feedback_.
John Abbott
22:17 CoCoALib Feature #303 (Closed): Rows and Columns of a matrix
Last comment was 8 months ago. The code is there (presumably added then); it is documented.
A comment says there ar...
John Abbott
22:10 CoCoALib Support #976 (Closed): configure: auxiliary scripts should be consistent about error messages
A quick search with @fgrep@ shows that all error mesgs are printed out on @/dev/stderr@
No doubt another check will ...
John Abbott
22:02 CoCoALib Slug #792 (Closed): configure: search for libgmp too slow
On my main machine (with SSD) takes less than 1s; on the little "netbook" it took about 2.8s.
Faster m...
John Abbott
21:15 CoCoA-5 Feature #1316 (In Progress): Matrix row reduction (rref)
I have put a simple implementation into the current "internal" version of CoCoALib (and CoCoA-5).
It is called *@rre...
John Abbott
21:08 CoCoA-5 Bug #1384 (Resolved): NewPolyRing and SymbolRange
It appears to work fine for me (Linux).
John Abbott
17:40 CoCoA-5 Bug #1384: NewPolyRing and SymbolRange
Done and cvs-ed.
I cleaned up the code in the 3 files @RingDistr..@ and ediffed them so they are a little bit more s...
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:21 CoCoA-5 Bug #1384: NewPolyRing and SymbolRange
Now using @ERR::Empty@ (maybe not ideal, but better)... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:00 CoCoA-5 Bug #1384: NewPolyRing and SymbolRange
My opinion:
What should SymbolRange do if there are no indets in the range?
empty list (non error)
What should...
Anna Maria Bigatti
20:57 CoCoALib Bug #1319: Problem rebuilding dependencies when file PREPROCESSOR_DEFNS.H does not exist
I think I have found out what the problem is: in some (all?) @Makefile@ the dependencies file has a declared dependen... John Abbott
14:56 CoCoALib Bug #1319: Problem rebuilding dependencies when file PREPROCESSOR_DEFNS.H does not exist
Here is what happened (I think):
* changed version number (CoCoALib and CoCoA-5)
* configure again
* start to buil...
John Abbott
14:46 CoCoALib Bug #1319 (In Progress): Problem rebuilding dependencies when file PREPROCESSOR_DEFNS.H does not exist
This is a bit tricky.
As far as I can see, @make veryclean@ deletes @include/CoCoA/PREPROCESSOR_DEFNS.H@, but then...
John Abbott
20:49 CoCoA-5 Slug #1390: CoCoA-5 test: radical too slow
On my computer with debugging the test @radical.cocoa5@ takes more than 60s. It is just about tolerably fast when I ... John Abbott
20:46 CoCoA-5 Slug #1390 (Closed): CoCoA-5 test: radical too slow
The CoCoA-5 test @radical.cocoa5@ is too slow: it takes longer than all the other CoCoA-5 tests combined.
The culp...
John Abbott
20:39 CoCoA-5 Support #977: "universal denominator" (related with GroebnerFanIdeals)
What is the status of this issue? It is written in a way which suggests that an implementation exists somewhere, but... John Abbott
20:29 CoCoA-5 Bug #1294: CoCoA-5 tests may fail even if executed correctly
Not sure how to improve the situation here.
In a sense, all tests passing should mean that CoCoA-5 is "clean"; if ...
John Abbott
17:18 CoCoALib Feature #1277 (In Progress): Gaussian row reduction
I have a prototype which seems to work.
It is very simple: accepts a matrix, and returns a matrix. No smarts inside...
John Abbott
17:01 CoCoALib Design #1389 (In Progress): myZeroPtr and myOnePtr
I think the clue is in the line above about @MemPool@.
In the dtor for the ring the fields are destroyed in revers...
John Abbott
16:11 CoCoALib Design #1389 (Rejected): myZeroPtr and myOnePtr
every concrete ring have these lines (in .C file)... Anna Maria Bigatti
14:19 CoCoA-5 Bug #1385 (Feedback): valgrind: reports 456byte leak
My fault: I have forgotten to @delete@ some memory obtained via @operator new@.
I have corrected the impl of @Signal...
John Abbott
13:55 CoCoALib Support #1265: Unregistered TXT files in doc
Postponing because this is not essential for the next release, and choosing _status quo_ seems to be harmless while a... John Abbott
13:52 CoCoALib Feature #1388: GlobalManager: create SignalWatcher internally?
Is there any disadvantage to creating a @SignalWatcher@ always?
I think it incurs essentially no run-time cost.
John Abbott
13:47 CoCoALib Feature #1388 (New): GlobalManager: create SignalWatcher internally?
Should the @GlobalManager@ have the ability to create a @SignalWatcher@?
If so, should the default be to create a @S...
John Abbott
13:32 CoCoALib Support #1353: configure script help
I think that the _documentation_ for the @configure@ script is clear enough now; so am moving this issue to _feedback... John Abbott
13:27 CoCoALib Feature #1360: configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
It is not quite as simple as I wrote in the previous comment.
The option *@--with-boost=@* will automatically caus...
John Abbott
13:21 CoCoALib Feature #1360: configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost)
There is the configiration option *@--no-boost@* which automatically inhibits building CoCoA-5 (well, it is supposed ... John Abbott
12:27 CoCoALib Design #1366 (Feedback): Should configure remove the file ERR_MESGS if it’s empty?
I think that this has been done now... I suppose someone should check properly. :-/
John Abbott
11:56 CoCoA-5 Feature #1374 (Feedback): Add function power to CoCoA-5
I have just added a manual entry for @power@. I also removed the keyword @power@ from the entry for @DiagMat@.
John Abbott
11:46 CoCoA-5 Bug #1356: CoCoA-5 header files: should use a common prefix for CPP variables which enforce read-once
Postpone because it is not urgent/important. It should be a simple change, but I prefer to do it when there is less ... John Abbott
11:43 CoCoA-5 Support #1368 (Feedback): Improve manual for mod
I have updated the manual entry; I think it is clear now.
John Abbott
11:35 CoCoA-5 Design #1352: cocoa5 (launch) script: sleep time
This has been working fine for about 2 months; so moving to _feedback_.
John Abbott
11:33 CoCoA-5 Support #1386: IsIndetPosPower: behaviour and manual page
John Abbott wrote:
> What should @IsIndetPosPower(x/x)@ give?
> Error or @false@?
> I expected @false@ but actuall...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:31 CoCoA-5 Support #1344 (In Progress): Clean out OBSOLESCENT
I have just commented out all fns in @obsolescent.cpkg5@ which have been there at least 4 years.
All CoCoA-5 tests p...
John Abbott
11:25 CoCoA-5 Bug #1383 (Feedback): NewPolyRing on MS Windows
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:21 CoCoA-5 Bug #1382 (Closed): SEGV: should have been harmless
tested on MacOS. OK. Anna Maria Bigatti
10:02 CoCoA-5 Support #1387 (In Progress): John's visit Feb 2020
Here is a list of *PREPARATIONS* before the visit:
* issues which have been in _feedback_ for some time should be cl...
John Abbott

08 Jan 2020

23:04 CoCoALib Bug #1362: GBasis verbose mode: some output is on cerr/clog
Here is a test case:... John Abbott
16:41 CoCoA-5 Bug #1382: SEGV: should have been harmless
All tests pass, and I have checked in.
John Abbott
16:05 CoCoA-5 Bug #1382 (Feedback): SEGV: should have been harmless
The clue from @valgrind@ was very helpful.
The fn @CommonDenom@ did not check for the case of an empty list (and the...
John Abbott
15:47 CoCoA-5 Bug #1382: SEGV: should have been harmless
@valgrind@ suggests that the problem arose inside a call to @CommonDenom@ when it called @IsPolyRing@ (which called @... John Abbott
15:44 CoCoA-5 Bug #1382 (In Progress): SEGV: should have been harmless
According to gdb, the program crashed in line 48 of @SmartPtrIRC.H@
I wonder what that means 8-|
John Abbott
16:08 CoCoA-5 Bug #1383: NewPolyRing on MS Windows
I confirm it works fine on MacOS. Anna Maria Bigatti
15:03 CoCoA-5 Bug #1383: NewPolyRing on MS Windows
Both Bernhard and Peter confirm that everything is fine using the "interim" release 5.2.5; they did comment that the ... John Abbott
09:37 CoCoA-5 Bug #1383: NewPolyRing on MS Windows
According to Peter Mader it also works on Linux with this version, so I think we can close this thread. Bernhard Andraschko
09:19 CoCoA-5 Bug #1383 (Resolved): NewPolyRing on MS Windows
Can we now close this issue as it seems to be completely resolved using the latest release of CoCoA-5?
Anyway, a tes...
John Abbott
01:02 CoCoA-5 Bug #1383: NewPolyRing on MS Windows
The error code displayed after calling the function ... Bernhard Andraschko

07 Jan 2020

21:59 CoCoA-5 Bug #1383: NewPolyRing on MS Windows
In any case we should add an example like this as a new "official" test.
John Abbott
16:31 CoCoA-5 Bug #1383: NewPolyRing on MS Windows
JAA says the bug is not present on current internal version of CoCoA-5 compiled and running on Linux.
The error me...
John Abbott
16:29 CoCoA-5 Bug #1383 (Closed): NewPolyRing on MS Windows
Bernhard Andraschko reports that the following causes a crash on MS Windows 10 Pro (10.0.17763)... John Abbott
21:53 CoCoA-5 Support #1387: John's visit Feb 2020
* Perhaps arrange for the last few (1, 2, 3?) messages sent to the CoCoA mailing list to be easily accessible from th... John Abbott
21:51 CoCoA-5 Support #1387: John's visit Feb 2020
Here is a list of things to do (mostly references to other issues):
* fix SEGV bug (#1382)
* look at #1375 and #137...
John Abbott
21:50 CoCoA-5 Support #1387 (Closed): John's visit Feb 2020
This issue is to gather things to do during John's visit.
John Abbott
21:30 CoCoA-5 Support #1386: IsIndetPosPower: behaviour and manual page
What should @IsIndetPosPower(x/x)@ give?
Error or @false@?
I expected @false@ but actually got an error.
John Abbott
21:22 CoCoA-5 Support #1386 (Closed): IsIndetPosPower: behaviour and manual page
There is no manual page for @IsIndetPosPower@.
John Abbott
20:51 CoCoA-5 Bug #1385: valgrind: reports 456byte leak
Here is the output from @valgrind@:... John Abbott
20:49 CoCoA-5 Bug #1385 (Closed): valgrind: reports 456byte leak
I ran @valgrind@ on @CoCoAInterpreter@ taking input from @/dev/null@ (_i.e._ empty input).
The resulting report sa...
John Abbott
16:45 CoCoA-5 Bug #1384: NewPolyRing and SymbolRange
Here is a session sample:... John Abbott
16:42 CoCoA-5 Bug #1384 (Closed): NewPolyRing and SymbolRange
What should @SymbolRange@ do if there are no indets in the range?
What should @NewPolyRing@ do if the result of @Sy...
John Abbott
16:07 CoCoA-5 Bug #1382: SEGV: should have been harmless
I was using CoCoA-5 to look for some examples to show the students. It was a surprise when it SEGV'd :-(
John Abbott
16:06 CoCoA-5 Bug #1382 (Closed): SEGV: should have been harmless
I get a SEGV with the following input (no SEGV if the number of loop iters is 100).... John Abbott
14:48 CoCoALib Feature #1381: Type ideal for ZZ[x[1..n]]
I think the question was intended as: "can we let the user define an ideal over ZZ[x[1..n]]?"
Now it gives an error:...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:28 CoCoALib Feature #1381: Type ideal for ZZ[x[1..n]]
JAA moved this to @CoCoALib@.
I think this will not be possible before the CoCoA School in early March (or, at lea...
John Abbott

06 Jan 2020

06:46 CoCoALib Feature #1381 (In Progress): Type ideal for ZZ[x[1..n]]
Is it possible to add the type ideal for the ring ZZ[x[1..n]]? Elisa Palezzato

28 Dec 2019

19:03 CoCoALib Bug #1379: Fails to recognize zero-dim ideal
I have added two new tests to *@CoCoA-5/tests/exbugs.cocoa5@* for this issue.
John Abbott
18:57 CoCoALib Bug #1379 (Feedback): Fails to recognize zero-dim ideal
Anna revised the code for *@GBasisByHomog@* (so that the resulting basis is interreduced).
Anna made a new version...
John Abbott
18:58 CoCoALib Bug #1380 (Feedback): Make IsZeroDim more robust
John Abbott
18:49 CoCoALib Bug #1380: Make IsZeroDim more robust
I have made a new version of @IamZeroDim@ which works with any GB -- no longer needs a minGB.
All tests pass. Check...
John Abbott

27 Dec 2019

19:20 CoCoALib Feature #1212: New function: GBasisByHomog
checked-in. Made new pre-release for Mac. Anna Maria Bigatti
18:49 CoCoALib Feature #1212: New function: GBasisByHomog
The trick didn't work ... they usually don't.
Fixed interreduction
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:48 CoCoALib Feature #1212: New function: GBasisByHomog
I had implemented a _trick_ which I believed would be enough for interreducing (compute the GB twice).
But it is not...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:31 CoCoALib Bug #1380 (In Progress): Make IsZeroDim more robust
I have written a first impl; with this impl, the problem case in issue #1379 works (well, it does not give NYI).
John Abbott
15:29 CoCoALib Bug #1380 (Closed): Make IsZeroDim more robust
Currently *@IsZeroDim@* and the impl via *@IamZeroDim@* require the original ideal to have a minimal GB.
However, ...
John Abbott
14:41 CoCoALib Bug #1379: Fails to recognize zero-dim ideal
I'd like the @IamZeroDim@ impl to be more robust; _i.e._ it should work with any GB not just a minGB.
John Abbott
13:22 CoCoALib Bug #1379: Fails to recognize zero-dim ideal
John Abbott wrote:
> Here is an example where @GBasisByHomog@ returns a non-minGB
> [...]
ahhhh!! clue city!!
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:19 CoCoALib Bug #1379: Fails to recognize zero-dim ideal
John Abbott wrote:
> I have put a print command in the loop inside @IamZeroDim@ around line 530 in @SparsePolyOps-id...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:13 CoCoALib Bug #1379: Fails to recognize zero-dim ideal
Here is an example where @GBasisByHomog@ returns a non-minGB... John Abbott
13:01 CoCoALib Bug #1379: Fails to recognize zero-dim ideal
With GDB, the problem seems to be from a call to @IsPrimary@ on line 735 of @SparsePolyOps-ideal-ZeroDim.C@ inside fn... John Abbott
12:47 CoCoALib Bug #1379: Fails to recognize zero-dim ideal
I have put a print command in the loop inside @IamZeroDim@ around line 530 in @SparsePolyOps-ideal.C@.
It reports ...
John Abbott
12:38 CoCoALib Bug #1379: Fails to recognize zero-dim ideal
What is the comment on line 528 about?
What happens if the GB is not a RGB? 8-O
Or is that impossible?
John Abbott
12:36 CoCoALib Bug #1379 (In Progress): Fails to recognize zero-dim ideal
JAA and Anna have confirmed the bug (with current CVS version).
The problem seems to be that the ideal is not recogn...
John Abbott
12:29 CoCoALib Bug #1379 (Closed): Fails to recognize zero-dim ideal
Robbiano reports (via email) that CoCoA incorrectly produces "error NYI" with the following input... John Abbott

21 Dec 2019

17:31 CoCoALib Bug #1376: GBasisTimeout: not working as expected
John Abbott wrote:
> I have just spent quite a while trying to work out where I could insert a time-out check inside...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:22 CoCoALib Bug #1376: GBasisTimeout: not working as expected
I have just spent quite a while trying to work out where I could insert a time-out check inside the reduction code.
John Abbott

20 Dec 2019

17:10 CoCoALib Design #1378 (New): Create two separate radical fns (for 0-dim ideals)
Proposal: create two functions for computing radicals
* *@radical@* which also tries hard to compute a GB for the r...
John Abbott
17:05 CoCoALib Slug #1375: Radical 0-dim: varied timings
I propose doing an experiment along the following lines.
We create a collection of test ideals (perhaps as many a...
John Abbott
16:59 CoCoALib Design #1377: CpuTimeLimit: limit "intervals" between full checks
I have checked in the code (even though it is not quite finished yet). It worked tolerably well in my two tests.
John Abbott
16:34 CoCoALib Design #1377: CpuTimeLimit: limit "intervals" between full checks
I have an improved impl, which I hope to check in fairly soon (later today?).
A problem with the description in co...
John Abbott
16:58 CoCoALib Bug #1376: GBasisTimeout: not working as expected
The main problem with checking for timeout during GB computation is that the times for each single reduction can vary... John Abbott

17 Dec 2019

12:25 CoCoA-5 Bug #1093 (In Progress): GUI: bugs and slugs
I have changed *@configure@* so that it sets a flag saying whether to build the Qt GUI; this is determined by a comma... John Abbott

16 Dec 2019

21:31 CoCoA-5 Bug #1093: GUI: bugs and slugs
Ulrich reported that the GUI fails to compile now that we are using *@nullptr@*.
I had a quick search online, and fo...
John Abbott

14 Dec 2019

12:37 CoCoALib Design #1377: CpuTimeLimit: limit "intervals" between full checks
Now I'm thinking it may be simpler to use an approach like this:
measure actual @CpuTime@ difference over the last...
John Abbott
12:32 CoCoALib Bug #1376: GBasisTimeout: not working as expected
Reply to comment 6:
yes, @CpuTimeLimit@ does already attempt to adapt automatically. I'm discussing (with myself?) ...
John Abbott

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