



From 27 Apr 2019 to 26 May 2019

24 May 2019

17:43 Bug #1288: len for RINGELEM ?!?
The source code for the function @len@ is in file @BuiltinFunctions-CoCoALib.C@ around line 100.
The code recognis...
John Abbott
16:25 Bug #1288: len for RINGELEM ?!?
The manual entry for @len@ looks a bit strange, and is hard to read. It says the fn signature is... John Abbott
16:22 Bug #1288 (Closed): len for RINGELEM ?!?
I was surprised to discover that @len@ can be applied to a @RINGELEM@.... John Abbott
04:18 Feature #1272: Groebner Bases over ZZ
We also wrote a prototype implementation of GBasis over ZZ. In particular we focused on minimal strong GBasis. Maybe ... Elisa Palezzato

23 May 2019

15:13 Support #1287 (In Progress): Better err mesg for easy typo in ring definition
The relevant source code is in @Parser.C@ around line 360 in the function @parseUseStatement@.
I think it may be ...
John Abbott
12:16 Support #1287 (Closed): Better err mesg for easy typo in ring definition
Consider this excerpt:... John Abbott
11:53 Feature #1285: New Fn: make a homogeneous list of ringelem
What exactly should the function do? What should it be called?
* *(A)* simplest is to accept @RINGELEM@ and @INT@...
John Abbott
11:30 Feature #1285 (New): New Fn: make a homogeneous list of ringelem
Proposal: create a new function which takes a ring and a list, and returns a list of RINGELEM belonging to the speci... John Abbott
11:48 Bug #1286: Website: trouble with the world map
I'm very unhappy about the CPU "burning" (it might well be a Google revenge tactic).
Also after visiting the page ...
John Abbott
11:46 Bug #1286 (Closed): Website: trouble with the world map
The world map showing where visitors to the CoCoA website come from causes trouble in "private mode" in Firefox:
* t...
John Abbott
11:23 Design #1120: Web site
Should we close this? Ater all 5.2.4 has been released.
What about the problem with "forever loading"?
John Abbott
11:17 Feature #1272: Groebner Bases over ZZ
Florian Walsh (Passau) has an prototype implementation of GBasis over ZZ, currently as a package in CoCoA-5. He is w... John Abbott

22 May 2019

22:05 Slug #1284 (Resolved): CartesianProductList: too slow
I suspect that the main problem is that @append@ is terribly slow -- I'm pretty sure it makes needless copies.
John Abbott
16:30 Slug #1284: CartesianProductList: too slow
@CartesianProductList@ is defined in @list.cpkg5@
Ange reported that @CartesianProductList@ is slow; maybe I had a...
John Abbott
16:18 Slug #1284: CartesianProductList: too slow
The examples above are not tiny, but also not so large. The resulting lists contained 32768 elements, and each eleme... John Abbott
16:15 Slug #1284 (Closed): CartesianProductList: too slow
Cartesian product operator is much faster than @CartesianProductList@.
John Abbott

11 May 2019

20:47 Support #1006: External dependencies for building
I have just tried building CoCoA-5 on my old MacBook, and it failed because java is not installed.
* it is annoyin...
John Abbott

30 Apr 2019

10:35 Bug #1273: NewPolyRing and SymbolRange together make a crash
I must get my CVS access sorted out, so I can check in.
John Abbott

29 Apr 2019

18:21 Bug #1273: NewPolyRing and SymbolRange together make a crash
Another problem was in @evalArgAsListOfSymbols@ which did a dynamic pointer cast and used the result without checking... John Abbott
14:21 Bug #1273 (Resolved): NewPolyRing and SymbolRange together make a crash
One problem appears to be on line 46 of @cocolib.cpkg5@: replace *@[i]@* with just *@i@*.
John Abbott
14:18 Bug #1273: NewPolyRing and SymbolRange together make a crash
The *@SymbolRange@* impl looks very suspect. It does not properly check its arg types.
Fn is defd in @coclib.cpkg...
John Abbott
14:14 Bug #1273 (Closed): NewPolyRing and SymbolRange together make a crash
The problem is with double indices. Here is a small failing example:... John Abbott
18:00 Slug #1228: SLUG: filling an array
I think I have found a situation where my simple idea in comment 6 causes trouble...... John Abbott
17:53 Slug #1275 (New): incr and decr are slow
The CoCoA-5 functions @incr@ and @decr@ are disappointingly slow.... John Abbott
15:26 Bug #1274 (Resolved): SortBy and SortedBy sometimes give wrong result
The bug was at the end of the first loop in *@QuickSortBy1@* where the case @Up = Down@ was not handled.
Added 1 l...
John Abbott
14:56 Bug #1274 (In Progress): SortBy and SortedBy sometimes give wrong result
Example found by calling @SortedBy@ on random permutations of 1..17.
Seems to work find for lists with only 16 or fe...
John Abbott
14:53 Bug #1274 (Closed): SortBy and SortedBy sometimes give wrong result
In CoCoA5 the *@SortBy@* and *@SortedBy@* functions sometimes give wrong answers!
Here is an example:...
John Abbott

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