



From 24 Apr 2019 to 23 May 2019

23 May 2019

15:13 CoCoA-5 Support #1287 (In Progress): Better err mesg for easy typo in ring definition
The relevant source code is in @Parser.C@ around line 360 in the function @parseUseStatement@.
I think it may be ...
John Abbott
12:16 CoCoA-5 Support #1287 (Closed): Better err mesg for easy typo in ring definition
Consider this excerpt:... John Abbott
11:53 CoCoA-5 Feature #1285: New Fn: make a homogeneous list of ringelem
What exactly should the function do? What should it be called?
* *(A)* simplest is to accept @RINGELEM@ and @INT@...
John Abbott
11:30 CoCoA-5 Feature #1285 (New): New Fn: make a homogeneous list of ringelem
Proposal: create a new function which takes a ring and a list, and returns a list of RINGELEM belonging to the speci... John Abbott
11:48 CoCoA-5 Bug #1286: Website: trouble with the world map
I'm very unhappy about the CPU "burning" (it might well be a Google revenge tactic).
Also after visiting the page ...
John Abbott
11:46 CoCoA-5 Bug #1286 (Closed): Website: trouble with the world map
The world map showing where visitors to the CoCoA website come from causes trouble in "private mode" in Firefox:
* t...
John Abbott
11:23 CoCoA-5 Design #1120: Web site
Should we close this? Ater all 5.2.4 has been released.
What about the problem with "forever loading"?
John Abbott
11:17 CoCoA-5 Feature #1272: Groebner Bases over ZZ
Florian Walsh (Passau) has an prototype implementation of GBasis over ZZ, currently as a package in CoCoA-5. He is w... John Abbott

22 May 2019

22:05 CoCoA-5 Slug #1284 (Resolved): CartesianProductList: too slow
I suspect that the main problem is that @append@ is terribly slow -- I'm pretty sure it makes needless copies.
John Abbott
16:30 CoCoA-5 Slug #1284: CartesianProductList: too slow
@CartesianProductList@ is defined in @list.cpkg5@
Ange reported that @CartesianProductList@ is slow; maybe I had a...
John Abbott
16:18 CoCoA-5 Slug #1284: CartesianProductList: too slow
The examples above are not tiny, but also not so large. The resulting lists contained 32768 elements, and each eleme... John Abbott
16:15 CoCoA-5 Slug #1284 (Closed): CartesianProductList: too slow
Cartesian product operator is much faster than @CartesianProductList@.
John Abbott

11 May 2019

21:57 CoCoALib Feature #1283: Printing for (prime) finite fields
Consider the following session:... John Abbott
21:53 CoCoALib Feature #1283 (Closed): Printing for (prime) finite fields
I have found a "useful" result in an old file.
Unfortunately the result contains printed forms of the RingHoms used ...
John Abbott
20:47 CoCoA-5 Support #1006: External dependencies for building
I have just tried building CoCoA-5 on my old MacBook, and it failed because java is not installed.
* it is annoyin...
John Abbott

05 May 2019

10:07 CoCoALib Feature #1282 (New): subresultant
A long time ago Ring Xiao sent an implementation of Ducos's subresultant chain algorithm.
Clean it, and incorporate ...
John Abbott

04 May 2019

21:05 CoCoALib Bug #1281: Factor of multivariate sometimes prints ERROR
The simplest examples (with 3 terms) seem to be of deg 7 (none found in deg 6 or deg 5).... John Abbott
20:55 CoCoALib Bug #1281 (New): Factor of multivariate sometimes prints ERROR
Here is an example:... John Abbott

03 May 2019

20:36 CoCoALib Bug #1280: Determinant & Inverse of matrix over non integral domain
I'm now wondering what is the difference between @ConstMatrixViewBase::myDet@ and @DenseMatImpl::myDet@... John Abbott
16:35 CoCoALib Bug #1280: Determinant & Inverse of matrix over non integral domain
I'd like to rewrite @ConstMatrixViewBase::myDet@ so that it calls the "fast" impls for small matrices. How to do thi... John Abbott
15:59 CoCoALib Bug #1280 (In Progress): Determinant & Inverse of matrix over non integral domain
Some thoughts about computing the determinant.
There is special case code for:
* small matrices (up to 5x5 incl.)...
John Abbott
13:57 CoCoALib Bug #1280: Determinant & Inverse of matrix over non integral domain
Here is a simple failing case:... John Abbott
13:51 CoCoALib Bug #1280 (In Progress): Determinant & Inverse of matrix over non integral domain
CoCoA gives unnecessary errors when computing det or inverse of a matrix over a non-integral domain.
John Abbott
14:05 CoCoALib Support #1263: Tidy CoCoALib test directory
I have just checked that running *all* @test-bugNNN@ executables takes about 0.03s on my computer. Since these files... John Abbott
13:45 CoCoALib Feature #303: Rows and Columns of a matrix
I have now added @GetRow@, @GetCol@, @GetRows@ and @GetCols@ to @MatrixOps.txt@
Fixed a couple of minor bugs. Is ...
John Abbott
13:24 CoCoALib Feature #303 (Resolved): Rows and Columns of a matrix
I have just implemented @GetRow@, @GetCol@, @GetRows@ and @GetCols@.
Perhaps the names are not ideal, but they are...
John Abbott
11:47 CoCoALib Design #1279 (Closed): Tidy up code for matrix determinant
I recently encountered an unexpected error while trying to compute the determinant of a 2x2 matrix over @ZZ/(841)@ wh... John Abbott
11:42 CoCoALib Feature #1278 (New): Port old "clever" code for matrix determinant over ZZ to CoCoALib
In CoCoA-4 there was a "clever" implementation of matrix determinant(over ZZ) based on the paper with Bronstein and M... John Abbott
11:39 CoCoALib Feature #11 (Closed): Bareiss algorithm
This was done ages ago. It has been working trouble-free for over 2 years.
John Abbott
11:35 CoCoALib Slug #691 (Closed): Matrix determinant over ZZ
I think this was resolved some time ago when I arranged for the code to recognise the case that the entries are all i... John Abbott

30 Apr 2019

17:18 CoCoALib Design #925: MachineInt or long for args which are indices (yet again)
Postponing because there are too many other more pressing issues. Anyway the current code works adequately, so it is... John Abbott
11:51 CoCoALib Feature #813: Implement "elim" in CoCoALib
It would be nice to complete this before the next release! To this end, I have increased the priority... John Abbott
10:54 CoCoALib Feature #1277: Gaussian row reduction
NTL's doc shows just one fn *@gauss@* which accepts 2 args: matrix @M@ and an optional integer @w@ (default is number... John Abbott
10:44 CoCoALib Feature #1277: Gaussian row reduction
The request seems reasonable to me.
Not yet sure what the best design might be, but I suggest the following as a s...
John Abbott
10:40 CoCoALib Feature #1277 (Closed): Gaussian row reduction
Julian Danner (Passau) would like CoCoA to offer matrix row reduction via gaussian elimination.
Discuss, design, i...
John Abbott
10:35 CoCoA-5 Bug #1273: NewPolyRing and SymbolRange together make a crash
I must get my CVS access sorted out, so I can check in.
John Abbott

29 Apr 2019

21:05 CoCoALib Support #1276: Release 0.99650
List of principal changes made: *19th november 2019*
* NO LONGER C++03 compatible! We are moving towards C++14 (#89...
John Abbott
21:03 CoCoALib Support #1276 (Closed): Release 0.99650
Everything related to making a CoCoALib release:
* Redmine Roadmap: close or postpone issue
* ...
John Abbott
18:38 CoCoALib Support #1039 (Resolved): Rename iroot?
I have changed the names into *@FloorRoot@* and *@IsExactFloorRoot@*.
Added *@iroot@* to @obsolescent.H/C@.
Test an...
John Abbott
13:25 CoCoALib Support #1039: Rename iroot?
Even though GMP allows negative inputs to its @mpz_root@ function, I like the idea of limiting the number whose root ... John Abbott
18:21 CoCoA-5 Bug #1273: NewPolyRing and SymbolRange together make a crash
Another problem was in @evalArgAsListOfSymbols@ which did a dynamic pointer cast and used the result without checking... John Abbott
14:21 CoCoA-5 Bug #1273 (Resolved): NewPolyRing and SymbolRange together make a crash
One problem appears to be on line 46 of @cocolib.cpkg5@: replace *@[i]@* with just *@i@*.
John Abbott
14:18 CoCoA-5 Bug #1273: NewPolyRing and SymbolRange together make a crash
The *@SymbolRange@* impl looks very suspect. It does not properly check its arg types.
Fn is defd in @coclib.cpkg...
John Abbott
14:14 CoCoA-5 Bug #1273 (Closed): NewPolyRing and SymbolRange together make a crash
The problem is with double indices. Here is a small failing example:... John Abbott
18:00 CoCoA-5 Slug #1228: SLUG: filling an array
I think I have found a situation where my simple idea in comment 6 causes trouble...... John Abbott
17:53 CoCoA-5 Slug #1275 (New): incr and decr are slow
The CoCoA-5 functions @incr@ and @decr@ are disappointingly slow.... John Abbott
15:26 CoCoA-5 Bug #1274 (Resolved): SortBy and SortedBy sometimes give wrong result
The bug was at the end of the first loop in *@QuickSortBy1@* where the case @Up = Down@ was not handled.
Added 1 l...
John Abbott
14:56 CoCoA-5 Bug #1274 (In Progress): SortBy and SortedBy sometimes give wrong result
Example found by calling @SortedBy@ on random permutations of 1..17.
Seems to work find for lists with only 16 or fe...
John Abbott
14:53 CoCoA-5 Bug #1274 (Closed): SortBy and SortedBy sometimes give wrong result
In CoCoA5 the *@SortBy@* and *@SortedBy@* functions sometimes give wrong answers!
Here is an example:...
John Abbott
13:57 CoCoALib Support #1263: Tidy CoCoALib test directory
I have noticed that there some tests which run quickly (_e.g._ less than 0.01s on my computer), but the compilation t... John Abbott

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