



From 07 Jul 2018 to 05 Aug 2018

05 Aug 2018

18:26 CoCoALib 0.30 hour (Slug #1105 (Closed): Primary Decompositon (zero-dim) slow cases)
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:21 CoCoALib 3.00 hours (Feature #1212 (Closed): New function: GBasisByHomog)
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:19 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Feature #966 (Closed): New function or explain: first and last for a vector?)
Anna Maria Bigatti

03 Aug 2018

17:55 CoCoALib 0.33 hour (Slug #1105 (Closed): Primary Decompositon (zero-dim) slow cases)
Still slow John Abbott
17:40 CoCoALib 10.10 hours (Feature #901 (Closed): New function: PrimaryDecomposition0 in CoCoALib)
Summary John Abbott
17:28 CoCoALib 0.25 hour (Feature #1210 (Closed): New Fn: make public "coefficients" (of poly wrt a given PP basis))
Some notes John Abbott
17:08 CoCoALib 0.10 hour (Feature #1005 (Closed): Makefile: install target for CoCoALib)
Summary John Abbott
17:04 CoCoALib 0.10 hour (Design #1124 (Closed): Move examples directory into doc -- or just change makefile?)
Summary John Abbott
17:01 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Design #825 (Closed): IsPositiveGrading -- really need 2 signatures?)
Summary John Abbott
16:56 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Design #1184 (Closed): should BeginIter(RingElem) be in SparsePolyIter or in SparsePolyOps-RingElem?)
Summary John Abbott
16:27 CoCoALib 0.25 hour (Design #1182 (Closed): "mod" for BigInt)
Summary John Abbott
16:17 CoCoALib 0.10 hour (Design #1145 (Closed): File names, coding conventions: Fns, Ops, Operations? part 2)
Summary John Abbott
16:14 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Feature #1154 (Closed): SmallFpImpl: new ctor arg to say do-not-check-that-arg-is-prime)
Summary John Abbott
16:11 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Feature #1155 (Closed): Create a new "prime source" iterator)
Summary John Abbott
16:05 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Feature #1131 (Closed): Sturm sequence)
Not fully general John Abbott
15:53 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Support #847 (Closed): Doc for BigInt, BigIntOps, BigRat -- should there be BigRatOps?)
Closing John Abbott

02 Aug 2018

18:39 CoCoALib 2.50 hours (Support #1149 (Closed): Release: CoCoALib-0.99600 (together with CoCoA-5.2.4))
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:33 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Design #707 (In Progress): MatrixOrderingMod32749Impl: test and write documentation!)
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:29 CoCoALib 1.00 hour (Feature #1167 (Closed): New class VerificationLevel)
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:26 CoCoALib 1.00 hour (Design #1179 (In Progress): Clean up SparsePolyOps-MonomialIdeals)
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:42 CoCoALib 2.01 hours (Feature #1158 (Closed): New function: MinPolyQuotHeuristic --> MinPolyQuot with VerificationLevel)
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:12 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Feature #1126 (Closed): New function: SubmoduleOfMinGens)
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:06 CoCoALib 0.20 hour (Design #764 (Closed): ExternalLib: simplify configuration)
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:04 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Slug #967 (Resolved): Improve saturate)
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:09 CoCoALib 5.00 hours (Bug #1205 (Closed): SyzOfGens: bug with zero generators)
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:14 CoCoALib 3.50 hours (Design #1124 (Closed): Move examples directory into doc -- or just change makefile?)
Anna Maria Bigatti

01 Aug 2018

09:37 CoCoA-5 0.50 hour (Feature #1174 (Closed): package of a function --> of an identifier!)
Anna Maria Bigatti

31 Jul 2018

14:26 CoCoALib 0.50 hour (Feature #900 (Closed): New function: MinPoly of RingElem in quotient ring)
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:20 CoCoALib 1.00 hour (Support #1099 (Closed): MinPolyQuot: missing doc)
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:13 CoCoALib 3.50 hours (Feature #1203 (Closed): factor over algebraic extensions)
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:11 CoCoA-5 0.50 hour (Slug #907 (Closed): ApproxSolve very slow on this example)
Anna Maria Bigatti

30 Jul 2018

18:13 CoCoALib 0.10 hour (Design #1184 (Closed): should BeginIter(RingElem) be in SparsePolyIter or in SparsePolyOps-RingElem?)
Where John Abbott
18:02 CoCoA-5 0.10 hour (Feature #1007 (Closed): (makefile) New "clean" target which does not clean documentation)
Works well enough John Abbott
14:46 CoCoA-5 0.25 hour (Bug #1152 (Closed): Release: problems with sed)
Compromise(d) John Abbott
14:33 CoCoA-5 0.10 hour (Support #1188 (Closed): Product of empty list: manual and code disagree)
Closing John Abbott
14:32 CoCoA-5 1.00 hour (Support #1148 (Closed): Release CoCoA-5.2.4)
going through redmine Anna Maria Bigatti
14:22 CoCoA-5 0.10 hour (Feature #1122 (Closed): New fn: RandomLinearForm)
Seems OK now John Abbott
14:17 CoCoA-5 0.10 hour (Bug #1189 (Closed): HilbertBasisKer: unhelpful error with some inputs)
Seems OK now John Abbott
14:15 CoCoA-5 0.10 hour (Bug #1190 (Closed): HilbertBasisKer: SEGV (again))
Seems OK now John Abbott

26 Jul 2018

14:05 CoCoA-5 0.10 hour (Feature #1122 (Closed): New fn: RandomLinearForm)
Geobuckets John Abbott
13:59 CoCoA-5 0.10 hour (Bug #1191 (Closed): ApproxSolve: log(0) on some examples)
Seems OK now John Abbott
13:54 CoCoA-5 0.15 hour (Feature #1007 (Closed): (makefile) New "clean" target which does not clean documentation)
Good enough? John Abbott
11:47 CoCoA-5 1.00 hour (Support #1188 (Closed): Product of empty list: manual and code disagree)
Resolved John Abbott

25 Jul 2018

17:14 CoCoA-5 0.25 hour (Design #1075 (Closed): LaTeX package: power-product printing)
Close? John Abbott

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