



From 26 Oct 2020 to 24 Nov 2020

23 Nov 2020

10:18 Design #1520 (Feedback): Replace BOOST_FOREACH by new C++14 range for syntax
I have checked in my changes. Let's hope everything works fine! John Abbott

20 Nov 2020

15:04 Design #1520: Replace BOOST_FOREACH by new C++14 range for syntax
We still need to see where the new the @for@ syntax can be used in cocoalib -- that is issue #1346.
Maybe I should...
John Abbott
15:01 Design #1520 (Resolved): Replace BOOST_FOREACH by new C++14 range for syntax
I think I have done most of the code in @src/CoCoA-5@.
It compiles and the CoCoA-5 tests all pass.
I made the chang...
John Abbott
14:11 Design #1540: Double power
I would like to maintain reasonable compatibility between the way CoCoA-5 parses expressions and the way @RingElem@ o... John Abbott
13:35 Feature #500: Interpreter: is it possible to avoid useless prompts?
Apparently the ability to suppress prompts could be useful for the ApCoCoA interface.
For that application, it wou...
John Abbott
11:36 Bug #1539 (Feedback): Website: installation instructions for Microsoft
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:35 Bug #1539: Website: installation instructions for Microsoft
Anna Maria Bigatti
11:27 Bug #1539: Website: installation instructions for Microsoft
What was nice was that Bernhard wrote "shouldn't cocoa-5.2 be cocoa-5.2?"
So even bug reporters can make typos ;-)
John Abbott
08:56 Design #1530: VersionInfo -- better field names?
I added "Boost" only in BuiltinFunctions.C.
I have also the code for adding it in ExternalLibs.C (commented o...
Anna Maria Bigatti

17 Nov 2020

22:33 Support #322: Installation instructions (on website)
Last week a student came with some problems with making CoCoA work on her MacBook; most of these are dealt with elsew... John Abbott
20:31 Bug #1537: EmacUI: strange colours, sometimes
A possible way to address the problem is to discourage users from typing *@/-@* by making it issue a warning.
As a...
John Abbott
20:26 Bug #1537: EmacUI: strange colours, sometimes
This is probably not solvable :-(
I changed the emacs syntax declaration for "minus" into just a plain "." (punctu...
John Abbott
20:11 Bug #1537: EmacUI: strange colours, sometimes
Here is some doc about emacs;... John Abbott
20:02 Bug #1537: EmacUI: strange colours, sometimes
Around line 335 in @cocoa5.el@ there is this... John Abbott
19:48 Bug #1537: EmacUI: strange colours, sometimes
As far as I can tell the following "digraphs" are recognized as starting a comment:
slash-star, slash-slash, slash-m...
John Abbott
13:49 Bug #1537 (In Progress): EmacUI: strange colours, sometimes
I have tried a few tests. slash-minus seems to be recognised as a comment start; I have tried slash-char where char w... John Abbott
13:19 Design #1540 (In Progress): Double power
If we do look at handling exponents, it might be nice to improve the error mesg when a negative exponent is given wit... John Abbott

16 Nov 2020

18:07 Design #1540: Double power
I think CoCoA should give a warning or even an error. Currently, it gives neither!
On my computer I got *@x^8@*
John Abbott
18:05 Design #1540 (Closed): Double power
What do you think CoCoA does with the following input?... John Abbott
09:43 Bug #1539 (Closed): Website: installation instructions for Microsoft
The installation instructions for Microsoft refer to the directory *@C:\cocoa-5.2\emacs@* instead of *@C:\cocoa-5.3\e... John Abbott

13 Nov 2020

16:00 Design #1530: VersionInfo -- better field names?
*Anna will do the following*
(1) move the info about BOOST into the subrecord @ExternalLibs@ (_i.e._ added to the li...
John Abbott
14:34 Design #1530: VersionInfo -- better field names?
and add Boost into the ExternalLibs record Anna Maria Bigatti
15:48 Support #1534 (In Progress): Install CoCoA-5 on MacOS-10.15+
Anna could you do the following on your old MacBook:
(1) download the official distrib
(2) follow the instructions ...
John Abbott
14:26 Support #1534: Install CoCoA-5 on MacOS-10.15+
I have had trouble installing CoCoA-5 from our website on my old mac.
John Abbott
14:48 Bug #1537 (Closed): EmacUI: strange colours, sometimes
... Anna Maria Bigatti
11:23 Feature #1536: Implement xel?
The matter was raised by Bernhard Andraschko. His argument is below:... John Abbott
11:19 Feature #1536 (Closed): Implement xel?
At the moment CoCoA-5 does not recognise the keyword @xel@ for specifying a term order when defining a new ring.
John Abbott

12 Nov 2020

13:47 Feature #1535: New functions: argmin, argmax
Here is a little background/motivation.
I demoed to the students how one can impl in CoCoA-5 the algm to compute a m...
John Abbott

11 Nov 2020

15:11 Feature #1535: New functions: argmin, argmax
I clearly prefer @argmin@, since its easier to type and lower-case is also more common in mathematics, but (as for ma... Julian Danner
11:25 Feature #1535: New functions: argmin, argmax
What should the names be?
In most contexts they are written @argmin@ (or maybe @arg min@ with a space).
Should be u...
John Abbott
11:23 Feature #1535: New functions: argmin, argmax
Should this actually be in CoCoALib?
Might it be handy to have a version which returns the index (or indices) of t...
John Abbott
11:20 Feature #1535 (In Progress): New functions: argmin, argmax
Here is a first prototype in CoCoA-5... John Abbott
11:14 Feature #1535 (In Progress): New functions: argmin, argmax
create new functions @argmin@ and @argmax@ which operate on lists.
The idea is that they return an/all ...
John Abbott

10 Nov 2020

19:57 Support #1534 (In Progress): Install CoCoA-5 on MacOS-10.15+
Review the instructions for installing CoCoA-5.3 on MacOS.
Unfortunately it seems that an administrator account an...
John Abbott
14:07 Bug #1531 (Feedback): CRASH: arithmetic with HilbertSeries (tagged object)
John Abbott
13:58 Design #1530 (In Progress): VersionInfo -- better field names?
I suggest for the "Num bits" fields to the names *@NumBits_MachineInt@*, *@NumBits_MachineLong@* and *@NumBits_Small... John Abbott

06 Nov 2020

13:56 Design #1533: RingElem and IndetSymbols not compatible
The obvious convenient solution would be to allow @RingElem@ to accept the @RECORD@ produced by @IndetSymbols@.
John Abbott
13:54 Design #1533 (In Progress): RingElem and IndetSymbols not compatible
John Abbott
13:34 Design #1533 (In Progress): RingElem and IndetSymbols not compatible
The funcrions @RingElem@ and @IndetSymbols@ are sort-of-inverses; but we could perhaps do better?... John Abbott

05 Nov 2020

19:00 Bug #1531: CRASH: arithmetic with HilbertSeries (tagged object)
At least + is commutative: @HilbertSeries(...)+1@ also causes a crash!
I have modified @Interpreter.C@, and checked ...
John Abbott
15:12 Bug #1531: CRASH: arithmetic with HilbertSeries (tagged object)
I have just tried using my last idea @rightOp->getType()->isProperSybstypeOf(..)@.
It compiled, and now produces a v...
John Abbott
15:07 Bug #1531 (In Progress): CRASH: arithmetic with HilbertSeries (tagged object)
The troublesome call is on line 1536 of @Interpreter.C@.
The problem is that @rightType@ has @dispatchIndex@ equal t...
John Abbott
14:41 Bug #1531 (Closed): CRASH: arithmetic with HilbertSeries (tagged object)
The following input causes an assertion failure, followed by abort:... John Abbott

04 Nov 2020

12:30 Design #1530: VersionInfo -- better field names?
I would like @VersionInfo@ to tell me also how many bits are in @SmallExponent_t@ (since this does seem to affect exe... John Abbott
12:28 Design #1530 (Closed): VersionInfo -- better field names?
The order of the fields printed by @VersionInfo@ is alphabetical. This means that some pieces of info are ordered st... John Abbott
12:25 Feature #250: CoCoALib BuildInfo vs CoCoA-5 VersionInfo
Is this issue still relevant?
Close? Reject?
John Abbott
12:06 Feature #1479: CoCoA release for linux: CoCoAInterpreter: with and without libreadline?
Currently the script reports a very succinct error message if the executables cannot run (probably due to shared libr... John Abbott
10:48 Bug #1527 (Feedback): Inadequate error message on incorrect list access
I have checked in the code.
John Abbott

03 Nov 2020

22:19 Feature #1293: Vim Plugin for CoCoA
Can we make the link for the imminent (interim) release?
John Abbott
22:17 Bug #1527: Inadequate error message on incorrect list access
This is what happens now:... John Abbott
21:12 Bug #1527 (Resolved): Inadequate error message on incorrect list access
I have made a change (by adding a call to mem fn @asRightValue@).
Now the code seems to be doing more or less what I...
John Abbott
22:11 Feature #1479 (Feedback): CoCoA release for linux: CoCoAInterpreter: with and without libreadline?
Here is a little doc (where should it really go?)
The new script expects one of two possibilities for the @bin/@ d...
John Abbott
22:03 Support #1459 (Closed): Manual entries for mod and div
John Abbott

02 Nov 2020

22:20 Bug #1527: Inadequate error message on incorrect list access
I do not understand lines 146 and 147 in @AST.H@.
They seem to say that everything can be indexed by both INT and ST...
John Abbott
22:17 Bug #1527: Inadequate error message on incorrect list access
Na toll:... John Abbott
21:45 Bug #1527: Inadequate error message on incorrect list access
There is a fn *@canBeIndexedByBigInt@*, but there does not seem to be a @canBeIndexedByString@*.
Maybe I should ma...
John Abbott
21:42 Bug #1527: Inadequate error message on incorrect list access
I have a partial fix: the error mesg now says "Expecting type STRING" if the value being indexed is a @RECORD@ otherw... John Abbott

30 Oct 2020

20:49 Support #1498 (Feedback): Export many names or just one?
I have changed the impl so that only a single name after @export@ is expected.
Amazingly it compiled first time, and...
John Abbott
20:20 Feature #1509: RingElems with empty input
Checked in.
John Abbott
19:58 Feature #1509 (Feedback): RingElems with empty input
I have also implemented @RingElemVec@ (even though Anna did not want it).
I'll check in so we can test it.
John Abbott
16:11 Design #1525: CoCoA Manual: homogenize obsolete/obsolescent entries
Possibly add the year
Anna Maria Bigatti
12:02 Bug #1527 (In Progress): Inadequate error message on incorrect list access
The relevant function seems to be *@IndexedAccessExpression::implEval@* in @Interpreter.C@ around lines 3677--3695.
John Abbott
10:19 Bug #1527 (Closed): Inadequate error message on incorrect list access
When trying to access a list using another list, the error message seems to be incorrect.
Here is an example:
Julian Danner

29 Oct 2020

22:03 Feature #1509: RingElems with empty input
I do not think it is dangerous.
We cannot easily compare with C++ input via the @>>@ operator since that reads int...
John Abbott
15:57 Feature #1509: RingElems with empty input
John Abbott wrote:
> We could add the following at the start of @RingElems@ (in @RingElemInput:C:278@)
> if (in.e...
Anna Maria Bigatti
18:18 Design #1525 (In Progress): CoCoA Manual: homogenize obsolete/obsolescent entries
Done up to letter P Anna Maria Bigatti
17:50 Design #1525: CoCoA Manual: homogenize obsolete/obsolescent entries
This is how the renamed ones should look like... Anna Maria Bigatti
17:04 Design #1525: CoCoA Manual: homogenize obsolete/obsolescent entries
The section "see also" is handy only for the online version.
Remove them.
Think of an easy way to call the manual...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:01 Design #1525 (Closed): CoCoA Manual: homogenize obsolete/obsolescent entries
I'm cleaning the manual for a homogeous straightforward style for obsolete/obsolescent entries.
Mainly it should jus...
Anna Maria Bigatti
17:43 Feature #1526 (Closed): EmacsUI: help/manual for selected string -- or just for word with cursor on?
Make it possible to get the manual for a selected string.
In the file buffer it is C-c C-h and it is also in the m...
Anna Maria Bigatti
13:49 Support #1498: Export many names or just one?
This is a marginal issue, but we have two contrasting things (and now we know it ;-) ), so we should make a decision.... Anna Maria Bigatti
13:21 Support #1498: Export many names or just one?
The relevant source code is in @Parser.C@ from line 556 to 595.
It is surprisingly long; allowing just a single nam...
John Abbott

28 Oct 2020

23:12 Bug #1524 (In Progress): wrong SystemCommand exit value
According to cppreference, the return value of @std::system@ is _implementation defined._
The CoCoA manual was too s...
John Abbott
09:56 Bug #1524 (Closed): wrong SystemCommand exit value
I just noticed that @SystemCommand@ returns incorrect exit values, in particular the returned value is ´exit_val * 25... Julian Danner

27 Oct 2020

19:11 Design #635 (Resolved): Automatic mapping of RingElem (in operation with a compound value)
I have changed the impl so that there is no auto promotion for matrices.
The example in comment 1 now gives...
John Abbott
18:51 Design #635: Automatic mapping of RingElem (in operation with a compound value)
I must change the impl so that only the ringelem gets mapped. To map the matrix one must make an explicit call.
John Abbott
19:08 Feature #1461 (Closed): Automatic mapping for multiplication?
As suggested in comment 10 above, I have copied the "done list" and the "todo list" to issue #7.
Closing this issue ...
John Abbott
19:05 Feature #7: Automatic mapping between (some) rings
Here are done list and todo list copied from issue #1461 comments 7 & 8. Moving them here.
* @Matri...
John Abbott
18:43 Feature #7: Automatic mapping between (some) rings
*I have decided to make this the "master issue" for questions related to automatic ring conversion* (mainly because i... John Abbott
18:40 Design #1493 (Feedback): Automatic ring mapping in assignment?
I have revised the manual entry for @matrix@. I did note that in the examples @mat@ is used rather than @matrix@ -- ... John Abbott
18:15 Design #637 (Closed): Undesirable consequence of automatic mapping of RingElems?
*Conclusion: no automatic mapping of ringelems in equality tests*
A user working in several rings at once has to s...
John Abbott
17:59 Design #636 (Rejected): Distinguish indets from symbols in coeffring in Use command
I am rejecting this. This issue is essentially duplicated in #1515.
*Main reason for rejection is in comment 3 of...
John Abbott

26 Oct 2020

19:39 Feature #1509 (Resolved): RingElems with empty input
I have improved (??) the code. It should give better err mesgs now. Here are some examples:... John Abbott
12:08 Bug #1514 (Feedback): Cocoa crashes when calling RingElems
A temporary workaround for Julian is probably the following:
* obtain the CoCoA sources, modify @include/CoCoA/confi...
John Abbott
09:56 Bug #1514: Cocoa crashes when calling RingElems
I was not able to get the information I wanted from @valgrind@ (probably my fault).
After some thinking (but less ...
John Abbott
11:49 Feature #1516: substring function
The C++ substring function has the following interface:
* @substr(str,n)@ the substring starting at the n-th posn u...
John Abbott
10:15 Design #1508: Initial ring
Presumably the CoCoA-5 interpreter has a function which performs the command *@source@*. If this function can accept... John Abbott
10:10 Design #1519: Interpreter fn Value::from can use std::move?
The template function for lists (of all sorts) is actually called @LIST::LIST@... mmm, is that a ctor?
It is defined...
John Abbott
09:54 Design #1519 (New): Interpreter fn Value::from can use std::move?
Investigate whether the template fn @Value::from@ (see @Interpreter.H@ around lines 1422--1442) can avoid copying by ... John Abbott
10:07 Design #1520: Replace BOOST_FOREACH by new C++14 range for syntax
Low priority because the current code works (but I would like to reduce dependency on BOOST).
This is likely to be...
John Abbott
10:04 Design #1520 (Closed): Replace BOOST_FOREACH by new C++14 range for syntax
The CoCoA-5 interpreter uses @BOOST_FOREACH@ in several places; I think the C++14 "range" @for@ syntax is essentially... John Abbott

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