



From 23 Feb 2019 to 24 Mar 2019

20 Mar 2019

11:11 CoCoALib Feature #1251 (In Progress): New function: radical for monomial ideal
John Abbott

19 Mar 2019

17:04 CoCoA-5 Support #1258 (Closed): Manual page for CantStop
@CantStop.cpkg5@ now works. There should be a manual page at least for @PlayCantStop@.
Perhaps some of the other fn...
John Abbott
15:16 CoCoA-5 Feature #1246 (In Progress): Revive old CoCoA4 package called "cocoa5.cpkg"
John Abbott
15:15 CoCoALib Bug #1250 (Feedback): SEGV: CoCoALib with Normaliz in multithreading
John Abbott
12:12 CoCoALib Design #1257 (Feedback): C++14: use nullptr
I have now updated the .C files too. Everything compiles and runs.
It is possible that I have missed some 0 (that w...
John Abbott

18 Mar 2019

18:53 CoCoALib Design #1257 (In Progress): C++14: use nullptr
I have done the header files. There may still be one or zeroes which escaped me (but I hope not). Next are the .C f... John Abbott
11:24 CoCoALib Design #1257 (Closed): C++14: use nullptr
From C++11 there is the constant *@nullptr@* for the null pointer.
Update our (C++) code to use it!
John Abbott
14:42 CoCoA-5 Feature #1246: Revive old CoCoA4 package called "cocoa5.cpkg"
Here are the aspects to be addressed next:
* how to serialize rings (_i.e._ follow previous format, but passing ring...
John Abbott
14:38 CoCoA-5 Feature #1246: Revive old CoCoA4 package called "cocoa5.cpkg"
Anna has cleaned the file so that it is syntactically OK.
Now we must look at the semantics.
John Abbott
14:33 CoCoALib Support #1161: Split NumTheory.C into several smaller files
Current state:
* *@NumTheory.C@*
* *@NumTheory-ContFrac.C@*
* *@NumTheory-CoprimeFactorBasis.C@*
* *@NumTheory-pr...
John Abbott
14:10 CoCoALib Feature #1227: exgcd; solve Bezout equation
I prefer to defer this question until later, until when we have decided what exactly @exgcd@ should do (and whether i... John Abbott

15 Mar 2019

17:59 CoCoALib Bug #1256: RingID: different values in test-output on different platforms
Anna uses @clang@ on MacOS, while I use @g++@ on Linux.
We get different outputs for @test-output@: its seems that t...
John Abbott
17:56 CoCoALib Bug #1256 (Closed): RingID: different values in test-output on different platforms
In @test-output@ Anna and I get different outputs (due to different RingIDs) because we use different platforms.
John Abbott
17:31 CoCoALib Bug #1250: SEGV: CoCoALib with Normaliz in multithreading
I have changed the @configure@ script so that it prints out a clearer summary.
I have changed the @Makefile@ so that...
John Abbott
17:25 CoCoA-5 Feature #1236 (Feedback): Add "socket" devices
Anna prefers the longer field names. Code cleaned, and checked-in. Anna will test.
Doc updated.
John Abbott
15:41 CoCoA-5 Feature #1236: Add "socket" devices
I have updated the CoCoA-5 manual.
I have modified the code so that @OpenSocket@ returns a record with 4 fields: *...
John Abbott

14 Mar 2019

13:35 CoCoALib Design #950: factor and SmoothFactor for integers --> FactorINT, FactorINT_TrialDiv, FactorINT_PollardRho
Here is an effect of the idea of testing the remaining factor for primality.... John Abbott

12 Mar 2019

16:40 CoCoA-5 Bug #545: Compiler g++ 4.2.1 (clang-503.0.40) on MacOSX 10.9: warnings and errors
Problem with PIE (#3) resurfaced because of a line swap in configure.
Just in case it happens again:
this was solve...
Anna Maria Bigatti

11 Mar 2019

19:18 CoCoALib Feature #1249: principal ideal has a Gbasis
Done and partly tested. Anna Maria Bigatti
18:53 CoCoALib Feature #1249: principal ideal has a Gbasis
Here are some more minor points (after speaking to Anna on the phone):
* Anna was concerned about potential cost if ...
John Abbott
19:16 CoCoALib Design #1255: Ideals with trivial GBasis
[by John Abbott: moved here from #1249]
Also if the gens happen to have coprime LTs w...
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:14 CoCoALib Design #1255 (New): Ideals with trivial GBasis
If an ideal has a single (non-zero) generator then that generator is automatically a Gbasis.
CoCoALib does not curre...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:03 CoCoALib Bug #1250: SEGV: CoCoALib with Normaliz in multithreading
The distribution had a precompiled @PREPROCESSOR_DEFNS.H@ and disabling @CoCoA_THREADSAFE_HACK@.
A par...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:16 CoCoALib Design #1225: Move to C++14 (skipping C++11)
John Abbott wrote:
> JAA has checked in latest changes. Hope they work for Anna!
whateve that was, it compiles a...
Anna Maria Bigatti

07 Mar 2019

09:49 CoCoA-5 Design #83 (In Progress): C++11 compatibility questions
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:48 CoCoALib Feature #82: C++11 compatibility questions
Warning with clang:... Anna Maria Bigatti

06 Mar 2019

18:16 CoCoALib Design #1225: Move to C++14 (skipping C++11)
JAA has checked in latest changes. Hope they work for Anna!
John Abbott
17:17 CoCoALib Feature #1249 (In Progress): principal ideal has a Gbasis
Also if the gens happen to have coprime LTs wrt to current ordering then they are a GBasis. Might be useful to have ... John Abbott
16:34 CoCoALib Bug #1248: MinPolyQuot: guaranteed and ideal without GBasis
Now, *guaranteed* computes GBasis if missing, so result is guaranteed.
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:10 CoCoALib Feature #1254 (New): New function: MinPoly for pseudo-zero-dimensional ideals
For min polys it might be possible to work with a sub-ideal in a subring. For example,... Anna Maria Bigatti

05 Mar 2019

18:39 CoCoALib Design #1225 (In Progress): Move to C++14 (skipping C++11)
So far I have done the following:
* revised and renamed script into
* revised @configure@ scr...
John Abbott
16:40 CoCoALib Bug #1248: MinPolyQuot: guaranteed and ideal without GBasis
The CoCoA-5 test @test-ApproxSolve.cocoa5@ failed with wrong output: there should have been no output, instead a warn... John Abbott
16:13 CoCoALib Bug #1248 (In Progress): MinPolyQuot: guaranteed and ideal without GBasis
Two more comments:
* *(1)* my preference is that computations in CoCoALib be guaranteed correct unless the caller ex...
John Abbott
16:08 CoCoALib Bug #1248: MinPolyQuot: guaranteed and ideal without GBasis
For min polys it might be possible to work with a sub-ideal in a subring. For example,... John Abbott
16:36 CoCoA-5 Support #1252 (New): ShapeLemma: no manual entry
The CoCoA-5 test file @test-ApproxSolve.cocoa5@ calls the function @ShapeLemma@, but this function is not in the CoCo... John Abbott
15:57 CoCoALib Feature #1103 (In Progress): Pseudo-zero-dim ideals
Note also that if we map into a temporary ring without redundant indets, then we can also choose a convenient term-or... John Abbott

04 Mar 2019

18:04 CoCoALib Design #1223 (Closed): NewPolyRing default indet names
John Abbott
18:00 CoCoA-5 Feature #1247 (Closed): sleep function
Checked in. Documentation. Tested. Works on Anna's computer.
John Abbott
16:14 CoCoALib Feature #1251 (Closed): New function: radical for monomial ideal
As for zero-dimensional ideals, implement it so we can pass it to CoCoA-5. Anna Maria Bigatti
12:30 CoCoA-5 Bug #1239 (Closed): CartesianProductList: case of just 1 entry in list
JAA notes that the product of zero factors should return a list containing 1 element which is a 0-tuple (namely, the ... John Abbott
12:21 CoCoALib Bug #1250: SEGV: CoCoALib with Normaliz in multithreading
... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:16 CoCoALib Bug #1250: SEGV: CoCoALib with Normaliz in multithreading
Looking for possible problems in the logs from January to June 2018... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:08 CoCoALib Bug #1250 (In Progress): SEGV: CoCoALib with Normaliz in multithreading
We are searching for suspect code. We are working blind (since we do not have any experience with parallel execution... John Abbott
12:06 CoCoALib Bug #1250 (Closed): SEGV: CoCoALib with Normaliz in multithreading
Bruns reports (email 2019-03-02) the following SEGV bug:... John Abbott

01 Mar 2019

17:34 CoCoALib Feature #1249 (Closed): principal ideal has a Gbasis
If and ideal has a single (non-zero) generator then that generator is automatically a Gbasis.
CoCoALib does not curr...
John Abbott
17:20 CoCoALib Bug #1248: MinPolyQuot: guaranteed and ideal without GBasis
The cause was an incompatibility:
* *(A)* if the ideal supplied has no G-basis then verification was disabled (since...
John Abbott
17:14 CoCoALib Bug #1248 (Closed): MinPolyQuot: guaranteed and ideal without GBasis
Today we noticed that @ex-Verification1@ failed. What happened is that *@MinPolyQuot@* was called with a (principal)... John Abbott

26 Feb 2019

17:21 CoCoALib Feature #259: Squarefree(?) GCD-free basis
Should *@GCDFreeBasis_BigInt@* and *@GCDFreeBasis_RingElem@* be renamed to *@CoprimeFactorBasis_BigInt@* and *@Coprim... John Abbott
17:07 CoCoALib Feature #4: Squarefree GCD-free basis
I'm postponing this issue because we already have "coprime factor basis", and it is not yet clear to me whether we ne... John Abbott
16:42 CoCoALib Support #1161: Split NumTheory.C into several smaller files
In terms of compilation speed, it is probably not necessary to split @NumTheory.C@; my computer compiled the current ... John Abbott
16:26 CoCoALib Design #1223 (Feedback): NewPolyRing default indet names
This has been "resolved" for 5 months. Moving to "feedback". Hope to close while I'm in Genoa.
John Abbott
16:17 CoCoALib Design #1225: Move to C++14 (skipping C++11)
Check that the new configuration system works on several different platforms (incl. Microsoft???)
John Abbott
11:42 CoCoA-5 Feature #1247 (In Progress): sleep function
If we use C++11 then this is a relatively simple task (since C++11 already offers a decent "sleep function").
John Abbott
11:38 CoCoA-5 Feature #1247 (Closed): sleep function
Consider adding a "sleep function" to CoCoA-5.
This could be useful in an interactive context (_e.g._ the "Can't S...
John Abbott

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