



From 29 Jul 2014 to 27 Aug 2014

27 Aug 2014

18:40 CoCoA-5 Bug #104 (In Progress): Misprints suggestions: Z --> ZZ
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:32 CoCoA-5 Bug #104: Misprints suggestions: Z --> ZZ
Some tests:
@ZZ@ is suggested when giving @ZZZ@, or @zz@, so it is indeed in the list.
Maybe the problem is just th...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:19 CoCoA-5 Bug #543 (Closed): Interpreter: problem when calling the manual with trailing spaces and comments
fixed Anna Maria Bigatti
18:17 CoCoA-5 Slug #99 (Closed): Function "insert": obsolescent
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:12 CoCoA-5 Feature #588 (Closed): Resume code for "gin" (generic initial ideal)
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:11 CoCoA-5 Feature #518 (Closed): incr/decr functions: to be used in packages
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:09 CoCoA-5 Design #525 (Closed): BuiltInFunctions: evalArgAsT1OrT2, evalArgAsT1OrT2OrT3, ... last argument
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:06 CoCoA-5 Bug #378 (Closed): Ungraceful behaviour: Source inside For loop
Anna Maria Bigatti

16 Aug 2014

16:04 CoCoALib Design #592: Review design of ConstMatrixView
After having resolved #350, I have some other questions about the general design of matrices and their views.
The ...
John Abbott
16:01 CoCoALib Bug #350 (Closed): problem with "matrix" argument in functions
Since all tests seems to work correctly, I'm closing this issue.
There are some design questions still to consider, ...
John Abbott
15:22 CoCoALib Bug #350: problem with "matrix" argument in functions
CVS is working terribly: sometimes fails, otherwise VERY SLOW. No idea why :-(
I hope to succeed with checking in -...
John Abbott
14:55 CoCoALib Bug #350: problem with "matrix" argument in functions
I have made a few changes. All CoCoALib tests pass, and the example I gave above produces the desired behaviour. Ch... John Abbott
13:46 CoCoALib Bug #350: problem with "matrix" argument in functions
Here is an explicit example:... John Abbott
13:42 CoCoALib Bug #350 (In Progress): problem with "matrix" argument in functions
I've just been burned by this bug. It definitely falls into the category *nasty surprise*. I'll try to fix ASAP.
John Abbott

01 Aug 2014

16:25 CoCoALib Feature #62 (Closed): polynomial coefficient extraction w.r.t. single variable -- dense output
This has already been done: it is the function *@CoeffVecWRT@*.
John Abbott
10:56 CoCoA-5 Feature #484: Evaluate in other ring (was called :: in CoCoA-4)
the CoCoA-4 operator "::" is now in another specific issue.
For the time being I think that *ReadExpr* may be good e...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:54 CoCoA-5 Feature #484 (Feedback): Evaluate in other ring (was called :: in CoCoA-4)
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:53 CoCoA-5 Feature #606 (Closed): Evaluate in ring operator (was called :: in CoCoA-4)
CoCoA-4 has the *@::@* operator which evaluated expressions in a given ring:... Anna Maria Bigatti
10:36 CoCoA-5 Support #605 (Closed): Release: CoCoA-5.1.1
Everything for the release
finalize cvs
make doc
make ManExamples
in snapshot dir:
cd src/CoCoA-5/re...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:08 CoCoALib Support #599: Release: CoCoALib-0.99534
fixed ManExamples (and fixed code for checking ;-) Anna Maria Bigatti
10:00 CoCoALib Support #604 (New): Release: CoCoALib-0.99535
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:59 CoCoALib Support #604 (Closed): Release: CoCoALib-0.99535
Everything related to making a CoCoALib release:
make veryclean; make (full make, with all tests and ex...
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:41 CoCoA-5 Feature #603 (Closed): Resume CheckArgTypes
Done, tested, documented
Different from the cocoa-4 version: more flexible (see manual)
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:39 CoCoA-5 Feature #603 (Closed): Resume CheckArgTypes
Redesign CoCoA-4 function CheckArgTypes (for checking argument types, of course...) Anna Maria Bigatti

31 Jul 2014

18:32 CoCoALib Support #599: Release: CoCoALib-0.99534

finalize: done
tests - make valgrind: OK
create snapshot: not yet (just missing VectorOperations.txt)
updated we...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:49 CoCoALib Feature #310 (Closed): ordering and grading (weights) matrix
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:43 CoCoALib Feature #310 (Resolved): ordering and grading (weights) matrix
Renaming done: OrdMat, GradingMat (2014-07)
Moving the MatrixView proposal into another issue
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:54 CoCoALib Feature #310: ordering and grading (weights) matrix
Postponing to after Seoul as there are some unresolved aspects.
John Abbott
13:52 CoCoALib Feature #310 (In Progress): ordering and grading (weights) matrix
We have chosen the name *@OrdMat@* (and mem fn called *@myOrdMatCopy@*). Also added this fn for @PPMonoid@ and @Spar... John Abbott
17:47 CoCoALib Design #602 (Closed): OrdMat: should it be a reference to a MatrixView in all PPOrderings?
The function *OrdMat* needs to create a new copy of the ordering matrix because not all @PPOrdering@ objects actually... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:36 CoCoA-5 Support #325: CoCoAManual: display syntax first
Even though I had closed this issue saying:
> Even though CoCoAHelp.xml isn't all written like that (too dangerous t...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:00 CoCoALib Feature #218 (Closed): CoCoALib normaliz interface
@Christof: you've done a good job, I think this issue can be closed now. Closing!
John Abbott
16:57 CoCoALib Bug #577 (Closed): Hilbert crashes with > 100 indeterminates
John Abbott
16:56 CoCoALib Feature #68 (Closed): cleanup doc for matrix, MatrixViews, *Matrix*,....
John Abbott
16:55 CoCoALib Design #584 (Closed): BaseRing for all rings
Time is tight. Since it is just a name change, no real need to stay in feedback for any length of time. Closing.
John Abbott
16:53 CoCoALib Support #252 (Closed): Documentation for tmp.H (utils on vectors and other containers)
The final (hasty?) decision is the call the file *@VectorOperations.H@* (even though most functions in it apply to ot... John Abbott
15:15 CoCoA-5 Support #324 (Closed): Correct font for variable references in description
Duplicates #169: "Font for parameters in manual".
Design is all set there.
Closing this issue.
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:13 CoCoA-5 Support #169 (In Progress): Font for parameters in manual
As said in another issue:
- parameters should have the same name as in <syntax>
- <syntax> should be moved before <...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:08 CoCoA-5 Design #294 (Resolved): BuiltInFunctions: General "OneLiner" for arguments of different type
Is the new approach in BuiltInFunctions good enough?
I think so: it is not a one-liner but it's very readable (look f...
Anna Maria Bigatti
15:06 CoCoA-5 Design #493 (Closed): Cleanup Hilbert package hp.cpkg5
Now all functions work. A proper clean-up and re-design is in another issue. Anna Maria Bigatti
15:01 CoCoALib Feature #304 (Closed): Module ordering and grading (and shifts)
I think it is all done (naive resolutions work).
If some wrong aspect arises it'll become a new specific issue.
Anna Maria Bigatti
14:54 CoCoALib Feature #72 (Closed): MatByRows, MatByCols
Christof has a valid point about the mnemonic value of including *@view@* in the name, but Anna points out that none ... John Abbott
14:38 CoCoALib Design #601 (In Progress): LongRange: in which file should it be declared/defined?
Currently @LongRange@ resides in @utils.H@; it is the only function there that requires inclusion of the standard hea... John Abbott
12:38 CoCoALib Feature #227: HilbertBasis from Normaliz: full-lattice or not?
Christof! we should talk about this in Seoul. Anna Maria Bigatti
12:31 CoCoALib Support #452 (Closed): Documentation for adding functions to CoCoA-5 (BuiltInFunctions and BuiltInOneLiners)
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:28 CoCoALib Feature #580 (Closed): Example for PPVector: ex-PPVector
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:20 CoCoALib Support #256 (In Progress): Improve doc about ordering/grading for poly rings
Most of the information is already in the documentation for @PPOrdering@.
So it is mainly a matter of redesigning it...
Anna Maria Bigatti

30 Jul 2014

17:29 CoCoA-5 Feature #600: efficient subalgebras
We are also working an efficient algorithm for implicitization.
Keep that in mind for this issue, or make a new issue.
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:23 CoCoA-5 Feature #600 (New): efficient subalgebras
There are many tools to deal with subalgebras (see @toric@ and @normaliz@), so it would make sense to design a nice i... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:22 CoCoA-5 Feature #590 (Feedback): package for subalgebras
Resumed package (slight design change, documented)
It will be imrpoved, but that's beyond this task scope.
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:20 CoCoA-5 Feature #359: RingOf for list
The function in CoCoA-5 is already done and called @RingSet@ (see manual) but I'm not happy with the name: should I c... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:56 CoCoALib Feature #150: RingOf rather than owner? (and than AmbientRing, ...)
I note that I have just(20140730) checked in an update which introduces @RingOf@ for matrices, modules and ideals. John Abbott
16:54 CoCoALib Design #584 (Feedback): BaseRing for all rings
Checked in. Updated documentation. Everything works --> feedback.
John Abbott
13:40 CoCoALib Design #584: BaseRing for all rings
I have now changed the name @BaseRing@ into @RingOf@ for matrices and modules.
I have changed @AmbientRing@ into @Ri...
John Abbott
10:57 CoCoALib Support #599 (Closed): Release: CoCoALib-0.99534
Everything related to making a CoCoALib release:
make veryclean; make (full make, with all tests and ex...
Anna Maria Bigatti
10:56 CoCoALib Support #528 (Closed): Release: CoCoALib-0.99533
Anna Maria Bigatti

29 Jul 2014

16:26 CoCoA-5 Design #403: Misuse of dot-dot operator
the error message was indeed a bit puzzling in some cases now it is:... Anna Maria Bigatti
12:31 CoCoA-5 Design #403: Misuse of dot-dot operator
Giulia's problem could be neatly resolved by allowing the following syntax *@L[2..4]@* to mean @[L[k] | k in 2..4]@. ... John Abbott
12:04 CoCoA-5 Design #403 (Rejected): Misuse of dot-dot operator
My main concern is the (possibly) unexpected behaviour illustrated in example *@(B)@* in comment 1. However, for a l... John Abbott
11:54 CoCoA-5 Design #403: Misuse of dot-dot operator
The main action taken was to clarify the manual entry for ".."; it is now quite clear, and even mentions Giulia's inc... John Abbott
07:28 CoCoA-5 Design #403: Misuse of dot-dot operator
I suggest to reject this issue.
@A..B@ works for A and B integers or indeterminates in the order of their definition...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:18 CoCoALib Feature #585 (Closed): (Hilbert-) quasi-polynomials
Christof has reported no problems, so closing.
John Abbott
09:34 CoCoALib Bug #190 (Feedback): Subtle ref count bug for poly rings (via CoeffEmbeddingHom)
tested also... Anna Maria Bigatti
09:31 CoCoA-5 Feature #273 (Closed): Package for Polynomial Algebra Homomorphisms
Anna Maria Bigatti
09:29 CoCoA-5 Feature #484 (In Progress): Evaluate in other ring (was called :: in CoCoA-4)
Anna Maria Bigatti

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