



From 21 Oct 2019 to 19 Nov 2019

19 Nov 2019

16:49 CoCoALib 5.00 hours (Support #1276 (Closed): Release 0.99650)
Anna Maria Bigatti

15 Nov 2019

15:40 CoCoA-5 0.30 hour (Feature #1364 (Closed): Emacs UI: start cocoa5 with system command enabled)
Some notes John Abbott
15:28 CoCoA-5 0.20 hour (Support #677 (New): Credits to CoCoA-5 contributors)
More thoughts John Abbott

14 Nov 2019

19:22 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Design #982 (Closed): Catching interrupts in example progs?)
ex-empty John Abbott
19:17 CoCoALib 1.00 hour (Bug #1362 (Closed): GBasis verbose mode: some output is on cerr/clog)
Mostly fixed John Abbott
09:49 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Bug #1362 (Closed): GBasis verbose mode: some output is on cerr/clog)
clog John Abbott
15:28 CoCoALib 0.10 hour (Feature #1360 (Closed): configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost))
Delayed John Abbott

13 Nov 2019

16:56 CoCoA-5 0.40 hour (Slug #1363 (In Progress): Emacs UI: slow with long lines)
Some notes John Abbott

09 Nov 2019

21:45 CoCoA-5 0.20 hour (Feature #1358 (Closed): Emacs UI: should active input line be cleared before sending line from CoCoA-5 file?)
CVSed John Abbott
09:18 CoCoA-5 0.50 hour (Feature #1358 (Closed): Emacs UI: should active input line be cleared before sending line from CoCoA-5 file?)
Anna Maria Bigatti

07 Nov 2019

20:17 CoCoA-5 0.10 hour (Feature #1358 (Closed): Emacs UI: should active input line be cleared before sending line from CoCoA-5 file?)
Duplication John Abbott
18:37 CoCoA-5 0.50 hour (Feature #1358 (Closed): Emacs UI: should active input line be cleared before sending line from CoCoA-5 file?)
First experiment John Abbott
17:43 CoCoA-5 0.10 hour (Feature #1358 (Closed): Emacs UI: should active input line be cleared before sending line from CoCoA-5 file?)
Some notes John Abbott

05 Nov 2019

14:26 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Design #982 (Closed): Catching interrupts in example progs?)
Faster examples John Abbott
11:49 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Design #982 (Closed): Catching interrupts in example progs?)
Reconsider examples John Abbott

04 Nov 2019

11:01 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Feature #1360 (Closed): configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost))
Anna Maria Bigatti

01 Nov 2019

10:28 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Feature #1360 (Closed): configure script: add flags for "only cocoalib" or "both cocoalib and cocoa5" (for boost))
Names John Abbott

31 Oct 2019

18:34 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Support #1276 (Closed): Release 0.99650)
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:24 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Support #1276 (Closed): Release 0.99650)
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:17 ApCoCoA 1.50 hour (Feature #1328 (New): New ApCoCoA UI)
Next meeting John Abbott

30 Oct 2019

22:44 CoCoA-5 0.20 hour (Slug #480 (New): gcd too slow for large degree univariate poly)
Still a problem John Abbott
22:39 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Slug #952 (Closed): GCD very slow)
OK now John Abbott
22:32 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Bug #986 (In Progress): GFan: require version newer than 0.6)
Update John Abbott
22:23 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Slug #1359 (New): gcd: low degree but big coeffs can be slow)
Some notes John Abbott
22:16 CoCoALib 0.25 hour (Bug #1113 (Closed): gcd crashes (Floating point exception))
No longer crashes John Abbott
22:10 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Feature #1218 (Closed): 32-bit or 64-bit preprocessor macro?)
KISS John Abbott
21:56 CoCoALib 1.00 hour (Feature #1218 (Closed): 32-bit or 64-bit preprocessor macro?)
32-bit John Abbott
21:51 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Feature #1219 (In Progress): Frobby version number)
Activate? John Abbott
21:47 CoCoALib 0.10 hour (Feature #1282 (New): subresultant)
Something has already been done John Abbott
21:44 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Slug #1324 (In Progress): Improve RootBound)
Some notes John Abbott
11:20 CoCoA-5 0.20 hour (Support #1222 (Closed): Release CoCoA-5.3.0)
32-bit John Abbott
11:08 CoCoALib 0.30 hour (Support #1276 (Closed): Release 0.99650)
32-bit John Abbott
11:06 ApCoCoA 0.30 hour (Design #1357 (New): How to connect GUI to cocoa5 executable?)
Sockets? John Abbott

29 Oct 2019

19:44 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Feature #1347 (Closed): New function: ctor of PPVector with vector<RingElem>)
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:21 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Feature #1332 (Closed): New function: vector of RingElem from string -- in CoCoALib)
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:37 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Feature #658 (Closed): Indets actually in a poly (or vector or matrix))
Checked in John Abbott
12:00 CoCoALib 1.00 hour (Design #1295 (Closed): Never use "using namespace .." in header files)
Done. John Abbott
11:30 ApCoCoA 0.25 hour (Feature #1354 (New): ApCoCoA: separate window for manual)
Some notes John Abbott

28 Oct 2019

12:31 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Support #1353 (Closed): configure script help)
Ummm John Abbott
11:48 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Support #1353 (Closed): configure script help)
Anna Maria Bigatti

27 Oct 2019

21:16 CoCoALib 0.25 hour (Support #1353 (Closed): configure script help)
Seems OK John Abbott
21:10 CoCoALib 0.10 hour (Slug #792 (Closed): configure: search for libgmp too slow)
Almost done? John Abbott
21:06 CoCoALib 0.10 hour (Support #976 (Closed): configure: auxiliary scripts should be consistent about error messages)
Almost done? John Abbott

26 Oct 2019

09:53 CoCoA-5 0.20 hour (Bug #1325 (Closed): Emacs UI: emacs does not recognize "until" as marking the end of a "repeat" block)
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:11 CoCoA-5 0.50 hour (Bug #1325 (Closed): Emacs UI: emacs does not recognize "until" as marking the end of a "repeat" block)
Updated John Abbott

25 Oct 2019

18:27 CoCoA-5 0.20 hour (Design #1352 (Closed): cocoa5 (launch) script: sleep time)
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:06 CoCoA-5 0.50 hour (Design #1352 (Closed): cocoa5 (launch) script: sleep time)
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:07 CoCoA-5 0.10 hour (Design #1352 (Closed): cocoa5 (launch) script: sleep time)
Possibly Unimportant John Abbott
14:01 CoCoA-5 0.50 hour (Design #1352 (Closed): cocoa5 (launch) script: sleep time)
Some notes John Abbott
15:57 CoCoA-5 0.25 hour (Bug #1325 (Closed): Emacs UI: emacs does not recognize "until" as marking the end of a "repeat" block)
Suspicious John Abbott
15:39 CoCoA-5 0.25 hour (Bug #1325 (Closed): Emacs UI: emacs does not recognize "until" as marking the end of a "repeat" block)
Maybe solved John Abbott
15:27 CoCoA-5 0.50 hour (Bug #1325 (Closed): Emacs UI: emacs does not recognize "until" as marking the end of a "repeat" block)
Test case John Abbott
15:12 CoCoA-5 0.50 hour (Feature #673 (Closed): Error message: I was expecting...)
More tests John Abbott
13:34 CoCoA-5 0.25 hour (Bug #1351 (New): Clean up package points.cpkg)
A surprise John Abbott
13:28 CoCoA-5 0.75 hour (Support #1350 (New): CoCoA manual: entry for operators, shortcuts)
Some changes John Abbott
11:55 CoCoA-5 0.25 hour (Feature #504 (In Progress): New operators: += -= *= /=)
Actual use John Abbott
11:46 CoCoA-5 0.50 hour (Feature #504 (In Progress): New operators: += -= *= /=)
More thoughts John Abbott

24 Oct 2019

23:11 CoCoA-5 0.10 hour (Feature #673 (Closed): Error message: I was expecting...)
CVS John Abbott
23:00 CoCoA-5 0.50 hour (Feature #673 (Closed): Error message: I was expecting...)
Quick hack John Abbott
23:06 CoCoA-5 0.10 hour (Support #530 (Rejected): Interpreter error message: "for" with missing "do")
Strange John Abbott
15:38 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Feature #1349 (In Progress): ideal ctor where given gens are a gbasis)
Background John Abbott
15:00 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Feature #658 (Closed): Indets actually in a poly (or vector or matrix))
Also for vector<RingElem> John Abbott
08:23 CoCoA-5 1.00 hour (Design #1348 (Closed): cocoa5 script for releases)
Anna Maria Bigatti

23 Oct 2019

18:51 CoCoA-5 0.50 hour (Design #1348 (Closed): cocoa5 script for releases)
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:19 CoCoA-5 2.00 hours (Design #1348 (Closed): cocoa5 script for releases)
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:48 CoCoA-5 0.10 hour (Design #1348 (Closed): cocoa5 script for releases)
More checks John Abbott
14:43 CoCoA-5 0.20 hour (Design #1348 (Closed): cocoa5 script for releases)
More notes John Abbott
14:35 CoCoA-5 0.50 hour (Design #1348 (Closed): cocoa5 script for releases)
Annoying John Abbott

22 Oct 2019

11:10 CoCoA-5 0.20 hour (Slug #1284 (Closed): CartesianProductList: too slow)
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:04 CoCoA-5 0.20 hour (Bug #1288 (Closed): len for RINGELEM ?!?)
Anna Maria Bigatti

21 Oct 2019

23:00 CoCoA-5 0.50 hour (Slug #1270 (Closed): RationalSolve: use MinPolyQuot instead of elim)
Slow example John Abbott
18:50 CoCoALib 1.00 hour (Feature #1347 (Closed): New function: ctor of PPVector with vector<RingElem>)
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:44 CoCoALib 4.00 hours (Design #1346 (In Progress): C++14: use the new for loop syntax where appropriate (like cocoa's foreach))
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:27 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Design #1346 (In Progress): C++14: use the new for loop syntax where appropriate (like cocoa's foreach))
List of things to do John Abbott
12:29 CoCoALib 0.10 hour (Design #1242 (In Progress): C++14: Use type auto where appropriate)
New issue John Abbott

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