



From 29 Nov 2015 to 28 Dec 2015

23 Dec 2015

12:25 CoCoALib Bug #784: threadsafety: Scott Meyers's advice about cached values
I read a bit in Stroustrup C++ book. There I found a method @std::call_once@ (in @<mutex>@). This method could be a n... Mario Albert

18 Dec 2015

16:26 CoCoALib Feature #664 (Resolved): Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
I have checked in the code I currently have. no doc, no examples, no tests.
An unofficial, simple example (@Fq4.C@ ...
John Abbott

17 Dec 2015

16:25 CoCoALib Design #64: submat takes only vector<long>
John Abbott wrote:
> If we were to adopt the idea of @RowSelect@ and @ColSelect@ then we could offer several signatu...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:07 CoCoALib Design #64: submat takes only vector<long>
If we were to adopt the idea of @RowSelect@ and @ColSelect@ then we could offer several signatures for @submat@:
* @...
John Abbott
14:33 CoCoALib Design #64: submat takes only vector<long>
John Abbott wrote:
> Here are some other possible suggestions:
I think that's too many, and I think it's not wort...
Anna Maria Bigatti
16:19 CoCoALib Feature #664: Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
JAA now has a prototype impl which still needs lots of cleaning, but some simple tests pass :-)
I'm hoping to clea...
John Abbott

16 Dec 2015

18:23 CoCoALib Design #64: submat takes only vector<long>
Scott Meyers advises making interfaces which are "easy to use correctly and hard to use incorrectly"; I think this is... John Abbott
18:11 CoCoALib Design #64 (In Progress): submat takes only vector<long>
Here are some other possible suggestions:
* @submat(M, AllRows, ...)@ to select just certain columns
* @submat(M, ....
John Abbott
11:42 CoCoALib Design #64: submat takes only vector<long>
I don't think we should allow other integer types, after all we want to discourage other integer types.
One think I ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:52 CoCoALib Design #825: IsPositiveGrading -- really need 2 signatures?
-- fixed test anna.cocoa5
-- updated CoCoA-5 manual
-- made suggestion for submat ;-)
Anna Maria Bigatti

10 Dec 2015

18:19 CoCoALib Feature #836 (Feedback): SmallFpImpl: export fns for a fixed convention
It was quite trivial to add the new fns. I have updated the doc too.
Should there be a specific test?
Should imp...
John Abbott
18:16 CoCoALib Feature #836 (Closed): SmallFpImpl: export fns for a fixed convention
I found a case where I needed to obtain the least non-negative residue from a @SmallFpImpl::value@. Doing this via @... John Abbott
15:59 CoCoALib Bug #834: Fix test failures (after revising MatrixForOrdering)
Ignoring the question of the name for @ColCheck@, is it better to have a single fn with a flag to say whether or not ... John Abbott
15:03 CoCoALib Bug #834: Fix test failures (after revising MatrixForOrdering)
I'm also writing *@IsUpperTriangular@*.
*Addendum* (JAA) also @IsLowerTriangular@? Will these go into a "matrix" so...
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:36 CoCoALib Bug #834: Fix test failures (after revising MatrixForOrdering)
I'm writing another function *HasNegEntry* which checks whether there is a negative entry.
(then we can think of a be...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:11 CoCoALib Bug #834: Fix test failures (after revising MatrixForOrdering)
lines 304 and following (@#ifdef@) in @PPOrdering.C@ should be deleted:
we do non require to have a PositiveGrading f...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:17 CoCoALib Bug #834: Fix test failures (after revising MatrixForOrdering)
I have just checked in a modified version of @MatrixForOrdering.C@ following Anna's suggestion in comment 2.
Now "...
John Abbott

09 Dec 2015

22:08 CoCoALib Bug #834 (In Progress): Fix test failures (after revising MatrixForOrdering)
First bug trapped:
IsPositiveOrd wants @rk(M) == NumRows(M)@.
This function is called when making a term ordering o...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:41 CoCoALib Bug #834: Fix test failures (after revising MatrixForOrdering)
JAA believes the root cause is the check that a grading is strictly positive when weakly positive is sufficient. John Abbott
13:40 CoCoALib Bug #834 (Closed): Fix test failures (after revising MatrixForOrdering)
The current CVS produces 3 failed CoCoALib tests:
@test-MatrixForOrdering1, test-RingWeyl1, test-SparsePolyRing1@
John Abbott
17:02 CoCoALib Feature #664: Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
JAA will try to implement this before xmas (2015!)
But first some Gluehwein ;-)
John Abbott
17:00 CoCoALib Feature #142: Improve threadsafety
I wonder whether @CoCoA_THREADSAFE@ is to be just a temporary measure. Presumably at some point practically all comp... John Abbott
13:09 CoCoALib Feature #142: Improve threadsafety
I spoke to Mario this morning about threadsafety in CoCoALib (also thinking about Mario's new code which has just bee... John Abbott
16:55 CoCoALib Bug #784 (In Progress): threadsafety: Scott Meyers's advice about cached values
Bearing in mind the suggestion in issue #142 about using a compile-time switch to indicate whether we want threadsafe... John Abbott
16:48 CoCoALib Feature #835: Make Mario's new code threadsafe
See the examples in issue #784; I think this should cover many cases. John Abbott
14:03 CoCoALib Feature #835 (New): Make Mario's new code threadsafe
Adapt Mario's new code so that it is threadsafe (when @CoCoA_THEADSAFE@ is set). John Abbott
13:54 CoCoALib Feature #828: MachineInt: function for checking that value is greater than some lower limit (and below MAXLONG)
Currently a @MachineInt@ is converted to a @long@ using the function @AsSignedLong@ which includes a check for overfl... John Abbott

08 Dec 2015

15:06 CoCoALib Bug #833: UIBC: need include file in RingWeyl.C
The fact that UIBC needs to be visible in @RingWeyl.C@ is "unfortunate". John and Mario think this may be a symptom ... John Abbott
15:04 CoCoALib Bug #833 (New): UIBC: need include file in RingWeyl.C
With Mario's new code the file @RingWeyl.C@ must include @TmpUIBC.H@ otherwise it does not compile.
This is likely...
John Abbott
14:01 CoCoALib Design #824: Fn names: LexMat or MatLex; StdDegRevLexMat or MatStdDegRevLex etc
I have renamed the fns and changed all calls -- well, everything compiles.
Will check doc, then check-in.
John Abbott
13:03 CoCoALib Feature #665: Integrate Janet/Pommaret basis code
A simple interface is: a function which forces computation of a GBasis (without copying the result), and a function w... John Abbott
12:32 CoCoALib Feature #665: Integrate Janet/Pommaret basis code
Here is a brief "one-way discussion" about some function interfaces: I shall consider just @IsMonomial@, but it is a ... John Abbott
11:42 CoCoALib Feature #665 (In Progress): Integrate Janet/Pommaret basis code
With Mario's help we have integrated his code into (my copy of) the CoCoA sources.
Some questions have arisen whic...
John Abbott

04 Dec 2015

15:18 CoCoALib Design #824: Fn names: LexMat or MatLex; StdDegRevLexMat or MatStdDegRevLex etc
After skype with Anna: we prefer the nicer sounding names.
So I'll change the names in CoCoALib so that *@Mat@* is a ...
John Abbott
15:11 CoCoALib Bug #820: NewMatMinimize, NewMatCompleteOrd - a godforsaken mess!
John Abbott wrote:
> Perhaps @MakeTermOrd@ or @MakePositiveTermOrdering@, or something similar?
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:03 CoCoALib Bug #820: NewMatMinimize, NewMatCompleteOrd - a godforsaken mess!
I do not much like the names @CompleteToOrd@ and @NewMatCompleteOrd@.
Perhaps @MakeTermOrd@ or @MakePositiveTermO...
John Abbott
15:08 CoCoALib Design #832 (New): Generalize grading matrix
Currently matrices for gradings must be full rank and have no negative entries.
In princicple we could accept negati...
Anna Maria Bigatti

03 Dec 2015

13:18 CoCoA-5 Slug #798 (Resolved): use poly ring with many variables is too slow
The CoCoA-5 tests pass as they did before; and the speed test with 20000 indets seemed to go OK. So marking as resol... John Abbott
11:44 CoCoA-5 Slug #798: use poly ring with many variables is too slow
I didn't sleep so well this last night (ate something which didn't agree with me), so today's a good day to hack away... John Abbott
11:10 CoCoA-5 Slug #798: use poly ring with many variables is too slow
One possible approach is to devise a hash for @symbol@ then just comparing hashes will probably show quickly that the... John Abbott
10:09 CoCoALib Feature #664: Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
Given the cost of converting between a "compressed" format and a "vector" format, it is probably better to represent ... John Abbott

02 Dec 2015

18:24 CoCoALib Feature #826: Sparse matrices
I had a quick look on Wikipedia for information about sparse matrices. There they distinguished between representati... John Abbott
17:17 CoCoALib Feature #664: Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
A very simple speed test: compute the order of the field/group generator by naive repeated multiplication.
Prototype ...
John Abbott
15:50 CoCoALib Feature #664: Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
Here are some options for implementing extensions of (prime) finite fields:
* *(A)* use a CoCoALib quotient ring
* ...
John Abbott
15:13 CoCoALib Feature #664: Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
I have just tried a simplistic speed test (on the "new" computer here in Kassel). The aim was to see how costly it i... John Abbott
15:08 CoCoALib Feature #664: Impl small non-prime finite fields (using logs)
Certainly an explicit quotient ring which is a finite field will be isomorphic to one of "my" finite fields. It migh... John Abbott
15:01 CoCoALib Feature #797: SmallFpImpl: make it faster
Some (more or less) obvious comments:
* the advantage of having log/exp tables is that some computations can be noti...
John Abbott
14:55 CoCoALib Bug #804 (Feedback): ZeroMat and IdentityMat should produce a matrix not a ConstMatrixView
@IdentityMat@ and @ZeroMat@ are now in @matrix.H@ -- Anna's suggestion.
The args are now @MachineInt@ instead of jus...
John Abbott

01 Dec 2015

22:39 CoCoALib Bug #831: primary.cocoa5
I did remember doing something like this.
This was because of a problem in cocoa 4 about 0 in the first row.
I th...
Anna Maria Bigatti
19:00 CoCoALib Bug #831: primary.cocoa5
I have put this under CoCoALib even though the example comes from the C5 tests, because I think that te real problem ... John Abbott
18:59 CoCoALib Bug #831 (Closed): primary.cocoa5
The C5 test @primary.cocoa5@ fails because it calls @CompleteToOrd@ on the following matrix:... John Abbott
15:39 CoCoALib Bug #814: PPOrdering: matrix ordering, what rings are allowed.
Refering to comment 4: I have now removed the signature with 3 args (after speaking to Anna about it).
John Abbott
15:34 CoCoALib Bug #820: NewMatMinimize, NewMatCompleteOrd - a godforsaken mess!
I shall shortly try to implement the semantics given in comment 4 above.
After speaking to Anna, the idea is that ...
John Abbott
15:29 CoCoALib Feature #828: MachineInt: function for checking that value is greater than some lower limit (and below MAXLONG)
I'm mostly interested in a solution which will make most code easy to read (without significant run-time overhead).
John Abbott
15:26 CoCoALib Feature #828: MachineInt: function for checking that value is greater than some lower limit (and below MAXLONG)
I've just spoken to Mario about this issue (even though he wasn't on the watchers list).
He made some suggestions:
John Abbott
11:28 CoCoALib Feature #828: MachineInt: function for checking that value is greater than some lower limit (and below MAXLONG)
It might make sense to allow other types of "condition":
@RangeCheck(arg, PositiveLong)@ or perhaps simply @RangeCh...
John Abbott
11:25 CoCoALib Feature #828: MachineInt: function for checking that value is greater than some lower limit (and below MAXLONG)
Mmm, I guess Scott Meyers would not be impressed by a fn @IsInRange@ which takes 3 integer args -- one could guess th... John Abbott
14:31 CoCoALib Design #822: Should ElimMat return a ConstMatrix
Checked in the updated code.
Still need: decide fn names, write proper doc!
John Abbott
14:29 CoCoALib Design #822: Should ElimMat return a ConstMatrix
The documentation for @ElimMat@ and @HomogElimMat@ is largely missing; and the names given in the doc are different f... John Abbott
14:19 CoCoALib Design #822: Should ElimMat return a ConstMatrix
I suppose strictly the fns should be called @ElimOrdMat@ and @HomogElimOrdMat@.
Is that a good idea or a not-so-good...
John Abbott
14:09 CoCoALib Design #822: Should ElimMat return a ConstMatrix
Anna suggested change the arg order for @ElimMat@ and @HomogElimMat@ so that the list of indets to elim is the first ... John Abbott
14:04 CoCoALib Design #829: PPOrderingCtor: name of mem fn which actually constructs?
There are two ways to create a "lex" ordering for @N@ indets:
@NewLexOrdering(N)@ or @lex(N)@.
I wonder whether...
John Abbott
13:55 CoCoALib Design #829 (Resolved): PPOrderingCtor: name of mem fn which actually constructs?
I've made the change (plus some very minor cleaning), incl changing the arg names!
Also made the analogous chang...
John Abbott
13:14 CoCoALib Bug #830 (Resolved): Use MachineInt instead of long for params to ZeroMat, IdentityMat, MatByCols, MatByRows
Implemented. No need to change doc (I believe).
A few minor consequential changes.
Will check in shortly.
John Abbott
11:08 CoCoALib Bug #830: Use MachineInt instead of long for params to ZeroMat, IdentityMat, MatByCols, MatByRows
The same applies to @SetEntry@, @SwapRows@, @SwapCols@, @DeleteRow@, @DeleteCol@.
John Abbott
11:07 CoCoALib Bug #830 (Closed): Use MachineInt instead of long for params to ZeroMat, IdentityMat, MatByCols, MatByRows
The pseudo-ctors @ZeroMat@, @IdentityMat@, @MatByCols@, @MatByRows@ have params of type @long@; these should be of ty... John Abbott
11:01 CoCoALib Design #806 (Resolved): AssignZero for matrix
Since the fn @AssignZero@ (for matrices) was no longer used anywhere, and especially since its semantics were rather ... John Abbott
10:41 CoCoALib Design #824: Fn names: LexMat or MatLex; StdDegRevLexMat or MatStdDegRevLex etc
Here are some other names.
With *SUFFIX* @Mat@:
@ZeroMat@, @IdentityMat@, @BlockMat@, @DiagMat@, @ColMat@, @RowMa...
John Abbott

30 Nov 2015

18:54 CoCoALib Feature #828: MachineInt: function for checking that value is greater than some lower limit (and below MAXLONG)
Or just overwrite @operator>@?
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:50 CoCoALib Feature #828: MachineInt: function for checking that value is greater than some lower limit (and below MAXLONG)
Ok, for the Check function (with the function name).
But I 'd rather have (n, lo, hi)... Am I too late to notice ...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:12 CoCoALib Feature #828: MachineInt: function for checking that value is greater than some lower limit (and below MAXLONG)
In prima battuta farei solo @MaxLong@ perche' voglio "scoraggiare" l'uso di @unsigned long@.
Non ti viene i mente ...
John Abbott
17:56 CoCoALib Feature #828: MachineInt: function for checking that value is greater than some lower limit (and below MAXLONG)
John Abbott wrote:
> Perhaps the existing @IsInRange@ is not too far from what I want; the real hitch is that an upp...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:42 CoCoALib Feature #828 (In Progress): MachineInt: function for checking that value is greater than some lower limit (and below MAXLONG)
Perhaps the existing @IsInRange@ is not too far from what I want; the real hitch is that an upperbound has to be spec... John Abbott
17:38 CoCoALib Feature #828 (In Progress): MachineInt: function for checking that value is greater than some lower limit (and below MAXLONG)
Many fns accepting a @MachineInt@ actually want a positive (or non-negative) value.
There is a fn called @IsInRang...
John Abbott
18:27 CoCoALib Design #829: PPOrderingCtor: name of mem fn which actually constructs?
Ok, good for operator()!
Still I 'd call the variable @OrdCtor@ ;-)
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:23 CoCoALib Design #829: PPOrderingCtor: name of mem fn which actually constructs?
Yes, it should be possible to write @lex(NumIndets)@, but normally it would be enough to write just @lex@ and let the... John Abbott
18:06 CoCoALib Design #829: PPOrderingCtor: name of mem fn which actually constructs?
Would it be possible to write @PPOrdering O = lex(NumIndets);@?
If not, I fear it might be more confusing.
In fact...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:52 CoCoALib Design #829: PPOrderingCtor: name of mem fn which actually constructs?
We could also have both, but I do not usually like to offer two ways of achieving the same thing... a user might be p... John Abbott
17:48 CoCoALib Design #829 (Closed): PPOrderingCtor: name of mem fn which actually constructs?
Currently @PPOrderingCtor@ has a mem fn called @myCtor@ which accepts an integer arg and returns the ordering for tha... John Abbott
14:54 CoCoALib Design #819: GradingMat: does anyone need it?
John Abbott wrote:
> @GradingMat@ is used in @hp.cpkg5@ but just for testing whether the grading is "standard"; Ann...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:40 CoCoALib Bug #821: IsTermOrdering
John Abbott wrote:
> Does the 0x0 matrix define a term-ordering?
> Do we want to allow users to make a term-orderin...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:20 CoCoALib Bug #821: IsTermOrdering
Does the 0x0 matrix define a term-ordering?
Do we want to allow users to make a term-ordering on 0 indets?
JAA think...
John Abbott

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