



From 05 Dec 2016 to 03 Jan 2017

14 Dec 2016

11:40 CoCoA-5 Feature #993 (In Progress): New function: RingQQi()? extension of QQ with imaginary unit
It would be handy to have @RingQQi()@ (or @NewRingQQi()@).
Very simple to do in CoCoA5 (in this case it has to be ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

13 Dec 2016

18:04 CoCoALib Feature #992: Poly ring homomorphism to change ordering
This may be just a special case of "extending a PPMonoid homomorphism" to a poly ring homomorphism.
It could also ...
John Abbott
17:05 CoCoALib Feature #992 (New): Poly ring homomorphism to change ordering
It could be helpful to have an easy way of mapping from one poly ring to another which just changes the term ordering... John Abbott
16:53 CoCoA-5 Design #990: CoCoA-5 distribution: tidying
I think it is probably better to copy explicitly the files we want in the distribution, rather than copy everything a... John Abbott

08 Dec 2016

20:08 CoCoA-5 Slug #991: make htmldoc always recreates everything (even if no change was made)
The files to check for changes should be @CoCoAHelp.xml@, @aux-files/GUI_help.xsl@, and the files in @aux-files/GUI-e... Anna Maria Bigatti
13:13 CoCoA-5 Slug #991: make htmldoc always recreates everything (even if no change was made)
It may be enough to create (using @touch@?) two sentinel files: one immediately before producing all the HTML files, ... John Abbott
13:10 CoCoA-5 Slug #991 (Closed): make htmldoc always recreates everything (even if no change was made)
It is mildly annoying that the @htmldoc@ target is always rebuilt even if there was no change to the file @CoCoAHelp.... John Abbott

07 Dec 2016

07:53 CoCoA-5 Design #990: CoCoA-5 distribution: tidying
John Abbott wrote:
> I imagine that @README@ is not needed; all the permissions look wrong to me!
@README@ shoul...
Anna Maria Bigatti

05 Dec 2016

15:01 CoCoA-5 Design #990: CoCoA-5 distribution: tidying
I am trying to write a @make install@ target for CoCoA-5, and this involves copying the manual.
Rather than blindly ...
John Abbott
14:55 CoCoA-5 Design #990 (In Progress): CoCoA-5 distribution: tidying
I have noticed that several files inside our source tree have wrong permissions:
* all @source.C@ files should have ...
John Abbott
14:50 CoCoA-5 Design #990 (Closed): CoCoA-5 distribution: tidying
I have had a quick look at the files in the distribution of CoCoA-5.1.5, and I think some tidying is needed.
* Sever...
John Abbott
10:30 CoCoALib Feature #931: GBasis verbose mode
Added first verbosity comments activated with... Anna Maria Bigatti

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