



From 10 Feb 2012 to 10 Mar 2012

09 Mar 2012

16:17 CoCoA-5 Bug #102 (Closed): Packages: should exported functions be automatically "Protect"ed?
If Package @$aaa@ exports a function @Foo@, then @Foo@ cannot be exported by another Package @$bbb@.
And that's safe...
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:02 CoCoA-5 Feature #101: rethrow in Try .. UponError .. EndTry
Giovanni Lagorio wrote:
> (the error object contains the error message only, more information should be embedded ther...
Anna Maria Bigatti

08 Mar 2012

15:49 CoCoA-5 Feature #101: rethrow in Try .. UponError .. EndTry
I'm afraid that information is lost at the moment (the error object contains the error message only, more information... Giovanni Lagorio
12:13 CoCoA-5 Feature #101 (New): rethrow in Try .. UponError .. EndTry
What is the way to deal with errors we don't want to catch?
See this example:...
Anna Maria Bigatti

07 Mar 2012

16:13 CoCoA-5 Bug #100 (New): BringIn should map only the indets in its arg
In C4 the function @BringIn@ maps only the indets which actually appear in the arg to be mapped. In C5, the currentl... John Abbott
15:32 CoCoA-5 Feature #90: Make the new fn CoefficientsWRT available in C5
Anna Maria Bigatti wrote:
> it would inefficient to write...
Yes, but I believe the run-time inefficiency would be ...
John Abbott
15:25 CoCoA-5 Slug #99 (Closed): Function "insert": obsolescent
As far as I can tell @Insert@ is never called by any function in the standard CoCoA packages.
I would like to make...
John Abbott
13:01 CoCoALib Feature #40: Squarefree factorization - Alessio d'Ali`
Alessio and John have both implemented content free factorization.
The CoCoALib impl is slightly faster -- but we ran...
John Abbott

06 Mar 2012

12:24 CoCoA-5 Bug #98 (Closed): RealRoots should use IsRational
RealRoots incorrectly complains about non rational coeffs in cases like the following:... John Abbott
11:54 CoCoA-5 Bug #27: CoCoA-5 Manual
Some (many?) examples in the manual use multiplication by juxtaposition. These all need to be corrected so that cut-... John Abbott

02 Mar 2012

17:14 CoCoA-5 Feature #97 (New): OpenOFile
In cocoa-4 we had (syntax not pretty)... Anna Maria Bigatti
16:01 CoCoA-5 Feature #90: Make the new fn CoefficientsWRT available in C5
I think we should keep both interfaces: Co**WRT(f, x) and Co**WRT(f, [1,2,3])
The first is very convenient, but the...
Anna Maria Bigatti

01 Mar 2012

16:23 CoCoA-5 Feature #90: Make the new fn CoefficientsWRT available in C5
The interfaces to @ContentWRT@ and @CoefficientsWRT@ are awful -- they seemed reasonable when I designed them, but th... John Abbott
16:10 CoCoA-5 Feature #25: Function "Call"
A find-grep shows that @Call@ appears in the following files:
John Abbott
16:05 CoCoA-5 Feature #25: Function "Call"
Based on the premise "It is easier to add features later than to remove them", JAA suggests that we do not offer a @C... John Abbott
15:58 CoCoA-5 Slug #96: sort is too slow
It seems highly likely that copies are being made of the list being sorted. Here is my justification:
I created a...
John Abbott
12:26 CoCoA-5 Slug #96 (New): sort is too slow
Sorting is achieved by $list.QuickSort.
Unfortunately it should be called SlowSort. Complexity seems to be quadra...
John Abbott

29 Feb 2012

12:38 CoCoA-5 Feature #95 (New): Error/warning if fn-proc is neither fn nor proc?
My email records show that we wrote about this on 2010-05-19.
C5 distinguishes fns from procs simply by the nature...
John Abbott
12:08 CoCoA-5 Bug #94 (Closed): Default reason for protected variables
Attempting to set a variable which has been @protect@-ed without an explicit reason produces an unsatisfactory error ... John Abbott

23 Feb 2012

17:14 CoCoA-5 Feature #93 (Closed): Hilbert series: global output rings for non-standard gradings
Hilbert series for rings with standard gradings are all in a single QQ[t].
All other case create a ring for every ...
Anna Maria Bigatti

14 Feb 2012

16:13 CoCoALib Feature #92 (In Progress): Error Codes: BadIndex
We've been talking a lot about how to classify errors and how many errors (error classes) we should have.
[see relat...
Anna Maria Bigatti

11 Feb 2012

14:04 CoCoALib Feature #91 (Closed): Return type & name for "indets" of a PP
JAA has recently added the fn @indets@ to be applied to a PP.
Its return type is @vector<long>@ being a list (ordere...
John Abbott
13:25 CoCoA-5 Feature #90 (Closed): Make the new fn CoefficientsWRT available in C5
JAA has recently added CoefficientsWRT, ContentWRT, and a few other fns to CoCoALib.
Make these fns available to C5 ...
John Abbott

10 Feb 2012

18:41 CoCoALib Feature #28 (Closed): rename RingQ, RingZ --> RingQQ, RingZZ
Anna Maria Bigatti

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